958 resultados para Cerro colorado
An outstanding problem in understanding the late Proterozoic tectonic assembly of the southwest is identifying the tectonic setting associated with regional metamorphism at 1.4 Ga. Both isobaric heating and cooling, and counter-clockwise looping PT paths are proposed for this time. We present a study of the Proterozoic metamorphic and deformation history of the Cerro Colorado area, southern Tusas Mountains, New Mexico, which shows that the metamorphism in this area records near-isothermal decompression from 6 to 4 kbar at ca. 1.4 Ga. We do not see evidence for isobaric heating at this time. Decompression from peak pressures is recorded by the reaction Ms + Grt = St + Bt, with a negative slope in PT space; the reaction Ms + Grt = Sil + Bt, which is nearly horizontal in PT space; and partial to total pseudomorphing of kyanite by sillimanite during the main phase of deformation. The clearest reaction texture indicating decompression near peak metamorphic temperature is the replacement of garnet by clots of sillimanite, which are surrounded by halos of biotite. The sillimanite clots, most without relict garnet in the cores and with highly variable aspect ratios, are aligned. They define a lineation that formed with the dominant foliation. An inverted metamorphic gradient is locally defined by sillimanite-garnet schists (625 degrees C) structurally above staurolite-garnet schists (550 degrees C) and implies ductile thrusting during the main phase of deformation. The exhumation that led to the recorded decompression was likely in response to crustal thickening due to ductile thrusting and subsequent denudation.
Calandrinia galapagosa St. John is found only on San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos archipelago, where it is severely threatened by feral goats. A population at Cerro Colorado is protected by an exclosure constructed for this purpose in 1993. Individuals of this population have white or pinkish white flowers with a green stem, whereas the population at La Galapaguera, has pinkish white flowers with a purple stem.
Está situada al S.O. del rio Alcaide y Rambla Mayor y forma con ellas la cabecera del Rio Guadalentin: la parte mas alta de Rambla Seca pertenece al termino municipal de Velez-Blanco, del partido judicial de Velez-Rubio, provincia do Almeria; su parte baja esta enclavada en el termino municipal de Murcia. Limita por su mareen izquierda, con la Serrata de Guadalupe, Cerro Calderón, Cerro Colorado y la sierra de las Almohallas y por la derecha con piedra de Casanova, Collado de los Carrascales, Morra de los troncos, Morro del Tabaco, Cerro de la Cruz y sierra de la culebrina. El origen de ella está en la vertiente de piedra Casanova y la Hoya del Carrascal y su desembocadura en el pantano de Valdeinfierno.
This paper investigates a strategy for guiding school-based active travel intervention. School-based active travel programs address the travel behaviors and perceptions of small target populations (i.e., at individual schools) so they can encourage people to walk or bike. Thus, planners need to know as much as possible about the behaviors and perceptions of their target populations. However, existing strategies for modeling travel behavior and segmenting audiences typically work with larger populations and may not capture the attitudinal diversity of smaller groups. This case study used Q technique to identify salient travel-related attitude types among parents at an elementary school in Denver, Colorado; 161 parents presented their perspectives about school travel by rank-ordering 36 statements from strongly disagree to strongly agree in a normalized distribution, single centered around no opinion. Thirty-nine respondents' cases were selected for case-wise cluster analysis in SPSS according to criteria that made them most likely to walk: proximity to school, grade, and bus service. Analysis revealed five core perspectives that were then correlated with the larger respondent pool: optimistic walkers, fair-weather walkers, drivers of necessity, determined drivers, and fence sitters. Core perspectives are presented—characterized by parents' opinions, personal characteristics, and reported travel behaviors—and recommendations are made for possible intervention approaches. The study concludes that Q technique provides a fine-grained assessment of travel behavior for small populations, which would benefit small-scale behavioral interventions
El estudio fue realizado en la RN Cerro Datanlí- El Diablo, Jinotega. El objetivo principal fue identificar sitios con potencial belleza escénica aun no considerados para la ejecución de actividades ecoturísticas que tiendan a mejorar la calidad de vida de sus pobladores locales a partir de la visita de turistas y nacionales. Los mejores atractivos naturales e infraestructura existente se homogenizaron mediante la consulta a lugareños y a través de la observación personal . La metodología se desarrolló en tres etapas: (1) Recolección de la información secundaria, selección y ubicación de la zona de estudio y de contactos (MARENA, PAGJINO, Líderes locales). (2) Giras de campo para llevar a cabo: el DRP auxiliado con tres herramientas participativas; la identificación de 22 sitios con potencial ecoturístico, 3 problemas principales que limitan su desarrollo, recorridos por 7 senderos ecológicos que facilitó la identificación de 17 sitios posibles como miradores de paisajes diversos y 5 sitios donde se pueden observar y escuchar cantar aves exóticas como el Quetzal; aplicación de encuestas a los pobladores locales (niños y jóvenes ambientalistas, mujeres y productores) con el fin de conocer su participación en actividades de protección, conservación y manejo de los recursos naturales. (3) Elaborar los mapas de los senderos a través del programa Arc View 3.2, se ubicaron los principales atractivos, propuestas de cambios en los recorridos basados en pendientes del terreno, análisis de visibilidad de miradores ysegún los atractivos principales en los sendero. La información facilitó incluir el diseño de un modelo de infraestructura en los senderos (gradas, miradores y puentes) para el tráfico de visitantes y la elaboración de tres propuestas de paquetes turísticos que contienen información básica de los recursos naturales existentes en la reserva natural.
