21 resultados para Chamelaucium-uncinatum


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Intracellular inclusions in the pedicel and calyx-tube tissues of Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer ( Myrtaceae) flowers are irregular in shape. They were shown, by polarised light and scanning electron microscopy, to be birefringent 8.9-29.5 mum druse (i.e. aggregate) crystals. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy showed that these crystals were predominantly composed of calcium. Histochemical and acid-solubility tests indicated that the crystals were calcium oxalate. Raman microprobe spectroscopy was used to confirm this chemical identity. The calcium oxalate crystals were located in xylem-vessel lumens and also in parenchyma cells adjacent to vascular tissues. Thus, the crystals may function to regulate soluble calcium concentrations in C. uncinatum tissues near sites where calcium is unloaded from the xylem.


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Postharvest abscission of Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer) flower buds and flowers is ethylene-mediated. Exposure of floral organs to exogenous ethylene (1 mu L L-1) for 6 h at 20 degrees C induced separation at a morphologically and anatomically distinct abscission zone between the pedicel and. oral tube. Flower buds with opening petals and flowers with a nectiferous hypanthium were generally more responsive to exogenous ethylene than were flower buds enclosed in shiny bracteoles and aged (senescing) flowers. The anatomy of abscission-zone cells did not change at sequential stages of floral development from immature buds to aged flowers. The zone comprised a layer of small, laterally elongated-to-rounded, closely packed and highly protoplasmic parenchyma cells. Abscission occurred at a two- to four-cell-wide separation layer within the abscission zone. The process involved degradation of the middle lamella between separation layer cells. Following abscission, cells on both the proximal and distal faces of the separation layer became spherical, loosely packed and contained degenerating protoplasm. Central vascular tissues within the surrounding band of separation layer cells became torn and fractured. For flower buds, bracteoles that enclose the immature floral tube also separated at an abscission zone. However, this secondary abscission zone appeared less sensitive to ethylene than the primary ( central). oral-tube abscission zone as bracteoles generally only completely abscised when exposed to 10 mu L L-1 ethylene for the longer period of 24 h at 20 degrees C. The smooth surfaces of abscised separation-layer cells suggest that hydrolase enzymes degrade the middle lamella between adjacent cell walls.


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Cut Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer) flowers are often infected with Botrytis cinerea. Release of infection from quiescence can cause ethylene production by invaded host tissues and result in flower abscission. Postharvest floral organ abscission is a major problem for the commercial waxflower industry. Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) occurs naturally in plant tissue and has a signalling role in eliciting induced systemic resistance against disease. MeJA treatments have been shown to suppress B. cinerea infecting cut rose flowers. The present experiments investigated the potential of exogenous MeJA treatments for B. cinerea management on harvested waxflower. MeJA treatments of 10 and 100 L liquid MeJA/L of air applied to cv. Purple Pride and 1 L MeJA/L to cv. Mullering Brook gave reductions in disease severity for uninoculated stems. However, concentrations of 100 L MeJA/L applied to Purple Pride in addition to 1 and 10 L MeJA/L applied to Mullering Brook increased the incidence of floral organ fall. Flower abscission upon treatment with MeJA may be due to induced systemic resistance-associated upregulation of ethylene biosynthesis. MeJA treatments had no direct effect on B. cinerea hyphal elongation in vitro. Collectively, these results show that while MeJA treatment may elicit defence in waxflower against Botrytis, the chemical also causes floral organ fall. Thus, exogenous MeJA treatments do not have potential for B. cinerea management on harvested waxflower.


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Saprophytic bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi were isolated from Geraldton waxflower flowers and screened to identify potential antagonism towards Botrytis cinerea. Isolates from other sources (e.g. avocado) were also tested. Isolates were initially screened in vitro for inhibition of B. cinerea conidial germination, germ tube elongation and mycelial growth. The most antagonistic bacteria, yeasts and fungi were selected for further testing on detached waxflower flowers. Conidia of the pathogen were mixed with conidia or cells of the selected antagonists, co-inoculated onto waxflower flowers, and the flowers were sealed in glass jars and incubated at 20 degreesC. The number of days required for the pathogen to cause flower abscission was determined. The most antagonistic bacterial isolate, Pseudomonas sp. 677, significantly reduced conidial germination and retarded germ tube elongation of B. cinerea. None of the yeast or fungal isolates tested was found to significantly reduce conidial germination or retard germ tube elongation, but several significantly inhibited growth of B. cinerea. Fusarium sp., Epicoccum sp. and Trichoderma spp. were the most antagonistic of these isolates. Of the isolates tested on waxflower, Pseudomonas sp. 677 was highly antagonistic towards B. cinerea and delayed waxflower abscission by about 3 days. Trichoderma harzianum also significantly delayed flower abscission. However, as with most of the fungal antagonists used, inoculation of waxflower flowers with this isolate resulted in unsightly mycelial growth.


