981 resultados para Chemistry of the water


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On a cruise from the eastern into western Mediterranean Sea in November/December 1978 a total of 126 samples were collected from 8 vertical profiles and 7 coastal stations for trace metal analysis. The sampling, processing and analysis was performed under strict "clean room" conditions. The concentration of the open-sea samples are close to oceanic results gathered under similar conditions. The grand averages from all profiles (± st. dev. of the individual samples) of 0.40 ± 0.16 µg/l Zn, 17.4 ± 7.4 ng/l Cd, 0.21 ± 0.07 µg/l Cu, 0.21 ± 0.13 µg/l Mn and 0.25 ± 0.09 µg/l Fe indicate that a "metal problem" does not exist in the open Mediterranean. A biologically mediated deplition in surface waters or correlation with nutrients have not been observed under the conditions established on this cruise. This is probably due top low primary production and seasonal advection processes prevailing in this sea. The data for manganese show generally higher values in the surface layer (0-75 m) than in deep waters. This could evidently proved in the nearshore profile indicating a terrigenous source for manganese.


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In this study, the Mean Transit Time and Mixing Model Analysis methods are combined to unravel the runoff generation process of the San Francisco River basin (73.5 km**2) situated on the Amazonian side of the Cordillera Real in the southernmost Andes of Ecuador. The montane basin is covered with cloud forest, sub-páramo, pasture and ferns. Nested sampling was applied for the collection of streamwater samples and discharge measurements in the main tributaries and outlet of the basin, and for the collection of soil and rock water samples. Weekly to biweekly water grab samples were taken at all stations in the period April 2007-November 2008. Hydrometric data, Mean Transit Time and Mixing Model Analysis allowed preliminary evaluation of the processes controlling the runoff in the San Francisco River basin. Results suggest that flow during dry conditions mainly consists of lateral flow through the C-horizon and cracks in the top weathered bedrock layer, and that all subcatchments have an important contribution of this deep water to runoff, no matter whether pristine or deforested. During normal to low precipitation intensities, when antecedent soil moisture conditions favour water infiltration, vertical flow paths to deeper soil horizons with subsequent lateral subsurface flow contribute most to streamflow. Under wet conditions in forested catchments, streamflow is controlled by near surface lateral flow through the organic horizon. Exceptionally, saturation excess overland flow occurs. By absence of the litter layer in pasture, streamflow under wet conditions originates from the A horizon, and overland flow.


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In this work, a Langevin dynamics model of the diffusion of water in articular cartilage was developed. Numerical simulations of the translational dynamics of water molecules and their interaction with collagen fibers were used to study the quantitative relationship between the organization of the collagen fiber network and the diffusion tensor of water in model cartilage. Langevin dynamics was used to simulate water diffusion in both ordered and partially disordered cartilage models. In addition, an analytical approach was developed to estimate the diffusion tensor for a network comprising a given distribution of fiber orientations. The key findings are that (1) an approximately linear relationship was observed between collagen volume fraction and the fractional anisotropy of the diffusion tensor in fiber networks of a given degree of alignment, (2) for any given fiber volume fraction, fractional anisotropy follows a fiber alignment dependency similar to the square of the second Legendre polynomial of cos(θ), with the minimum anisotropy occurring at approximately the magic angle (θMA), and (3) a decrease in the principal eigenvalue and an increase in the transverse eigenvalues is observed as the fiber orientation angle θ progresses from 0◦ to 90◦. The corresponding diffusion ellipsoids are prolate for θ < θMA, spherical for θ ≈ θMA, and oblate for θ > θMA. Expansion of the model to include discrimination between the combined effects of alignment disorder and collagen fiber volume fraction on the diffusion tensor is discussed.


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Ab initio molecular orbital (MO) calculations with the 3-21G and 6-31G basis sets were performed on a series of ion-molecule and ion pair-molecule complexes for the H2O + LiCN system. Stabilisation energies (with counter-poise corrections), geometrical parameters, internal force constants and harmonic vibrational frequencies were evaluated for 16 structures of interest. Although the interaction energies are smaller, the geometries and relative stabilities of the monohydrated contact ion pair are reminiscent of those computed for the complexes of the individual ions. Thus, interaction of the oxygen lone pair with lithium leads to a highly stabilised C2v structure, while the coordination of water to the cyanide ion involves a slightly non-linear hydrogen bond. Symmetrical bifurcated structures are computed to be saddle points on the potential energy surface, and to have an imaginary frequency for the rocking mode of the water molecule. On optimisation the geometries of the solvent shared ion pair structures (e.g. Li+cdots, three dots, centered OH2cdots, three dots, centered CN−) revealed a proton transfer from the water molecule leading to hydrogen bonded forms such as Li-O-Hcdots, three dots, centered HCN. The variation in the force constants and harmonic frequencies in the various structures considered are discussed in terms of ion-molecular and ion pair-molecule interactions.


