945 resultados para Centrifugación de gases


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En la actualidad casi la totalidad de los reactores nucleares necesitan, como combustible, uranio con una concentración de U"235 mayores a las naturales. En un marco de autoabastecimiento se impone la necesidad de dominar la tecnología necesaria para enriquecer uranio, siendo las centrifugas el método usado industrialmente hoy en día. Esta tecnología, por cuestiones de proliferación, es considerada sensitiva y en consecuencia la información sobre la misma se encuentra fuertemente limitada. En el presente trabajo se propone un modelo simplificado para diseñar y evaluar conceptualmente diseños mecánicos de rotores, proponiendo como figura de merito el trabajo separativo para centrifugas de gas. Con el mismo se pudo, evaluando distintos materiales para el rotor, encontrar radios y alturas óptimos para la capacidad separativa por unidad de masa para cada uno de ellos. Se evaluaron los parámetros que definen la recirculación interna del flujo dentro del rotor y los parámetros de diseño mecánico. Al comparar los resultados con los disponibles en bibliografía se vio que presentan buena concordancia mecánica.


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En la actualidad casi la totalidad de los reactores nucleares necesitan, como combustible, uranio con una concentración de U"235 mayores a las naturales. En un marco de autoabastecimiento se impone la necesidad de dominar la tecnología necesaria para enriquecer uranio, siendo las centrifugas el método usado industrialmente hoy en día. Esta tecnología, por cuestiones de proliferación, es considerada sensitiva y en consecuencia la información sobre la misma se encuentra fuertemente limitada. En el presente trabajo se propone un modelo simplificado para diseñar y evaluar conceptualmente diseños mecánicos de rotores, proponiendo como figura de merito el trabajo separativo para centrifugas de gas. Con el mismo se pudo, evaluando distintos materiales para el rotor, encontrar radios y alturas óptimos para la capacidad separativa por unidad de masa para cada uno de ellos. Se evaluaron los parámetros que definen la recirculación interna del flujo dentro del rotor y los parámetros de diseño mecánico. Al comparar los resultados con los disponibles en bibliografía se vio que presentan buena concordancia mecánica.


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Welding system has now been concentrated on the development of new process to achieve cost savings, higher productivity and better quality in manufacturing industry. Discrete alternate supply of shielding gas is a new technology that alternately supplies the different kinds of shielding gases in weld zone. As the newdevelopedmethods compared to the previous generalwelding with a mixing supply of shielding gas, it cannot only increase thewelding quality, but also reduce the energy by 20% and the emission rate of fume. As a result, under thesamewelding conditions,comparedwith thewelding by supplying pure argon, argon + 67% helium mixture by conventional method and thewelding by supplying alternately pure argon and pure helium by alternate method showed the increased welding speed. Also, the alternate method showed the same welding speed with argon + 67% helium mixture without largely deteriorating of weld penetration. The alternate method with argon and helium compared with the conventional methods of pure argon and argon + 67% helium mixture produced the lowest degree of welding distortion.


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Recently, unlike conventional method in supplying shielding gas, a newly method which alternately supplies different kinds of shielding gases in weld zone is developed and partly commercialized. However, literature related to the present status of the technology in the actual weld field is very scant. To give better understand on this technology, this study was performed. Compared with conventional gas supply method, the variations of weld porosity and weld shape in aluminum welding with alternate supply method of pure argon and pure helium were compared with conventional gas supply method with pure argon and argon + 67%helium mixture, respectively. As a result, compared with the welding by supplying pure argon and argon + 67%helium mixture by conventional method, the welding by supplying alternately pure argon and pure helium, produced lower degree of weld porosity and deeper and broader weld penetration profile.


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Increases in atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) due to human activities have been linked to climate change. GHG emissions from land use change and agriculture have been identified as significant contributors to both Australia’s and the global GHG budget. This is expected to increase over the coming decades as rates of agriculture intensification and land use change accelerate to support population growth and food production. Limited data exists on CO2, CH4 and N2O trace gas fluxes from subtropical or tropical soils and land uses. To develop effective mitigation strategies a full global warming potential (GWP) accounting methodology is required that includes emissions of the three primary greenhouse gases. Mitigation strategies that focus on one gas only can inadvertently increase emissions of another. For this reason, detailed inventories of GHGs from soils and vegetation under individual land uses are urgently required for subtropical Australia. This study aimed to quantify GHG emissions over two consecutive years from three major land uses; a well-established, unfertilized subtropical grass-legume pasture, a 30 year (lychee) orchard and a remnant subtropical Gallery rainforest, all located near Mooloolah, Queensland. GHG fluxes were measured using a combination of high resolution automated sampling, coarser spatial manual sampling and laboratory incubations. Comparison between the land uses revealed that land use change can have a substantial impact on the GWP on a landscape long after the deforestation event. The conversion of rainforest to agricultural land resulted in as much as a 17 fold increase in GWP, from 251 kg CO2 eq. ha-1 yr-1 in the rainforest to 889 kg CO2 eq. ha-1 yr-1 in the pasture to 2538 kg CO2 eq. ha-1 yr-1 in the lychee plantation. This increase resulted from altered N cycling and a reduction in the aerobic capacity of the soil in the pasture and lychee systems, enhancing denitrification and nitrification events, and reducing atmospheric CH4 uptake in the soil. High infiltration, drainage and subsequent soil aeration under the rainforest limited N2O loss, as well as promoting CH4 uptake of 11.2 g CH4-C ha-1 day-1. This was among the highest reported for rainforest systems, indicating that aerated subtropical rainforests can act as substantial sink of CH4. Interannual climatic variation resulted in significantly higher N2O emission from the pasture during 2008 (5.7 g N2O-N ha day) compared to 2007 (3.9 g N2O-N ha day), despite receiving nearly 500 mm less rainfall. Nitrous oxide emissions from the pasture were highest during the summer months and were highly episodic, related more to the magnitude and distribution of rain events rather than soil moisture alone. Mean N2O emissions from the lychee plantation increased from an average of 4.0 g N2O-N ha-1 day-1, to 19.8 g N2O-N ha-1 day-1 following a split application of N fertilizer (560 kg N ha-1, equivalent to 1 kg N tree-1). The timing of the split application was found to be critical to N2O emissions, with over twice as much lost following an application in spring (emission factor (EF): 1.79%) compared to autumn (EF: 0.91%). This was attributed to the hot and moist climatic conditions and a reduction in plant N uptake during the spring creating conditions conducive to N2O loss. These findings demonstrate that land use change in subtropical Australia can be a significant source of GHGs. Moreover, the study shows that modifying the timing of fertilizer application can be an efficient way of reducing GHG emissions from subtropical horticulture.


