970 resultados para Casas Populares


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A housing unit was built to study the thermal performance, and of material using a composite made of gypsum and EPS ground. We used two techniques of construction, using blocks, and filling on the spot. Two compositions of the composite were studied. The blocks were fixed using conventional mortar. In the technical of filling on the spot were used PET bottles up inside the walls to provide mechanical and thermal resistance. Compression tests were realized according to the ABNT standard of sealing bricks. It is going to be shown an analysis of the thermal comfort through the use of thermocouples placed on the walls of the building, internally and externally. The manufacturing viability of houses, using recyclable materials, through the use of composite materials proposed will be demonstrated. The constructive aspects showing the advantages and disadvantages of the technique used also will be broached. The block used presents structural functions and thermal insulating, is low cost and represents an alternative to the use of EPS and PET bottles which are materials that end up occupying much space in the landfills, giving than an ecologically correct use. The results of thermal analysis shows the thermal comfort provided by the composite by the obtainment of a difference between the internal and external surfaces of the walls more exposed to the sun around 7º C. The average temperature of the air inside the building, around 28.0 º C was below the zone of thermal comfort recommended for countries with hot weather


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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We built an experimental house on an UFRN´s land using blocks made by a composite consisting of cement, plaster, EPS, crushed rubber and sand. Several blocks were made from various compositions and we made preliminary tests of mechanical and thermal resistance, choosing the most appropriate proportion. PET bottles were used inside the block to provide thermal resistance. In this work, a second function was given to the bottles: to serve as a docking between the blocks, because the ends of the cylinders came out of each block on top as well as at the bottom, with the bottom cut, allowing to fit of the extremities of the upper cylinder of a block in the lower holes of the other one, which were formed by the cutting already mentioned. Minimum compression tests were performed according to ABNT standards for walls closing blocks (fence). With that house built, we did studies of thermal performance in order to ascertain conditions of comfort, checking external and internal temperatures in the walls and in the ambient, among other variables, such as wind speed and relative humidity. The resulting blocks provided adequate thermal insulation to the environment, where the walls presented differences up to 11.7 ºC between the outer and inner faces, getting the maximum temperature inside the house around 31 °C, within the so-called thermal comfort zone for warm climates. At the end of the experiments it was evident the effectiveness of that construction in order to provide thermal comfort in the internal environment of the house, as well as we could confirm the viability of building houses from recyclable materials, reducing the constructive costs, becoming a suitable alternative for low- incoming families. Moreover, besides the low cost, the proposal represents an alternative use of various recyclable materials, therefore considered an ecological solution


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Space Science was built using a composite made of plaster, EPS, shredded tires, cement and water. Studies were conducted to thermal and mechanical resistance. Inside the mold EPS plates were placed in order to obtain a higher thermal resistance on the wall constructed, as well as to give it an end environmentally friendly in view of both the tire and the EPS occupy a large space in landfills and year need to be degraded when released into the environment. Compression tests were performed according to ABNT blocks to seal, measurements of the temperature variation in the external and internal walls using a laser thermometer and check the temperature of the indoor environment using a thermocouple attached to a digital thermometer. The experiments demonstrated the heat provided by the composite values from the temperature difference between the internal and external surfaces on the walls, reaching levels of 12.4 ° C and room temperature in the interior space of the Science of 33.3 ° C, remaining within the zone thermal comfort for hot climate countries. It was also demonstrated the proper mechanical strength of such a composite for sealing walls. The proposed use of the composite can contribute to reducing the extreme housing shortage in our country, producing popular homes at low cost and with little time to work


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The need for affordable housing and the high cost of today's building materials make necessary to look for useful and affordable technologies for these house buildings. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of construction technology called Earthbag for use in public housing. Technical assessments were based on Kiffmeyer and Hunter's book (2004), academics dissertations and construction standards for the technology. The result allowed a positive evaluation towards the feasibility proposal and showing the possibility of replace the use of structural concrete blocks in public housing. The economic viability was performed an economical compared to a project Housing Project Bom Retiro 2 with one of Earthbag which have been shown considerable savings between the techniques. For the construction of masonry, build with purchased sand, 13% lower budget was found in comparison of a concrete masonry block. With the use of sand from the work site itself, there is a saving of 18%. Although earthbag has proven to be a technically and economically feasible for application in the construction of affordable housing, the shortage of technical and scientific studies and Brazilian regulations on this technology has limited its large-scale use


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The need for affordable housing and the high cost of today's building materials make necessary to look for useful and affordable technologies for these house buildings. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of construction technology called Earthbag for use in public housing. Technical assessments were based on Kiffmeyer and Hunter's book (2004), academics dissertations and construction standards for the technology. The result allowed a positive evaluation towards the feasibility proposal and showing the possibility of replace the use of structural concrete blocks in public housing. The economic viability was performed an economical compared to a project Housing Project Bom Retiro 2 with one of Earthbag which have been shown considerable savings between the techniques. For the construction of masonry, build with purchased sand, 13% lower budget was found in comparison of a concrete masonry block. With the use of sand from the work site itself, there is a saving of 18%. Although earthbag has proven to be a technically and economically feasible for application in the construction of affordable housing, the shortage of technical and scientific studies and Brazilian regulations on this technology has limited its large-scale use


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El estudio de las diferencias constructivas entre las casas populares y las casas señoriales construidas con piedra volcánica y cubiertas con bóvedas de cañón, no se basa solamente en la ornamentación de las portadas, sino también en la disposición y proporción de las bóvedas de acuerdo a las dimensiones de los solares, que se manifiestan en la configuración de fachadas estribo o fachadas testero, que se igualan con una cornisa, y en los patios más o menos grandes que inciden directamente en la iluminación natural interior.


