956 resultados para Central leptin resistance


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Recent data have identified leptin as an afferent signal in a negative-feedback loop regulating the mass of the adipose tissue. High leptin levels are observed in obese humans and rodents, suggesting that, in some cases, obesity is the result of leptin insensitivity. This hypothesis was tested by comparing the response to peripherally and centrally administered leptin among lean and three obese strains of mice: diet-induced obese AKR/J, New Zealand Obese (NZO), and Ay. Subcutaneous leptin infusion to lean mice resulted in a dose-dependent loss of body weight at physiologic plasma levels. Chronic infusions of leptin intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) at doses of 3 ng/hr or greater resulted in complete depletion of visible adipose tissue, which was maintained throughout 30 days of continuous i.c.v. infusion. Direct measurement of energy balance indicated that leptin treatment did not increase total energy expenditure but prevented the decrease that follows reduced food intake. Diet-induced obese mice lost weight in response to peripheral leptin but were less sensitive than lean mice. NZO mice were unresponsive to peripheral leptin but were responsive to i.c.v. leptin. Ay mice did not respond to subcutaneous leptin and were 1/100 as sensitive to i.c.v. leptin. The decreased response to leptin in diet-induced obese, NZO, and Ay mice suggests that obesity in these strains is the result of leptin resistance. In NZO mice, leptin resistance may be the result of decreased transport of leptin into the cerebrospinal fluid, whereas in Ay mice, leptin resistance probably results from defects downstream of the leptin receptor in the hypothalamus.


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O consumo materno de dieta hiperlipídica saturada durante a gestação e lactação favorece o desenvolvimento obesidade e anormalidades metabólicas na prole. Este trabalho teve como objetivo testar a hipótese de que a prole proveniente de mães alimentadas com dieta hiperlipídica durante a gestação e lactação desenvolve obesidade e anormalidades metabólicas e de que essas alterações estão associadas a resistência central a leptina. As ratas grávidas da linhagem C57BL/6 (n=20) foram alimentadas com dieta standard chow (SC; 19% de lipídeos) ou dieta hiperlipídica (HF; 49% de lipídeos) durante todo período de gestação e lactação. Após o desmame, a prole de machos foi dividida em quatro grupos experimentais, de acordo com a dieta das mães e da prole: SC(mães)/SC(prole), SC/HF, HF/SC e HF/HF (n=12/gp). As características metabólicas foram avaliadas pela curva de ganho de peso; medida da pressão arterial; glicose de jejum, área sob a curva no teste oral de tolerância a glicose; concentrações de triglicerídeos hepáticos e estimativa da esteatose hepática; análise plasmática de insulina e leptina e; distribuição e análise morfológica do tecido adiposo. Para analisar a sensibilidade a leptina, os quatro grupos originais foram subdivididos em dois grupos cada (veículo ou leptina-5g) para verificar a resposta alimentar (g) após o tratamento agudo intracerebroventricular (ICV) e a sinalização hipotalâmica de leptina. A dieta HF durante o período pós-desmame (grupo SC/HF), durante gestação e lactação (grupo HF/SC), ou ambos os períodos (grupo HF/HF), promoveu aumento da massa corporal. No que concerne as alterações hepáticas e a ação da insulina, a dieta HF durante o período perinatal favoreceu 25% de esteatose hepática, hiperinsulinemia e hiperleptinemia, enquanto os demais grupos experimentais SC/HF e HF/HF, demonstraram um padrão mais exacerbado. A avaliação da distribuição e morfometria do tecido adiposo demonstra o importante papel da dieta HF perinatal em amplificar a habilidade de estocar gordura visceral na prole. Considerando a ação central da leptina nos grupos tratados, a resposta alimentar mostrou-se atenuada em SC/HF, indicando o efeito determinante da dieta pós-desmame sobre a ação da leptina nesse modelo. Os resultados indicam fortemente que a dieta HF materna afeta a saúde da prole adulta. Especificamente, a prole programada apresenta esteatose hepática, hipertrofia de adipócitos, aumento de gordura visceral, hiperleptinemia e resistência a insulina. Esse fenótipo não está associado a resistência central a leptina na prole aos três meses de idade.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of leptin administration to Psammomys obesus, a polygenic animal model of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

DESIGN: Longitudinal intervention study utilising three separate leptin treatment protocols lasting 7-14 d.