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We assessed the effect of biochar incorporation into the soil on the soil-atmosphere exchange of the greenhouse gases (GHG) from an intensive subtropical pasture. For this, we measured N2O, CH4 and CO2 emissions with high temporal resolution from April to June 2009 in an existing factorial experiment where cattle feedlot biochar had been applied at 10 t ha-1 in November 2006. Over the whole measurement period, significant emissions of N2O and CO2 were observed, whereas a net uptake of CH4 was measured. N2O emissions were found to be highly episodic with one major emission pulse (up to 502 µg N2O-N m-2 h 1) following heavy rainfall. There was no significant difference in the net flux of GHGs from the biochar amended vs. the control plots. Our results demonstrate that intensively managed subtropical pastures on ferrosols in northern New South Wales of Australia can be a significant source of GHG. Our hypothesis that the application of biochar would lead to a reduction in emissions of GHG from soils was not supported in this field assessment. Additional studies with longer observation periods are needed to clarify the long term effect of biochar amendment on soil microbial processes and the emission of GHGs under field conditions.


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The world is facing problems due to the effects of increased atmospheric pollution, climate change and global warming. Innovative technologies to identify, quantify and assess fluxes exchange of the pollutant gases between the Earth’s surface and atmosphere are required. This paper proposes the development of a gas sensor system for a small UAV to monitor pollutant gases, collect data and geo-locate where the sample was taken. The prototype has two principal systems: a light portable gas sensor and an optional electric–solar powered UAV. The prototype will be suitable to: operate in the lower troposphere (100-500m); collect samples; stamp time and geo-locate each sample. One of the limitations of a small UAV is the limited power available therefore a small and low power consumption payload is designed and built for this research. The specific gases targeted in this research are NO2, mostly produce by traffic, and NH3 from farming, with concentrations above 0.05 ppm and 35 ppm respectively which are harmful to human health. The developed prototype will be a useful tool for scientists to analyse the behaviour and tendencies of pollutant gases producing more realistic models of them.


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Through a forest inventory in parts of the Amudarya river delta, Central Asia, we assessed the impact of ongoing forest degradation on the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) from soils. Interpretation of aerial photographs from 2001, combined with data on forest inventory in 1990 and field survey in 2003 provided comprehensive information about the extent and changes of the natural tugai riparian forests and tree plantations in the delta. The findings show an average annual deforestation rate of almost 1.3% and an even higher rate of land use change from tugai forests to land with only sparse tree cover. These annual rates of deforestation and forest degradation are higher than the global annual forest loss. By 2003, the tugai forest area had drastically decreased to about 60% compared to an inventory in 1990. Significant differences in soil GHG emissions between forest and agricultural land use underscore the impact of the ongoing land use change on the emission of soil-borne GHGs. The conversion of tugai forests into irrigated croplands will release 2.5 t CO2 equivalents per hectare per year due to elevated emissions of N2O and CH4. This demonstrates that the ongoing transformation of tugai forests into agricultural land-use systems did not only lead to a loss of biodiversity and of a unique ecosystem, but substantially impacts the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of GHG and soil C and N turnover processes.


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A process for catalytic conversion and/or adsorption of gases inclusive of NOx, SOx, CO2, CO, dioxins and PAHs and combinations thereof wherein said gases may contain particulates which include contacting one or more of such gases with an alumino-silicate material having: a primarily tetrahedrally co-ordinated aluminium as established by the fact that the 27 A1 Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) provides a single peak at 55-58 ppm (FWHM ~23 ppm) relative to Al(H 2 0) 6 3 and (ii) a cation exchange capacity of at least 1 meq 100 in aqueous solution at room temperature.


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An analytical method for the detection of carbonaceous gases by a non-dispersive infrared sensor (NDIR) has been developed. The calibration plots of six carbonaceous gases including CO2, CH4, CO, C2H2, C2H4 and C2H6 were obtained and the reproducibility determined to verify the feasibility of this gas monitoring method. The results prove that squared correlation coefficients for the six gas measurements are greater than 0.999. The reproducibility is excellent, thus indicating that this analytical method is useful to determinate the concentrations of carbonaceous gases.


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Article 2(2) of the Kyoto Protocol imposes an obligation only on certain developed countries, working through the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), to pursue the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from marine bunker fuels. The IMO recently took the initiative to adopt a new legal instrument for the reduction of shipgenerated greenhouse gas emissions. Some developing countries have suggested that the proposed IMO initiative should strictly adhere to Article 2(2) of the Kyoto Protocol and the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility (CBDR). Against this backdrop, this article intends to review the extent to which it is possible to propose an international legal instrument for the reduction of GHG emissions from marine bunker fuels which is applicable only to ships from developed countries considering the complex characteristics of the international shipping industry. This article also examines how far this approach is justifiable even within the framework of the CBDR principle.