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Deputados progressistas da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) se unem para apresentar emendas. Divididos em vinte e nove grupos, avaliam o substitutivo do Relator Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM). O Deputado Plínio Arruda Sampaio (PT-SP) considera que, se formarem uma base sólida, os progressistas terão melhores condições de negociar com os outros grupos. O Deputado Vivaldo Barbosa (PDT-RJ) informa dos pontos de consenso do grupo. Na Sessão para discussão de emendas populares, o debate dos direitos dos trabalhadores teve com ponto polêmico a estabilidade no emprego. Luiz Carlos Mandelli, representando o movimento pela livre iniciativa, critica a emenda que dá estabilidade ao empregado. O Deputado Mário Lima (PMDB-BA) afirma que os empresários estão cometendo um equívoco muito grande, pois o trabalhador quando tem estabilidade no emprego produz mais e melhor. Outra emenda popular propõe que o serviço de transporte coletivo seja estatizado. Ela foi defendida por João Bosco, Presidente da CONAN (Confederação Nacional das Associações de Moradores), que considera que cabe às prefeituras a gestão, planejamento e operacionalização do transporte coletivo. A CONAN ainda reivindica 25% do orçamento nacional para a construção de casas populares. Dalva Stella Medeiros (Vice-presidente da CONAN) defende que o poder público deve assumir o direito à moradia popular para todos os cidadãos. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadã gostaria de saber se os constituintes estão pensando em fazer uma Constituição voltada para pequenos interesses ou para os interesses da grande maioria da população. O Deputado Assis Canuto (PFL-RO) responde que há uma tendência de particularizar a Constituição brasileira, mas cabe a sociedade e aos constituintes fazerem uma Constituição para todos os brasileiros.


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O custo unitário básico (CUB), foi criado em função da Lei n° 4.591 (BRASIL, 1964), que encarregou a Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT), através do Banco Nacional de Habitação (BNH), de definir critérios e normas para cálculo de custos unitários de construção pelos Sindicatos das Indústrias da Construção Civil (SINDUSCON) nos Estados da Federação, para uso dos incorporadores imobiliários nas tratativas iniciais quando da viabilização junto ao Sistema Financeiro de Habitações. Com a publicação da Norma Brasileira NB 140 (ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS, 1965), ficou definido a metodologia de cálculo dos CUB para projetos-padrão de prédios habitacionais. A finalidade destes CUB é auxiliar na avaliação dos custos de incorporações imobiliárias, antes do lançamento, quando os incorporadores não dispõem dos projetos completos. A metodologia de cálculo destes CUB sofreu uma única reformulação ao longo destes quase quarenta anos, quando da edição da NBR 12.721 (ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS, 1992). Em 1999, recebeu anexo complementar, que não fez qualquer atualização na metodologia de cálculo dos CUB, apenas estendeu a apuração destes custos para edifícios comerciais, galpões industriais e casas populares Este trabalho realizou a verificação e validação do modelo de cálculo dos CUB para prédios habitacionais, fazendo comparações entre os valores apurados pela técnica recomendada na Norma e os obtidos diretamente nos orçamentos discriminados que deram origem à metodologia de cálculo dos CUB, utilizando preços unitários de insumos no período de janeiro de 1993 a dezembro de 2000. Ao final concluiu-se que o modelo de cálculo dos CUB necessita de uma profunda reformulação para readquirir a propriedade fundamental de sua caracterização que é a de substituir o cálculo dos custos com o uso do orçamento discriminado dos projetos-padrão.


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O presente estudo aborda a questão do setor imobiliário e a sua relação com a construção civil na cidade de Belém, a partir da implementação do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida. Objetiva-se com a pesquisa avaliar se houve mudanças no setor da construção civil em decorrência da participação do governo federal no projeto de construção de habitação popular, com a finalidade de fortalecer o setor da construção civil. Este setor teve mudanças com a presença do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, em face de se apresentar um elevado crescimento do setor imobiliário na cidade de Belém, especialmente em função das demandas de habitação que se apresentam para os segmentos pertencentes aos estratos da classe média/alta. Adotou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para a realização do estudo, mediante o uso de fontes informativas de empresas do setor imobiliário que atuam na cidade de Belém. Verifica-se que com a implantação do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida na cidade de Belém, o setor imobiliário por ter um elevado crescimento, decorrente das demandas, as empresas de construção civil continuam a expandir suas atividades para atender esse segmento social. Com isso, conclui-se que a proposta do governo para fortalecer as empresas de construção civil é atrativa para o setor construir casas populares.