993 resultados para Caribbean coast
The contamination of electrical insulators is one of the major contributors to the risk of operation outages in electrical substations, especially in coastal zones with high salinity levels and atmospheric pollution. By using the measurement of leakage-currents, which is one of the main indicators of contamination in insulators, this work seeks to the determine the correlation with climatic variables, such as ambient temperature, relative humidity, solar irradiance, atmospheric pressure, and wind speed and direction. The results obtained provide an input to the behaviour of the leakage current under atmospheric conditions that are particular to the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients and principal component analysis are utilised to determine the significant relationships among the different variables under consideration. The necessary information for the study was obtained via historical databases of both atmospheric variables and the leakage current measured in over a period of one year in a 220-kV potential transformer insulator. We identified the influencing factors of temperature, humidity, radiation, wind speed and direction on the magnitude of the leakage current as the most relevant.
This paper presents results of stock assessment on two snapper species, Lutjanus vivanus and L. buccanella, in the north Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Growth parameters, mortality rates, length-weight relationships, recruitment patterns and exploitation rates for the two species are given. Results indicate that the two species are subject to relatively low exploitation levels with E = 0.25 for L. vivanus and E = 0.39 for L. buccanella.
The conventional wisdom in the transitional justice literature is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. This article suggests that this may also be true within a given state. The current paper reports on quantitative and qualitative data from 184 participants in a survey conducted in the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Results suggest widespread support for transitional justice mechanisms – such as perpetrator accountability, public acknowledgement and structural change – but dissatisfaction with national-level initiatives, specifically the 2005 Justice and Peace Law. Yet, despite a distrust of the national government and protracted conflict, individuals report social trust, community cohesion and reliance on local government institutions. These attitudes and behaviours suggest that decentralised transitional justice mechanisms may be more effective in meeting victims' needs. Moreover, analyses indicate that individual preferences are influenced by community factors, such as the presence of demobilised paramilitaries, which can be addressed through more localised approaches to promote peacebuilding. The paper concludes with best practices derived from the findings.
Pgs. 373-387 "New reptiles and amphibians from Tanganykia terrirtoy and Kenya colony/by Loveridge, Arthur. "March, 1932."
Pollution on electrical insulators is one of the greatest causes of failure of substations subjected to high levels of salinity and environmental pollution. Considering leakage current as the main indicator of pollution on insulators, this paper focus on establishing the effect of the environmental conditions on the risk of failure due to pollution on insulators and determining the significant change in the magnitude of the pollution on the insulators during dry and humid periods. Hierarchical segmentation analysis was used to establish the effect of environmental conditions on the risk of failure due to pollution on insulators. The Kruskal-Wallis test was utilized to determine the significant changes in the magnitude of the pollution due to climate periods. An important result was the discovery that leakage current was more common on insulators during dry periods than humid ones. There was also a higher risk of failure due to pollution during dry periods. During the humid period, various temperatures and wind directions produced a small change in the risk of failure. As a technical result, operators of electrical substations can now identify the cause of an increase in risk of failure due to pollution in the area. The research provides a contribution towards the behaviour of the leakage current under conditions similar to those of the Colombian Caribbean coast and how they affect the risk of failure of the substation due to pollution.
The ecology and reproductive biology of the leatherback turtle (Dennochelys coriacea) was studied on a high-energy nesting beach near Laguna Jalova, Costa Rica, between 28 March and 8 June 1985. The peak of nesting was between 15 April and 21 May. Leatherbacks here measured an average 146.6 cm straightline standard carapace length and laid an average 81.57 eggs. The eggs measured a mean 52.12 mm diameter and weighed an average of 85.01 g. Significant positive relationships were found between the carapace lengths of nesters and their clutch sizes and average diameter and weight of eggs. The total clutch weighed between 4.02 and 13.39 kg, and yolkless eggs accounted for an average 12.4% of this weight. The majority of nesters dug shallow (<24 cm) body pits and spent an average 81 minutes at the nest site. A significant number of c1utcbes were laid below the berm crest. In a hatchery 42.2% of the eggs hatched, while in natural nests 70.2% hatched. The average hatchling carapace length was 59.8 mm and weight was 44.6 g. The longevity of leatherback tracks and nests on the beach was affected by weather. One nester was recaptured about one year later off the coast of Mississippi, U.S.A. Egg poaching was intense on some sections of the Costa Rican coast. Four aerial surveys in four different months provided the basis for comparing density of nesting on seven sectors of the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. The beach at Jalova is heavily used by green turtles (Chelonia mydJJs) after the leatherback nesting season. The role of the Parque Nacional Tortuguero in conserving the leatherback and green turtle is discussed.(PDF file contains 20 pages.)
