80 resultados para Cavia porcellus
Este documento han sido preparados para la asignatura de Animales Alternativo que se imparte en la carrera Ingeniería en Zootecnia dictado por el Departamento Sistemas Integrales de Producción Animal (SIPA) de la Facultad de Ciencia Animal. Gran parte del contenido está basado en recopilaciones de documento y de algunos artículos técnicos de páginas electrónicas de Internet. Si el lector encuentra en estos apuntes alguna información útil se la debo a las personas experimentadas en la crianza de cobayos y que han escrito e investigado sobre la producción de cuyes por los errores, que con seguridad existen, asumo total responsabilidad. El contenido de estos apuntes debe cubrir la mayor parte de los temas a tratar en la asignatura, pero en ningún caso reemplazar a un buen texto de estudio. Los cobayos son una especie que tiene un potencial excepcional que se podría utilizar como fuente de alimento en nuestro país, como se hacen en otros países de América del Sur que es platillo exquisito, esto podría contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria que enfrenta Nicaragua y a fomentar nuevas crianza de esta especia y romper un poco las barrera de habito Alimenticio y experimentar un nuevo sabor de carne con alto contenido en proteína y baja en colesterol, ya que esta especie se adapta a nuestra condiciones y en segundo lugar su alimentación se limita a pastos y hierbas. Además es un animal de crecimiento rápido, de alta prolificidad. Para la elaboración de este compendio, hice uso de bibliografía elaborada por varios estudiosos del cobayo, así como la experiencia que acumule en cuando tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con cobayos. Los aspectos principales abordados en el presente texto son: Ventaja del cobayo, Razas, diferente tipo de crianza Reproducción, Instalaciones, Alimentación, Registro, Enfermedades, Sacrificio y alguna receta que se puede preparar.
The aim of the present study to ascertain the mode of origin of the phrenic nerve and to provide a morphological basis for experimental studies of this nerve in the guinea pig. In sketches made of the dissections, in 10 male and 10 female guinea pigs adults, the modes of origin of the phrenic roots were demonstrated to arise from the fourth to the seventh cervical nerves. Four types of origin could be distinguished. The phrenic nerve of the guinea pig has three or four roots.
Mammary benign neoplasm diagnosed by fine needle aspiration biopsy in a guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)
Cytology is a well established research technique in human and veterinary medicine, but it is rarely used in small rodents. Spontaneous tumors are relatively uncommon in guinea pigs and those described in literature include a variety of organs like skin and subcutis, respiratory and reproductive tract, endocrine and hematopoietic system, and mammary gland. The objective of this article was to describe the use of the fine needle aspiration biopsy technique (FNAB) on evaluation of a mammary neoplasm in a guinea pig and describe the main cytological findings for the first time in literature.
Morfologia do epidídimo de cobaio (Cavia porcellus) em diferentes fases do desenvolvimento pós-natal
The morphological evolution of the epididymal duct of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus, L.) was studied on 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 70, 90 and 100 days of age, being complex, which is due to the proper differentiation postnatal in the epididymal epithelium. Thus, it was observed that the initial segment of the epididymis reveals an increase of epithelial height corresponding to the average height of the main tubular epithelium cells, generally progressive after 45 days of age. The epithelial height in the middle segment were higher in younger stages (10 to 45 days) than in the prepubertal age (60 days), and have a decrease among 70 to 100 days of age. The ductular terminal segment starts a gradual decrease of the epithelial heights from puberal age (70 days), until adult age (90 to 100 days). In addition, this segment showed epithelial waviness that disappeared after 70 days of age, when the lumen fills it with sperm and cellular exfoliation. The cell types of the epididymal tubular epithelium, principal cells, basal cells and apical cells, were observed in all ages. In the epididymis of very young animals, there was a predominance of undifferentiated columnar cells. After 20 days of age, there was natural prevalence of the principal cells on other cell types, what is a feature similar to other mammals.
