963 resultados para Certified Athletic Trainer
Front Row: Nancy Mather, Shannon Poole, Amber Berendowsky, Stephanie McArdle, Kristin Buckley, Mari Hoff, Carrie Brady, Laurie Peterson, Jen Stahl.
Middle Row: Terese Smallwood - manager, Jon Shoenwetter - student athletic trainer, Becky Kozlick, Abby Tompkins, Lauren Clister, Carissa Stewart, Jessica Jones, Vanessa Lewis, Kelly Lukasik, Emily Schmitt, Rex Thompson - certified athletic trainer.
Back Row: Debbie Belkin - head coach, Scott Forrester - assistant coach, Kerry Hood, Jessica Parmalee, Bethany Greenblatt, Jessica Limauro, Kacy Beitel, Marie Spaccarotella,
Context: Due to a unique combination of factors, outdoor athletes in the Southeastern United States are at high risk of lightning deaths and injuries. Lightning detection methods are available to minimize lightning strike victims. Objective: Becoming aware of the risk factors that predispose athletes to lightning strikes and determining the most reliable detection method against hazardous weather will enable Certified Athletic Trainers to develop protocols that protect athletes from injury. Data Sources: A comprehensive literature review of Medline and Pubmed using key words: lightning, lightning risk factors, lightning safety, lightning detection, and athletic trainers and lightning was completed. Data Synthesis: Factors predisposing athletes to lighting death or injury include: time of year, time of day, the athlete’s age, geographical location, physical location, sex, perspiration level, and lack of education and preparedness by athletes and staff. Although handheld lightning detectors have become widely accessible to detect lightning strikes, their performance has not been independently or objectively confirmed. There is evidence that these detectors inaccurately detect strike locations by recording false strikes and not recording actual strikes. Conclusions: Lightning education and preparation are two factors that can be controlled. Measures need to be taken by Certified Athletic Trainers to ensure the safety of athletes during outdoor athletics. It is critical for athletic trainers and supervising staff members to become fully aware of the risks of lightning strikes in order to most effectively protect everyone under their supervision. Even though lightning detectors have been manufactured in an attempt to minimize death and injuries due to lightning strikes, none of the detectors have been proven to be 100% effective. Educating coaches, athletes, and parents on the risks of lightning and the detection methods available, while implementing an emergency action plan for lightning safety, is crucial to ensure the well being of the student-athlete population.
Athletic training is an allied health profession recognized by the American Medical Association requiring certification by examination. There are two routes towards certification as an athletic trainer: attending a university with an accredited athletic training program or with an internship program By 2004, the only route towards certification will be by attending a Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) accredited athletic training program. CAAHEP looks at passing rates on the NATA Board of Certification (NATABOC) examination when granting accreditation. This study examined characteristics of programs associated with first time passing rates. ^ Directors from 39 CAAHEP or NATA accredited athletic training programs completed a descriptive 17-question survey regarding academic characteristics, faculty characteristics, and program characteristics. Analysis used Spearman's rho correlation coefficient, with significance of p = <.05. Four program directors were interviewed to gather additional insight. ^ There were three program characteristics that showed a significant positive association with first attempt passing rates: the number of full-time and part-time approved clinical instructors (ACIs), and the number of students in the program. Further investigation found a statistically significant association between a low ratio of ACIs to athletic training students and first time passing rates. ACIs are certified athletic trainers (ATCs) who have received special training in order to supervise athletic training students. CAAHEP mandates a 1:8 ratio of ATCs to athletic training student. This study showed that a smaller ratio of ATC to student in combination with ACI training was significantly associated with higher first time passing rates. The number of courses above the required 13 delineated by the Education Council showed a significant negative association with first attempt passing rates. ^ Universities seeking or maintaining accreditation should incorporate characteristics associated with a higher passing rate on the NATABOC examination. Characteristics include utilizing a large number of full-time and part-time ACIs, admitting a large number of students into the program while maintaining a low ACI to athletic training student ratio, and offering curricula that focuses on the 13 courses that have been deemed relevant to the athletic training curriculum by the Education Council. ^
