19 resultados para Charadriiformes


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A new wader (Aves, Charadriiformes, Recurvirostridae) from the Early Eocene site of Silveirinha, in Lower Mondego region, Central Portugal, is described. Comparisons have been made with other forms, both extant and fossil; its affmities are discussed. Silveirinha wader is ascribed to Fluviatilavis antunesi, n. gen. n. sp.


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Apesar dos esforços de pesquisa nos últimos anos, muitos dos aspectos das migrações dos charadrídeos e escolopacídeos no Brasil permanecem desconhecidos. A maioria dos estudos em escala local ou regional revela a necessidade de uma síntese das informações em escala espacial adequada para facilitar a detecção dos grandes padrões de movimento destas espécies no país. Desta forma, esta tese teve como objetivo geral identificar os padrões de distribuição e migrações das espécies de aves das famílias Charadriidae e Scolopacidae que se reproduzem no hemisfério norte e usam o território brasileiro durante as suas migrações, visando desenvolver estratégias para a conservação do grupo. Como objetivos específicos, caracterizar as principais rotas migratórias para estas espécies; identificar as áreas críticas para a conservação utilizando os critérios propostos pela metodologia das AIAs e ACBs; avaliar o estado de conservação atual das áreas críticas para a conservação destas espécies de acordo ao Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação; avaliar se as áreas críticas são parte das áreas prioritárias para a conservação da biodiversidade brasileira; aplicar os critérios da Convenção de Ramsar e da WHSRN para identificar áreas críticas para conservação destas espécies. A base de dados foi estabelecida a partir de levantamento bibliográfico; consultas às coleções científicas de museus brasileiros e estrangeiros; utilização de bases de dados de recuperações de anilhas brasileiras e norte-americanas; dados cedidos por pesquisadores do Brasil, Argentina e Estados Unidos; dados de campo coletados pessoalmente no Pantanal (MS), litoral dos estados do Maranhão e Rio Grande do Sul. Entre os principais resultados, 19 das 24 espécies possuem um conjunto importante de dados, com as demais sendo ocasionais ou com poucas informações. Há uma maior concentração de dados na região costeira do país, com menor cobertura de áreas do interior. A Amazônia Ocidental mostrou-se a menos conhecida nos aspectos abordados, embora seja a via de passagem para algumas das espécies analisadas. O litoral entre a foz do Amazonas e São Luiz, no Maranhão foi a principal área de concentração em termos numéricos. A costa do Rio Grande do Sul foi o segundo local com maior destaque nas análises. Quinze espécies foram registradas em todos os meses do ano, demonstrando que nem todos os indivíduos migram anualmente para o hemisfério norte. Considerando as rotas globais, 8 espécies utilizam a rota do Atlântico e 10 a rota do Mississipi ou do centro da América do Norte. As outras 6 possivelmente utilizam-se das duas rotas. O conhecimento na utilização das 5 rotas propostas por Antas (1983) durante a migração sul-norte indicou que algumas espécies têm registros no interior da Amazônia, período em que possivelmente seus habitats estariam inundados. O padrão de chegada na migração norte-sul no Brasil é entre agosto e outubro, com incremento a partir de setembro. A migração sul-norte ocorre entre meados de março e abril na maioria das espécies. Durante o período não reprodutivo existe um padrão de distribuição ao longo da costa utilizado por 9 espécies, outro continental para 7 espécies no interior e ainda um terceiro, difuso, encontrado em 5 espécies que se distribuem tanto na costa quanto no interior do país. Foram identificadas 260 áreas críticas importantes para as espécies avaliadas. Observou-se que 72% das ACBs identificadas estão fora do SNUC. A sobreposição das ACBs com as Áreas Prioritárias para a Conservação revelou que 46% das primeiras estão sem indicação de importância neste programa. São elegíveis para os critérios da Convenção Ramsar 69 ACBs, enquanto 65 podem ser inseridas no programa da WHSRN. Entre as principais conclusões, o conhecimento de processos biológicos fundamentais à manutenção do ciclo de vida e o curso de suas migrações anuais, de parâmetros relacionados à mudas de penas, ganho de massa corporal, razão sexual e etária das populações migrantes são aspectos ainda insuficientemente detalhados para estas espécies no Brasil, e mesmo na América do Sul, assim como a necessidade de pesquisas que possam gerar estimativas e tendências populacionais, uma vez que em escala global várias destas espécies apresentam declínio populacional.