The natural history of Tarpon atlanticus (Valenciennes 1846) is reconstructed based on published information. Tarpon is a remarkable fish because of its peculiar larvae, large adult size, migration patterns and its capability to breathe atmospheric air. Destructive fisheries - some using dynamite - have much reduced the population of tarpon along the Caribbean coast of Colombia, and some catch data are presented which document this.
Contents: At a crossroads: England’s small-scale fisheries are being integrated within a national system. Diversionary tactics: Most of Peru’s anchoveta catches meant for human consumption are being diverted. Fair, sustainable? The new EU-Mauritania Fisheries Agreement has been welcomed—and spurned. A weighty responsibility: A fisheries reform process is under way in several parts of Africa. Sri Lanka. Restoring past glory: The Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme focuses on fisheries in the Negombo lagoon. Need for vigilance: Summary of a study on globalization and trade treaties in Atlantic Canadian fisheries. A collective voice: A national workshop on the ILO Work in Fishing Convention was held in Goa, India. Short-term model: Brazil is backing increased production through industrial fisheries and aquaculture. Living the learning. 70 participants from the Honduran Caribbean coast gathered at a conference on SSF. Brazil. Towards synthesis: On the approach of civil society organizations towards the proposed SSF Guidlines.
Given the increase of reconciliation processes initiated amid on-going violence, this study focuses on community reconciliation and its relation to structural transformation, or social reconstruction through reforming unjust institutions and practices that facilitate protracted violent conflict. Drawing lessons from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, mixed method analyses include eight in-depth interviews and 184 surveys. Four key dimensions of reconciliation – truth, justice, mercy, peace – are examined. In the interviews, participants prioritize reconstructing the truth and bringing perpetrators to justice as essential aspects of reconciliation. Notions of mercy and forgiveness are less apparent. For the participants, sustainable peace is dependent on structural transformation to improve livelihoods. These data, however, do not indicate how this understanding of reconciliation may relate to individual participation in reconciliation processes. Complementing the qualitative data, quantitative analyses identify some broad patterns that relate to participation in reconciliation events. Compared to those who did not participate, individuals who engaged in reconciliation initiatives report higher levels of personal experience with violence, live alongside demobilized paramilitaries, are more engaged in civic life, and express greater preference for structural transformation. The paper concludes with policy implications that integrate reconciliation and structural transformation to deepen efforts to rebuild the social fabric amid violence.
En el presente estudio se describen y evalúan todos los aspectos comerciales, operacionales, administrativos y financieros que hay que tener en cuenta para poder implementar la producción y comercialización del producto Bonyurt Costeño en la Costa Caribe colombiana. Este es un producto innovador en el mercado nacional y regional puesto que presenta una combinación de productos que se consumen en la costa Atlántica como son el suero y los snacks , los cuales al consumidor le toca obtenerlo por separado. Es un producto 100% natural, sin preservantes ni aditivos, lo que lo convierte en un bien que coadyuva a preservar la salud del consumidor y a la preservación del medio ambiente, puesto que en su procesamiento no intervienen agentes dañinos al entorno. En la investigación de mercado que se realizó por parte de las autoras se encontró que el producto en mención tiene una alta aceptación ya que el mercado objetivo se identifica culturalmente con el producto y está a la expectativa de su realización. De acuerdo con la evaluación financiera del proyecto, esta es conveniente para los inversionistas ya que presenta una buena rentabilidad en el mediano plazo. El periodo de la recuperación de la inversión se da en el quinto año de operaciones de la empresa para el flujo neto de efectivo a precios reales con y sin financiamiento; en el sexto año de operaciones para el caso de precios corrientes sin financiamiento y en el cuarto año de operaciones para el caso de precios corrientes con financiamiento.
