924 resultados para Castelo do Piauí - PI


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Foi realizado um inventário da fauna de serpentes da área de transição entre Cerrado e Caatinga no Município de Castelo do Piauí. Foram realizadas seis expedições entre Outubro de 2005 e Julho de 2006, em fitofisionomias de Cerrado Rupestre, Cerrado Aberto e Mata Secundária de Cerrado Típico, que totalizaram 120 dias de trabalho de campo. Foram utilizados três métodos: Armadilhas de Interceptação e Queda, Procura Limitada por Tempo e Encontros Ocasionais. Foram registradas 18 espécies. A família Colubridae apresentou a maior riqueza de espécies, assim como nas diferentes formações da América do Sul. A comunidade é composta por Xenodontinae (11 espécies), seguido por Colubrinae (Mastigodryas bifossatus e Spilotes pullatus) e apenas uma espécie de Dipsadinae (Leptodeira annulata), refletindo o padrão evolutivo das linhagens filogenéticas dos colubrídeos e a estrutura da comunidade. Thamnodynastes sp. (n= 7), Philodryas nattereri (n= 5) e Phimophis iglesiasi (n= 5) foram as espécies mais abundantes na área estudada, diferente da dominância de viperídeos observada em outras taxocenoses de serpentes no Brasil. Os estimadores de riqueza Chao 2 e Jack1 indicam que a comunidade é composta por aproximadamente 24 espécies. Procura Limitada por Tempo apresentou o melhor desempenho dentre os métodos utilizados, embora a utilização dos três métodos seja recomendada para um inventário mais completo de serpentes. Foi demonstrada a predominância de serpentes terrestres e criptozóicas, diurnas, ovíparas e que possivelmente alimentam-se na sua maioria de anfíbios e lagartos. A Análise de Coordenadas Principais, análise de agrupamento, similaridade e padrão de distribuição das espécies dentre os biomas, mostram que a área estudada é mais similar a áreas abertas (Cerrado, Caatinga e Pantanal). A comunidade de serpentes de Castelo do Piauí sofre influência direta da fauna dos biomas Cerrado e Caatinga, de acordo com os estudos florísticos da área, apontando associação preferencial a taxocenoses de caatinga. As análises do PCO e de Agrupamento sugerem que a hipótese sobre composição mista das faunas de cerrado e caatinga, como apontada em outros trabalhos, possa ser conseqüência de análises inadequadas.


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A erosão é a forma de degradação do solo com efeitos na produtividade das culturas e na poluição do meio ambiente. Para compreender a variabilidade espacial desse fenômeno, técnicas geoestatísticas e conceitos da relação solo-paisagem podem ser utilizados para identificar compartimentos da paisagem com diferentes potenciais de erosão. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer elementos para a compreensão dos fatores de erosão em compartimentos da paisagem e das relações com a suscetibilidade magnética (SM) dos solos de uma vertente no município de Gilbués -PI. Foram montadas malhas de amostragem nos compartimentos I e II, com 121 pontos, e compartimento III, com 99 pontos, espaçados a cada 10 m. Houve diferença significativa para erodibilidade (K) e risco de erosão (RE); a variabilidade espacial da SM foi menor do que a dos fatores de erosão do solo. As perdas de solo (A), potencial natural de erosão (PNE), RE e SM tiveram relação espacial com o fator topográfico, indicando dependência da erosão ao relevo. Concluiu-se que as perdas de solo, o potencial natural de erosão e o risco de erosão apresentaram relação espacial com o fator topográfico, comprovando a dependência dos fatores de erosão ao relevo. A suscetibilidade magnética do solo pode ser utilizada como variável auxiliar na quantificação indireta do fator erodibilidade e do risco de erosão do solo.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Neste trabalho, é nosso objetivo principal investigar o discurso argumentativo no gênero editorial dos jornais O Dia e Folha de São Paulo, estabelecendo comparações. É intuito, também, explorar o posicionamento do articulista frente aos argumentos levantados no texto, as vozes que permeiam os editoriais, bem como o papel dos conectivos no discurso editorialista. Esta pesquisa está dividida em quatro capítulos: o primeiro, que trata de gêneros textuais e tipologia textual; o segundo, que compara o jornalismo do Sudeste com o do Piauí; o terceiro, que expõe sobre o modo argumentativo, e o quarto e último, que trata da análise dos editoriais. O corpus do trabalho consta de 20 editoriais, sendo que dez são do jornal teresinense O Dia e dez da Folha de São Paulo. Os editoriais do jornal O Dia foram coletados entre setembro e dezembro de 2011, e os da Folha, entre junho e setembro deste ano. Para subsidiar nossas observações, elegemos, como aporte teórico, as ideias defendidas, principalmente, por Bakthin ([1979], 2003)), Marcuschi (2008, 2010), Koch (2011), Perelman e Olbrechts-Tyteca (2005), Charaudeau (1992, 1997, 2006, 2010), Ducrot e Anscombre (1983)


