980 resultados para Cat


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For the first time, the development of paw preferences in the domestic cat, Felis silvestris catus, is explored. Twelve cats were tested at ages 12 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year on a challenge requiring them to use one of their paws to retrieve food. To control for repeated testing of the same cats at different ages, the subjects' paw preferences were compared with those of cats tested just once, at 6 months (n = 11) or 1 year (n = 14) of age. Analysis revealed a significant effect of age on the distribution of cats' paw preferences. Cats were significantly more likely to be ambilateral than paw preferent at 12 weeks and at 6 months but more likely to display a lateral bias in paw use at 1 year. There was a significant positive correlation between cats' paw preferences at 6 months and at 1 year. Lateralized behavior was strongly sex related. Females had a greater preference for using their right paw; males were significantly more inclined to adopt their left. Analysis revealed no significant difference in the direction or strength of paw preferences of cats tested longitudinally or cross-sectionally at 6 months or 1 year of age. Findings indicate that cats develop paw preferences by 1 year and hint at a relative stability in preferred paw use over time. The strong sex effect observed strengthens the case for the influence of a biological mechanism in the emergence of motor asymmetry in cats.


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The research on Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania has pointed out some controversial social and political developments since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Crucially, there is a discrepancy between the governments' commitment to creating democratic political regimes, to ensuring harmonious social relations and to accommodating the ethno-cultural diversity of the resident communities. In reflecting on the legacies of the Soviet past, the book addresses the role non-titular populations have played in the process of democratisation and the relation between the states, societies and minorities in the post-Soviet Baltic states. The argument proceeds along three lines. Firstly, the book examines the institutional dimension of democratisation in the region, thereby addressing the processes of state- and nation-building as reflected in various policy-developments. Secondly, it compares the impact of ethno-cultural diversity on the development of the respective Baltic nation-states. The discussion makes clear that the framework of Baltic political communities was designed to suit the interests of the titular groups and thus resulted in the marginalisation of the minority communities. Thirdly, the book assesses the participation of minority communities in the development, criticism and improvement of state institutions and policies since independence. The analysis points out that, two decades after independence, the post-Soviet Baltic states and societies are seen by many members of the majority groups as primarily serving the interests of their ethnic community. In this situation, the members of the non-titular communities need to adapt to the majorities' perceptions in order to benefit from the achievements of democratisation.


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OBJECTIVES: Barrett’s esophagus (BE) is a common premalignant lesion for which surveillance is recommended. This strategy is limited by considerable variations in clinical practice. We conducted an international, multidisciplinary, systematic search and evidence-based review of BE and provided consensus recommendations for clinical use in patients with nondysplastic, indefinite, and low-grade dysplasia (LGD). METHODS: We defined the scope, proposed statements, and searched electronic databases, yielding 20,558 publications that were screened, selected online, and formed the evidence base. We used a Delphi consensus process, with an 80% agreement threshold, using GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) to categorize the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations. RESULTS: In total, 80% of respondents agreed with 55 of 127 statements in the final voting rounds. Population endoscopic screening is not recommended and screening should target only very high-risk cases of males aged over 60 years with chronic uncontrolled reflux. A new international definition of BE was agreed upon. For any degree of dysplasia, at least two specialist gastrointestinal (GI) pathologists are required. Risk factors for cancer include male gender, length of BE, and central obesity. Endoscopic resection should be used for visible, nodular areas. Surveillance is not recommended for <5 years of life expectancy. Management strategies for indefinite dysplasia (IND) and LGD were identified, including a de-escalation strategy for lower-risk patients and escalation to intervention with follow-up for higher-risk patients. CONCLUSIONS: In this uniquely large consensus process in gastroenterology, we made key clinical recommendations for the escalation/de-escalation of BE in clinical practice. We made strong recommendations for the prioritization of future research.