MEASUREMENTS: Body weight and food intake were measured daily, body fat and muscle content were estimated by carcass analysis on completion of the study. Blood glucose, plasma insulin, leptin, triglycerides and cholesterol were measured at baseline and twice each week during the study.

RESULTS: Relatively high doses of leptin were required to significantly reduce food intake and body fat content in lean Psammomys obesus, but had no discernible effect on their obese littermates.

CONCLUSION: As a species, Psammomys obesus appear to be relatively insensitive to the effects of leptin administration, compared with other rodents. Obese Psammomys obesus are leptin resistant relative to their lean littermates.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Previous studies showed that leptin-deficient (ob/ob) mice develop obesity and impaired ventilatory responses to CO2 . In this study, we examined if leptin replacement improves chemorespiratory responses to hypercapnia (7 % CO2) in ob/ob mice and if these effects were due to changes in body weight or to the direct effects of leptin in the central nervous system (CNS). was measured via plethysmography in obese leptin-deficient- (ob/ob) and wild-type- (WT) mice before and after leptin (10 mu g/2 mu l day) or vehicle (phosphate buffer solution) were microinjected into the fourth ventricle for four consecutive days. Although baseline was similar between groups, obese ob/ob mice exhibited attenuated compared to WT mice (134 +/- 9 versus 196 +/- 10 ml min(-1)). Fourth ventricle leptin treatment in obese ob/ob mice significantly improved (from 131 +/- 15 to 197 +/- 10 ml min(-1)) by increasing tidal volume (from 0.38 +/- 0.03 to 0.55 +/- 0.02 ml, vehicle and leptin, respectively). Subcutaneous leptin administration at the same dose administered centrally did not change in ob/ob mice. Central leptin treatment in WT had no effect on . Since the fourth ventricle leptin treatment decreased body weight in ob/ob mice, we also examined in lean pair-weighted ob/ob mice and found it to be impaired compared to WT mice. Thus, leptin deficiency, rather than obesity, is the main cause of impaired in ob/ob mice and leptin appears to play an important role in regulating chemorespiratory response by its direct actions on the CNS.


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[EN] To examine whether obesity-associated leptin resistance could be due to down-regulation of leptin receptors (OB-Rs) and/or up-regulation of suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) in skeletal muscle, which blunt janus kinase 2-dependent leptin signalling and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation and reduce AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation. Deltoid and vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were obtained from 20 men: 10 non-obese control subjects (mean +/- s.d. age, 31 +/- 5 years; height, 184 +/- 9 cm; weight, 91 +/- 13 kg; and percentage body fat, 24.8 +/- 5.8%) and 10 obese (age, 30 +/- 7 years; height, 184 +/- 8 cm; weight, 115 +/- 8 kg; and percentage body fat, 34.9 +/- 5.1%). Skeletal muscle OB-R170 (OB-R long isoform) protein expression was 28 and 25% lower (both P < 0.05) in arm and leg muscles, respectively, of obese men compared with control subjects. In normal-weight subjects, SOCS3 protein expression, and STAT3, AMPKalpha and ACCbeta phosphorylation, were similar in the deltoid and vastus lateralis muscles. In obese subjects, the deltoid muscle had a greater amount of leptin receptors than the vastus lateralis, whilst SOCS3 protein expression was increased and basal STAT3, AMPKalpha and ACCbeta phosphorylation levels were reduced in the vastus lateralis compared with the deltoid muscle (all P < 0.05). In summary, skeletal muscle leptin receptors and leptin signalling are reduced in obesity, particularly in the leg muscles.