There is currently no evidence describing what characteristics make an Athletic Training Program Director (PD) an effective leader. An influx of accredited programs resulted in a rapid increase in the demand for PDs, yet training and preparation for these positions has failed to evolve. Although Certified Athletic Trainers (ATs) are trained in specific content areas, they may not always be prepared for the administrative and leadership responsibilities associated with the role of PD (Leone, 2008). This dissertation examined the relationships between selected characteristics and leadership outcomes of Athletic Training Program Directors. Each PD participants (n=27) completed a demographic questionnaire to obtain the leader's academic preparation, accreditation experience and leadership training history. Each participant also completed the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) to obtain leadership styles, behaviors, and outcomes. Overall, the PDs reported utilizing transformational leadership most often and passive avoidant leadership least often. There was no significant difference between PDs with master's and doctorate degrees on overall leadership outcome. However, participants with a doctorate degree scored significantly different on the effectiveness component of the leadership outcome compared with participants with a master's degree. Those participants who have completed academic coursework on leadership scored significantly different on the leadership outcome compared to those who have not completed academic coursework on leadership. Findings from this study indicate that changes to the current requirements for the role of PD may be warranted. Consideration should be given to increasing the minimum degree requirement and requiring academic coursework on leadership. Future research may be useful in determining specific degree guidelines and types and amounts of leadership training that would be beneficial to Athletic Training PDs.
Certified Athletic Trainers belonging to ethnic minority groups have many issues in the profession. This paper addresses workforce issues including distribution of minorities, recruitment and retention of minority Certified Athletic Trainers, and support systems for minority Certified Athletic Trainers.
Front Row (L-R): Asst. Coach Billy Powers, Josh Blackburn, Krikor Arman, Sean Peach, Head Coach Red Berenson, Andrew Merrick, Kevin Magnuson, Kevin O'Malley, Associate Head Coach Mel Pearson
Second Row (L-R): L.J. Scarpace, Andy Hilbert, Bob Gassoff, Bill Trainor, Scott Matzka, Mark Kosick, Mike Comrie, John Shouneyia, Mike Cammalleri, J.J. Swistak
Third Row (L-R): Mark Mink, Craig Murray, Jay Vancik, Jeff Jillson, Dave Huntzicker, Josh Langfeld, Geoff Koch, Jed Ortmeyer
Fourth Row (L-R): Athletic Trainer Rick Bancroft, Student Equipment Manager Eric Sikkenga, Equipment Manager Ian Hume, Student Equipment Manager Jeff Conrad, Student Equipment Manager Royce Wilkerson, Video Coordinator Josh Richelew
Front Row :Michelle Sampson-athletic trainer, Kari Kunnen, Karla Kunnen, Patti Benedict, Shelley Bawol, Julie Cooper, Stacey Heams, Kelly O'Connor, Bonnie Tholl, Natalie Mussato-manager.
Back Row: Carol Bruggeman-assistant coach, Michelle Bolster, Sue Sieler, Maria Heck, Julie Foster, Heather Lyke, Jenny Allard, Andrea Nelson, Kelly Forbis, Julie Clarkson, Sara Dyksterhouse, Bridget Fitzpatrick, Carol Hutchins-head coach.
Front Row: Cheryl Pearcy, Kari Kunnen, Kathryn Gleason, Karla Kunnen, Patti Benedict, assistant coach Cathy Wylie,
Middle Row: manager Tim Dryer, Tracy Carr, Erin Martino, Kathleen Berrigan, Lesa Arvia, Mary Campana
Back Row: Amy Carlton (Sports Information), student trainer Amy Brim, athletic trainer Kate Hallada, Renee Swinicki, Kelly Forbis, Kelly Kovach, Michelle Silver, Kim Clark, assistant coach Carol Bruggeman, head coach Carol Hutchins
Front Row: Nancy Irvine, Katie Epler, Katie Vignevic, co-captain Kristin Shaiper, co-captain Katie Thomas, co-captain Sandie Marotti, Katie Allison, Shay Perry.