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INTRODUÇÃO: A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é uma doença negligenciada de grande importância no cenário brasileiro, particularmente devido à sua gravidade, sua expansão geográfica e a associação com condições de pobreza. Nesta perspectiva, as condições nutricionais emergem como elementos a serem considerados na compreensão de sua situação epidemiológica, sejam como potenciais fatores de risco para o estabelecimento da doença após infecção ou como fatores associados ao prognóstico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre estado nutricional e infecção por Leishmania infantum em moradores de áreas endêmicas para LV no município de Teresina, Piauí. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo seccional realizado em bairros de alta endemicidade para a doença, envolvendo 198 indivíduos com idade entre 2 e 65 anos. Peso e estatura foram aferidos no domicílio por profissionais treinados. Para a avaliação de adultos foi utilizado o índice de massa corporal (IMC). Para crianças e adolescentes foram avaliados os índices antropométricos (peso / idade, estatura / idade, peso / estatura e IMC / idade). A infecção por L. infantum foi avaliada a partir da intradermorreação de Montenegro (IDRM). Para a análise foi utilizada regressão logística multivariada, estimando-se razões de chances (OR) como medidas de associação e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança (95%). RESULTADOS: A prevalência de infecção assintomática foi de 32,6%. A prevalência de excesso de peso foi de 52% entre adultos (IMC ? 25 kg/m) e de 23,9% entre crianças e jovens (escore-z de IMC / idade > 1). Indivíduos com sobrepeso, tanto adultos como aqueles de até 19 anos, apresentaram chance de infecção cerca de 70% maior quando comparados aos eutróficos (p>0,05 para ambos). CONCLUSÃO: Ainda que não estatisticamente significante, a associação entre infecção assintomática por L. infantum e sobrepeso sugere que estes indivíduos possam estar sob maior risco de infecção por apresentarem déficits de micronutrientes relevantes para a resposta imune específica. Para investigar esta hipótese, são necessários estudos longitudinais que investiguem o papel do consumo alimentar e do perfil de micronutrientes desta população no risco de infecção por L. infantum.


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RESUMO:O hábito de ler é decorrente do exercício e nem sempre se constitui num ato prazeroso, porém, sempre necessário. Por este motivo se deve recorrer a estímulos para criar o hábito de leitura em nossos alunos. Desta forma, a disciplina de Educação Física pode também contribuir para este processo. Por ser uma disciplina que envolve a dimensão motora, cognitiva e expressionista, a sua relação com a leitura é quase que intrínseca, porém, viabilizada de formas diferentes. É certo que a criança não conseguirá na sua totalidade, uma absorção intelectual explícita da leitura para construir uma realidade virtual e representar em gestos corporais, a partir de um conjunto léxico de significantes e significados correspondentes à postura física. No entanto, o exercício da leitura desenvolve na criança capacidades cognitivas de mais valia que lhe possibilita níveis satisfatórios de representatividade corporal. As atividades recreativas oferecem, sem dúvida, um processo excepcional para fazer as crianças tomarem parte ativamente no processo do ensino, como participantes, em vez de meros espectadores. A proposta deste trabalho de intervenção busca auxiliar o professor de Educação Física no campo de atuação profissional do pesquisador, tendo como delimitação do campo de investigação o Centro de Educação Básica Governador Freitas Neto, escola da rede municipal de Educação de Teresina e, Colégio Lerote, da rede particular de Teresina. Deste modo, os objetivos do presente estudo consistem em analisar as contribuições da disciplina de Educação Física para a aprendizagem do ensino da prática de leitura com crianças do Ensino Fundamental, nas séries iniciais com escolas da rede municipal e particular da cidade de Teresina – Piauí. Concluiu-se que com um trabalho integrado da Educação Física com o processo de alfabetização nas primeiras séries do Ensino Fundamental, essa etapa pode ser vista de forma rica e ampla. Assim, com essa contribuição, aprender a ler e escrever pode, pois, se tornar mais natural e mais divertido. ABSTRACT: The habit of reading is a result of exercise and is not always a pleasurable act, but always necessary. For this reason one should resort to incentives to create the reading habit in our students. Thus, the discipline of Physical Education can also contribute to this process. Because it is a discipline that involves the size motor, cognitive and expressionistic, their relationship with reading that is almost inherent, however, made possible in different ways. It is true that the child can not in its entirety, an explicit intellectual absorption of reading to construct a virtual reality and represented body gestures from a whole lexicon of signifiers and meanings corresponding to the physical posture. However, the exercise of reading the child develops cognitive abilities that enables him to gain more satisfactory levels of representative body. The recreational activities offer, no doubt, an exceptional procedure to make the children take part actively in the process of education, as participants rather than spectators. The purpose of this intervention work intends to help the physical education teacher in the professional field of research, with the delimitation of the field of research the Centre for Basic Education Governador Freitas Neto, the municipal school of Teresina and Education, College Lerote, from private Teresina. Thus, the objectives of this study are to analyze the contributions of physical education for learning the practice of teaching reading with children of elementary school, in the early grades with municipal schools and particularly the city of Teresina - Piauí. It was concluded that with an integrated physical education with the acquisition of literacy in the early grades of elementary school, this step can be seen in a rich and broad. So, with this contribution, learning to read and write may therefore become more natural and fun.


