53 resultados para Central board


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In the paper new way of classifying spillways have been suggested. The various types, merits and demerits or existing spillway devices have been discussed. The considerations governing the choice of a design of a spillway have been mention. A criteria for working out the economics of spillway design has been suggested. An efficient surplus sing device has next been described and compared with other devices. In conclusion it has been suggested that the most efficient and at the same time economical arrangement will be a combination of devices. In conclusion it has been suggested will be a combination of crest gate, volute siphons and high head gates. The appendix gives a list of devices used in dams in various parts of the world.


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In India, film censorship originated with Cinematograph Act 1918 empowering the Provincial Governments to establish censorial authorities. In 1949, an amendment provided for a Central Board of Film Censors. In 1952, a new legislation gave the Central Government enormous powers, making the Board to function as a department of the Central Government. The Government had control over the Board with the mechanism of issuing 'directions' to the censors and laying down censorship rules. The legislation did not provide any objective criteria for censoring films. The 1959 amendment, aimed at curing this defect, only incorporated the grounds contained in Article 19(2) of the Constitution. Even after expert studies and a significant decision by the Supreme Court, pointing out the inadequacy of the existing system, and governmental attempts to bring reforms by way of fresh directions, appointment of appellate authority and framing of new rules, the system still warrants radical change. The thesis explores them.


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Access to education becomes an issue of equity with diverse claims from stakeholders justifying their rights based on perceptions of equity — both social and individual. In-spite of the phenomenal increase since independence in the number of institutions imparting education and the number of beneficiaries, India being the second largest nation in terms of population of the young finds its resources spread thin in meeting the demand for education. Quality education comes at a premium in India whether it is provided in the private or in the public sector. Education seemingly enables the individuals, singly and collectively. to overcome the social barriers perpetuated by the caste system. Taken together, these unleash grave demands on formulating equitable standards. It is in this context that identifying the deserving for favourable consideration becomes all the more important. In this sea of claims and counter-claims, this thesis tries to identify the issues involved on the question of equitable access to education on the basis of the factual position in the field of education. Identifying the issues correctly provides the necessary impetus for framing the questions that provide meaningful answers. The objective of this research is to help formulate the policy guidelines governing the principles of equity that is needed to ensure universal access to education in India.