Back Row: assistant coach Meri Dembrow, athletic trainer Hank Handel, Jennifer DiMascio, Kalli Hose, Chrissie Johnson, Stacy Daly. Nicole Hoover, Keely Libby, Mary Beth Bird, Lelli Hose, Jenny Ridgely, head coach Patti Smith.
Front Row: Mary Beth Bird, Katie Allison, Katie Thomas, Katie Vignevic
Middle Row: Rachael Geisthardt, Kalli Hose, Nancy Irvine, Chrissie Johnson Shay Perry, Lelli Hose, Keely Libby, Jen DiMascio, Nicole Hoover
Back Row: assistant coach Meri Dembrow, Jennifer Foley, Aaleya Koreishi, Gia Biagi, Sherene Smith, Jennifer Lupinsiki, Selina Harris, Meredith Franden, Heather Rooney, student athletic trainer Bryn Mickel, head coach Patti Smith
Front Row (L-R): Asst. Coach Billy Powers, Josh Blackburn, Krikor Arman, Sean Peach, Head Coach Red Berenson, Andrew Merrick, Kevin Magnuson, Kevin O'Malley, Associate Head Coach Mel Pearson
Second Row (L-R): L.J. Scarpace, Andy Hilbert, Bob Gassoff, Bill Trainor, Scott Matzka, Mark Kosick, Mike Comrie, John Shouneyia, Mike Cammalleri, J.J. Swistak
Third Row (L-R): Mark Mink, Craig Murray, Jay Vancik, Jeff Jillson, Dave Huntzicker, Josh Langfeld, Geoff Koch, Jed Ortmeyer
Fourth Row (L-R): Athletic Trainer Rick Bancroft, Student Equipment Manager Eric Sikkenga, Equipment Manager Ian Hume, Student Equipment Manager Jeff Conrad, Student Equipment Manager Royce Wilkerson, Video Coordinator Josh Richelew
Front Row: Karen Jacobsen, Marita McCahill, Michelle Horrigan, Fiona Davidson, JoAnna Collias, Erica Badran-Grycan.
Second Row: athletic trainer Keli Coughlin, Robin Read, Aimee Smith, Suzy O'Donnell, Julie Scherer.
Third Row: Jessica Ping, Shareen Luze, Darlene Recker, Shannon Brownlee, Erin McGovern.
Back Row: manager Dave Fleming, assistant coach Mora Kanim, head coach Greg Giovanazzi, assistant coach Jennifer Dhaenens, statistician Duane Storti
Not Pictured: Ramona Cox, Meg Akehi
Front Row: athletic trainer Keli Coughlin, Julie Scherer, Linnea Mendoza, Jane Stevens, Erin McGovern, Meg Akehi, Chereena Tennis, Emily Carr, Berit Volstad, asst. coach Jennifer Dhaenen
Back Row: head coach Greg Giovanazzi, Shareen Luze, Shannon Brownlee, Suzy O'Donnell, Darlene Recker, Aimee Smith, Colleen Miniuk, Sarah Jackson, Ramona Cox, asst. coach Mora Kanim.
Not pictured: Kristen Ruschiensky.
Front Row: athletic trainer Keli Coughlin, assistant coach Irene Renteria, head coach Greg Giovanazzi, assistant coach Mora Kanim, student trainer Suzanne Dolembo.
Middle Row: Erin McGovern, Ramona Cox, Sarah Jackson, Colleen Miniuk, Shareen Luze, Darlene Recker, Kristen Ruschiensky, Jane Stevens, Chereena Tennis, Linnea Mendoza, Meg Akehi.
Back Row: Carrie Ricker, Kiley Hansen, Shari Turner, Linsey Ebert, Anne Poglits, Jennifer Allen, Karen Chase, Maggie Cooper, Jeanine Szczesniak.