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Relationships were examined between environmental conditions mediated by packaging and handling and the deterioration of harvested Geraldton waxflower cv. 'Fortune Cookie'. Disease severity plus flower and leaf drop caused by inoculation with Botrytis cinerea were reduced by lowering handling temperatures to 0, 5 or 5/20 degreesC alternated daily, versus 20 degreesC. They were also reduced by inhibition of ethylene action with a silver thiosulfate pulse pretreatment. Additionally, treatments that enhanced water loss, such as packing dry, keeping forced air-cooling holes open and strategic placement of extra ventilation holes may also reduce disease severity and flower plus leaf fall. Inclusion of KMnO4-based Bloomfresh ethylene scrubbing sachets in packages did not reduce disease severity or lessen flower plus leaf fall. Thus, deterioration of waxflower packaged in commercial cartons can be minimised by keeping temperatures low, packing plant material dry, use of cartons with strategically placed ventilation holes and/or pretreatment with silver thiosulfate.


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Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer) is Australia's most economically important cut-flower export. Its small, attractive flowers make it particularly suitable as a filler in floral arrangements. However, postharvest bud and flower abscission is a major problem during transport, handling and marketing. Abscission may be caused by wound-induced endogenous ethylene production brought about by flower tissue infection with fungal pathogens such as Botrytis cinerea. Botany and postharvest characteristics are discussed in relation to flower abscission and how resultant postharvest losses may be minimised.


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Postharvest flower abscission from cut Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum) is mostly caused by fungal invasion. Elevated plant tissue calcium concentrations through postharvest application reduces fungal disease severity in various crops. Such results may be explained by strengthening of plant cell walls by calcium. Strengthening provides a structural barrier to fungal hyphae, thereby restricting invasion of plant cells. Postharvest pulsing with calcium solution substantially increased calcium concentrations in waxflower tissues. Ca-45 tracer revealed calcium distribution throughout flowering sprigs, including infection sites such as stylar tissue. However, pulsing waxflower sprigs with calcium did not suppress either disease or flower abscission, nor did it enhance vase life.


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The efficacy of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) gas to prevent the adverse effects of ethylene is limited by its short-term residual activity in some plants. Development of a simple 1-MCP sustained release device that prolongs 1-MCP exposure is reported herein. Sustained release devices comprised of polyvinylchloride tubes containing 0.1 g SmartFresh(TM) powder (a.i. 3.3% 1-MCP) and 1.25 ml deionised water were used to release 1-MCP into fibreboard cartons containing cut Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer) cv. CWA Pink bunches during export shipment by air (107 h) from Australia to the UK. The devices protected flowers against abscission induced by subsequent test exposures to ethylene (1011,mul l(-1), 12 h, 20 degreesC) for 3-5 days after arrival. In contrast, pre-shipment treatments with either a single application of 790 nl l(-1) 1-MCP for 14 h at 2 degreesC or a 0.2 mM Ag+ (as silver thiosulphate; STS) pulse for 14 h at 2 degreesC protected flowers against exogenous ethylene for only 1-2 days of post-export life. However, pre-shipment 1-MCP fumigation was up to about three-fold more effective than either sustained 1-MCP release or pre-shipment STS treatments in reducing floral organ and leaf abscission from bunches during export. Thus, it is suggested that a combination of pre-shipment 1-MCP fumigation before export with sustained 1-MCP release during shipment should maximise efficacy against ethylene-induced waxflower flower abscission. (C) 2004 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Exposure to ethylene gas elicits flower abscission from cut stems of Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer). Ethylene response rates in plants are mediated by temperature. At 20degreesC, flower abscission from waxflower 'Purple Pride' occurred upon 12 h exposure to I mu11(-1) ethylene. This ethylene treatment did not cause flower abscission at either 10 or 2degreesC. Moreover, flowers held at 2degreesC were insensitive to 48 h exposure to 1, 10 and 100 mu11(-1) ethylene. However, increasing the duration of treatment with I mu11(-1) ethylene at 10 and 2degreesC to 48 and 144 h, respectively, induced flower abscission. When flowers were held at 20degreesC in air without exogenous ethylene following continuous exposure to I mu11(-1) ethylene at 2degreesC, the duration required to elicit flower abscission was reduced from 144 to 72 It. Collectively, these responses show that maintaining harvested waxflower at low temperature (e.g. 2degreesC) is an effective means to minimise ethylene-mediated flower abscission.


