940 resultados para Cerebral vascular accident


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The Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) is the leading cause of motor disability in adults and elderly and that is why it still needs effective interventions that contribute to motor recovery. Objective: This study was aimed to evaluate the performance of stroke patients in chronic stage using a virtual reality game. Method: 20 patients (10 with injury to the left and 10 to the right side), right-handed, average age 50.6 ± 9.2 years, and 20 healthy subjects with average age of 50.9 ± 8.8, also right-handed participated. The patients had a motor (Fugl-Meyer) and muscle tone assessment (Ashworth). All participants made a kinematic evaluation of the drinking water activity and then underwent training with the table tennis game on XBOX 360 Kinect®, 2 sets of 10 attempts for 45 seconds, 15 minutes rest between sets, giving a total of 30 minutes session. After training the subjects underwent another kinematic evaluation. The patients trained with the right and left hemiparect upper limb and the healthy ones with the right and left upper limb. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, t Student test and Pearson correlation. Results: There was significant difference in the number of hits between the patients and healthy groups, in which patients had a lower performance in all the attempts (p = 0.008), this performance was related to a higher level of spasticity (r = - 0.44, p = 0.04) and greater motor impairment (r = 0.59, p = 0.001). After training, patients with left hemiparesis had improved shoulder and elbow angles during the activity of drinking water, approaching the pattern of motion of the left arm of healthy subjects (p < 0.05), especially when returning the glass to the table, and patients with right hemiparesis did not obtain improved pattern of movement (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The stroke patients improved their performance over the game attempts, however, only patients with left hemiparesis were able to increase the angle of the shoulder and elbow during the functional activity execution, better responding to virtual reality game, which should be taken into consideration in motor rehabilitation


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The cerebral vascular accident is a neurological dysfunction of vascular origin that leds to development of motor sensibility, cognitive, perceptive and language deficits. Despite the fact that the main sleep disorders in stroke patients are well known, it is still necessary to analyze which mechanisms of regulation of sleep and wakefulness are affected. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in the circadian and homeostatic control of sleep-wakefulness in stroke patients and the correlations with quality of life and level of physical activity. The study analyzed 22 stroke patients (55± 12 years old) and 24 healthy subjects (57 ±11 years old). The instruments used in this study were questionnaires on sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, quality of life, physical activity level and the actigraphy. The data were analyzed using the Student `t test, Mann-Whitney test, ANOVA and Spearman's correlation tests. The results showed stability in the sleep-wake circadian expression with changes in the amplitude of the rhythm. However, significant changes were found related to the homeostatic component characterized by increased sleep duration, increased latency, fragmented sleep and lower sleep efficiency. Additional data showed decreased quality of sleep and increased daytime sleepiness, as well as decreased quality of life and level of physical activity. The results indicate that the interaction of circadian and homeostatic control of sleep-wake is compromised and the main reason might be because of the homeostatic component and the lower activity level resulting from the brain damage. Thus, further studies may be developed to evaluate whether behavioral interventions such as increased daytime activity and restriction of sleep during the day can influence the homeostatic process and its relation to circadian component, resulting in improved quality of nocturnal sleep in stroke patients


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Unilateral Neglect Syndrome is one of the consequences of cerebral vascular accident (CVA) generally following right parietal lobe lesion, leading to the impairment of perceptive visual, spatial and attention functions. The patient affected does not realize the environmental stimuli on the contralesional hemibody. Occupational therapy plays an important role in caring for this patient, seeking the recovery of perception, attention and social engagement. This study aimed to describe and evaluate the results of occupational therapy intervention and treatment in a single Unilateral Neglect Syndrome post CVA patient. Data were obtained from a survey of the patient’s medical records and interviews of his therapist and caretaker. The analysis of the patient’s medical records and his therapist’s report showed that the patient responded satisfactorily to treatment, presenting a decrease of the left unilateral neglect at the end of the study period. The favorable outcome of the patient outlined the relevance of evaluating the effects of Occupational Therapy interventions for clinical unilateral neglect syndrome.


