973 resultados para Center for Supplementary Studies
OBJETIVO: Obter validade interna, de construto e de critério para a escala Center for Epidemiological Studies - Depression, em idosos. MÉTODOS: O instrumento foi aplicado a 903 idosos residentes em Juiz de Fora, Estado de Minas Gerais, entre os anos de 2002-2003. Os resultados foram comparados com a versão brasileira da Geriatric Depression Scale, aplicado a uma subamostra de 446 respondentes. A consistência interna das duas escalas foi aferida pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, calculado para os itens em sua totalidade e para os itens de cada fator obtido para o instrumento avaliado. Para avaliar a validade de construto, seus 20 itens foram submetidos à análise fatorial exploratória a fim de conhecer o padrão de variação conjunta dos itens e a variância explicada por cada fator. RESULTADOS: O instrumento revelou índices satisfatórios de validade interna (alfa=0,860), sensibilidade (74,6%) e especificidade (73,6%), para nota de corte >11. Entretanto, apontou freqüência relativamente alta de falsos positivos em comparação à Geriatric Depression Scale: de 33,8% vs. 15%. A análise fatorial exploratória do instrumento gerou estrutura fatorial com três fatores: afetos negativos, dificuldades de iniciar comportamentos e afetos positivos. CONCLUSÕES: O instrumento mostrou-se psicometricamente adequado para uso entre idosos. Entretanto, estudos adicionais de natureza longitudinal e transversal, desenvolvidos em diferentes contextos, poderão esclarecer os efeitos de variáveis somáticas e situacionais sobre os resultados desse instrumento em pessoas idosas.
Epidemiologic studies of mental disorder have called attention to the need for identifying untreated cases and to the inadequacies of the instruments available for this purpose. Accurate case ascertainment devices are the basis of sound epidemiology. Without these, neither case classification nor analytic studies of risk factors is possible.^ The purpose of this research was to examine the reliability and validity of an instrument designed to measure depressive symptoms in community populations--the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D Scale). Two particular foci of the study were whether or not the scale had the same statistical structure across three ethnic groups and whether or not the magnitude and pattern of rates of symptoms for these groups were affected by one source of response error, that due to response tendencies. The effects of age and education on the pattern and magnitude of rates also were examined. In addition, the reliability and validity of the measures of response tendencies were assessed.^ The study population consisted of residents of Alameda County, California. A stratified sample of approximately 700 whites, blacks and Mexican-Americans was interviewed in the summer and fall of 1978.^ The results of the analysis indicated that the scale was reliable and measured a similar content domain across the three ethnic groups. The unadjusted sex- and ethnic-specific rates of depressive symptoms showed an ethnic pattern for both sexes: rates for whites were lowest, those for Mexican-Americans were highest, and those for blacks were intermediate. Measures of response tendencies--need for social approval, trait desirability, and acquiescence--affected the magnitude of the rates for most comparisons. Likewise, the pattern of rates changed somewhat from that originally observed. The one fairly consistent observation was that rates for Mexican-American women were higher than those for the other two female subgroups in most of the comparisons. These results must be considered in the context of the reliability and validity assessment of the measures of response tendencies which indicated the tenuousness of these measures.^ Age affected the ethnic pattern of rates for men in an inconsistent way; for women, Mexican-Americans continued to have higher rates than whites or blacks in all age categories. Education affected the magnitude of rates for women but not for men. For both men and women, Mexican-Americans had higher rates in all educational strata. Rates for women showed an inverse association with education while those for men did not. ^
Fil: Zecchin de Fasano, Graciela Cristina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Zecchin de Fasano, Graciela Cristina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.