A camada I tem como característica principal a baixa quantidade de neurônios e uma alta densidade de fibras nervosas. A morfologia dos neurônios da camada I ainda é pouco estudada, tanto que nos estudos que avaliaram a morfologia desses neurônios não se chegou ainda a um consenso sobre as formas e funções desses neurônios. Este estudo avaliou a morfologia dos neurônios da camada I do córtex visual de duas espécies de roedores: Cavia porcellus, popularmente conhecido no Brasil como porquinho-da-índia e Rattus norvegicus, que é o rato e foi utilizada a linhagem Wistar, comumente usado nas pesquisas científicas. O porquinho-da-índia é um modelo animal muito estudado, utilizado em diversos segmentos da ciência. Apesar dessa espécie ser bem estudada, trabalhos na camada I desse animal são relativamente raros, especialmente em relação à morfologia e eletrofisiologia dos neurônios dessa região cortical. Pesquisas em ratos sobre os neurônios da camada I são mais frequentes, tanto em relação a morfologia quanto a eletrofisiologia. Para discriminar as possibilidades de diferenças na morfologia dos neurônios da camada I do córtex visual do porquinho-da-índia e do rato, este estudo classificou esses neurônios de acordo com a trajetória de seus dendritos e analisou as medidas dendríticas utilizando a técnica de injeção intracelular de biocitina. Após a classificação dos neurônios as comparações foram feitas entre os mesmos tipos celulares de cada roedor. Foram utilizados 35 porquinhos-da-índia da variedade Dunkin-Hartley de pêlo curto de ambos os sexos com idades de 4 a 5 dias de vida pós-natal. Quanto aos ratos, foram utilizados 30 ratos da variedade Wistar, de ambos os sexos com idades de 14 a 21 dias de vida pós-natal. Os animais foram anestesiados e tiveram seus encéfalos removidos, hemisférios separados e foram realizados cortes no plano coronal na região occipital onde se localiza a área visual dos roedores. As fatias foram mantidas em líquido cérebro-espinhal artificial e em seguida levadas ao microscópio para injeção de biocitina e posteriormente foram fixadas e tratadas para montagem em lâmina e contracoradas com Nissl para melhor visualização. Os neurônios encontrados foram classificados como: horizontais, ascendentes, descendentes e radias. Foram analisadas as seguintes medidas dendríticas: área do campo receptor, comprimento dendrítico total e médio, área total do corpo celular, número de dendritos, distância da pia-máter e análise da distribuição de Sholl. Dos resultados obtidos os mais notáveis foram o alcance dos ramos dendríticos e o tamanho do corpo celular dos neurônios da camada I do porquinho-da-índia quando comparados aos do rato. Isso sugere que, nessa espécie, um maior número de microcircuitos neurais podem ser estabelecidos, e por conseguinte maior taxa metabólica, justificada pelo maior tamanho do corpo celular.
A guinea pig was presented with left pelvic limb lameness after unknown trauma. Radiographs revealed complete oblique diaphyseal fracture of the distal third of the left tibia and fibula. The guinea pig was treated surgically with an intramedullary pin. The day after surgery the guinea pig was using the limb comfortably (grade 1/5 lameness). Callus formation was obtained 21 days after surgery without complications.
Caviomorph development includes an inverted yolk sac. Since principle processes are not understood, we investigated its differentiation in Galen and re-examined material from the guinea pig. Galea showed the typical caviomorph conditions in blastocyst development and the nature of the definitive yolk sac, formed of the visceral layer that became villous, proliferative, vascularized and attached to the uterus and placenta. In contrast to what was known before, in both species parts of the parietal yolk sac and a yolk sac cavity were temporarily present. Data suggest that early yolk sac development in caviomorphs is more complex than thought before. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Measurements on the growth process and placental development of the embryo and fetuses of Cavia porcellus were carried out using ultrasonography. Embryo, fetus, and placenta were monitored from Day 15 after mating day to the end of gestation. Based on linear and quadratic regressions, the following morphometric analysis showed a good indicator of the gestational age: placental diameter, biparietal diameter, renal length, and crown rump. The embryonic cardiac beat was first detected at an average of 22.5 days. The placental diameter showed constant increase from beginning of gestation then remained to term and presented a quadratic correlation with gestational age (r2 = 0.89). Mean placental diameter at the end of pregnancy was 3.5 ± 0.23 cm. By Day 30, it was possible to measure biparietal diameter, which followed a linear pattern of increase up to the end of gestation (r2 = 0.95). Mean biparietal diameter in the end of pregnancy was 1.94 ± 0.03 cm. Kidneys were firstly observed on Day 35 as hyperechoic structures without the distinction of medullar and cortical layers, thus the regression model equation between kidney length and gestational age presents a quadratic relationship (r2 = 0.7). The crown rump presented a simple linear growth, starting from 15 days of gestation, displaying a high correlation with the gestational age (r2 = 0.9). The offspring were born after an average gestation of 61.3 days. In this study, we conclude that biparietal diameter, placental diameter, and crown rump are adequate predictive parameters of gestational age in guinea pigs because they present high correlation index.