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Suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC), des déficits au membre controlatéral et ipsilatéral à la lésion cérébrale sont observés chez les personnes avec un AVC. La performance du membre ipsilatéral est déterminée par l’importance de la sévérité clinique du membre controlatéral ainsi que par l’adéquation du traitement bihémisphérique des informations sensori-motrices. L’objectif de la présente étude est de comparer la performance motrice de la main ipsilatérale lors de diverses tâches nécessitant un niveau plus ou moins complexe de traitement de l’information chez une clientèle hémiplégique ayant une faible sévérité clinique. Les résultats démontrent que les forces de pinces entre le pouce et l’index du membre ipsilatéral sont modulées et anticipées adéquatement chez les personnes avec un AVC ayant une faible sévérité clinique tel que démontré par des scores de cinq ou plus au Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment (modules bras et main). La performance motrice du membre ipsilatéral lors de l’exécution d’une tâche de coordination bilatérale est comparable à celle du membre dominant des sujets sains lorsque la tâche est réalisée sans interaction entre les membres supérieurs (deux objets) et elle est perturbée lorsqu’elle implique une action coordonnée et réciproque des membres supérieurs sur un même objet. Ces personnes, ayant une bonne récupération motrice, ont donc une problématique centrale d’intégration et de traitement de l’information sensori-motrice lorsqu’il y a une complexification de la tâche à réaliser. Ces résultats suggèrent donc que les cliniciens devraient porter une attention plus particulière aux activités unilatérales et de coordination bilatérales lors le l’exécution de tâches complexes nécessitant un niveau d’intégration sensori-motrice élevé.


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A mortalidade dos pacientes diabéticos, quando iniciam tratamento hemodialítico, ainda é muito elevada, significativamente maior do que a dos pacientes não diabéticos. As doenças cardíacas são a principal causa de morte nestes pacientes. O diabetes, por si só, está associado a uma alta prevalência de hipertensão, doença cardiovascular e insuficiência cardíaca, resultando em morbi-mortalidade significativas. Tradicionalmente, a mortalidade tem sido associada à cardiopatia isquêmica. A mortalidade cardiovascular, entretanto, não está relacionada apenas à isquemia, mas também à insuficiência cardíaca e à morte súbita. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o papel da doença cardiovascular como fator prognóstico para a morte de pacientes diabéticos e não diabéticos, que iniciam hemodiálise, levando em consideração outros fatores. Este foi um estudo prospectivo de uma coorte de 40 pacientes diabéticos e 28 não diabéticos, que iniciaram programa de hemodiálise, de agosto de 1996 a junho de 1999, em 5 hospitais de Porto Alegre, Brasil. O tempo total de acompanhamento foi de 4,25 anos. A avaliação inicial, realizada entre o 20 e o 30 mês de hemodiálise, incluiu: um questionário com características demográficas, história do diabetes e suas complicações, história de hipertensão e acidente vascular cerebral; o exame físico incluindo avaliação nutricional e exame oftalmológico; e avaliação laboratorial com medidas de parâmetros nutricionais, bioquímicos, hormonais, perfil lipídico, e controle metabólico do diabetes, além da avaliação da adequação da diálise. Para a avaliação cardiovascular foram utilizados: questionário Rose, ECG em repouso, cintilografia em repouso e sob dipiridamol, e ecocardiograma bi-dimensional e com Doppler. A mortalidade foi analisada ao final dos 51 meses, e as causas de morte, definidas pelos registros médicos, atestados de óbito ou informações do médico assistente ou familiar. Na análise estatística, foram empregados o teste t de Student, o qui-quadrado (χ2) ou teste exato de Fisher. Para a análise da sobrevida, o método de Kaplan-Meier foi utilizado, e, para identificar os principais fatores associados à mortalidade, construiu-se um modelo de regressão múltipla de Cox. O nÍvel de significância adotado foi de 5%. Ao final do estudo, os pacientes diabéticos tiveram um índice de mortalidade significativamente mais elevado do que os pacientes sem diabetes (47,5% vs. 7,1%; P=0,0013, log rank test). Na análise de Cox, o padrão pseudonormal ou restritivo de disfunção diastólica esteve associado a um risco de 3,2 (IC 95%:1,2-8,8; P=0,02), e a presença de diabetes, a um risco de 4,7 (IC 95%:1,03-21,4; P=0,04) para a morte. Concluiu-se que a disfunção diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo foi o principal preditor de mortalidade nesta coorte de pacientes que estão iniciando tratamento hemodialítico.