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A obesidade, cuja origem é multifatorial e a prevalência é crescente em diferentes regiões no mundo, está geralmente associada à produção desregulada de adipocinas, ao aumento do estresse oxidativo e à ocorrência de distúrbios metabólicos como dislipidemia, intolerância à glicose e hipertensão. A Programação Metabólica ou Plasticidade Ontogenética tem sido proposta como um importante fator na etiologia da obesidade. Este fenômeno sugere que alterações nutricionais, hormonais e ambientais durante períodos críticos do desenvolvimento, tais como gestação e lactação, podem alterar a fisiologia e o metabolismo de um organismo provocando o desenvolvimento de distúrbios metabólicos na vida adulta. Neste trabalho foram estudados dois modelos de plasticidade ontogenética que programam ratos Wistar para obesidade na vida adulta: a supernutrição na lactação e o desmame precoce. A supernutrição na lactação provocada pela redução da ninhada causou obesidade, hiperfagia, aumento do estresse oxidativo, resistência hepática à ação da insulina e esteatose nas proles na idade adulta. A desnutrição, provocada pelo desmame precoce, também se associou na idade adulta com obesidade visceral, aumento do estresse oxidativo e esteatose, assim como dislipidemia, resistência à insulina, hipertensão arterial e resistência central à leptina. No modelo de programação pelo desmame precoce, os animais adultos foram tratados com resveratrol (30mg/kg/MC), um polifenol encontrado nas uvas e conhecido por seus efeitos antioxidante e hipoglicemiante, por 30 dias. Os animais programados pelo desmame precoce que receberam resveratrol tiveram massa corporal, gordura visceral e morfologia hepática semelhantes aos animais controles. Ainda, o resveratrol normalizou a pressão arterial, a dislipidemia, a glicemia e as concentrações de adiponectina e leptina. A normalização da leptinemia esteve associada à correção da resistência central à leptina nestes animais, uma vez que o resveratrol normalizou além da ingestão, o conteúdo hipotalâmico de JAK2, pSTAT3 e NPY. Portanto, os animais programados pela supernutrição na lactação ou pelo desmame precoce apresentaram aumento do estresse oxidativo associado à obesidade e alterações metabólicas como esteatose. O tratamento com resveratrol nos animais programados pelo desmame precoce preveniu o aumento de estresse oxidativo, obesidade visceral, resistência à insulina, dislipidemia e esteatose. Além disso, o resveratrol causou normalização da leptinemia nestes animais, assim como da ação deste hormônio no hipotálamo, controlando a hiperfagia característica deste modelo.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is probably caused by both genetic and environmental risk factors. The major genetic risk factor is the E4 variant of apolipoprotein E gene called apoE4. Several risk factors for developing AD have been identified including lifestyle, such as dietary habits. The mechanisms behind the AD pathogenesis and the onset of cognitive decline in the AD brain are presently unknown. In this study we wanted to characterize the effects of the interaction between environmental risk factors and apoE genotype on neurodegeneration processes, with particular focus on behavioural studies and neurodegenerative processes at molecular level. Towards this aim, we used 6 months-old apoE4 and apoE3 Target Replacement (TR) mice fed on different diets (high intake of cholesterol and high intake of carbohydrates). These mice were evaluated for learning and memory deficits in spatial reference (Morris Water Maze (MWM)) and contextual learning (Passive Avoidance) tasks, which involve the hippocampus and the amygdala, respectively. From these behavioural studies we found that the initial cognitive impairments manifested as a retention deficit in apoE4 mice fed on high carbohydrate diet. Thus, the genetic risk factor apoE4 genotype associated with a high carbohydrate diet seems to affect cognitive functions in young mice, corroborating the theory that the combination of genetic and environmental risk factors greatly increases the risk of developing AD and leads to an earlier onset of cognitive deficits. The cellular and molecular bases of the cognitive decline in AD are largely unknown. In order to determine the molecular changes for the onset of the early cognitive impairment observed in the behavioural studies, we performed molecular studies, with particular focus on synaptic integrity and Tau phosphorylation. The most relevant finding of our molecular studies showed a significant decrease of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in apoE4 mice fed on high carbohydrate diet. Our results may suggest that BDNF decrease found in apoE4 HS mice could be involved in the earliest impairment in long-term reference memory observed in behavioural studies. The second aim of this thesis was to study possible involvement of leptin in AD. There is growing evidence that leptin has neuroprotective properties in the Central Nervous System (CNS). Recent evidence has shown that leptin and its receptors are widespread in the CNS and may provide neuronal survival signals. However, there are still numerous questions, regarding the molecular mechanism by which leptin acts, that remain unanswered. Thus, given to the importance of the involvement of leptin in AD, we wanted to clarify the function of leptin in the pathogenesis of AD and to investigate if apoE genotype affect leptin levels through studies in vitro, in mice and in human. Our findings suggest that apoE4 TR mice showed an increase of leptin in the brain. Leptin levels are also increased in the cerebral spinal fluid of AD patients and apoE4 carriers with AD have higher levels of leptin than apoE3 carriers. Moreover, leptin seems to be expressed by reactive glial cells in AD brains. In vitro, ApoE4 together with Amyloid beta increases leptin production by microglia and astrocytes. Taken together, all these findings suggest that leptin replacement might not be a good strategy for AD therapy. Our results show that high leptin levels were found in AD brains. These findings suggest that, as high leptin levels do not promote satiety in obese individuals, it might be possible that they do not promote neuroprotection in AD patients. Therefore, we hypothesized that AD brain could suffer from leptin resistance. Further studies will be critical to determine whether or not the central leptin resistance in SNC could affect its potential neuroprotective effects.