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Several phylogeographic studies of seabirds have documented low genetic diversity that has been attributed to bottleneck events or individual capacity for dispersal. Few studies have been done in seabirds on the Brazilian coast and all have shown low genetic differentiation on a wide geographic scale. The Kelp Gull is a common species with a wide distribution in the Southern Hemisphere. In this study, we used mitochondrial and nuclear markers to examine the genetic variability of Kelp Gull populations on the Brazilian coast and compared this variability with that of sub-Antarctic island populations of this species. Kelp Gulls showed extremely low genetic variability for nnitochondrial markers (cytb and ATPase) and high diversity for a nuclear locus (intron 7 of the beta-fibrinogen). The intraspecific evolutionary history of Kelp Gulls showed that the variability found in intron 7 of the beta-fibrinogen gene was compatible with the variability expected under neutral evolution but suggested an increase in population size during the last 10,000 years. However, none of the markers revealed evidence of a bottleneck population. These findings indicate that the recent origin of Kelp Gulls is the main explanation for their nuclear diversity, although selective pressure on the mtDNA of this species cannot be discarded.


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As field determinations take much effort, it would be useful to be able to predict easily the coefficients describing the functional response of free-living predators, the function relating food intake rate to the abundance of food organisms in the environment. As a means easily to parameterise an individual-based model of shorebird Charadriiformes populations, we attempted this for shorebirds eating macro-invertebrates. Intake rate is measured as the ash-free dry mass (AFDM) per second of active foraging; i.e. excluding time spent on digestive pauses and other activities, such as preening. The present and previous studies show that the general shape of the functional response in shorebirds eating approximately the same size of prey across the full range of prey density is a decelerating rise to a plateau, thus approximating the Holling type 11 ('disc equation') formulation. But field studies confirmed that the asymptote was not set by handling time, as assumed by the disc equation, because only about half the foraging time was spent in successfully or unsuccessfully attacking and handling prey, the rest being devoted to searching. A review of 30 functional responses showed that intake rate in free-living shorebirds varied independently of prey density over a wide range, with the asymptote being reached at very low prey densities (< 150/m(-2)). Accordingly, most of the many studies of shorebird intake rate have probably been conducted at or near the asymptote of the functional response, suggesting that equations that predict intake rate should also predict the asymptote. A multivariate analysis of 468 'spot' estimates of intake rates from 26 shorebirds identified ten variables, representing prey and shorebird characteristics, that accounted for 81 % of the variance in logarithm-transformed intake rate. But four-variables accounted for almost as much (77.3 %), these being bird size, prey size, whether the bird was an oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus eating mussels Mytilus edulis, or breeding. The four variable equation under-predicted, on average, the observed 30 estimates of the asymptote by 11.6%, but this discrepancy was reduced to 0.2% when two suspect estimates from one early study in the 1960s were removed. The equation therefore predicted the observed asymptote very successfully in 93 % of cases. We conclude that the asymptote can be reliably predicted from just four easily measured variables. Indeed, if the birds are not breeding and are not oystercatchers eating mussels, reliable predictions can be obtained using just two variables, bird and prey sizes. A multivariate analysis of 23 estimates of the half-asymptote constant suggested they were smaller when prey were small but greater when the birds were large, especially in oystercatchers. The resulting equation could be used to predict the half-asymptote constant, but its predictive power has yet to be tested. As well as predicting the asymptote of the functional response, the equations will enable research workers engaged in many areas of shorebird ecology and behaviour to estimate intake rate without the need for conventional time-consuming field studies, including species for which it has not yet proved possible to measure intake rate in the field.


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Mothers can improve the quality of their offspring by increasing the level of certain components in their eggs. To examine whether or not mothers increase deposition of such components in eggs as a function of food availability, we food-supplemented black-legged kittiwake females (Rissa tridactyla) before and during egg laying and compared deposition of androgens and antibodies into eggs of first and experimentally induced replacement clutches. Food-supplemented females transferred lower amounts of androgens and antibodies into eggs of induced replacement clutches than did non-food-supplemented mothers, whereas first clutches presented no differences between treatments. Our results suggest that when females are in lower condition, they transfer more androgens and antibodies into eggs to facilitate chick development despite potential long-term costs for juveniles. Females in prime condition may avoid these potential long-term costs because they can provide their chicks with more and higher quality resources.


