989 resultados para Charge carriers


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Likely spatial distributions of network-modifying (and mobile) cations in (oxide) glasses are discussed here. At very low modifier concentrations, the ions form dipoles with non-bridging oxygen centres while, at higher levels of modification, the cations tend to order as a result of Coulombic interactions. Activation energies for cation migration are calculated, assuming that the ions occupy (face-sharing) octahedral sites. It is found that conductivity activation energy decreases markedly with increasing modifier content, in agreement with experiment.


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The double perovskite Y2NiMnO6 displays ferromagnetic transition at T-c approximate to 81 K. The ferromagnetic order at low temperature is confirmed by the saturation value of magnetization (Ms) and also validated by the refined ordered magnetic moment values extracted from neutron powder diffraction data at 10 K. This way, the dominant Mn4+ and Ni2+ cationic ordering is confirmed. The cation-ordered P2(1)/n nuclear structure is revealed by neutron powder diffraction studies at 300 and 10 K. Analysis of the frequency-dependent dielectric constant and equivalent circuit analysis of impedance data take into account the bulk contribution to the total dielectric constant. This reveals an anomaly which coincides with the ferromagnetic transition temperature (T-c). Pyrocurrent measurements register a current flow with onset near T-c and a peak at 57 K that shifts with temperature ramp rate. The extrinsic nature of the observed pyrocurrent is established by employing a special protocol measurement. It is realized that the origin is due to reorientation of electric dipoles created by the free charge carriers and not by spontaneous electric polarization at variance with recently reported magnetism-driven ferroelectricity in this material.


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Optical excitation of Ce3+-doped SnO2 thin films, obtained by the sol-gel-dip-coating technique, is carried out and the effects on electrical transport are evaluated. Samples are doped with O. lat% of Ce, just above the saturation limit. The excitation is done with an intensity-controlled halogen-tungsten lamp through an interference filter, yielding an excitation wavelength of 513nm, 9 nm wide (width at half intensity peak). Irradiation at low temperature (25K) yields a conductivity increase much lower than above bandgap light. Such a behavior assures the ionization of intra-bandgap defect levels, since the filter does not allow excitation of electron-hole pairs, what would happen only in the UV range (below about 350nm). The decay of intra-bandgap excited levels in the range 250-320 K is recorded, leading to a temperature dependent behavior related to a thermally excited capture cross section for the dominating defect level. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We report an investigation into the high-frequency conductivity of optically excited charge carriers far from equilibrium with the lattice. The investigated samples consist of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon films grown on a thin film of silicon oxide on top of a silicon substrate. For the investigation, we used an optical femtosecond pump-probe setup to measure the reflectance change of a probe beam. The pump beam ranged between 580 and 820nm, whereas the probe wavelength spanned 770 to 810nm. The pump fluence was fixed at 0.6mJ/cm2. We show that at a fixed delay time of 300fs, the conductivity of the excited electron-hole plasma is described well by a classical conductivity model of a hot charge carrier gas found at Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, while Fermi-Dirac statics is not suitable. This is corroborated by values retrieved from pump-probe reflectance measurements of the conductivity and its dependence on the excitation wavelength and carrier temperature. The conductivity decreases monotonically as a function of the excitation wavelength, as expected for a nondegenerate charge carrier gas.


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The practical number of charge carriers loaded is crucial to the evaluation of the capacity performance of carbon-based electrodes in service, and cannot be easily addressed experimentally. In this paper, we report a density functional theory study of charge carrier adsorption onto zigzag edge-shaped graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs), both pristine and incorporating edge substitution with boron, nitrogen or oxygen atoms. All edge substitutions are found to be energetically favorable, especially in oxidized environments. The maximal loading of protons onto the substituted ZGNR edges obeys a rule of [8-n-1], where n is the number of valence electrons of the edge-site atom constituting the adsorption site. Hence, a maximum charge loading is achieved with boron substitution. This result correlates in a transparent manner with the electronic structure characteristics of the edge atom. The boron edge atom, characterized by the most empty p band, facilitates more than the other substitutional cases the accommodation of valence electrons transferred from the ribbon, induced by adsorption of protons. This result not only further confirms the possibility of enhancing charge storage performance of carbon-based electrochemical devices through chemical functionalization but also, more importantly, provides the physical rationale for further design strategies.