Con el objetivo de estudiar los factores asociados a la mortalidad de los encinos (Quercus spp), en la Reserva Natural Cerro Tomabú, Estelí; se establecieron seis parcelas de estudio de 0.1 ha, durante los meses de Febrero – Mayo y Junio – Octubre 2014. En cada una se colectaron insectos, suelo y tejido vegetal enfermo; estimación de incidencia y severidad de la marchitez de los encinos; datos dasométricos y antropogénico. Para la identificación de patógenos, se utilizaron medios generales (Papa Dextrosa Agar, Agar Nutritivo y Agar Agua) y selectivos (Caldo V8, agar V8, y Harina de maíz -agar más antibióticos: Piramicina, Ampicillina, Rifampicina, Vancomycina y Benomyl) y caracterización macro morfométrica, con claves taxonómicas. Los datos fueron analizados de manera descriptiva. La población de árboles muestreados fue de 298 Q. segoviensis y Q. sapotifolia son las especies, que predominan en un 58 % y 42 % respectivamente. En el mes de septiembrese registró el mayor porcentaje de incidencia de marchitez en ramas con 88.3 % y 99 % de incidencia por especie en árboles jóvenes de Q. sapotifolia. La severidad con 29.2 %. Phytophthora cinnamomi, se aisló de suelo y tejido vegetal, constituyendo el patógeno que se asocia a la marchitez de ramas, chancros con exudados negros en fuste y muerte en los encinos. Las pocas lluvias y el despale ocasionado por los pobladores participan como factores de estrés en la mortalidad de los encinos. Los insectos colectados se consideran de naturaleza benéfica y constituyen parte de la diversidad de insectos de la reserva.
[ES] El cerro de San Miguel de Arnedo alberga un importante asentamiento plenamente adscrito a la cultura celtibérica. Los restos documentados corresponden a dos conjuntos de viviendas y una estructura defensiva compuesta por un foso y restos de muralla.
[ES] El cerro de San Miguel de Arnedo alberga un importante asentamiento plenamente adscrito a la cultura celtibérica. Los restos documentados corresponden a dos conjuntos de viviendas y una estructura defensiva compuesta por un foso y restos de muralla.
ENGLISH: Growth and mortality data for Cetengraulis mysticetus, Anchoa naso, Engraulis mordax, E. ring ens, E. anchoita, E. encraslcbolus, E. japonicus, and E. australis were assembled and compared. Estimates of the coefficients of natural mortality, M, of E. anchoita and Ancboa naso were made from the maximum age of the former and from data for the other species. The relative yields per recruit at different fishing mortality rates and lengths at entry into the fishery were calculated for each species, using what are considered to be the best estimates and other likely values of K, a constant of growth, and M. The maximum yields per recruit are theoretically obtainable at very high fishing mortality rates, except when the length at entry is low relative to the asymptotic length. K and M may be positively related to the temperature and to each other, and if such is the case at higher temperatures greater fishing effort would be needed to attain the maximum yield per recruit. The applicability of the yield-per-recruit approach to the data is discussed, and suggestions for further research are made. SPANISH: Se reunieron y compararon los datos sobre el crecimiento y mortalidad correspondientes a Cetengraulis mysticetus, Anchoa naso, Engraulis mordax, E. ringens, E. anchoíta, E. encrasicbolus, E. japonicus y E. australls. Los estimativos de los coeficientes de la mortalidad natural, M, de E. anchoita y Anchoa naso se obtuvieron según la edad máxima de E. anchoita y según los datos de las otras especies. Se calculó para cada especie el rendimiento relativo por recluta a diferentes tasas de mortalidad por la pesca y a diferentes longitudes de entrada a la pesquería, empleándose lo que se considera que son los mejores estimativos y otros valores probables de K, una constante de crecímíento, y M. El rendimiento máximo por recluta se obtiene teóricamente a tasas muy altas de la mortalidad por la pesca con excepción de cuando la longitud a la entrada es baja en relación a la longitud asintótica. K y M pueden estar relacionadas positivamente a la temperatura y mutuamente, y si este es el caso a temperaturas más altas se necesitará un esfuerzo superior de pesca para obtener el rendimiento máximo por recluta. La aplicabilidad del enfoque a los datos rendimiento-por-recluta es discutido y se hacen sugerencias para otras investigaciones. (PDF contains 66 pages.)
