992 resultados para Cell biology


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In the development of atherosclerotic lesions, three basic processes occur: 1) invasion of the artery wall by leucocytes, particularly monocytes and T-lymphocytes; 2) smooth muscle phenotypic modulation, proliferation, and synthesis of extracellular matrix; and 3) intracellular (macrophage and smooth muscle) lipoprotein uptake and lipid accumulation. Invasion of the vessel wall by leucocytes is mediated through the expression of adhesion molecules on both leucocytes and the endothelium making them 'sticky'. The adhesion molecules are induced by high serum cholesterol levels or complement fragments. Leucocytes which have adhered to the endothelium are chemo-attracted into the vessel wall by cytokines produced by early arriving leucocytes or by low density lipoprotein which has passively passed into the wall, in the process being trapped and oxidised. The oxidised low density lipoprotein is taken up by scavenger receptors (which are not subject to down-regulation) on both macrophages and smooth muscle cells. The overaccumulation of lipid is toxic to the cells and they die contributing to the central necrotic core. The macrophages and T-lymphocytes produce substances which induce smooth muscle cells of the artery wall to change from a 'contractile' (high volume fraction of myofilaments [V(v)myo]) to a 'synthetic' (low V(v)myo) phenotype. In this altered state they respond to growth factors released from macrophages, platelets, regenerating endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells; produce large amounts of matrix; express lipoprotein scavenger receptors; express adhesion molecules for leucocytes; and express HLA-DR following exposure to the T-lymphocyte product, IFN-delta, suggesting that they can become involved in a generalised immune reaction.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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Insect vitellogenesis involves coordinated activities of the fat body and oocytes. We have studied these activities at the cellular level in the mosquito. During each vitellogenic cycle, the fat body undergoes three successive stages: 1) proliferation of biosynthetic organelles, 2) vitellogenin synthesis, 3) termination of vitellogenin synthesis and degradation of biosynthetic organelles by lysosomes. Analysis with monoclonal antibodies and radiolabelling demonstrated that the mosquito yolk protein consists of two subunits (200-kDa and 65-kDa). Both subunits are glycosylated, their carbohydrate moieties are composed of high-mannose oligosaccharides. The yolk protein subunits are derived from a single 220 kDa precursor detected by an in vitro translation. Oocytes become competent to internalize proteins as a result of juvenile hormone-mediated biogenesis of endocytotic organelles. The yolk protein is then accumulated by receptor-mediated endocytosis. A pathway of the yold protein and factors determining its routing in the oocyte have been studied.


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More than a decade ago, 'plasticity' suddenly became a 'fashionable' topic with overemphasized implications for regenerative medicine. The concept of 'plasticity' is supported by old transplantation work, at least for embryonic cells, and metaplasia is a classic example of plasticity observed in patients. Nevertheless, the publication of a series of papers showing rare conversion of a given cell type into another unrelated cell raised the possibility of using any unaffected tissue to create at will new cells to replace a different failing tissue or organ. This resulted in disingenuous interpretations and a reason not to fund anymore research on embryonic stem cells (ESc). Moreover, many papers on plasticity were difficult to reproduce and thus questioned; raising issues about plasticity as a technical artefact or a consequence of rare spontaneous cells fusion. More recently, reprogramming adult differentiated cells to a pluripotent state (iPS) became possible, and later, one type of differentiated cell could be directly reprogrammed into another (e.g. fibroblasts into neurons) without reverting to pluripotency. Although the latter results from different and more robust experimental protocols, these phenomena also exemplify 'plasticity'. In this review, we want to place 'plasticity' in a historical perspective still taking into account ethical and political implications.


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"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat" (SunTzu the Art of War, 544-496 BC). Although written for the managing of conflicts and winning clear victories, this basic guideline can be directly transferred to our battle against apicomplexan parasites and how to focus future basic research in order to transfer the gained knowledge to a therapeutic intervention stratey. Over the last two decades the establishment of several key-technologies, by different groups working on Toxoplasma gondii, made this important human pathogen accessible to modern approaches in molecular cell biology. In fact more and more researchers get attracted to this easy accessible model organism to study specific biological questions, unique to apicomplexans. This fascinating, unique biology might provide us with new therapeutic options in our battle against apicomplexan parasites by finding its Achilles' heel. In this article we argue that in the absence of a powerful high throughput technology for the characterisation of essential gene of interests a coordinated effort should be undertaken to convert our knowledge of the genome into one of the phenome.