El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las características cuali-cuantitativas de espermatozoides de cuyes extraídos de la cola del epidídimo según su fenotipo y edad reproductiva. Se realizó en la granja Irquis de la U. de Cuenca en 20 reproductores identificados por sus características fenotípicas y dispuestos en cuatro grupos: 5 criollos jóvenes (CJ), 5 criollos adultos (CA), 5 mejorados jóvenes (MJ), y 5 mejorados adultos (MA). Los cuyes fueron hemicastrados y de los epidídimos fueron disectados la cola sobre una caja petri. Se recuperó los espermatozoides por Swim up, diluidos en 1ml de medio (18% rafinosa y 3% leche descremada), procesados con Triladyl®, refrigerados a 5oC/1 hora, y equilibrados por 0, 2, 24, 48, 96, 192, y 360 horass para su análisis de viabilidad espermática. Se congelaron únicamente los espermatozoides de 2 hs de equilibrio en vapores de nitrógeno. Se usó un DCA de 2x2: fenotipo y edad, y se usó un ANOVA para comprobar significancia. Se obtuvo interacción (P<0,05) entre factores con eficiencia atribuida a MJ a las 0 hs: en Concentración (C) y Anormalidades de cola (AC), a las 24 hs: en motilidad individual (MIP) y 48 hs: en Vitalidad (VE). En MIP no se encontró diferencias (P>0,05) en ningún tiempo de medición. En VE sólo encontró diferencias (P<0,05) a las 96 hs (CJ:18,0;MJ:10,2;MA:8,6;CA:6,0%). En anormalidades totales (AT) sólo se encontró diferencias (P<0,05) a las 0 hs (MJ:26,3;CJ:32,6;MA:36,2;CA:38,5%); y en AC se encontró diferencias (P<0,05) a las 0 hs (MJ:4,6; CJ:9,5; CA:11,5; MA:16,4%), y a las 48 hs (CA:5,7;CJ:7,3;MJ:16,0;MA:18,1%). En Integridad de la membrana (HOS-Test) se obtuvo (P<0,05) diferencias a las 2 hs (MJ:20,0; MA:13,1;CA:10,7;CJ:9,0%) y a las 96 hs (CA:25,4;CJ:15,3;MJ:9,7; MA:8,8%). A la congelabilidad no se obtuvo sobrevivencia de espermatozoides en ninguno de los tratamientos. En conclusión, la cantidad y calidad de espermatozoides epididimarios de cuyes identificados fenotípicamente varía según su edad; sin embargo, no se pudo comprobar su variación en la congelabilidad mostrándose absolutamente inviables a la crío conservación
RESUMO: Na descrição deste estudo foi utilizada a terminologia anatómica da Sociedade Brasileira de Anatomia adaptada ao português por J. A. Esperança-Pina de acordo com o tratado Anatomia Humana da Relação. Os actuais estudos sobre hipoacusia sensorioneural implicam um grupo crescente de situações, em que a lesão se situa ao nível da microvascularização coclear, daí que o conhecimento exacto da angiomorfologia normal se torne essencial na fase actual do conhecimento. A autora tem vindo a estudar, desde 1986, a angiomorfologia do ouvido Interno no modelo experimental, o Cobaio, utilizando várias técnicas microvasculares. sendo dado enfâse particular neste estudo à técnica de microscopia electrónica de varrimento em moldes vasculares. Os animais usados no presente estudo pertencem à espécie cavia porcellus, cobaio, por serem considerados na comunidade cientifica internacional como o melhor modelo experimental para estudo do ouvido interno, pelo facto de a morfologia coclear ser muito semelhante à do Homem e por isso ser um modelo fiável para cirurgia experimental e microdissecção. Este estudo foi realizado em 100 cobaios, cavia porcellus, de ambos os sexos com peso médio de 450g. A vascularização do ouvido interno, no cobaio como no homem, faz-se através dos ramos de divisão da artéria auditiva interna ou labiríntica. A artéria labiríntica origina-se como ramo colateral da artéria cerebelosa ântero-inferior a qual tem origem na artéria basilar ou na artéria vertebral. Embora no homem a artéria auditiva interna possa também destacar-se da artéria basilar e até da artéria vertebral, no cobaio em todos os casos estudados a sua origem verificou-se sempre na artéria cerebelosa ântero-inferior. A artéria labiríntica, ao passar abaixo do meato auditivo interno, divide-se na artéria vestibular anterior e na artéria coclear comum.A artéria vestibular anterior dirige-se para o nervo vestibular, emite vasa nervorum para este nervo e vasculariza o utrículo e os canais semicirculares. A artéria coclear comum origina dois ramos principais, a artéria vestíbulo‑coclear ou vestibular posterior no cobaio, a qual se destaca junto à espira basal da cóclea e a artéria coclear, como ramo terminal, que passa a denominar-se de artéria modiolar ou espiralada, após entrar no modíolo. A artéria modiolar ascende no modíolo promovendo através dos seus ramos colaterais e dos seus ramos terminais a microvascularização coclear, numa