955 resultados para Cellular prion protein (PrPC)


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The conversion of cellular prion protein (PrPc), a GPI-anchored protein, into a protease-K-resistant and infective form (generally termed PrPsc) is mainly responsible for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs), characterized by neuronal degeneration and progressive loss of basic brain functions. Although PrPc is expressed by a wide range of tissues throughout the body, the complete repertoire of its functions has not been fully determined. Recent studies have confirmed its participation in basic physiological processes such as cell proliferation and the regulation of cellular homeostasis. Other studies indicate that PrPc interacts with several molecules to activate signaling cascades with a high number of cellular effects. To determine PrPc functions, transgenic mouse models have been generated in the last decade. In particular, mice lacking specific domains of the PrPc protein have revealed the contribution of these domains to neurodegenerative processes. A dual role of PrPc has been shown, since most authors report protective roles for this protein while others describe pro-apoptotic functions. In this review, we summarize new findings on PrPc functions, especially those related to neural degeneration and cell signaling.


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The conversion of cellular prion protein (PrPc), a GPI-anchored protein, into a protease-K-resistant and infective form (generally termed PrPsc) is mainly responsible for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs), characterized by neuronal degeneration and progressive loss of basic brain functions. Although PrPc is expressed by a wide range of tissues throughout the body, the complete repertoire of its functions has not been fully determined. Recent studies have confirmed its participation in basic physiological processes such as cell proliferation and the regulation of cellular homeostasis. Other studies indicate that PrPc interacts with several molecules to activate signaling cascades with a high number of cellular effects. To determine PrPc functions, transgenic mouse models have been generated in the last decade. In particular, mice lacking specific domains of the PrPc protein have revealed the contribution of these domains to neurodegenerative processes. A dual role of PrPc has been shown, since most authors report protective roles for this protein while others describe pro-apoptotic functions. In this review, we summarize new findings on PrPc functions, especially those related to neural degeneration and cell signaling.


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The cellular prion protein (PrPC) is a neuronal anchored glycoprotein that has been associated with distinct functions in the CNS, such as cellular adhesion and differentiation, synaptic plasticity and cognition. Here we investigated the putative involvement of the PrPC in the innate fear-induced behavioural reactions in wild-type (WT), PrPC knockout (Prnp(0/0)) and the PrPC overexpressing Tg-20 mice evoked in a prey versus predator paradigm. The behavioural performance of these mouse strains in olfactory discrimination tasks was also investigated. When confronted with coral snakes, mice from both Prnp(0/0) and Tg-20 strains presented a significant decrease in frequency and duration of defensive attention and risk assessment, compared to WT mice. Tg-20 mice presented decreased frequency of escape responses, increased exploratory behaviour, and enhancement of interaction with the snake, suggesting a robust fearlessness caused by PrPC overexpression. Interestingly, there was also a discrete decrease in the attentional defensive response (decreased frequency of defensive alertness) in Prnp(0/0) mice in the presence of coral snakes. Moreover, Tg-20 mice presented an increased exploration of novel environment and odors. The present findings indicate that the PrPC overexpression causes hyperactivity, fearlessness, and increased preference for visual, tactile and olfactory stimuli-associated novelty, and that the PrPC deficiency might lead to attention deficits. These results suggest that PrPC exerts an important role in the modulation of innate fear and novelty-induced exploration. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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There are numerous studies describing the signaling mechanisms that mediate oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) proliferation and differentiation, although the contribution of the cellular prion protein (PrPc) to this process remains unclear. PrPc is a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored glycoprotein involved in diverse cellular processes during the development and maturation of the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). Here we describe how PrPc influences oligodendrocyte proliferation in the developing and adult CNS. OPCs that lack PrPc proliferate more vigorously at the expense of a delay in differentiation, which correlates with changes in the expression of oligodendrocyte lineage markers. In addition, numerous NG2-positive cells were observed in cortical regions of adult PrPc knockout mice, although no significant changes in myelination can be seen, probably due to the death of surplus cells.