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SUMMARY The effective development of an immune response depends on the careful interplay and the regulation between innate and adaptive immunity. As the dendritic cells (DCs) are equipped with many receptors, such as Toll-like receptors, which can detect the presence of infection by recognizing different component of bacteria, fungi and even viruses, they are the among the first cells to respond to the infection. Upon pathogen challenge, the DCs interpret the innate system activation as a maturation signal, resulting in the migration of the DCS to a draining lymph node site. There, activated DCs present efficiently antigens to naïve T cells, which are in turn activated and initiate adaptive immunity. Therefore, DCs are the main connectors between innate and adaptive immune systems. In addition to be the most efficient antigen- presenting cells, DCs play a central role in the regulation of immune responses and immune tolerance. Despite extensive research, many aspects related to DC biology are still unsolved and/or controversial. The low frequency of DCs in vivo often hamper study of DC biology and in vitro-derived DCs are not suited to address certain questions, such as the development of DC. We sought of transforming in vivo the DCs through the specific expression of an oncogene, in order to obtain unlimited numbers of these cells. To achieve this goal, transgenic mouse lines expressing the SV40 Large T oncogene under the control of the CD1 1 c promoter were generated. These transgenic mice are healthy until the age of three to four months without alterations in the DC biology. Thereafter transgenic mice develop a fatal disease that shows features of a human pathology, named histiocytosis, involving DCs. We demonstrate that the disease development in the transgenic mice correlates with a massive accumulation of transformed DCs in the affected organs. Importantly, transformed DCs are immature and fully conserve their capacity to mature in antigen presenting cells. We observe hyperproliferation of transformed DCs only in the sick transgenic mice. Surprisingly, transformed DCs do not proliferate in vitro, but transfer of the transformed DCs into immunodeficient or tolerant host leads to tumor formation. Altoghether, the transgenic mouse lines we have generated represent a valuable tumor model for human histiocytosis, and provide excellent tools to study DC biology. RESUME Le développement d'une réponse immunitaire efficace dépend d'une minutieuse interaction et régulation entre l'immunité innée et adaptative. Comme les cellules dendritiques (DCs) sont équipées de nombreux récepteurs, tels que les récepteurs Toll-like, qui peuvent détecter la présence d'une infection en reconnaissant différents composants bactériens, issus de champignons ou même viraux, elles sont parmi les premières cellules à répondre à l'infection. Suite à la stimulation induite par le pathogène, les DCs interprètent l'activation du système immunitaire inné comme un signal de maturation, résultant dans la migration des DCs vers le ganglion drainant le site d'infection. Là, les DCs actives présentent efficacement des antigènes aux cellules T, qui sont à leur tour activées et initient les systèmes d'immunité adaptative. Ainsi, les DCs forment le lien principal entre les réponses immunitaires innées et adaptatives. En plus d'être les cellules présentatrices d'antigènes les plus efficaces, les DCs jouent un rôle central dans la régulation du système immunitaire et dans le phénomène de tolérance. Malgré des recherches intensives, de nombreux aspects liés à la biologie des DCs sont encore irrésolus et/ou controversés. La faible fréquence des DCs in vivo gêne souvent l'étude de la biologie de ces cellules et les DCs dérivées in vitro ne sont pas adéquates pour adresser certaines questions, telles que le développement des DCs. Afin d'obtenir des quantités illimitées de DCs, nous avons songé à transformer in vivo les DC grâce à l'expression spécifique d'un oncogène. Afin d'atteindre ce but, nous avons généré des lignées de souris transgéniques qui expriment l'oncogène SV40 Large T sous le contrôle du promoter CD1 le. Ces souris transgéniques sont saines jusqu'à l'âge de trois à quatre mois et ne présentent pas d'altération dans la biologie des DCs. Ensuite, les souris transgéniques développent une maladie présentant les traits caractéristiques d'une pathologie humaine nommée histiocytose, qui implique les DCs. Nous montrons que le développement de cette maladie corrèle avec une accumulation massive des DCs transformées dans les organes touchés. De plus, les DCs transformées sont immatures et conservent leur capacité à différencier en cellules présentatrices d'antigène. Nous observons une hyper-prolifération des DCs transformées seulement dans les souris transgéniques malades. Etonnament, les DC transformées ne prolifèrent pas in vitro, par contre, le transfert des DCs transformées dans des hôtes immuno-déficients ou tolérant conduit à la formation de tumeurs. Globalement, les lignées de souris transgéniques que nous avons générées représentent un modèle valide pour l'histiocytose humaine, et de plus, offrent d'excellents outils pour étudier la biologie des DCs.