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Este estudo analisa o desenvolvimento sustentável dos agricultores familiares do Vale do Gurguéia no Estado do Piauí, ameaçados pela expansão da agricultura empresarial no cerrado piauiense. Nesse contexto de modernização agropecuária, pela ocupação capitalista — reconcentração de terra e avanço tecnológico — e pela (re)colonização da região, os tradicionais produtores familiares enfrentam os impactos e os riscos decorrentes dessa dinâmica de transformações socioeconômicas e institucionais, a partir da construção de novas identidades socioprofissionais no desenvolvimento de formas organizativas sustentáveis enquanto estratégias alternativas de sobrevivência e de reprodução social. Para tanto, esses agricultores desenvolvem relações socioculturais que se orientam tanto pela recriação de novos contextos interacionais e institucionais de sociabilidade quanto pela especialização de produtos e profissionalização. Nesse sentido, associações e cooperativas emergem como apoio à produção e à conquista de cidadania, espaço político de luta e inclusão social. A sustentabilidade da agricultura familiar é fundamental para o desenvolvimento rural dessa região, porque a sua inserção econômica e social na produção capitalista depende de políticas públicas agrícolas e agrárias conseqüentes. A conclusão do estudo mostra que a forma social de produção familiar na região constitui o setor com maior potencial inclusivo dos seus diferentes segmentos, ressignificados segundo os valores culturais locais no uso social da terra e na organização social, para além da reprodução mercantil simples.Enfim, as relações sociais com a terra, o trabalho e o mercado confirmam a existência de novas dinâmicas características da produção familiar em curso na região, quanto à apropriação e ao uso dos recursos disponíveis, instituindo novos e/ou recriando estratégias produtivas e padrões de interação social.


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This study deals with the discussions of contemporary interventions in public spaces in areas of heritage value. The product of this dissertation is an Intervention Project to Marechal Deodoro Square located in Teresina/PI center. The starting point for understanding the theme of this study is to investigate the accessibility and vitality of a public space - through relationship between form and uses. The spatial properties of accessibility and visibility as well as the distribution of land use - factors were associated with distinct patterns of vitality - and compared to usage patterns observed in situ and statements from users obtained through the results of the questionnaires. In attention to questions about the building constructed, particularly in historical centers, considers the guidelines to define intervention strategies in the square, consisted in the development of simulations that after evaluation of results of redesign, was chosen the best option to meet the necessary requirements to the performance, considering the spatial properties of integration and visibility that meet these requirements. Therefore, the "Intervention Project" carried out for the Marechal Deodoro Square characterization proposed items are discussed: spatial structure, vegetation, road network, pavements, street furniture and lighting