Las practicas ancestrales de las culturas precolombinas cada día son mas validas en su aplicación actual para la medicina alternativa, orientada al bienestar y la salud, es un hecho que en los últimos años se observa un gran crecimiento de endemias de estrés que se presentan bajo determinadas circunstancias propias del sistema actual de vida urbana y actividades cotidianas, ocasionando recargas de tensión como respuesta a la supervivencia en un mundo agitado. La somatizacion del estrés se traduce en enfermedades fisiológicas, emocionales y anímicas, consideradas peligrosas y causantes de altos índices de morbilidad y mortalidad. AúA S.A.S. se crea como solución a este gran conflicto que azota a la humanidad, así se han incrementado las instalaciones de diversos Spa (Salud por agua) como establecimientos de bienestar y esparcimiento que incluyen terapias no solo físicas sino mentales y emocionales como un sistema holístico der salud. En los últimos años y gracias a las facilidades de movilidad y comunicaciones se observa un crecimiento acelerado del turismo de salud como sector de talla mundial, el cual apunta a un mayor desarrollo tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Las visitas de turistas al país en interés de realizarse procedimientos tanto estéticos como médicos, permite identificar una gran oportunidad de negocio con visión sostenible y perdurable ante un futuro prometedor. En este sentido, se presenta la instauración de un Spa con rituales ancestrales como un establecimiento de salud (turismo de salud) que preste servicios a personas tanto colombianas como extranjeras interesadas en vivir una experiencia con tratamientos de relajación (turismo de bienestar). Si bien el gobierno ha impulsado nuevas políticas encaminadas al fomento de la competitividad en Colombia, a través de sectores de talla mundial, donde el turismo de salud se presenta con un fuerte potencial de crecimiento. El Programa de Transformación Productiva, es un ejemplo de lo anteriormente expresado como estrategia para lograr el desarrollo empresarial, crecimiento económico y la generación de más y mejores empleos en Colombia. AüA S.A.S ofrece servicios únicos con tiempos óptimos para resultados efectivos de relajación y bienestar, así como espacios adecuados, inspirados en los paisajes de la sierra nevada de Santa Marta y ecosistemas de la costa Caribe, teniendo un contacto más cercano con la naturaleza y sus elementos. Además de una atención y acompañamiento personalizado y servicios gratuitos de asesorías post-venta, creando un servicio nuevo de reeducación dentro del Spa y con material de cortesía dado, donde a través de libros, artículos, publicaciones, DVD y talleres a realizar el cliente cambiara su conciencia, como componentes diferenciadores y de valor agregado, saliendo de su estado patológico y con alto cubrimiento en la satisfacción de sus necesidades, creando fidelidad al cliente para que regrese. Así, en lo posible con esta información destacada de las encuestas, dentro de la investigación de mercados realizada, se puede determinar que la participación en el mercado es del 75%. El equipo emprendedor está conformado por Rosa Marina Lozano Socarrás, estudiante de Administración de Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad del Rosario. El proyecto arroja una rentabilidad del 58,22% promedio anual. El indicador VAN, determina que el proyecto arroja 60 Millones adicionales al invertir los recursos en este proyecto que en uno que rente el 33% anual, por lo tanto se sugiere continuar con el proyecto. Teniendo el indicador del Valor Presente Neto, para su cálculo es necesario la Tasa de descuento o Tasa de Interés de Oportunidad siendo del 33%, teniendo un valor de $ 60.278.254. La metodología empleada en el trabajo de grado se denota en la guía y lineamientos establecidos por el Centro de Emprendimiento de la Universidad del Rosario. Las fuentes primarias se destaca en la información de investigación de mercados a partir de encuestas, así como análisis del sector y competidores. La información secundaria se denota en el Plan de Negocios del subsector turismo de bienestar dado a conocer por el Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo.
La Playa es un sector de la ciudad de Bogotá, donde se encuentra la oferta de músicos informales más grande de Colombia: mariachis, tríos de cuerda y grupos vallenatos. En esta investigación, se analiza la migración de músicos vallenatos provenientes del Caribe colombiano a este sector de la capital del país; se examina el trabajo de estos músicos en La Playa; y se revisa el proceso de consolidación del vallenato como música nacional.
Identifying the differences in habitat use for sympatric species is important for understanding the species preferences and the limits of population distribution. We studied the differences in the habitat use of two understudied sympatric species of Ameiva (A. festiva and A. quadrilineata) in a natural reserve of the Caribbean coast of Coast Rica. Ameiva quadrilineata showed a more restrictive habitat use pattern than A. festiva. A. quadrilineata's smaller body size may be one of the factors limiting its habitat range. Both species showed higher density in regenerated forests, while A. quadrilineata was never found in swamp forests. The air temperature and the meteorological condition at the moment of the survey also influenced the occurrence of the A. quadrilineata, while the juveniles of A. festiva were only affected by the meteorological condition. None of the studied variables seemed to affect the occurrence of A. festiva adults. The results of this study can be useful to evaluate possible changes in the species distribution patterns as a consequence of direct (i.e., deforestation) or indirect (i.e., climate change) human activities in the distribution area of these species.