77 resultados para Cervidae


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Mitochondrial DNA restriction maps for 12 restriction enzymes of four species of muntjacs-Indian muntjac (M. muntjak), Gongshan muntjac (M. gongshanensis), black muntjac (M. crinifrons), and Chinese muntjac (M. reevesi)-were compared to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among them. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by both distance and parsimony methods. The two resulting trees share a similar topology, which indicates that the black muntjac and the Gongshan muntjac are closely related, followed by the Chinese muntjac; the Indian muntjac is the sister taxon to all the other muntjacs.


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Reference intervals for haematologic and total plasma proteins profiles were determined for 11 physically restrained adult grey-brocket deer. Erythrocytic alterations, as discrete to moderate poikilocytosis, were observed in all animals. Red and white blood cells counts were determined by manual methodology. Obtained erythron and leukon values were slightly higher than previous reports. Statistical difference was not demonstrated between stags and hinds. No previous studies reported blood values for captive grey-brocket deer obtained by manual methods. Also, the authors suggest that future studies on deer haematology should be focused on technique evaluation and improvement, considering the unusual erythrocytic morphology.


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No período compreendido entre 1985 e 1996 foram necropsiados, para pesquisa de helmintos, 42 cervídeos, sendo sete Mazama americana, 16 M. gouazoubira, 13 Ozotoceros bezoarticus e seis Blastocerus dichotomus. Desses animais, foram colhidos 14.426 nematódeos Trichostrongyloidea, sendo 13.281 (92,06%) parasitos de abomaso e 1.145 (7,94%), de intestino delgado. Nesses órgãos, foram identificadas seis espécies de nematódeos: Haemonchus contortus, H. similis, Trichostrongylus axei, T. colubriformis, Cooperia punctata e C. pectinata. Todos os animais apresentaram infecções helmínticas por uma ou mais espécies, ocorrendo grande variação na intensidade de infecção (1 a 4.345 nematódeos). Ainda com relação à intensidade de infecção, os dados expressavam valores menores que 100 parasitos em 25 (59,52%) animais. Os valores mais altos de intensidade média das infecções foram observados em M. gouazoubira (596,37 helmintos) e em O. bezoarticus (331), e os menores, em M. americana (17,57) e B. dichotomus (75,5). Os dados mais expressivos de intensidade de infecção, abundância e prevalência foram observados para Haemonchus (larvas de 4º estágio), H. contortus, H. similis e T. axei. O gênero Haemonchus foi constatado em 35 animais, com prevalência de 83,33%; apresentou carga parasitária de 11.616 exemplares, representando 80,52% dos nematódeos verificados, sendo a maioria (8.903) constituída por formas imaturas. Por outro lado, H. similis foi a espécie predominante nas infecções e, portanto, a que apresentou maiores valores de abundância. Verificou-se o gênero Trichostrongylus em 24 (57,14%) animais, com carga parasitária de 2.444 exemplares, sendo 1.665 espécimes de T. axei, que representou 11,54% da carga parasitária obtida. As seis espécies de vermes identificadas nos cervídeos são comuns aos ruminantes domésticos nos Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul e dessa maneira não se observou nenhuma espécie de Trichostrongyloidea exclusiva dos cervídeos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The chromosome constitution of five males and three females of the Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) coming mainly from the region of Corumba-MS, was studied. The diploid number of the species was reconfirmed as 68 chromosomes with Fundamental Number (FN) = 74. The X chromosome was the largest and the Y the smallest in the genome. Constitutive heterochromatin demonstrated by C banding was present in the centromeric region of all chromosomes, except in pair number two, which had none, and in chromosome X which had a stained region in the telomere on the long arm, Chromosomes pairs 3 and 4 bore Ag-NORs. The banding patterns differed from those of previous reports for this species. This may be due to subspecific differences.