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Piauí state is a major producer of traditional red ceramic burning as bricks, tiles and ceramic tiles, with its main production center located in the city of Teresina. The state has large reserves of raw materials that can be used in the ceramic coating as clays, quartz, talc and carbonates. However, in the preparation of ceramic bodies using only a mixture of clays with different characteristics. The study aims to evaluate the effect of adding two types of carbonates in the ceramic semiporous mass coating produced in Piauí and then to verify the potential use of these carbonates as supplementary raw material product manufactured or the feasibility of obtaining a ceramic plate that meets the specifications for the porous coating. For this, were characterized the ceramic Piauí coating mass, a calcitic carbonate and a dolomitic, were made in the levels of 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32%. The masses were formed by pressing and burneds in two environments: a laboratory furnace (1080°C, 1120°C, 1140°C, and 1160°C) and an industrial furnace (1140°C). Then, following tests of linear shrinkage water absorption, apparent porosity, bulk density and flexural strength. Furthermore, the fired specimens were tested for their macrostructure and microstructure. The results showed the possibility of using the carbonate in ceramic mass flooring produced in Piauí, as added in small proportions improved dimensional stability and increased mechanical strength of ceramics pieces. It also proved itself possible to produce porous coating when added in higher levels


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This research studies the tradition of epiphany in the community of Cipó de Baixo, which belongs to the city of Pedro II, in the state of Piauí. Readings were made seeeking to emphasize the processivity of the play that navigates between permanence and change. The study starts with a social context of the community, in dialogue with the life history of the owner of the epiphany, Raimundo Milú: strong figure who, along with his family networks, as well as networks of patronage and friendship, struggles for the resistence of the play. The description of the ceremony of Kings, with its constituent parts, punctuates the remarkable character of Cipó community epiphany. This detailed understanding of the play favors the understanding of some of the social vines that serve as the basis for the warp of this cultural practice: modernization vine, where we explore the general motivation of Cipó community epiphany transformations - modernity; family and community exchange vine, which describes the scheme that holds the permanence of the play; masculinity vine, explains the strong gender system that crosses Cipó community epiphany; reinvented tradition vine, where we locate the uniqueness of Cipó community epiphany tradition and its dialogues with modern dynamism; conflict between generation vine, depicts the differences between generations and how they contribute to the dialogue between the traditional and the new; theatrical spectacle vine, describes the play as a performative activity. Thus, we build a social scheme that analyzes the play of Kings of Cipó community as a whole, where change and continuity plan a cultural plot on their own


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The literature about the Geography teaching has shown that most male and female teachers of this subject go on guiding their teaching practice based on the traditional Geography fundamentals, whose main characteristic consist in the description of places. The incorporation of scientific standards that change the old principles and concepts have not been happening, unless in a punctual way. The overcoming of the traditional Geography, related to the aspects accepted by the scientific field have not happened in Brazil yet, not only because of certain obvious obstacles, as the literature has been pointed out but also by symbolic obstacles, which block the incorporation of the new, of the non habitual action. One of those obstacles that motivated the accomplishment of this study was the social representations that are theoretically studied here under the perspective developed by Serge Moscovici. Then, the focus of this doctorate study is concentrated in the apprehension of the content and structure of the social representation of teaching of Geography and its relation with the habitus that gives form and social visibility to the ones who are teachers of that subject in Teresina. The consecution of this work was especially based on the Pierre Bourdieu´s praxiology, mainly on the concepts of social field, habitus and capital, as well as the theory of social representations, specifically on the approach of central nucleus developed by Jean-Claude Abric and Jean-Claude Flament. The initial hypothesis pointed out the existence of a Geographer´s primary habitus built through the development process of the geographic science field in Brazil, as a basis of production of a social representation of teaching geography . That representation, however, would act as a symbolic obstacle to the incorporation of the new scientific contents and pedagogical practice, which require from the teacher investigative and questionable attitude in the presence of the reality and contents approached in the classroom. That initial hypothesis laid on the theoretical purpose that it has been developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1997), which states that there is a narrow relationship between the habitus and social representation. The study was developed with male and female teachers of Geography from public schools of Teresina. The methodology involved the use of a questionnaire, the free-word association technique and deep interviews. The achieved results showed the presence of a complex process of representational construction and its articulation with a habitus produced by the synthesis of several situational and cultural referents, from among of them we can point out an insertion in a social field of practice exclusively related to the teaching and the reproduction of a professoral teaching (SILVA, 2003), built through the school development process, which those male and female teachers were exposed. The initial hypothesis that considered the local reproduction of a primary habitus of the Geography was denied, therefore, it was verified that there is not in Teresina the production/reproduction of the structures, rules and practice of the national scientific field, in which this subject is inserted. Hence, the incorporation of the new patterns of the geographic scientific knowledge is difficult because of the inexistence of a scientific habitus, that is, mental schema systems that would let the teachers mentioned above connect themselves appropriately to the science and its practices. So, it has gotten a social representation of teaching geography based on contents strictly related to the reproduction of structures, mental schema from the educational field which attach themselves to the hegemonic pedagogical practices in the national scope