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Thirteen species of helminth parasites were recovered from six species of charadriid shorebirds (Aves: Charadriiformes) from Belize: the ruddy turnstone, Arenaria interpres, the snowy plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, the semipalmated plover, C. semipalmatus, the killdeer, C. vociferus, the white-rumped sandpiper, Calidris fuscicollis, and the black-bellied plover, Pluvialis squatarola. Cestode species were predominant (N = 8), followed by trematode species (N = 3) and acanthocephala (N = 2). The trematode, Paramaritremopsis solielangi infected four of the six species of hosts. The cestodes, Nadejdolepis litoralis and N. paranitidulans infected three and two host species respectively. Helminth parasite species were contagious (clumped) and not evenly distributed among hosts. Twelve of the 13 species were generalists. The one specialist Microphallus kinsellae was recovered from one C. fuscicollis. Three of the four types of feeding guilds were present and in approximately the same number. All but M. kinsellae have been reported from other species of hosts, mostly from Eurasia and North America.


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Many life-history traits are expressed interactively in life, but to a varying extent on different occasions. Changes in trait expression can be accounted for by differences in the quality of the environment ('environmental constraint' hypothesis) or by strategic adjustments, if the relative contribution of the trait to fitness varies with time ('strategic allocation' hypothesis). In birds, egg production is lower in replacement clutches than in first clutches, but it is unknown whether this reduction results from an environmental constraint (e.g. food being less available at the time when the replacement clutch is produced) or from a strategic allocation of resources between the two breeding attempts. To distinguish between these two hypotheses, we performed an experiment with black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). Pairs were either food-supplemented or not before the first clutch was laid onwards and we induced them to produce a replacement clutch by removing eggs once when the first clutch was complete. As predicted by the 'strategic allocation' hypothesis, egg production of food-supplemented and non-food-supplemented birds decreased between first and replacement clutches. This suggests that kittiwakes strategically reduce investment in egg production for their replacement clutches compared to first clutches.


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We report 22 new polymorphic microsatellites for the Ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea), and we describe how they can be efficiently co-amplified using multiplexed polymerase chain reactions. In addition, we report DNA concentration, amplification success, rates of genotyping errors and the number of genotyping repetitions required to obtain reliable data with three types of noninvasive or nondestructive samples: shed feathers collected in colonies, feathers plucked from living individuals and buccal swabs. In two populations from Greenland (n=21) and Russia (Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago, n=21), the number of alleles per locus varied between 2 and 17, and expected heterozygosity per population ranged from 0.18 to 0.92. Twenty of the markers conformed to Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium expectations. Most markers were easily amplified and highly reliable when analysed from buccal swabs and plucked feathers, showing that buccal swabbing is a very efficient approach allowing good quality DNA retrieval. Although DNA amplification success using single shed feathers was generally high, the genotypes obtained from this type of samples were prone to error and thus need to be amplified several times. The set of microsatellite markers described here together with multiplex amplification conditions and genotyping error rates will be useful for population genetic studies of the Ivory gull.


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Com o objectivo de fazer um estudo de aves migratórias de Cabo Verde foi realizada o referido trabalho com base na revisão bibliográfica. A analise teve como objectivos identificar espécies de aves migratórias que chegam anualmente a Cabo verde, os principais sítios de invernadas das aves migratórias no arquipélago, fornecer informações para criação de um banco de dados para actualização da lista de aves migratórias que foram registadas em Cabo Verde, agrupar as espécies segundo a frequência com que foram citadas, fazer a distribuição das espécies por ordem e família, analisar as espécies mais frequente assim como as localidades de maior citações e o grau de abundância ao longo dos anos. De acordo com a revisão bibliográfica foi possível formular uma lista com 182 especies de aves migratórias que foram citadas no arquipélago, distribuídas em 16 ordens e 39 famílias. A ordem mais abundante é a Charadriiformes e a família é a Scolopacidea. A ilha de maior citação é a de Sal com 309 citações e de menor citação é a de Santa Luzia com 13 citações. Quanto a localidade a mais citada foi Mindelo de São Vicente. Com base na análise de frequência de vezes em que as especies foram citadas estabeleceu-se três grupos: frequentes, acidentais e raras.