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To test whether plant species influence greenhouse gas production in diverse ecosystems, we measured wet season soil CO(2) and N(2)O fluxes close to similar to 300 large (>35 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH)) trees of 15 species at three clay-rich forest sites in central Amazonia. We found that soil CO(2) fluxes were 38% higher near large trees than at control sites >10 m away from any tree (P < 0.0001). After adjusting for large tree presence, a multiple linear regression of soil temperature, bulk density, and liana DBH explained 19% of remaining CO(2) flux variability. Soil N(2)O fluxes adjacent to Caryocar villosum, Lecythis lurida, Schefflera morototoni, and Manilkara huberi were 84%-196% greater than Erisma uncinatum and Vochysia maxima, both Vochysiaceae. Tree species identity was the most important explanatory factor for N(2)O fluxes, accounting for more than twice the N(2)O flux variability as all other factors combined. Two observations suggest a mechanism for this finding: (1) sugar addition increased N(2)O fluxes near C. villosum twice as much (P < 0.05) as near Vochysiaceae and (2) species mean N(2)O fluxes were strongly negatively correlated with tree growth rate (P = 0.002). These observations imply that through enhanced belowground carbon allocation liana and tree species can stimulate soil CO(2) and N(2)O fluxes (by enhancing denitrification when carbon limits microbial metabolism). Alternatively, low N(2)O fluxes potentially result from strong competition of tree species with microbes for nutrients. Species-specific patterns in CO(2) and N(2)O fluxes demonstrate that plant species can influence soil biogeochemical processes in a diverse tropical forest.


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This essay is a trial on measuring complexity in a three-trophic level system by using a convex function of the informational entropy. The complexity measure defined here is compatible with the fact that real complexity lies between ordered and disordered states. Applying this measure to the data collected for two three-trophic level systems some hints about their organization are obtained. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Analisa a estrutura do setor madeireiro do estado de Roraima tomando por base os dados oriundos dos períodos produtivos de 1984 e 1988. Os parâmetros analisados vão desde a aquisição da matéria-prima pelas empresas até o processo de produção e comercializaçãodos produtos finais. Em 1981, 74,7% da produção local foi destinada a exportação. Este quadro foi modificado gradativamente desde 1984, com um percentual de 13,7% até chegar a 1988, com um índice de apenas 1,14 da produção conseguindo aringir o mercado externo. A partir de 1987 observou-se um aumento na produção, com destaque para a região sul do estado que indicou um crescimento, em 1988, 6,6 vezes maior em relação a 1984. Das 25 espécies florestais utilizadas pelas serrarias, em 1984. Das 25 espécies florestais utilizadas pelas serrarias em 1984, cupíuba (Goupia glabra), cedro-doce (Bombacopsis quinata), jatobá (Hygenea sp.) e ipê-amarelo (Tabbuia serratifolia), representaram 71,4% do volume total consumido. Em 1988, detectou-se um aumento na seletividade com a região sul do estado baseando seu consumo em apenas 8 espécies, sendo que angelim-pedra (Dinizia excelsa), cupíuba (Goupia glabra) e caferana (Erisma uncinatum) representaram 97,4% do total consumido nessa região. A primeira fábrica de compensados e laminados foi instalada nomunicípio de Boa Vista. Sua produção efetiva teve início em 1989, tendo como principal espécie utilizada, a samaúma (Ceiba pentranda). Os índices encontrados em Roraima para consumo, produção e exportação ainda xão muito reduzidos se comparados com outros estados da região norte.


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The objective of this work was to assess the effects of conventional tillage and of different direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems (DMC) on soil nematofauna characteristics. The long-term field experiment was carried out in the highlands of Madagascar on an andic Dystrustept soil. Soil samples were taken once a year during three successive years (14 to 16 years after installation of the treatments) from a 0-5-cm soil layer of a conventional tillage system and of three kinds of DMC: direct seeding on mulch from rotation soybean-maize residues; direct seeding of maize-maize rotation on living mulch of silverleaf (Desmodium uncinatum); direct seeding of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)-soybean rotation on living mulch of kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum). The samples were compared with samples from natural fallows. The soil nematofauna, characterized by the abundance of different trophic groups and indices (MI, maturity index; EI and SI, enrichment and structure indices), allowed the discrimination of the different cropping systems. The different DMC treatments had a more complex soil food web than the tillage treatment: SI and MI were significantly greater in DMC systems. Moreover, DMC with dead mulch had a lower density of free-living nematodes than DMC with living mulch, which suggested a lower microbial activity.