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This work focalize the institutional and educational evaluation, aiming to investigate the Municipal System Institutional Evaluation Performance of Teresina City Piauí (2001-2005), and to reflect about Institutional System Performance and its contribution to compose a new learning evaluation practice. In this sense, classifies elements about the evaluation practice in two Elementary Education municipal public schools, involving Education Municipal Bureau technicians as managers, pedagogues, teachers and students. Based on the ethnographic studies principles in the educational area, the work employs investigative procedures like document analysis, interviews with groups and individuals and also participator s comments. Intending to comprehend the complexity produced by the institutional and education evaluation processes, the wok reveals the Institutional Evaluation legal and educational political basis and the several positions assumed by the Learning Evaluation, as a classification tool or as a learning enhancement. This work points, as results, to a evaluation culture bipolarity carried out by the Municipal Education System as a explicit control and regulation toll, related to the classification and learning in a interaction process that operates both in the pressure and the reflection, as a culture practice established between excellence of logic and learning. The evaluation history has been construct on the evaluation actions dialectics, joint simultaneously between the Institutional Evaluation Performance and the learning evaluation. The senses, meanings and actions bipolarity is a interaction process product sustained between the institutional evaluation, under the scholar ranking application, and the learning evaluation. In this relativity, the teacher evaluation practice is found, ruled by interesting, thoughts and actions on the school evaluation, allowing a higher security and support to the learning results. Grounded in the researched reality, its possible to say that the teacher s evaluation practice is diversified, with different characteristics, when it is done in the learning search and in the learning intention. In the first case, reflects, rearranges and constructs new actions that lead the student to produce learning. In the second, shows the will, the wish of learning, but is a weak action, producing a not really significant learning and development; as a result, remains the mark approach as a determinant in the student future. The work s hope is to contribute not just to rethink these two evaluations dimensions the institutional and the learning ones but also to organize the school and to improve the pedagogic process


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This study deals with Sociology teacher identity issues. This is done considering daily routines of Sociology grade school teachers in the city of Picos in the state of Piauí-Brazil. Thus, the research aims to acknowledge the manner the inter-relations between the teacher s know-how and the process of construction of the professional identity of these teachers occur. It is seen that the discipline of Sociology in this context brings out processes related to inclusion and exclusion once the subject of Sociology is distinguished as unstable in relation to other disciplines. However, in June 2008, the law included the Sociology as a discipline 11,684 mandatory on all high school series.The theoretical and methodological procedures of this research were based on an ethnographic qualitative nature research and enabled a documental analysis. In order to collect data, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied in collective and individual in four state schools in the city of Picos in Piauí. The analysis of the information was based in content analysis from the proposals made by Bardin (1997), and Franco (2008). The information was then organized in knowledge matrixes that allowed the identification of themes divided into two thematic axes: teacher education: the search for sense making in experience and the exercise of teaching as well as the Sociology grade school teacher s daily routine. The research enables the understanding of the senses the subjects have on their own activity since the work deals with concrete situations and experiences in the scholar context. These senses are considered relevant in order to enable a comprehension of the inter-relations that are established between the know-how and the construction of the identity on behalf of these teachers. Almost all of the interviewed subjects did not have a degree in Social Sciences and came from other backgrounds especially ones related to Education. Sociology teachers investigated almost in its entirety, do not have specific training in the social sciences, becoming teachers of Sociology by lack of school and to complete the work load. But, in spite of the difficulties experienced in the practice of the discipline all are in favour of its inclusion in high school. They have a clear vision, that through the work of the theoretical content of the discipline with the daily life of the students by using teaching strategies that add value to the relationship of knowledge that are prepared in society at large, to Sociology provides a critical analysis of the reality in which they are inserted