11 resultados para Carisolv


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The aim of this study was to analyze, under scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the morphologic characteristics of root surfaces after application of CarisolvTM gel in association with scaling and root planing (SRP). Sixty periodontally compromised extracted human teeth were randomly assigned to 6 groups: 1) SRP alone; 2) passive topical application of CarisolvTM + SRP; 3) active topical application of CarisolvTM + SRP; 4) multiple applications of CarisolvTM + SRP; 5) SRP + 24% EDTA; 6) topical application of CarisolvTM + SRP + 24% EDTA. CarisolvTM gel was applied to root surfaces for 30 s, followed by scaling and root planing, consisting of 50 strokes with Gracey curettes in an apical-coronal direction, parallel to the long axis of the tooth. The only exception was group 4, in which the roots were instrumented until a smooth, hard and glass-like surface was achieved. All specimens were further analyzed by SEM. The results showed that the treatment with CarisolvTM caused significant changes in root surface morphology of periodontally compromised teeth only when the chemical agent was actively applied (burnishing technique). CarisolvTM failed to remove the smear layer completely, especially with a single application, independently of the method of application. Multiple applications of CarisolvTM were necessary to achieve a smear layer reduction comparable to that obtained with 24% EDTA conditioning.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of subgingival application of Carisolv™ gel as an adjunctive therapy to scaling and root planing (SRP) on calculus removal compared to conventional instrumentation. Forty-five teeth requiring extraction due to severe periodontal disease were randomized to the following treatments: 1) SRP alone; 2) placebo gel + SRP; 3) Carisolv™ gel + SRP. Either test or placebo gel was applied subgingivally for 1 min and then the root were instrumented until a smooth and calculus-free surface was achieved. Instrumentation time and the number of strokes required were recorded. After extraction, the efficacy of root surface instrumentation was measured by percentage of remaining calculus. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the treatment groups regarding either time required for instrumentation or the percentage of residual calculus. The subgingival application of Carisolv™ gel prior to SRP did not provide any additional benefit to root instrumentation compared to scaling and root planing alone.


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This study carried out an in vitro evaluation and comparison of the occurrence of marginal leakage in bonded restorations using mechanical or chemical-mechanical (Carisolv) removal of carious tissue. For that purpose, 40 extracted decayed human molars were divided into 4 groups: GI (burs + Prime & Bond NT + TPH), GII (Carisolv + Prime & Bond NT + TPH), GIII (burs + SBMP + Z100) and GIV (Carisolv + SBMP + Z100). After accomplishment of the restorations and thermal cycling, the teeth were exposed to dye, sectioned and qualitatively evaluated. The results demonstrated that the system of removal of carious tissue did not influence the results of microleakage at any of the cavity margins. At dentinal margins, use of the Prime & Bond NT + TPH restorative system allowed the occurrence of less microleakage than the SBMP + Z100 system.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La Odontología Pediátrica Contemporánea al igual que la Odontología de Mínima Intervención, comprende la máxima conservación de tejido dental subyacente con la finalidad de evitar la invasión a tejidos pulpares que derivan en tratamientos radicales tales como pulpotomías y pulpectomías; las técnicas de operatoria dental actuales comprenden en tratar el complejo dentino-pulpar lo más conservadoramente posible, con la finalidad de prevenir la extensión. Una de las propuestas del concepto de Mínima Intervención consiste en el uso de agentes químicos para la remoción de tejido cariado, auxiliado por instrumentos manuales que permitan remover solo la dentina infectada, sin necesidad de piezas rotatorias, reduciendo tiempos operatorios y costos. Objetivo: Evaluar cuál es el método más eficaz para eliminar la caries dental entre métodos químico-mecánicos para así establecer un protocolo de atención no invasivo para pacientes pediátricos y poder llevarlo a cabo en las campañas de brigadas Odontológicas, para que un mayor número de población sea beneficiada con éstas. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluaron 10 piezas posteriores deciduas, extraídas de niños de 6 a 8 años que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión de la Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas en el área de Odontopediatría de la UANL, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. Las piezas a evaluar fueron seccionadas y tratadas con Carisolv y Papacárie, ambos productos de remoción químico mecánicos, mientras se medía el tiempo de trabajo y la calidad de dentina remanente tras la remoción de caries para posteriormente describir los hallazgos observados.