vascularização de órgão de tipo terminal. Ao longo do seu trajecto verificou‑se de modo constante uma redução gradual de calibre em cada uma das espiras, por emissão de ramos colaterais, sendo que o calibre da artéria na base da cóclea apresenta um valor que diminui gradualmente até ao ápice. A artéria modiolar origina em todo o seu trajecto ramos colaterais, cujo número diminui em valor absoluto da base para o ápice: Arteríolas radiárias internas, arteríolas de trajecto flexuoso que caminham junto às estruturas sensorioneurais da parede interna da cóclea, junto ao lábio timpânico da lâmina espiral óssea e na parede do próprio modíolo, que se relacionam intimamente com este. As arteríolas radiárias internas originam‑se no flanco da artéria modiolar espiralada. Contam‑se dez a doze em cada espira, extraordinariamente flexuosas desde a sua origem. As arteríolas radiárias internas originam como ramos colaterais, vários grupos de arteríolas de menor calibre, que vascularizam distintas regiões da parede interna da cóclea, as arteríolas do gânglio espiral, a rede espiral interna, as arteríolas de origem dos glomérulos de Schwalbe e a arteríola da lâmina basilar. As arteríolas radiárias externas importantes ramos colaterais da artéria modiolar espiralada promovem a vascularização de importantes estruturas da parede externa. Ao atingir o limite externo do ligamento espiral, as arteríolas radiárias externas dividem‑se em vários ramos arteriolares de menor calibre, ao longo da convexidade do limite externo do ligamento espiral, originando a rede capilar pós-estriada que ocupa a porção lateral do ligamento espiral e a rede capilar ad‑ -estriada, na sua porção mais medial em íntima relação com a estria vascular. A espira basal da cóclea apresenta grande riqueza de vascularização, com características particulares apenas a esta espira, a qual é metabolicamente a mais exigente. A arteríola da janela da cóclea aborda a janela da cóclea pela sua convexidade e divide-se numa rica rede vascular da qual emergem arteríolas pré-capilares que se ramificam em capilares, os quais se dirigem em profundidade penetrando a rampa timpânica da cóclea ao nível da espira basal. Importou neste estudo verificar quais as semelhanças em termos de calibre de estruturas análogas, na parede interna e na parede externa da cóclea, com particular incidência na rede capilar. Do estudo estatístico realizado com testes paramétricos de Tamahane e não paramétricos de Mann-Whitney, verifica-se que comparando todas as estruturas consideradas estas têm calibres diferentes, com excepção dos capilares da estria vascular e do ligamento espiral, pertencentes à parede externa da cóclea que têm calibres iguais aos capilares da rede espiral interna e aos capilares da parede interna da cóclea, dependentes das arteríolas da rede espiral interna. As redes capilares dependentes das arteríolas radiárias internas que vascularizam as estruturas sensorioneurais junto á parede interna do modiolo são em tudo semelhantes em termos de calibre às redes capilares da parede externa da cóclea, incluindo os capilares da estria vascular. Esta particularidade traduz num órgão com vascularização de tipo terminal,um mecanismo de controlo do fluxo sanguíneo coclear tão importante na parede interna como na parede externa da cóclea. ------------ ABSTRACT:Current studies on sensorineural hearing loss, imply a growing group of situations in which the lesion is located at the level of the cochlear microvasculature, hence the exact knowledge of normal angiomorfology becomes essential in current state of knowledge. The author has been studying since 1986, the angiomorfology of inner on the experimental model, the guinea pig, using various microvascular techniques being given particular emphasis in this study to the results of the technique of scanning electron microscopy on corrosion casts. The animals used in this study belong to the species cavia porcellus, guinea pig, to be considered in the international scientific community as the best experimental model for the study of the inner ear, the cochlear morphology is very similar to human and therefore a reliable model for experimental surgery and microdissection. This study was performed in 100 guinea pigs of both sexes with average weight of 450g. There shall be a brief description of embryology, anatomy and cochlear physiology in the light of developmental biology, regarding also the spatial location of the cochlea and the determinism of morphogenetic fields in their development and function. The cochlear