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The objective was measured by surface electromyography (EMGs), the activity of inspiratory muscles during incremental test in subjects with hemiparesis and show its correlation with the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Were included in the study 32 individuals hemiparetics and 14 healthy as control group. We performed an evaluation of lung function and anthropometric data. The EMGs were performed during the incremental test with Threshold ® (15, 30, 45 and 60% of MIP) and during maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP). The electromyographic findings were calculated by the signal amplitude (RMS). All data were initially analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov, the anthropometric characteristics of both groups were tested with the Levene and then intra-subject analysis (hemiparetic hemithorax and healthy hemithorax) and inter-group analysis (experimental group and control group) by paired and non-paired Student t tests and Pearson correlation. In intra-subject comparison was observed less activation (p <0.01) of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, scalene and diaphragm paretic side in both sexes - for the Threshold ® incremental test (15, 30, 45 and 60% of the MIP) and during maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP). In inter-group comparison, there was reduced activity in the diaphragm and the scalene, in hemiparetics males and females, respectivelly, during the same test. Our results demonstrate the existence of reduced electromyographic activity of inspiratory muscles in hemiparetics, including changes between different genders and suggests the need of further studies to assess the effects of specific training of inspiratory muscles.


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Background Current recommendations for antithrombotic therapy after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation include prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) with aspirin and clopidogrel >= 12 months. However, the impact of such a regimen for all patients receiving any DES system remains unclear based on scientific evidence available to date. Also, several other shortcomings have been identified with prolonged DAPT, including bleeding complications, compliance, and cost. The second-generation Endeavor zotarolimus-eluting stent (E-ZES) has demonstrated efficacy and safety, despite short duration DAPT (3 months) in the majority of studies. Still, the safety and clinical impact of short-term DAPT with E-ZES in the real world is yet to be determined. Methods The OPTIMIZE trial is a large, prospective, multicenter, randomized (1: 1) non-inferiority clinical evaluation of short-term (3 months) vs long-term (12-months) DAPT in patients undergoing E-ZES implantation in daily clinical practice. Overall, 3,120 patients were enrolled at 33 clinical sites in Brazil. The primary composite endpoint is death (any cause), myocardial infarction, cerebral vascular accident, and major bleeding at 12-month clinical follow-up post-index procedure. Conclusions The OPTIMIZE clinical trial will determine the clinical implications of DAPT duration with the second generation E-ZES in real-world patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. (Am Heart J 2012;164:810-816.e3.)


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Transient global amnesia versus transient ischaemic attack: clinical presentation and cerebral vascular accident risk Transient global amnesia is an acute, benign, isolated and temporarily limited disturbance of memory, that can occur repeatedly but shows no increased risk of cardiovascular events or stroke in particular. Therefore, patients with the typical clinical presentation and a normal brain magnetic resonance-scan require neither further diagnostic nor therapeutic interventions. Since the differential diagnosis of transient global amnesia is wide, and transient ischaemic attacks can present similarly, a careful clinical evaluation and neuroimaging is recommended. In any case of doubt further diagnostic steps according to stroke workup should be initiated. In contrast, a transient ischaemic attack represents a neurological emergency where clinical and diagnostic evaluation must be introduced fast. The rapid establishment of therapeutic and secondary preventive measures decreases the clearly elevated stroke risk and prevents disability.


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Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en laweb de bases de datos de la Ciencia, Pubmede BIREMEentre los años 2000 y 2011 a través de los términos "la rehabilitación cognitiva y el accidente cerebrovascular" y "la rehabilitación cognitiva y el accidente cerebrovascular". Los resultados mostraron la falta de estudios sobre el tema en la literatura internacional y la ausencia de la literatura nacional (brasileño), y 21 artículos incluidos en el estudio, que informó sobre todo la rehabilitación del lenguaje están explorando los entornos virtuales para la rehabilitación metodología breves y frecuentes, así como los programas demostrado ser eficaz a las tareasde la vida diaria, lo que sugiere su validez ecológica. Se concluye que el proceso de rehabilitación necesitaestudiar más a fondo, y que sistematizó las técnicasdeben ser expuestos y la literatura científica publicada. 