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Research points to a relationship between lateralization and emotional functioning in humans and many species of animal. The present study explored the association between paw preferences and emotional functioning, specifically temperament, in a species thus far overlooked in this area, the domestic cat. Thirty left-pawed, 30 right-pawed, and 30 ambilateral pet cats were recruited following an assessment of their paw preferences using a food-reaching challenge. The animals’ temperament was subsequently assessed using the Feline Temperament Profile (FTP). Cats’ owners also completed a purpose-designed cat temperament (CAT) scale. Analysis revealed a significant relationship between lateral bias and FTP and CAT scale scores. Ambilateral cats had lower positive (FTP+) scores, and were perceived as less affectionate, obedient, friendly, and more aggressive, than left or right-pawed animals. Left and right pawed cats differed significantly on 1 trait on the CAT scale, namely playfulness. The strength of the cats’ paw preferences was related to the animals’ FTP and CAT scores. Cats with a greater strength of paw preference had higher FTP + scores than those with a weaker strength of paw preference. Animals with stronger paw preferences were perceived as more confident, affectionate, active, and friendly than those with weaker paw preferences. Results suggest that motor laterality in the cat is strongly related to temperament and that the presence or absence of lateralization has greater implications for the expression of emotion in this species than the direction of the lateralized bias.


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À luz da viragem cultural dos Estudos de Tradução ocorrida nos anos 80 e tendo em conta a interdisciplinaridade abordada nos campos literário, cultural e histórico pela Manipulation School (Lefevere, Bassnett, Lambert, Hermans e Toury), na esteira de Itamar Even-Zohar com a Teoria dos Polissistemas (1979), a presente dissertação pretende analisar a tradução portuguesa da peça Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955), da autoria de Tennessee Williams, intitulada Gata em Telhado de Zinco Quente (1959), de Sérgio Guimarães. Este pode ser um caso representativo de como a tradução para teatro actua na cultura receptora numa perspectiva diatópica, antevendo a dimensão intercultural da tradução para o palco. É ao tradutor que cabe a tarefa de transferir a peça de um sistema linguístico e cultural para outro, conhecendo, se possível, o grau de representabilidade da mesma e o contexto cultural de chegada. Deste modo, é evidenciada a competência artístico-criativa do tradutor teatral que trabalha com o intuito de manter, fidus interpres, as intenções do autor da obra original. No período em que Cat on a Hot Tin Roof foi escrita, ensombrado pelo controlo sociopolítico do Macartismo nos E.U.A. e o contexto em que a tradução foi concretizada, sob a vigência da Ditadura de Salazar, a (auto)censura desempenha um papel fundamental ao moldar a produção literária nos dois sistemas culturais. Numa época em que, mais do que nos dias de hoje, traduzir consistia numa actividade subserviente e secundária, Vasco Morgado, detentor do monopólio de teatros em Lisboa encomendou a Sérgio Guimarães a tradução de uma peça de Tennessee Williams. Com base na teoria desenvolvida por Lawrence Venuti em The Translator’s Invisibility (1995), não é despiciente problematizar, neste estudo de caso, a invisibilidade do tradutor/mediador entre o texto e a representação, abordando simultaneamente as estratégias então necessárias para a peça ser aprovada e posta em cena.


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The vast areas of derelict swamps covered by macrophyton and swarmed by insects scattered in different parts of India are at present either under total negligence or utilized as waste disposal dumps. Eventhough Indian subcontinent is ranked among the first ten fish producing countries in the world, the fish production is not at par with the increasing need of protein in the average Indian diet. So the water areas which become unusable for conventional human activities like the swamps could be used for fish culture which would increase the availability of protein in the form of fish flesh, thus providing new opportunities to the fishermen. But the conversion of swamps for fish culture would entail considerable expenditure. Hence the significance of a group of fresh water fishes which have made their favourable abode the muddy swamps of tropics depending partly on accessory _respiration to survive in the inimical environment. The homeostasis achieved in such a hostile, hypoxic medium make them excellent choices for culture in the derelict freshwater bodies of India. These air breathing fishes form an economically important group which are highly esteemed as food fishes in many parts of South Asia and Africa. Though their natural habitat seems to be the marshes, they have also conquered other freshwater bodies like ponds, tanks, rivers and flooded paddy fields. They can also tolerate slightly brackish waters. They are known for their nutritive, invigorating and therapeutic qualities and are recommended by physicians as diet during convalescence (Jhingran, 1982)


