4 resultados para Castors
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Les thiols et le sélénium peuvent jouer un rôle important dans la méthylation du mercure des environnements aquatiques. Pour démontrer la présence des thiols et du sélénium et leur relation avec le mercure dans certains écosystèmes d'eau douce québécois, une campagne d’échantillonnage fut réalisée durant l’été 2010, dans le parc national du Mont-Tremblant (Laurentides, Québec). Il existe une corrélation significative entre le sélénium et le mercure total dans l’eau des lacs du parc. Cependant, les concentrations de sélénium sont très faibles dans les lacs, les étangs de castor et les ruisseaux. Par ailleurs, les lacs du parc national du Mont-Tremblant ont des concentrations relativement élevées de méthylmercure avec une moyenne de 0,33 ng L-1 et des maximums allant jusqu’à 3,29 ng L-1. Les étangs de castor peuvent aussi être considérés comme des lieux de contamination au méthylmercure, avec une concentration moyenne de 0,95 ng L-1. Toutefois, la présence d’une colonie de castors sur le bassin versant d’un lac ne semble pas influencer les concentrations de mercure que l’on y retrouve. Deux thiols sont détectables dans l’eau de surface des Laurentides, soit le glutathion et l’acide thioglycolique. La concentration de ce dernier thiol est corrélée significativement avec celle du mercure total et du méthylmercure. Les thiols peuvent jouer un rôle important dans les processus de méthylation en favorisant le transport du mercure inorganique à l’intérieur des bactéries sulfato-réductrices. Afin de mieux comprendre l’action antagoniste entre le sélénium et le mercure, des études devraient être réalisées au niveau des tissus des organismes vivants dans ces zones pauvres en sélénium.
Background: The domestic animals heart is a conical hollow viscera, surrounded by pericardium, laterally compressed, accompanying the thorax shape. Atriums constituted the heart basis and their auricles partially bound the initial portion of the aorta and pulmonary trunk. In mammals, heart is kept suspended in the thoracic cavity and the pericardic sac is fixed dorsally by great veins and arteries roots, and ventrally fixed to the sternum, although its fixation to the diaphragm varies among species. This paper aimed to describe morphological aspects of the heart of the paca, the second biggest Brazilian rodent.Materials, Methods & Results: There were used 12 hearts of adult pacas for this study, obtained from the UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, which died due fights or anesthesia during bandages or radiograph exams. The thoracic aorta was filled with colored latex and the animal was set in a 10% formaldehyde solution for at least 72 hours. The thoracic cavity was dissected and hearts individualized and measured with a paquimeter, lateromedially, craniocaudally and dorsoventrally. The paca heart is placed between the first and fifth intercostal space (ICS), in a craniocaudal oblique position; its basis is craniodorsally positioned, on the middle third between the first and second ICS and its apex is located near the sternodiaphragmatic joint, on the fifth ICS, tilted to the left antimere. The heart is surrounded by pericardium, which from ventrocaudally is originated the sternopericardic ligament, that continues as phrenopericardic ligament. At the heart basis, the rising of the pulmonary trunk was observed and the conus arteriosus formed a typical projection. The aorta also rised from the heart basis and its arch, which was caudally curved, crossed dorsally the pulmonary trunk; the right cranial and caudal cava veins drained to the right atrium. There is a left cranial cava vein, which surrounded the left atrium and joined the right caudal cava vein on the right atrium. The azygos vein joins the right cranial cava vein and four pulmonary veins drained to the left atrium. At palpation, a hard structure on the rising of the aorta was observed, similarly to a cartilaginous tissue, which would be part of the cardiac skeleton. The left and right coronary arteries were observed in all hearts.Discussion: The paca heart is anatomica and topographically similar to those of domestic mammals, differing from them for being placed one intercostal space more cranial and due to the presence of two cranial cava veins, the left and the right ones, besides the presence of the caudal cava vein. This vascular description is similar to that of small rodents, as rats and mice. In paca heart, the sinus venous, the terminal crest, the oval fossa, the atrioventricular valvae, the papillary muscles and tendinous cords, besides smooth atriums and auricles covered by pectinate muscles, were observed. The sternopericardic ligament, which is dorsally elongated as phrenopericardic ligament, is similar to the one present in humans, pigs, castors, and different from the one observed in carnivorous, that presents the phrenopericardic ligament and from the one of horses and ruminants, which present the sternopericardic ligament.
O Museu do Território, descentralizado e polinucleado, sediado no Museu Maria da Fontinha, compreende 50 núcleos, de diversificados patrimónios: geológico (Geoparque de Arouca), arqueológico (castros, dólmens ou orcas) religioso (mosteiros, igrejas e ermidas), histórico, gastronómico, paisagístico, artístico, musical e do "saber fazer". Pretende-se a preservação de identidades, memórias, patrimónios, tangíveis e intangíveis, garantindo a auto-estima das populações abrangidas, buscando sempre um desenvolvimento, um ambiente e um turismo sustentáveis, para acréscimo da melhoria económica e social. Respeitar-se-ão sempre os princípios da museologia. O presente trabalho/dissertação descreve com algum pormenor a transformação da Casa-Museu Maria da Fontinha, com 26 anos de existência, em Museu Maria da Fontinha. O Museu abrange territórios de 28 freguesias dos Municípios de Arouca, Castro Daire, São Pedro do Sul e Vila Nova de Paiva. ABSTRACT: The Museum of the Territory, decentralized and polynucleated, based in the Museum of Maria da Fontinha, includes 50 centres of diverse heritages: geological (Geoparque of Arouca), archaeological (castors, dolmens or orcas), religious (monasteries, churches and hermitages), history, food, landscape, artistic, musical and know-how. It wishes the protection of identities, memories and tangible and intangible heritages, and thus ensuring the self-esteem of the populations concerned, proceeding with the development, the environment and the sustainable tourism, to achieve better economic and social improvement, always respecting the museology principles. The principales of museology will always be respected. The present work thesis describes in detail the transformation of CasaMuseu Maria da Fontinha, with its 26 years of existence, into Museu Maria da Fontinha. The Museum covers areas of 28 parishes of the Arouca, Castro Daire, São Pedro do Sul and Vila Nova de Paiva Municipalities.