transduction mechanism converts the sound wave in stimuli sound and so afferent auditory nerve fibres and deafness are closely related to the cochlear microvasculature. Cochlear ischemia is accompanied by immediate hearing loss. The different type of cochlear injury that leads to sensorineural deafness is well studied in presbycusis where an objective link with the audiometric pattern as been established. The sensory type of deafness, is closely related to the degeneracy of the organ of Corti and damage to the outer hair cells at the basal turn of the cochlea. Keeping in mind cochlear tonotopy with location of high frequency sounds at the level of the base of the cochlea, it explains the audiometric pattern with loss in high frequencies. The neural type of deafness, is characterized by neuronal loss with loss of descendant important neuronal afferents, with audiometric translation on a gradually curve with important loss of auditory discrimination. The metabolic type of deafness results in atrophy of the vascular stria, with consequent change in the potential of the endolymph by decreasing the vascular stria cells and changes in K + recycling mechanism. There is also a change in the morphology of the spiral ligament and the audiometric patern as a flattened curve with loss at all frequencies. Bearing in mind cochlear tonotopy and being characterized all types of sensorineural deafness, we may inquire to what extent the cochlear microvasculature, considering not only the cochlea as a whole but different regions of the inner wall and the outer wall of the cochlea, contributes to deafness. We analysed the entire cochlear morphology on scanning electron microscopy with particular emphasis on bone and membranous cochlea. The inner wall of the cochlea and intramodiolar structures such as the spiral ganglion, the morphology of its cell bodies and their axons are analyzed. The morphology of Corti’s organ is described in detail, with description and large detail of the inner and outer hair cells. Is then presented the study of the microvasculature itself. The spiral modiolar artery is observed with the diaphanization technique and the technique of scanning electron microscopy on corrosion vascular casts. After emergence of collateral branches of the greatest importance, the radiating internal and external arterioles, the modiolar artery gives rise to its terminal branches, the arterioles of the cochear apex. Arterial vasa vasorum and vasa nervorum are displayed with a great detail, which was not yet described in such detail in previous microvascular studies. The arterial radiating arterioles originate in the flank of the spiral modiolar artery in number of ten to twelve in each loop, and they vascularize through their branches the inner wall cochlear sensorineural structures located in the modiolus as the spiral ganglion and structures near the organ of Corti. Their caliber is above 20 μm on the basal turn and in the second loop it decreases to values between 12 and 20 μm, decreasing progressively to the apex of the cochlea.They arise near the modiolus or on their way in the spiral lamina forming vascular loops, and divide without presenting vascular constrictions in their divisions, originating new vascular loops of lower caliber. Internal ratiating arterioles originate as collateral branches several groups of smaller caliber arterioles, which vascularize distinct regions of the inner wall of the cochlea namely, the arterioles of the spiral ganglion, the internal spiral network, the arterioles of origin of the glomeruli of Schwalbe and the arterioles of the basilar membrane. The glomeruli of Schwalbe play an important functional role as relay-stations, in hemodynamic terms, to control the cochlear microvasculature. External radiating arterioles have their origin in the spiral modiolar artery, they are directed towards the outer wall of the cochlea and run through the roof of the scala vestibuli. Above the insertion of Reissner’s membrane on the external wall the external radiating arterioles originate the spiral ligament arterioles, which vascularize the spiral ligament, they divide into several arteriolar branches of smaller caliber, along the convexity of the outer edge of the spiral ligament. The connective tissue of the spiral ligament forms a mesh with supporting function of the highly specialized epithelium, where pericytes were identifiable. Next to its base there is the microvascular network of stria vascularis. The adstriated vascular network which is divided into a capillary network, the