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Cat??logo que recoge las ayudas t??cnicas que facilita la Consejer??a de Educaci??n, ciencia e Investigaci??n de la Regi??n de Murcia, destinadas a los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales. Se especifican las caracter??sticas t??cnicas, medidas, destinatarios y objetivos de uso de las mismas. El objetivo del presente Cat??logo es que todos los profesionales que trabajan con alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales (acnees) conozcan la existencia de estas ayudas t??cnicas y el tipo de alumno a quien van dirigidas, con el fin de que una vez detectada la necesidad puedan solicitarlas f??cilmente. As?? mismo se especifican las caracter??sticas t??cnicas y medidas de cada ayuda, estableciendo un sistema de c??digos seg??n medidas y accesorios, con el fin de poder concretar al m??ximo el tipo de material necesario y agilizar el procedimiento de dotaci??n. Se recogen en anexos el procedimiento de solicitud y los formularios


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Los profesores del Departamento de Biolog??a y Geolog??a de este IES elaboraron esta gu??a como ayuda a aquellos que se acercan por primera vez al conocimiento de los ??rboles y arbustos de su entorno m??s cercano, aquel que se circunscribe a los jardines del Instituto y al ??rea recreativa pr??xima, ambos situados en Vegadeo (Asturias). La mayor parte de las especies descritas son plantas cultivadas procedentes de jardines y viveros cuya utilizaci??n ornamental se encuentra muy extendida por lo que a pesar no formar parte de la flora aut??ctona de Asturias su presencia en calles y parques urbanos es tan com??n que no resultan extra??as al observador. Este material forma parte de un programa del Departamento, en el que adem??s de visitas, salidas, estudios fuera del recinto y tareas de mantenimiento del jard??n del IES se editaron varios trabajos relacionados con el mismo. En ??l se encuentran una introducci??n explicativa a la gu??a; el cat??logo de ??rboles y arbustos (nombre popular, nombre cient??fico, clasificaci??n, descripci??n, h??bitat, origen y distribuci??n, usos, ilustraciones); un glosario, un ??ndice de especies, clave dicot??mica para principiantes y un plano del ??rea catalogado con la ubicaci??n de cada especie.


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Esbozar los trazos argumentales b??sicos del discurso ideol??gico, elaborado y transmitido en la escuela, a partir del examen de los objetivos de la pol??tica educativa y de las pr??cticas escolares, formaci??n del maestro y estudio de los contenidos incorporados a los libros de texto. Sistema Educativo y pol??tica educativa en el r??gimen franquista. Adopci??n de todo el bagaje de m??todos y terminolog??a aportado por la teor??a desarrollada en el marco de los estudios de la socializaci??n pol??tica funcionalista; aplicados, teniendo en cuenta que el fen??meno socializador no es nunca neutro. Documentaci??n, legislaci??n, maestros e inspectores. Instrumentos conceptuales de an??lisis, tomados de teor??as de la socializaci??n pol??tica y aquellas desarrolladas por la perspectiva sociol??gica y pol??tica marxista. Frente a la interpretaci??n aideol??gica en el franquismo, existe una ideolog??a que traduc??a la conciencia de clase de las fuerzas componentes del bloque en el poder. En el centro de la cual, estuvo una concepci??n integrista del catolicismo. Control cat??lico de la educaci??n frente a las posiciones pol??ticas y doctrinales de FE y de la JONS, extensible a los diferentes ??rganos educativos institucionales. La actitud de estatismo pragm??tico del r??gimen le lleva a conservar los elementos o trazos marcadamente falangistas; y a negar la creaci??n de universidades propias a la iglesia cat??lica, que pod??a suponer una autonomizaci??n progresiva. Funci??n fundamental supuso para el r??gimen, operar sobre el Sistema Educativo.