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In this letter, the velocity distributions of charge carriers in high-mobility polymer thin-film transistors (TFTs) with a diketopyrrolopyrrole- naphthalene copolymer (PDPP-TNT) semiconductor active layer are reported. The velocity distributions are found to be strongly dependent on measurement temperatures as well as annealing conditions. Considerable inhomogeneity is evident at low measurement temperatures and for low annealing temperatures. Such transient transport measurements can provide additional information about charge carrier transport in TFTs which are unavailable using steady-state transport measurements.


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In this paper, we report on the device physics and charge transport characteristics of high-mobility dual-gated polymer thin-film transistors with active semiconductor layers consisting of thiophene flanked DPP with thienylene-vinylene-thienylene (PDPP-TVT) alternating copolymers. Room temperature mobilities in these devices are high and can exceed 2 cm2 V-1 s-1. Steady-state and non-quasi-static measurements have been performed to extract key transport parameters and velocity distributions of charge carriers in this copolymer. Charge transport in this polymer semiconductor can be explained using a Multiple-Trap-and-Release or Monroe-type model. We also compare the activation energy vs. field-effect mobility in a few important polymer semiconductors to gain a better understanding of transport of DPP systems and make appropriate comparisons.


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The strikingly different charge transport behaviours in nanocomposites of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and conducting polymer polyethylenedioxythiophene-polystyrene-sulfonic-acid (PEDOT-PSS) at low temperatures are explained by probing their conformational properties using small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The SAXS studies indicate the assembly of elongated PEDOT-PSS globules on the walls of nanotubes, coating them partially, thereby limiting the interaction between the nanotubes in the polymer matrix. This results in a charge transport governed mainly by small polarons in the conducting polymer despite the presence of metallic MWNTs. At T > 4 K, hopping of the charge carriers following one-dimensional variable range hopping is evident which also gives rise to a positive magnetoresistance (MR) with an enhanced localization length (similar to 5 nm) due to the presence of MWNTs. However, at T < 4 K, the observation of an unconventional positive temperature coefficient of resistivity is attributed to small polaron tunnelling. The exceptionally large negative MR observed in this temperature regime is conjectured to be due to the presence of quasi-1D MWNTs that can aid in lowering the tunnelling barrier across the nanotube-polymer boundary resulting in large delocalization.


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Heterogeneous photocatalysis is an ideal green energy technology for the purification of wastewater. Although titania dominates as the reference photocatalyst, its wide band gap is a bottleneck for extended utility. Thus, search for non-TiO2 based nanomaterials has become an active area of research in recent years. In this regard, visible light absorbing polycrystalline WO3 (2.4-2.8 eV) and Bi2WO6 (2.8 eV) with versatile structure-electronic properties has gained considerable interest to promote the photocatalytic reactions. These materials are also explored in selective functional group transformation in organic reactions, because of low reduction and oxidation potential of WO3 CB and Bi2WO6 VB, respectively. In this focused review, various strategies such as foreign ion doping, noble metal deposition and heterostructuring with other semiconductors designed for efficient photocatalysis is discussed. These modifications not only extend the optical response to longer wavelengths, but also prolong the life-time of the charge carriers and strengthen the photocatalyst stability. The changes in the surface-bulk properties and the charge carrier transfer dynamics associated with each modification correlating to the high activity are emphasized. The presence of oxidizing agents, surface modification with Cu2+ ions and synthesis of exposed facets to promote the degradation rate is highlighted. In depth study on these nanomaterials is likely to sustain interest in wastewater remediation and envisaged to signify in various green energy applications. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the dynamics of photoinduced carriers in a free-standing MoS2 laminate consisting of a few layers (1-6 layers) using time-resolved optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy. Upon photoexcitation with the 800 nm pump pulse, the terahertz conductivity increases due to absorption by the photoinduced charge carriers. The relaxation of the non-equilibrium carriers shows fast as well as slow decay channels, analyzed using a rate equation model incorporating defect-assisted Auger scattering of photoexcited electrons, holes, and excitons. The fast relaxation time occurs due to the capture of electrons and holes by defects via Auger processes, resulting in nonradiative recombination. The slower relaxation arises since the excitons are bound to the defects, preventing the defect-assisted Auger recombination of the electrons and the holes. Our results provide a comprehensive understanding of the non-equilibrium carrier kinetics in a system of unscreened Coulomb interactions, where defect-assisted Auger processes dominate and should be applicable to other 2D systems.