capillary network of stria vascularis. The stria vascularis, the only vascularized epithelium of the human body, plays an important role, forming an haemato-labyrintine barrier to assure labyrinthine endocochlear potential and transport of ions, essential for the mechanism of transduction of external hair cells. The cochlear basal turn has a special feature on its external wall, the region of the windows, the round windows giving access to scala tympani and the oval window thatleads into scala vestibuli, and so it is metabolic demanding. For their role in cochlear tonotopy the sensorineural structures and those of the external wall of the cochlea, are particularly vulnerable to hypoxia. Although the complementarity of all the techniques was important for three- -dimensional reconstruction of the microvasculature of the cochlea, the scanning electron microscopy technique, especially when we used the system Semafore was fundamental to perform precise morphometric mesures regarding all vascular structures.Regarding the capillaries of the inner and outer wall of the cochlea networks this technique allowed their characterization in morphometric terms. To conclude the capillaries of the inner wall and of the external wall of the cochlea have similar size. So although located at different cochlear regions, with a different functional role, in cochlear physiology these networks consist of capillaries of similar caliber. It seems to translate a cochlear blood flow control mechanism that is so important in the inner wall as in and the external wall of the cochlea to provide for in inner ear homeosthasia.
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) is widespread in cattle in Brazil and research shows its large antigenic variability. Available vaccines are produced with virus strains isolated in other countries and may not be effective. In this study, inactivated vaccines containing the Brazilian BVDV-Ib IBSP11 isolate were developed and tested on 6 groups of 10 guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Animals in groups A and C received an aqueous vaccine (aluminum hydroxide); B and D groups received an oily vaccine (Montanide ISA50); Group E positive-control animals were given an imported commercial vaccine with BVDV-la Singer; Group F animals were sham vaccinated (negative control). Groups A, B and E received two doses, and Groups C and D, three, every 21 days. Twelve blood samples were taken, at 21-day intervals over 231 days, and evaluated for antibody titer through virus-neutralization (VN), using a homologous strain (IBSP11), and a heterologous strain (BVDV-la NADL). Most animals, 42 days following the first dose, seroconverted to both strains and, after the second dose, there was a significant increase of titers in all groups. The oily formulation induced greater response after the third administration. This increase was not observed with the aqueous vaccines, regardless of the virus used in the VN. Antibody decline was more rapid in animals that received aqueous vaccines. The results showed the importance of studying the influence of endemic strains of commercial vaccines, to improve the efficacy of BVD vaccination. Use of the endemic strain in vaccine formulation presented promising results, as well as the use of guinea pigs as a laboratory model. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Leishmaniasis are endemic diseases wild spread in the New and Old World, caused by the flagelated protozoan Leishmania. In the New World, the distribution of different forms of leishmaniasis is mostly in tropical regions. In the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil, 85% of the captured sand flies fauna is Lutzomyia longipalpis. The distribution of the sand fly vector in the state overlaps with the disease distribution, where the presence of sand flies is associated with presence of animals shelters. The aim of this study was to analyse the blood meal preference of sand flies vector from the genus Lutzomyia spp. in laboratory conditions, to verify the vector life cicle at different temperatures sets and to identify the main blood meal source in endemic areas for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) at peri-urban regions of Natal. Sand flies samples were collected from the municipalities of São Gonçalo do Amarante and Nísia Floresta where female sand flies were grouped for the colony maintenance in the laboratory and for the analysis of the preferred source of sand fly blood meal in natural environment. The prevalence of blood meal preference