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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent age-related neurodegenerative disease that leads to cognitive impairment and dementia. The major defined pathological hallmark of AD is the accumulation of amyloid beta (Aβ), a neurotoxic peptide, derived from beta and gamma-secretase cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). It has been described that cellular prion protein (PrPC) plays a role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. Although, the role of PrPC is still unclear, previous studies showed contradictious results. To elucidate this issue, the main objective of the present study is to investigate the influence of a knockout of the PRNP gene in 5XFAD mice, 5xFAD mice exhibited 5 mutations related to familial Alzheimer disease. These mice show an Aβ1-42 accumulation and an increased neuronal loss during aging. To create a bi-transgenic 5xFAD mice were crossed with Prnp0/0 Zurich 1 mice (prion protein knockout mice). We subjected two transgenic mice (5xFAD and Prnp0/05xFAD) at different ages (3, 9 and 12 months of age) to a battery of task to evaluate cognitive and motoric deficits and a biochemical analysis (ELISA, western blot and immunohistochemistry) to investigate the regulation and potential involvement of downstream signaling proteins in the Aβ induced toxicity process dependent of the PrPC concentration. The study revealed that the deficits induced by Aβ mediated toxicity appeared earlier in 5xFAD mice (9 months of age) than in Prnp0/05xFAD (12 months of age). Investigating the amount of amyloid beta in 5xFAD mice we observed a PrPC dependent regulation in 9 month-old animals of Aβ1−40 but not of the toxic form Aβ1−42. We did not found in Prnp0/05xFAD mice the up-regulation of P-Fyn, Fyn or Cav-1 as we found in 5xFAD mice. This suggests an important role of PrPC in Alzheimer’s disease as a promoter of toxic effect of Aβ oligomers. Our results may suggest the loss of PrPC delays the toxicity of amyloid beta. In conclusion, our data support a role of PrPC as a mediator of Aβ toxicity in AD by promoting early onset of disease.


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Prions are an unconventional form of infectious agents composed only of protein and involved in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in humans and animals. The infectious particle is composed by PrPsc which is an isoform of a normal cellular glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored protein, PrPc, of unknown function. The two proteins differ only in conformation, PrPc is composed of 40% a helix while PrPsc has 60% ß-sheet and 20% a helix structure. The infection mechanism is trigged by interaction of PrPsc with cellular prion protein causing conversion of the latter's conformation. Therefore, the infection spreads because new PrPsc molecules are generated exponentially from the normal PrPc. The accumulation of insoluble PrPsc is probably one of the events that lead to neuronal death. Conflicting data in the literature showed that PrPc internalization is mediated either by clathrin-coated pits or by caveolae-like membranous domains. However, both pathways seem to require a third protein (a receptor or a prion-binding protein) either to make the connection between the GPI-anchored molecule to clathrin or to convert PrPc into PrPsc. We have recently characterized a 66-kDa membrane receptor which binds PrPc in vitro and in vivo and mediates the neurotoxicity of a human prion peptide. Therefore, the receptor should have a role in the pathogenesis of prion-related diseases and in the normal cellular process. Further work is necessary to clarify the events triggered by the association of PrPc/PrPsc with the receptor.


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Prions have been extensively studied since they represent a new class of infectious agents in which a protein, PrPsc (prion scrapie), appears to be the sole component of the infectious particle. They are responsible for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, which affect both humans and animals. The mechanism of disease propagation is well understood and involves the interaction of PrPsc with its cellular isoform (PrPc) and subsequently abnormal structural conversion of the latter. PrPc is a glycoprotein anchored on the cell surface by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol moiety and expressed in most cell types but mainly in neurons. Prion diseases have been associated with the accumulation of the abnormally folded protein and its neurotoxic effects; however, it is not known if PrPc loss of function is an important component. New efforts are addressing this question and trying to characterize the physiological function of PrPc. At least four different mouse strains in which the PrP gene was ablated were generated and the results regarding their phenotype are controversial. Localization of PrPc on the cell membrane makes it a potential candidate for a ligand uptake, cell adhesion and recognition molecule or a membrane signaling molecule. Recent data have shown a potential role for PrPc in the metabolism of copper and moreover that this metal stimulates PrPc endocytosis. Our group has recently demonstrated that PrPc is a high affinity laminin ligand and that this interaction mediates neuronal cell adhesion and neurite extension and maintenance. Moreover, PrPc-caveolin-1 dependent coupling seems to trigger the tyrosine kinase Fyn activation. These data provide the first evidence for PrPc involvement in signal transduction.