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Maternal obesity programmes a range of metabolic disturbances for the offspring later in life. Moreover, environmental changes during the suckling period can influence offspring development. Because both periods significantly affect long-term metabolism, we aimed to study whether cross-fostering during the lactation period was sufficient to rescue a programmed obese phenotype in offspring induced by maternal obesity following monosodium L-glutamate (MSG) treatment. Obesity was induced in female Wistar rats by administering subcutaneous MSG (4 mg/g body weight) for the first 5 days of postnatal life. Control and obese female rats were mated in adulthood. The resultant pups were divided into control second generation (F2) (CTLF2), MSG-treated second generation (F2) (MSGF2), which suckled from their CTL and MSG biological dams, respectively, or CTLF2-CR, control offspring suckled by MSG dams and MSGF2-CR, MSG offspring suckled by CTL dams. At 120 days of age, fat tissue accumulation, lipid profile, hypothalamic leptin signalling, glucose tolerance, glucose-induced, and adrenergic inhibition of insulin secretion in isolated pancreatic islets were analysed. Maternal MSG-induced obesity led to an obese phenotype in male offspring, characterized by hyperinsulinaemia, hyperglycaemia, hyperleptinaemia, dyslipidaemia, and impaired leptin signalling, suggesting central leptin resistance, glucose intolerance, impaired glucose-stimulated, and adrenergic inhibition of insulin secretion. Cross-fostering normalized body weight, food intake, leptin signalling, lipid profiles, and insulinaemia, but not glucose homeostasis or insulin secretion from isolated pancreatic islets. Our findings suggest that alterations during the lactation period can mitigate the development of obesity and prevent the programming of adult diseases.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The activation of the sympathetic nervous system through the central actions of the adipokine leptin has been suggested as a major mechanism by which obesity contributes to the development of hypertension. However, direct evidence for elevated sympathetic activity in obesity has been limited to muscle. The present study examined the renal sympathetic nerve activity and cardiovascular effects of a high-fat diet (HFD), as well as the changes in the sensitivity to intracerebroventricular leptin. New Zealand white rabbits fed a 13.5% HFD for 4 weeks showed modest weight gain but a 2- to 3-fold greater accumulation of visceral fat compared with control rabbits. Mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and plasma norepinephrine concentration increased by 8%, 26%, and 87%, respectively (P<0.05), after 3 weeks of HFD. Renal sympathetic nerve activity was 48% higher (P<0.05) in HFD compared with control diet rabbits and was correlated to plasma leptin (r=0.87; P<0.01). Intracerebroventricular leptin administration (5 to 100 μg) increased mean arterial pressure similarly in both groups, but renal sympathetic nerve activity increased more in HFD-fed rabbits. By contrast, intracerebroventricular leptin produced less neurons expressing c-Fos in HFD compared with control rabbits in regions important for appetite and sympathetic actions of leptin (arcuate: −54%, paraventricular: −69%, and dorsomedial hypothalamus: −65%). These results suggest that visceral fat accumulation through consumption of a HFD leads to marked sympathetic activation, which is related to increased responsiveness to central sympathoexcitatory effects of leptin. The paradoxical reduction in hypothalamic neuronal activation by leptin suggests a marked “selective leptin resistance” in these animals.


