3 resultados para Caryospora jararacae
The mature ooxysts of six new species of Caryospora are described from the faeces of Brazilian snakes. They are differentiated from other species previously recorded from reptiles, largely on the size and shape of the oocyst and sporocyst, structure of the oocyst wall, and presence or absence of a polar body. C. paraensis n. sp., and C. carajasensis n. sp., are from the "false coral", Oxyrhopus petola digitalis; C. pseustesi n. sp., from the "egg-eater", Pseustes sulphureus sulphureus; C. epicratesi n. sp., from the "red boa", Epicrates cenchria cenchria; and C. micruri n. sp., and C. constancieae n. sp., from the "coral snake", Micrurus spixii spixii. A re-description is given of C. jararacae Carini, 1939, from the "jararaca" Bothrops atrox, embodying some additional morphological features.
Feces of 34 dogs out of 251 (13.5%) from guanabara were positive for Isospora. From these 19 (7.5%) were i. rivolta, 13 (5.2%) were I. canis and 2 (0,7) were i. bigemina. "Free-sporocysts" of I. rivolta were eliminated by 9 dogs (3.5%). A "Caryospora-like" oocyst was seen once. Cross-infection experiments performed with Isospora from dogs and cats failed to produce infection while inoculations of these Isospora in their natural hosts succeeded. The results suggest that the species of Isospora occurring in cats are different from those of dogs.