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Studies on the transmission of human (Hu) prions to transgenic (Tg) mice suggested that another molecule provisionally designated protein X participates in the formation of nascent scrapie isoform of prion protein (PrPSc). We report the identification of the site at which protein X binds to the cellular isoform of PrP (PrPC) using scrapie-infected mouse (Mo) neuroblastoma cells transfected with chimeric Hu/MoPrP genes even though protein X has not yet been isolated. Substitution of a Hu residue at position 214 or 218 prevented PrPSc formation. The side chains of these residues protrude from the same surface of the C-terminal α-helix and form a discontinuous epitope with residues 167 and 171 in an adjacent loop. Substitution of a basic residue at positions 167, 171, or 218 also prevented PrPSc formation: at a mechanistic level, these mutant PrPs appear to act as “dominant negatives” by binding protein X and rendering it unavailable for prion propagation. Our findings seem to explain the protective effects of basic polymorphic residues in PrP of humans and sheep and suggest therapeutic and prophylactic approaches to prion diseases.


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The PrP(C) is expressed in several cell types but its physiological function is unknown. Some studies associate the PrP(C) with copper metabolism and the antioxidant activity of SOD. Our hypothesis was that changes in PrP(C) expression lead to abnormal copper regulation and induce SOD downregulation in the vascular wall. Objectives: to study whether the PrP(C) expression undergoes induction by agents that trigger endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) and, in this context, to evaluate the SOD activity. Methods: To trigger ERS, in vitro, rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells were challenged for 4, 8 and 18 hours, with angiotensin-II, tunicamycin and 7-ketocholesterol. For in vivo studies rabbit aortic arteries were subjected to injury by balloon catheter. Results: In vitro baseline SOD activity, determined through inhibition of cytochrome-c reduction, was 13.9 +/- 1.2 U/mg protein, angiotensin-II exposed for 8 hours produced an increase in SOD activity, and cellular copper concentration was about 9 times greater only under these conditions. Western blotting analysis for SOD isoenzymes showed an expression profile that was not correlated with the enzymatic activity. PrP(C) expression decreased after exposure to all agents after different incubation periods. RT-PCR assay showed increased mRNA expression for PrP(C) only in cells stimulated for 8 hours with the different stressors. The PrP(C) mRNA expression in rabbit aortic artery fragments, subjected to balloon catheter injury, showed a pronounced increase immediately after overdistension. The results obtained indicated a PrP(C) protection factor during the early part of the ERS exposure period, but did not demonstrate a SOD-like profile for the PrP(C). (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The cellular prion protein (PrP(c)) has been implicated with the modulation of neuronal apoptosis, adhesion, neurite outgrowth and maintenance which are processes involved in the neocortical development. Malformations of cortical development (MCD) are frequently associated with neurological conditions including mental retardation, autism, and epilepsy. Here we investigated the behavioral performance of female adult PrP(c)-null mice (Prnp(%)) and their wild-type controls (Prnp(+/+)) presenting unilateral polymicrogyria, a MCD experimentally induced by neonatal freeze-lesion in the right hemisphere. injured mice from both genotypes presented similar locomotor activity but Prnp(%) mice showed a tendency to increase anxiety-related responses when compared to Prnp(+/+) animals. Additionally, injured Prnp(%) mice have a poorer performance in the social recognition task than sham-operated and Prnp(%) injured ones. Moreover the step-down inhibitory avoidance task was not affected by the procedure or the genotype of the animals. These data suggest that the genetic deletion of PrP(c) confers increased susceptibility to short-term social memory deficits induced by neonatal freezing model of polymicrogyria in mice. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A well defined structure is available for the carboxyl half of the cellular prion protein (PrPc), while the structure of the amino terminal half of the molecule remains ill defined. The unstructured nature of the polypeptide has meant that relatively few of the many antibodies generated against PrPc recognise this region. To circumvent this problem, we have used a previously characterised and well expressed fragment derived from the amino terminus of PrPc as bait for panning a single chain antibody phage (scFv-P) library. Using this approach, we identified and characterised I predominant and 3 additional scFv-Ps that contained different V-H and V-L sequences and that bound specifically to the PrPc target. Epitope mapping revealed that all scFv-Ps recognised linear epitopes between PrPc residues 76 and 156. When compared with existing monoclonal antibodies (MAb), the binding of the scFvs was significantly different in that high level binding was evident on truncated forms of PrPc that reacted poorly or not at all with several pre-existing MAbs. These data suggest that the isolated scFv-Ps bind to novel epitopes within the aminocentral region of PrPc. In addition, the binding of MAbs to known linear epitopes within PrPc depends strongly on the endpoints of the target PrPc fragment used. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: The amino terminal half of the cellular prion protein PrPc is implicated in both the binding of copper ions and the conformational changes that lead to disease but has no defined structure. However, as some structure is likely to exist we have investigated the use of an established protein refolding technology, fusion to green fluorescence protein (GFP), as a method to examine the refolding of the amino terminal domain of mouse prion protein. Results: Fusion proteins of PrPc and GFP were expressed at high level in E. coli and could be purified to near homogeneity as insoluble inclusion bodies. Following denaturation, proteins were diluted into a refolding buffer whereupon GFP fluorescence recovered with time. Using several truncations of PrPc the rate of refolding was shown to depend on the prion sequence expressed. In a variation of the format, direct observation in E. coli, mutations introduced randomly in the PrPc protein sequence that affected folding could be selected directly by recovery of GFP fluorescence. Conclusion: Use of GFP as a measure of refolding of PrPc fusion proteins in vitro and in vivo proved informative. Refolding in vitro suggested a local structure within the amino terminal domain while direct selection via fluorescence showed that as little as one amino acid change could significantly alter folding. These assay formats, not previously used to study PrP folding, may be generally useful for investigating PrPc structure and PrPc-ligand interaction.