Detailed oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotope studies have been carried out on igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Stony Mountain complex, Colorado, and the Isle of Skye, Scotland, in order to better understand the problems of hydrothermal meteoric water-rock interaction.
The Tertiary Stony Mountain stock (~1.3 km in diameter), is composed of an outer diorite, a main mass of biotite gabbro, and an inner diorite. The entire complex and most of the surrounding country rocks have experienced various degrees of 18O depletion (up to 10 per mil) due to interaction with heated meteoric waters. The inner diorite apparently formed from a low-18O magma with δ18O ≃ +2.5, but most of the isotopic effects are a result of exchange between H2O and solidified igneous rocks. The low-18O inner diorite magma was probably produced by massive assimilation and/or melting of hydrothermally altered country rocks. The δ18O values of the rocks generally increase with increasing grain size, except that quartz typically has δ18O = +6 to +8, and is more resistant to hydrothermal exchange than any other mineral studied. Based on atom % oxygen, the outer diorites, gabbros, and volcanic rocks exhibit integrated water/rock ratios of 0.3 ± 0.2, 0.15 ± 0.1, and 0.2 ± 0.1, respectively. Locally, water/rock ratios attain values greater than 1.0. Hydrogen isotopic analyses of sericites, chlorites, biotites, and amphiboles range from -117 to -150. δD in biotites varies inversely with Fe/Fe+Mg, as predicted by Suzuoki and Epstein (1974), and positively with elevation, over a range of 600 m. The calculated δD of the mid-to-late-Tertiary meteoric waters is about -100. Carbonate δ13C values average -5.5 (PDB), within the generally accepted range for deep-seated carbon.
Almost all the rocks within 4 km of the central Tertiary intrusive complex of Skye are depleted in 18O. Whole-rock δ18O values of basalts (-7. 1 to +8.4), Mesozoic shales (-0.6 to + 12.4), and Precambrian sandstones (-6.2 to + 10.8) systematically decrease inward towards the center of the complex. The Cuillin gabbro may have formed from a 18O-depleted magma (depleted by about 2 per mil); δ18O of plagioclase (-7.1 to + 2.5) and pyroxene (-0.5 to + 3.2) decrease outward toward the margins of the pluton. The Red Hills epigranite plutons have δ18O quartz (-2.7 to + 7.6) and feldspar (-6.7 to + 6.0) that suggest about 3/4 of the exchange took place at subsolidus temperatures; profound disequilibrium quartz-feldspar fractionations (up to 12) are characteristic. The early epigranites were intruded as low-18O melts (depletions of up to 3 per mil) with δ18O of the primary, igneous quartz decreasing progressively with time. The Southern Porphyritic Epigranite was apparently intruded as a low-18O magma with δ18O ≃ -2.6. A good correlation exists between grain size and δ18O for the unique, high-18O Beinn an Dubhaich granite which intrudes limestone having a δ18O range of +0.5 to +20.8, and δ13C of -4.9 to -1.0. The δD values of sericites (-104 to -107), and amphiboles, chlorites, and biotites (-105 to -128) from the igneous rocks , indicate that Eocene surface waters at Skye had δD ≃ -90. The average water/rock ratio for the Skye hydrothermal system is approximately one; at least 2000 km3 of heated meteoric waters were cycled through these rocks.
Thus these detailed isotopic studies of two widely separated areas indicate that (1) 18O-depleted magmas are commonly produced in volcanic terranes invaded by epizonal intrusions; (2) most of the 18O-depletion in such areas are a result of subsolidus exchange (particularly of feldspars); however correlation of δ18O with grain size is generally preserved only for systems that have undergone relatively minor meteoric hydrothermal exchange; (3) feldspar and calcite are the minerals mos t susceptible to oxygen isotopic exchange, whereas quartz is very resistant to oxygen isotope exchange; biotite, magnetite, and pyroxene have intermediate susceptibilities; and (4) basaltic country rocks are much more permeable to the hydrothermal convective system than shale, sandstone, or the crystalline basement complex.
The rapid growth and development of Los Angeles City and County has been one of the phenomena of the present age. The growth of a city from 50,600 to 576,000, an increase of over 1000% in thirty years is an unprecedented occurrence. It has given rise to a variety of problems of increasing magnitude.
Chief among these are: supply of food, water and shelter development of industry and markets, prevention and removal of downtown congestion and protection of life and property. These, of course, are the problems that any city must face. But in the case of a community which doubles its population every ten years, radical and heroic measures must often be taken.