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Um programa de preparo de alta hospitalar, enquanto uma estratégia de Educação em Saúde, pode contribuir para que a família ou o idoso possam dar continuidade aos cuidados no contexto domiciliar, após a alta hospitalar. Assim, este estudo de caráter qualitativo descritivo objetiva analisar a percepção que tem o cuidador familiar de idosos com Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) em relação ao Programa de preparo de alta para o paciente com seqüelas neurológicas de um Hospital Universitário. Após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa da instituição onde foi desenvolvido o presente estudo, foram entrevistados 12 cuidadores familiares de 9 idosos que participaram de tal Programa. As entrevistas foram transcritas e seu conteúdo foi analisado conforme a técnica de análise de conteúdo, emergindo quatro categorias: opinião sobre o programa, adequação das orientações às demandas de cuidados, pontos de melhoria e repercussões do ser cuidador. Assim, sugere-se a implantação de programas similares nos serviços de saúde, bem como o desenvolvimento de estratégias educativas em saúde que contemplem o idoso com AVC e sua família.


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PURPOSE: Stroke is a high-incidence cerebrovascular disease with elevated morbidity that results in impairments such as functional disabilities. This study aimed to investigate the functional evolution of individuals in the first six months post-stroke. METHOD: Longitudinal study with 42 stroke patients. The functional independence measure (FIM) and The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) were used by multidisciplinary staff 3 times in each participant; the first application was at admission to rehabilitation and the others three and six months later. RESULTS: Sample predominantly female (57%), married (52%), mean age 65.26 ±10.72 years, elementary schooling level (43%), ischemic stroke (91%), and right cerebral hemisphere (74%). Motor FIM scores and NIHSS scale showed improvement in the 3 evaluations, with significant p-value (<0.001). There was a strong relation between motor FIM evolution and NIHSS evolution (r = - 0.69 p-value< 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: It was observed that functional evolution at 6 months post-stroke was significant and the smaller the evolution of clinical impairment in these patients, the larger the evolution of their functional independence. The study is important because it allows a more appropriate therapeutic planning according with functional evolution in stroke rehabilitation


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Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015


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Purpose: The aim of this educational poster is to introduce the technical principles of cerebral perfusion CT and to provide examples of its clinical applications and potential limitations in the everyday emergency practice. Methods and materials: Cerebral perfusion CT is a well established investigatory tool for many vascular and parenchymal brain dysfunctions. CT perfusion maps allow a semiquantitative assessment of cerebral perfusion. Results: Currently, cerebral perfusion CT has a pivotal role in differentiating reversible from irreversible ischemic parenchymal insult besides its integral role in grading vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Furthermore, cerebral perfusion CT can be coupled to acetazolamide administration in order to assess the cerebrovascular reserve capacity before performing extra-/intra-cranial bypass surgery in patients with cerebral vascular insufficiency. Cerebral perfusion CT can also identify diffuse abnormalities of cerebral perfusion in children with traumatic brain injury showing a low initial GCS in order to predict the final outcome regarding the late occurrence of irreversible parenchymal damage. Cerebral Perfusion CT is also able to detect focal parenchymal perfusion abnormalities in acute epileptic seizures. Conclusion: Cerebral perfusion CT can be integrated in the management of many vascular, traumatic and functional disorders of the brain.


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Aim. To verify the muscular force and resistance to the movement of the flexor and extensor muscles of the knee of patients with spasticity after treatment with neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) and isotonic exercises. Patients and methods. The patients this study were divided into group I (NMES) and group 2 (isotonic exercises). Their muscular torque and resistance to the movement of the flexor and extensor knee muscles were measured by the isokinetic dynamometer and the degree of spasticity by the modified Ashworth scale before and after ten sessions. Results. Alterations in the scores of the modified Ashworth scale were not observed. An increase in the flexor torque in group 1 (p = 0.041) and in group 2 (p = 0.001) was verified. In the passive mode, group 1 presented a reduction of resistance to the flexion movement (p = 0.026), while in group 2, a reduction of resistance to both the flexion (p = 0,029) and extension movements (p = 0.019) was verified. Conclusions. The two therapeutical resources had their efficiency proven only for the increase of the force of the flexor muscles. The resistance to movement, the isotonic exercises were more effective because they promoted a reduction in the resistance of the flexor and extensor knee muscles.