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We report the localized charge carrier transport of two-phase composite Zn1-x Ni (x) O/NiO (0 a parts per thousand currency sign x a parts per thousand currency sign 1) using the temperature dependence of ac-resistivity rho (ac)(T) across the N,el temperature T (N) (= 523 K) of nickel oxide. Our results provide strong evidence to the variable range hopping of charge carriers between the localized states through a mechanism involving spin-dependent activation energies. The temperature variation of carrier hopping energy epsilon (h)(T) and nearest-neighbor exchange-coupling parameter J (ij)(T) evaluated from the small poleron model exhibits a well-defined anomaly across T (N). For all the composite systems, the average exchange-coupling parameter (J (ij))(AVG) nearly equals to 70 meV which is slightly greater than the 60-meV exciton binding energy of pure zinc oxide. The magnitudes of epsilon (h) (similar to 0.17 eV) and J (ij) (similar to 11 meV) of pure NiO synthesized under oxygen-rich conditions are consistent with the previously reported theoretical estimation based on Green's function analysis. A systematic correlation between the oxygen stoichiometry and, epsilon (h)(T) and J (ij)(T) is discussed.


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We have investigated the dynamics of hot charge carriers in InP nanowire ensembles containing a range of densities of zinc-blende inclusions along the otherwise wurtzite nanowires. From time-dependent photoluminescence spectra, we extract the temperature of the charge carriers as a function of time after nonresonant excitation. We find that charge-carrier temperature initially decreases rapidly with time in accordance with efficient heat transfer to lattice vibrations. However, cooling rates are subsequently slowed and are significantly lower for nanowires containing a higher density of stacking faults. We conclude that the transfer of charges across the type II interface is followed by release of additional energy to the lattice, which raises the phonon bath temperature above equilibrium and impedes the carrier cooling occurring through interaction with such phonons. These results demonstrate that type II heterointerfaces in semiconductor nanowires can sustain a hot charge-carrier distribution over an extended time period. In photovoltaic applications, such heterointerfaces may hence both reduce recombination rates and limit energy losses by allowing hot-carrier harvesting.


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We determine the mobility of positive and negative charge carriers in a soluble green-emitting alternating block copolymer with, a methoxy bi-subsbituted conjugated segment. The negative charge carrier mobility of 6 x 10(-11) cm(2)/V.s is directly determined using space-charge-limited current analytical expressions. Positive charge carrier transport is also space-charge-limited, with a mobility of I x 10(-8) cm(2)/V.s. The electron trap distribution is exponential, with a characteristic energy of similar to 0.12 eV. A hole trap with energy similar to 0.4 eV was observed. This copolymer is used as emissive material in organic light-emitting diodes that present brightness of similar to 900 cd/m(2) at 12.5 V.


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Les détecteurs à pixels Medipix ont été développés par la collaboration Medipix et permettent de faire de l'imagerie en temps réel. Leur surface active de près de $2\cm^2$ est divisée en 65536~pixels de $55\times 55\um^2$ chacun. Seize de ces détecteurs, les Medipix2, sont installés dans l'expérience ATLAS au CERN afin de mesurer en temps réel les champs de radiation produits par les collisions de hadrons au LHC. Ils seront prochainement remplacés par des Timepix, la plus récente version de ces détecteurs, qui permettent de mesurer directement l'énergie déposée dans chaque pixel en mode \textit{time-over-threshold} (TOT) lors du passage d'une particule dans le semi-conducteur. En vue d'améliorer l'analyse des données recueillies avec ces détecteurs Timepix dans ATLAS, un projet de simulation Geant4 a été amorcé par John Id\'{a}rraga à l'Université de Montréal. Dans le cadre de l'expérience ATLAS, cette simulation pourra être utilisée conjointement avec Athena, le programme d'analyse d'ATLAS, et la simulation complète du détecteur ATLAS. Sous l'effet de leur propre répulsion, les porteurs de charge créés dans le semi-conducteur sont diffusés vers les pixels adjacents causant un dépôt d'énergie dans plusieurs pixels sous l'effet du partage de charges. Un modèle effectif de cette diffusion latérale a été développé pour reproduire ce phénomène sans résoudre d'équation différentielle de transport de charge. Ce modèle, ainsi que le mode TOT du Timepix, qui permet de mesurer l'énergie déposée dans le détecteur, ont été inclus dans la simulation afin de reproduire adéquatement les traces laissées par les particules dans le semi-conducteur. On a d'abord étalonné le détecteur pixel par pixel à l'aide d'une source de $\Am$ et de $\Ba$. Ensuite, on a validé la simulation à l'aide de mesures d'interactions de protons et de particules $\alpha$ produits au générateur Tandem van de Graaff du Laboratoire René-J.-A.-Lévesque de l'Université de Montréal.