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Conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) into the pathogenic isoform (PrPSc) is the fundamental event underlying transmission and pathogenesis of prion diseases. To control the expression of PrPC in transgenic (Tg) mice, we used a tetracycline controlled transactivator (tTA) driven by the PrP gene control elements and a tTA-responsive promoter linked to a PrP gene [Gossen, M. and Bujard, H. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 5547–5551]. Adult Tg mice showed no deleterious effects upon repression of PrPC expression (>90%) by oral doxycycline, but the mice developed progressive ataxia at ≈50 days after inoculation with prions unless maintained on doxycycline. Although Tg mice on doxycycline accumulated low levels of PrPSc, they showed no neurologic dysfunction, indicating that low levels of PrPSc can be tolerated. Use of the tTA system to control PrP expression allowed production of Tg mice with high levels of PrP that otherwise cause many embryonic and neonatal deaths. Measurement of PrPSc clearance in Tg mice should be possible, facilitating the development of pharmacotherapeutics.


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Mice devoid of PrPC (Prnpo/o) are resistant to scrapie and do not allow propagation of the infectious agent (prion). PrPC-expressing neuroectodermal tissue grafted into Prnpo/o brains but not the surrounding tissue consistently exhibits scrapie-specific pathology and allows prion replication after inoculation. Scrapie prions administered intraocularly into wild-type mice spread efficiently to the central nervous system within 16 weeks. To determine whether PrPC is required for scrapie spread, we inoculated prions intraocularly into Prnpo/o mice containing a PrP-overexpressing neurograft. Neither encephalopathy nor protease-resistant PrP (PrPSc) were detected in the grafts for up to 66 weeks. Because grafted PrP-expressing cells elicited an immune response that might have interfered with prion spread, we generated Prnpo/o mice immunotolerant to PrP and engrafted them with PrP-producing neuroectodermal tissue. Again, intraocular inoculation did not lead to disease in the PrP-producing graft. These results demonstrate that PrP is necessary for prion spread along neural pathways.


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Prion diseases are natural transmissible neurodegenerative disorders in humans and animals. They are characterized by the accumulation of a protease-resistant scrapie-associated prion protein (PrPSc) of the host-encoded cellular prion protein (PrPC) mainly in the central nervous system. Polymorphisms in the PrP gene are linked to differences in susceptibility for prion diseases. The mechanisms underlying these effects are still unknown. Here we describe studies of the influence of sheep PrP polymorphisms on the conversion of PrPC into protease-resistant forms. In a cell-free system, sheep PrPSc induced the conversion of sheep PrPC into protease-resistant PrP (PrP-res) similar or identical to PrPSc. Polymorphisms present in either PrPC or PrPSc had dramatic effects on the cell-free conversion efficiencies. The PrP variant associated with a high susceptibility to scrapie and short survival times of scrapie-affected sheep was efficiently converted into PrP-res. The wild-type PrP variant associated with a neutral effect on susceptibility and intermediate survival times was converted with intermediate efficiency. The PrP variant associated with scrapie resistance and long survival times was poorly converted. Thus the in vitro conversion characteristics of the sheep PrP variants reflect their linkage with scrapie susceptibility and survival times of scrapie-affected sheep. The modulating effect of the polymorphisms in PrPC and PrPSc on the cell-free conversion characteristics suggests that, besides the species barrier, polymorphism barriers play a significant role in the transmissibility of prion diseases.