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A madeira de Pinus sp. tem utilização crescente na indústria madeireira brasileira. O decréscimo constante do suprimento de árvores adultas com grandes diâmetros, provenientes de florestas naturais, tornou comum a produção de madeira em ciclos curtos, com grande proporção de madeira juvenil. Resultados de diversas pesquisas têm reportado que o módulo de elasticidade e a resistência a diferentes solicitações mecânicas são seriamente afetados pela presença de madeira juvenil. Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar o módulo de elasticidade da madeira juvenil e adulta de Pinus taeda L. a partir da constante dinâmica C LL, obtida em ensaios não-destrutivos de ultra-som. A madeira de P. taeda era originária de plantios da Estação Experimental de Itapeva - SP, sendo amostrados seis indivíduos arbóreos com 34 anos de idade. Os corpos-de-prova (4 cm x 4 cm x 45 cm) foram obtidos separadamente das regiões de madeira juvenil e adulta da prancha central, previamente submetida à secagem industrial (umidade final de 12%), para a determinação da constante dinâmica por meio de ensaios de ultra-som. Para avaliar a sensibilidade do método do ultra-som, os corpos-de-prova foram ensaiados destrutivamente à compressão paralela. Os resultados mostraram boa sensibilidade do método do ultra-som (R² » 0,90) na avaliação desse parâmetro mecânico da madeira juvenil e adulta.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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In this paper it was evaluated the influence of the relative position of logs on the trees, the type of wood (juvenile and mature wood and pith) and the dimension of sawed wood elements on the velocity of propagation of stress waves into the material on condition. P. taeda L wood (43 years old trees) from Horto Florestal of Manduri (latitude 230 00’ south, longitude 400 19’ west and altitude de 700 m) São Paulo State, Brazil were used, considering its easy growth rings visualization and the better ju regions definition. Six trees were randomly chosen in the plantation. Trees were sawed into 4 logs (2,5 m long each. In each log it was delimited the central board (80mm tick) region and the lateral boards (25mm tick) regions, cons right hand. It were evaluated relation between velocity of stress waves on logs and the correspondent lumber (central and lateral boards), on green condition, on the three main region of the elements (mature wood results obtained revealed the concordance between velocities of stress waves in the material before and after the its mechanical processing. It was also revealed statistical differences between the velocity of stress waves at juvenile wood, mature wood and pith regions. Keywords: stress wave method, velocity 17 destrutivos de propagação da propagação de ondas de tensão em toras e madeira serrada de taeda L. Hernando Alfonso Lara Palma - Universidade Estadual Paulista Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas – FCA/UNESP – Botucatu - SP, e-mail: awballarin@fca.unesp.br Luiz Antonio Vasques Hellmeister - Universidade Estadual Paulista - Faculdade de Arquitetura, FAAC/UNESP – Bauru - SP, e-mail: hellmeister@faac.unesp.br Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a influência do tipo de lenho, da posição da tora ao longo do fuste e das dimensões das peças desdobradas, na velocidade de as de tensão (Stress wave method), na condição de madeira verde. P. taeda L., originária de árvores de plantio do Horto Florestal de SP., com idade aproximada de 43 anos, pela facilidade de identificação dos anéis imento e demarcação das regiões de madeira adulta e madeira juvenil. Foram amostradas 6 árvores distintas, escolhidas ao acaso do talhão selecionado. De cada árvore foram retiradas 4 toras com comprimento de 2,5 m cada. Foram demarcadas nas toras a ha central (8 cm de espessura) e 4 tábuas laterais (espessura comercial de 2,5 cm), sendo duas à esquerda e duas à direita da prancha central. Foram avaliadas as relações existentes entre as velocidades de propagação das ondas de tensão na madeira íntegra (toras) e desdobrada (pranchas e tábuas), na condição de madeira verde, nas três regiões distintas do lenho: medula, madeira adulta e madeira juvenil. A análise comparativa dos resultados revelou a concordância entre as velocidades antes e após o desdobr madeira. Houve diferenciação estatisticamente significativa entre as velocidades de propagação das ondas de tensão nos lenhos adulto, juvenil e na medula. -destrutivos, método das ondas de tensão, Pinus taeda stress wave tests on green logs and lumber of Pinus taeda In this paper it was evaluated the influence of the relative position of logs on the trees, the type of wood (juvenile and mature wood and pith) and the dimension of sawed wood elements on the velocity of propagation of stress waves into the material on L wood (43 years old trees) from Horto Florestal of Manduri (latitude 19’ west and altitude de 700 m) São Paulo State, Brazil were used, considering its easy growth rings visualization and the better juvenile and mature wood regions definition. Six trees were randomly chosen in the plantation. Trees were sawed into 4 logs (2,5 m long each. In each log it was delimited the central board (80mm tick) region and the lateral boards (25mm tick) regions, considering 2 boards on the left and 2 at the right hand. It were evaluated relation between velocity of stress waves on logs and the correspondent lumber (central and lateral boards), on green condition, on the three main region of the elements (mature wood, juvenile wood and pith). Comparative analyses of results obtained revealed the concordance between velocities of stress waves in the material before and after the its mechanical processing. It was also revealed statistical differences ty of stress waves at juvenile wood, mature wood and pith regions


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Este artigo problematiza o acontecimento risco, em uma vertente histórica e política. Apresenta um panorama do debate sobre esta categoria analítica, desnaturalizando-a. Em uma segunda parte do texto, busca-se tecer uma descrição de como o acontecimento risco entrou em cena na política de proteção às crianças e aos jovens como modo estratégico de defesa social e prevenção. Em seguida, analisa-se como a gestão de riscos é materializada em práticas de conselheiros tutelares no Brasil, após a aprovação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. O conselho tutelar se torna um órgão central de gerência dos desvios em nome da proteção integral. Conclui-se que gerir riscos implica governar condutas a partir da lógica da sociedade de segurança.


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by J. H. Adeney


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by H. P. Stoke