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The MPB4 theory is used to calculate the differential capacitance of the interface between LiCl in water and TBATPB in 1,2-dichloroethane at electrolyte concentrations of 0.005, 0.01 and 0.02 M. The effects of the ion size and the image force, and the influence of the electrolyte concentration, the surface charge density and the solvent effect on the inner layer potential drop are considered simultaneously. These effects can be ascribed to the ionic penetration into the opposite solution and ion-ion correlations across the interface. Our results are in better agreement with experimental data than those obtained using Gouy-Chapman theory. This indicates that the MPB4 theory may also describe the structure of the water \1,2-dichloroethane interface provided that the influence of the electrolyte concentration, the surface charge density and the solvent effect on the inner layer potential distribution are included in the calculation. Comparison of the theoretical results with those of the water \nitrobenzene interface shows that the structure of the water \1,2-dichloroethane interface is similar to that of the water \nitrobenzene interface, except that in the former case the inner-layer potential drop is much higher and the effects of the image force and the ion size are more pronounced.


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We use the MPB4 theory to calculate the differential capacitance of the interface between NaBr + water and tetrabutylammoniumtetraphenyl borate (TBATPB) + nitrobenzene at electrolyte concentrations of 0.01 M, 0.02 M and 0.05 M. In addition to the effects


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The present work investigates the reactivity of the surface species observable by in situ DRIFTS formed over a Pt/ZrO2 during the water-gas shift (WGS) reaction. A DRIFTS cell/mass spectrometer system was operated at the chemical steady state during isotopic transients to yield information about the true nature (i.e., main reaction intermediate or spectators) of adsorbates. Only carbonyl and formate species were observed by DRIFTS under reaction conditions; the surface coverage of carbonate species was negligible. Isotopic transient kinetic analyses revealed that formates exchanged uniformly according to a first-order law, suggesting that most formates observed by DRIFTS were of the same reactivity. In addition, the time scale of the exchange of the reaction product CO2 was significantly shorter than that of the surface formates. Therefore, a formate route based on the formates as detected by DRIFTS can be ruled out as the main reaction pathway in the present case. The number of precursors of the reaction product CO2 was smaller than the number of surface Pt atoms, suggesting that carbonyl species or some \


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The present report investigates the role of formate species as potential reaction intermediates for the WGS reaction (CO + H2O -> CO2 + H-2) over a Pt-CeO2 catalyst. A combination of operando techniques, i.e., in situ diffuse reflectance FT-IR (DRIFT) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS) during steady-state isotopic transient kinetic analysis (SSITKA), was used to relate the exchange of the reaction product CO2 to that of surface formate species. The data presented here suggest that a switchover from a non-formate to a formate-based mechanism could take place over a very narrow temperature range (as low as 60 K) over our Pt-CeO2 catalyst. This observation clearly stresses the need to avoid extrapolating conclusions to the case of results obtained under even slightly different experimental conditions. The occurrence of a low-temperature mechanism, possibly redox or Mars van Krevelen-like, that deactivates above 473 K because of ceria over-reduction is suggested as a possible explanation for the switchover, similarly to the case of the CO-NO reaction over Cu, I'd and Rh-CeZrOx (see Kaspar and co-workers [1-3]). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The kinetics of the water-gas shift reaction Were Studied on a 0.2% Pt/CeO2 catalyst between 177 and 300 degrees C over a range of CO and steam pressures. A rate decrease with increasing partial pressure of CO was experimentally observed over this sample, confirming that a negative order in CO can occur under certain conditions at low temperatures. The apparent reaction order of CO measured at 197 degrees C was about -0.27. This value is significantly larger than that (i.e, -0.03) reported by Ribeiro and co-workers [A.A. Phatak, N. Koryabkina, S. Rai, J.L. Ratts, W. Ruettinger, R.J. Farrauto, G.E. Blau, W.N. Delgass, F.H. Ribeiro, Catal. Today 123 (2007) 224] at a similar temperature. A kinetic peculiarity was also evidenced, i.e. a maximum of the reaction rate as a function of the CO concentration or possibly a kinetic break, which is sometimes observed in the oxidation of simple molecules. These observations support the idea that competitive adsorption of CO and H2O play an essential role in the reaction mechanism. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.