and oviposition for the females sand flies was 97% for Cavia porcellus with oviposition of 19 eggs/female; 97% for Eqqus caballus with 19 eggs/female; 98% for human blood with 14 eggs/female; 71.3% for Didelphis albiventris with 8.4 eggs/female; 73% for Gallus gallus with 14 eggs/female; 86% for Canis familiaris with 10.3 eggs/female; 81.4% for Galea spixii with 26 eggs/female; 36% for Callithrix jachus with 15 eggs/female; 42.8% for Monodelphis domestica with 0% of oviposition. Female sand flies did not take a blood meal from Felis catus. Sand flies life cycle ranged from 32-40 days, with 21-50 oviposition rates approximately. This study also showed that at 32°C the life cycle had 31 days, at 28° C it had 50 days and at 22°C it increased to 79 days. Adjusting the temperature to 35°C the eggs did not hatch, thus blocking the life cycle. A total of 1540 sand flies were captured, among them, 1.310 were male and 230 were female. Whereas 86% of the sand flies captured were Lu. longipalpis as compared to 10.5% for Lu. evandroi and, 3.2% for L. lenti and 0.3% for Lu whitmani. The ratio between female and male sandfly was approximately 6 males to 1 female. In Nísia Floresta, 50.7% of the collected females took their blood meal from armadillo, 12.8% from human. Among the female sand flies captured in São Gonçalo do Amarante, 80 of them were tested for the Leishmania KDNA infectivity where 5% of them were infected with Leishmania chagasi. Female Lutzomyia spp. showed to have an opportunistic blood meal characteristic. The behavioral parameters seem to have a higher influence in the oviposition when compared to the level of total proteins detected in the host s bloodstream. A higher Lu. longipalpis life cycle viability was observed at 28°C. The increase of temperature dropped the life cycle time, which means that the life cycle is modified by temperature range, source of blood meal and humidity. Lu longipalpis was the most specie found in the inner and peridomiciliar environment. In Nísia Floresta, armadillos were the main source of blood meal for Lutzomyia spp. At São Gonçalo do Amarante, humans were the main source of blood meal due to CDC nets placed inside their houses
FORMA DE ESTUDO: Experimental. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Transplante homógeno de traquéia foi realizado em 51 cobaias (Cavia Porcellus). RESULTADO: Observamos reepitelização do enxerto a partir da traquéia receptora da cobaia, evoluindo de epitélio escamoso de 1 a 3 células nos animais com 3, 7 e 14 dias de observação para epitélio ciliado após 60 a 120 dias do transplante. A viabilidade do enxerto traqueal era boa, com reabsorção parcial da cartilagem e formação de estenose traqueal parcial, mas sem sinais clínicos evidentes de obstrução respiratória durante o tempo de observação dos animais.
We report biological data of two generations of Amblyomma triste in laboratory and compared the suitability of different host species. Infestations by larval and nymphal stages were performed on guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus), chickens (Gallus gallus), rats (Rattus norvegicus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), wild mice (Calomys callosus), dogs (Canis familiaris) and capybaras (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris). Infestations by adult ticks were performed on dogs, capybaras and rabbits. Tick developmental periods were observed in an incubator at 27degreesC and RH 90%. Guinea pigs were the most suitable hosts for larvae and nymphs, followed by chickens. The remaining host species were less suitable for immature ticks as fewer engorged ticks were recovered from them. Mean larval feeding periods varied from 3.8 to 4.7 d between different host species. Mean larval premolt periods ranged from 8.9 to 10.4 d. Nymphal mean feeding periods varied from 4.2 to 6.2 d for ticks fed on different host species. Premolt period of male nymphs (mean: 15.4 d) was significantly longer than that of female nymphs (14.7 d). Female nymphs were significantly heavier than male nymphs. The overall sex ratio of the adult ticks emerged from nymphs was 0.9:1 (M:F). Capybaras were the most suitable host for the tick adult stage as significantly more engorged females were recovered from them and these females were significantly heavier than those recovered from dogs or rabbits. The life cycle of A. triste in laboratory could be completed in an average period of 155 d. The potential role of guinea pigs, birds and capybaras, as hosts for A. triste in nature, is discussed.