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In recent years, a number of zoonotic flaviviruses have emerged worldwide, and wild birds serve as their major reservoirs. Epidemiological surveys of bird populations at various geographical scales can clarify key aspects of the eco-epidemiology of these viruses. In this study, we aimed at exploring the presence of flaviviruses in the western Mediterranean by sampling breeding populations of the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis), a widely distributed, anthropophilic, and abundant seabird species. For 3 years, we sampled eggs from 19 breeding colonies in Spain, France, Algeria, and Tunisia. First, ELISAs were used to determine if the eggs contained antibodies against flaviviruses. Second, neutralization assays were used to identify the specific flaviviruses present. Finally, for colonies in which ELISA-positive eggs had been found, chick serum samples and potential vectors, culicid mosquitoes and soft ticks (Ornithodoros maritimus), were collected and analyzed using serology and PCR, respectively. The prevalence of flavivirus-specific antibodies in eggs was highly spatially heterogeneous. In northeastern Spain, on the Medes Islands and in the nearby village of L'Escala, 56% of eggs had antibodies against the flavivirus envelope protein, but were negative for neutralizing antibodies against three common flaviviruses: West Nile, Usutu, and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. Furthermore, little evidence of past flavivirus exposure was obtained for the other colonies. A subset of the Ornithodoros ticks from Medes screened for flaviviral RNA tested positive for a virus whose NS5 gene was 95% similar to that of Meaban virus, a flavivirus previously isolated from ticks of Larus argentatus in western France. All ELISA-positive samples subsequently tested positive for Meaban virus neutralizing antibodies. This study shows that gulls in the western Mediterranean Basin are exposed to a tick-borne Meaban-like virus, which underscores the need of exploring the spatial and temporal distribution of this flavivirus as well as its potential pathogenicity for animals and humans.


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Determining migratory strategies of seabirds is still a major challenge due to their relative inaccessibility. Small geolocators are improving this knowledge, but not all birds can be tracked. Stable isotope ratios in feathers can help us to understand migration, but we still have insufficient baseline knowledge for linking feather signatures to movements amongst distinct water masses. To understand the migration strategies of kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla and the link between stable isotopes in feathers and the areas in which these were grown, we tracked 6 kittiwakes from Hornøya, Norway, with light level geolocators over 1 yr. Then we analysed the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in their 1st and 7th primary feathers as well as in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th primaries of 12 birds found freshly dead in the same breeding colony. After breeding, all tracked birds moved east of the Svalbard Archipelago and subsequently migrated to the Labrador Sea. Thereafter, birds showed individual variation in migration strategies: 3 travelled to the NE Atlantic, whereas the others remained in the Labrador Sea until the end of the wintering period. Changes in stable isotope signatures from the 1st to the 10th primary feathers corresponded well to the sequence of movements during migration and the area in which we inferred that each feather was grown. Thus, by combining information on moult patterns and tracking data, we demonstrate that stable isotope analysis of feathers can be used to trace migratory movements of seabirds.


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We present a checklist of feather mites known from native birds in Brazil. The list was compiled from a survey of Brazilian records published in indexing databases (e.g. Zoological Records) and from the available literature. To date, 185 nominal species representing 21 families have been recorded from Brazilian birds. Associations with 15 bird orders were found: Anseriformes, Apodiformes, Caprimulgiformes, Ciconiiformes, Columbiformes, Cuculiformes, Falconiformes, Galliformes, Gruiformes, Opisthocomiformes, Passeriformes, Piciformes, Psittaciformes, Tinamiformes and Trogoniformes. These birds sum to 218 species, which represent only 12.4% of all bird species occurring in Brazil. The feather mite fauna of several species-rich and important bird orders in Brazil remain unexplored, including Cathartiformes, Charadriiformes, Coraciiformes, Galbuliformes and Strigiformes. We estimate that between 900 and 5300 feather mite species are expected to occur on Brazilian birds, which is at least five times greater than current records. The training of researchers with expertise in the taxonomy of this group of mites should be stimulated so that there is a compatible number of taxonomists to discover and describe the almost unexplored feather mite fauna in Brazil.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)