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OBJECTIVE: High-fat diet (HFD)-induced hypertension in rabbits is neurogenic because of the central sympathoexcitatory actions of leptin. Hypothalamic melanocortin and neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons are recognized as the major signalling pathways through which leptin exerts its central effects. In this study, we assessed the effects of specific antagonists and agonists to melanocortin and NPY receptors on HFD-induced sympathoexcitation and hypertension. METHODS: Rabbits were instrumented with intracerebroventricular cannula, renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) electrode, and blood pressure telemetry transmitter. RESULTS: After 3 weeks HFD (13.5% fat, n = 12) conscious rabbits had higher RSNA (+3.8  nu, P = 0.02), blood pressure (+8.6  mmHg, P < 0.001) and heart rate (+15  b/min, P = 0.01), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in the hypothalamus compared with rabbits fed a control diet (4.2% fat, n = 11). Intracerebroventricular administration of the melanocortin receptor antagonist SHU9119 reduced RSNA (-2.7  nu) and blood pressure (-8.5  mmHg) in HFD but not control rabbits, thus reversing 100% of the hypertension and 70% of the sympathoexcitation induced by a HFD. By contrast, blocking central NPY Y1 receptors with BVD10 increased RSNA only in HFD rabbits. Intracerebroventricular α-melanocortin stimulating hormone increased RSNA and heart rate (P < 0.001) in HFD rabbits but had no effect in control rabbits. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that obesity-induced hypertension and increased RSNA are dependent on the balance between greater activation of melanocortin signalling through melanocortin receptors and lesser activation of NPY sympathoinhibitory signalling. The amplification of the sympathoexcitatory effects of α-melanocortin stimulating hormone also indicates that the underlying mechanism is related to facilitation of leptin-melanocortin signalling, possibly involving chronic activation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor.


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O cálcio tem se mostrado útil na regulação do metabolismo energético, favorecendo a perda de peso. Visto que tanto o desmame precoce como a exposição materna à nicotina na lactação são fatores condicionantes para o desenvolvimento de obesidade, hiperleptinemia e resistência à insulina, além de outras alterações endócrinas na idade adulta, decidimos avaliar os possíveis efeitos da suplementação dietética com cálcio sobre as disfunções apresentadas pelos seguintes modelos experimentais: 1) Desmame precoce (DP): ratas lactantes foram envolvidas com atadura para interromper o acesso da prole ao leite nos 3 últimos dias da lactação. As proles das ratas controles tiveram livre acesso ao leite materno durante todo o período da lactação (21 dias). 2) Exposição materna à nicotina (N): Dois dias após o nascimento, ratas lactantes receberam implantes de minibombas osmóticas contendo solução de nicotina (6 mg/kg/dia, 14 dias) ou salina (C), nas mesmas condições. Aos 120 dias de idade, as proles de ambos os modelos de obesidade experimental receberam dieta padrão ou dieta suplementada com cálcio (10g de carbonato de cálcio/kg de ração). O sacrifício ocorreu aos 180 dias de idade. Os dados foram considerados significativos quando p<0,05. Corroborando dados anteriores do nosso grupo, as proles de ambos os modelos de programação (N e DP) apresentaram maior gordura corporal total e visceral, hiperleptinemia, resistência hipotalâmica a leptina e distúrbios na homeostase glicêmica. Além disto, verificamos que as proles N e DP também exibiram aumento dos níveis séricos de 25-hidroxivitamina D3. Todos essas alterações endócrino-metabólicas foram corrigidas pelo tratamento com suplementação com cálcio. Além disso, a prole DP aos 180 dias mostrou hiperfagia e hipertrigliceridemia, que também foram normalizados pela suplementação dietética com cálcio. A prole N apresentou hipotireoidismo, maior conteúdo de catecolaminas e maior expressão de tirosina hidroxilase (TH). A terapia com cálcio reverteu a disfunção adrenal, embora não tenha sido eficaz para normalizar a hipofunção tireoideana. Assim, a suplementação dietética com cálcio normalizou a maioria dos parâmetros da síndrome metabólica observadas nos dois modelos de plasticidade ontogenética. É possível que a redução da adiposidade central induzida pela terapia com cálcio, por si, tenha sido o principal mecanismo que resultou na melhora dos parâmetros estudados. Uma vez que a suplentação de cálcio reverteu as concentrações séricas de 25-hidroxivitamina D3 dos animais obesos, é possível que o efeito anti-obesidade do cálcio também ocorra via ação do calcitriol sobre o adipócito.