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Mazama bororo was described from a few captive specimens in Brazil by cytogenetic and morphological characters. These specimens supposedly originated in the Southern Atlantic Forest; however, no wild population has been reported. This study was initiated in 1998 to investigate the presence of this species in forest remnants of the Paranapiacaba mountain range, south São Paulo State, Brazil. Five specimens were captured between 2000 and 2002. Cytogenetic analysis from blood samples confirmed its specific identification, documenting the first population of small red brocket deer at the Intervales State Park.


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The chromosomic constitution of the Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) was studied in 18 males and 18 females, mainly from the Tiete river basin in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The species diploid number was determined to be 66 chromosomes and the fundamental number (FN), 74. The X and the Y were the largest and the smallest chromosome, respectively. Large amounts of the constitutive heterochromatin marked by the C band were located in the centromeric region of all the acrocentric chromosomes. The first chromosome pair was not marked and the second and third pairs showed weak centromeric markings. The X chromosome showed two strong telomeric markings while the Y was C band negative. Chromosomes four and five were the NOR carriers. Polymorphism for this band was observed in pair four. The results of this study are in agreement with other reports in the literature, in spite of the different origin of the animals.


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Blastocerus dichotomus, the marsh deer, is the largest Brazilian Cervidae species. The species is endangered because of hunting and loss of its natural habitat, i.e., flood plain areas, because of hydroelectric power station construction and agricultural land expansion. In the present study, we tested 38 microsatellite loci from four Cervidae species: Odocoileus virginianus (7), Rangifer tarandus (17), Capreolus capreolus (7), and Mazama bororo (7). Eleven loci showed clear amplification, opening a new perspective for the generation of fundamental population genetic data for devising conservation strategies for B. dichotomus. © FUNPEC-RP.


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We tried to amplify mitochondrial, microsatellite and amelogenin loci in DNA from fecal samples of a wild Mazama americana population. Fifty-two deer fecal samples were collected from a 600-ha seasonal semideciduous forest fragment in a subtropical region of Brazil (21°20′, 47°17′W), with the help of a detection dog; then, stored in ethanol and georeferenced. Among these samples 16 were classified as fresh and 36 as non-fresh. DNA was extracted using the QIAamp® DNA Stool Mini Kit. Mitochondrial loci were amplified in 49 of the 52 samples. Five microsatellite loci were amplified by PCR; success in amplification varied according to locus size and sample age. Successful amplifications were achieved in 10/16 of the fresh and in 13/36 of the non-fresh samples; a negative correlation (R = -0.82) was found between successful amplification and locus size. Amplification of the amelogenin locus was successful in 22 of the 52 samples. The difficulty of amplifying nuclear loci in DNA samples extractedfrom feces collected in the field was evident. Some methodological improvements, including collecting fresh samples, selecting primers for shorter loci and quantifying the extracted DNA by real-time PCR, are suggested to increase amplification success in future studies. © FUNPEC-RP.


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The Amazonian brown brocket Mazama nemorivaga (Cuvier, 1817) is a small to medium-sized deer from the Amazon rainforest and ecotones. The first karyotype described was 2n=67 to 69 + 2-7 B and FN= 69-72, in which all chromosomes were acrocentric and the X chromosome was the only submetacentric chromosome. However, important aspects of the species chromosome evolution were not resolved because of the lack of information on chromosome banding. The G-banding pattern of M. nemorivaga karyotype showedthe presence of an XX/XY1Y2 sex chromosome system as a product of an X-autosome tandem fusion, which results in a basic 2n=68, FN=70 in females and 2n= 69, FN=70 in males. The fact that this karyotype only differs from that of Capreolus capreolus pygargus (Pallas, 1771; 2n=70, FN=72+B) by X-autosome tandem fusion may corroborate the basal condition of M. nemorivaga and its proximity to the ancestral karyotype of the American Odocoileini. A derived karyotype 2n=67, XY1Y2, FN=70 + 3B from the Brazilianstate of Mato Grosso (the western Amazon) may be evidence of differentiation between western and eastern populations. © Bruno Ferreto Fiorillo et al.