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Summary : The chemokines CCL19 and CCL21 and their common receptor CCR7 attract antigenpresenting dendritic cells (DCs) and naive T cells into the T zone of secondary lymphoid organs (SLO) and are therefore critically involved in homeostatic T cell recirculation and the initiation of adaptive immune responses. In addition. CCR7 ligands were proposed to mediate T cell exit from neonatal thymus, allowing colonization of T zones in SLOB. The relative contribution of CCL19 and CCL21 to these processes has remained unclear, as they were studied in mouse models lacking either CCR7 or both ligands. The aim of my thesis was to characterize Cc119-' mice and thereby investigate the relative roles of the two CCR7 ligands in development, homeostasis and immune response. The first study addressed the role of CCR7 ligands in DC biology. We found that CCL19 is dispensable for DC migration to lymph nodes and their localization to T zones. Furthermore, a CCL19-deficient environment did not lead to a defect in DC maturation or T cell priming. Therefore, CCL21 is sufficient to mediate CCR7-dependent processes during the initiation of adaptive immune responses. In the second study we investigated how the two CCR7 ligands affect CCR7 expression and function on naive T cells. We found that in SLOB CCR7 is constantly occupied with CCL19 and CCL21, eventually leading to its internalization. The reduced level of free CCR7 on these cells led to diminished ligand sensitivity and consequently impaired chemotactic responses. This effect was reversible by passage through aCCR7 ligand-free environment like the blood circulation. We propose that the different states of ligand sensitivity in SLOB and blood are important to allow for proper T cell recirculation. In the third study the role of CCL19 in neonatal thymus and spleen was analyzed. While neonatal Cc119-!- mice had no defect in thymic egress, we observed reduced T cell accumulation in the spleen but not lymph nodes. We identified reticular stromal cells in the developing white pulp (WP) as the major CCL 19 source. The development of these WP stromal cells as well as their CCL19 expression were dependent on LTalß2+ B cells. In conclusion, we have found that CCL21 can mostly compensate for lack of CCL19 in homeostasis and immunity. In contrast, during development. CCL19 has anon-redundant function for T cell colonization of the spleen.


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Transmission electron microscopy is a proven technique in the field of cell biology and a very useful tool in biomedical research. Innovation and improvements in equipment together with the introduction of new technology have allowed us to improve our knowledge of biological tissues, to visualizestructures better and both to identify and to locate molecules. Of all the types ofmicroscopy exploited to date, electron microscopy is the one with the mostadvantageous resolution limit and therefore it is a very efficient technique fordeciphering the cell architecture and relating it to function. This chapter aims toprovide an overview of the most important techniques that we can apply to abiological sample, tissue or cells, to observe it with an electron microscope, fromthe most conventional to the latest generation. Processes and concepts aredefined, and the advantages and disadvantages of each technique are assessedalong with the image and information that we can obtain by using each one ofthem.


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Planarian flatworms are an exception among bilaterians in that they possess a large pool of adult stem cells that enables them to promptly regenerate any part of their body, including the brain. Although known for two centuries for their remarkable regenerative capabilities, planarians have only recently emerged as an attractive model for studying regeneration and stem cell biology. This revival is due in part to the availability of a sequenced genome and the development of new technologies, such as RNA interference and next-generation sequencing, which facilitate studies of planarian regeneration at the molecular level. Here, we highlight why planarians are an exciting tool in the study of regeneration and its underlying stem cell biology in vivo, and discuss the potential promises and current limitations of this model organism for stem cell research and regenerative medicine.


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Département de linguistique et de traduction