981 resultados para Caribbean Hispanic Women Romanticism


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Throughout history, women have played an important role in literature. Nevertheless, since Sappho's poetry until now, feminine voices have had to struggle for recognition of their works. Before the nineteenth century, women were almost ignored in Spanish literature. Society kept them as "ángeles de la familia," taking care of their homes, husbands, and children. Some of them, such as María de Zayas y Sotomayor in Spain and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz in Mexico, complained about their situation in their writings. However, they expressed their fight not as a generation but as individuals. In the nineteenth century, the ideas and ideals of Romanticism, were brought to Latin America from Europe. Cuba was among those countries where the new movement took roots. Initiated by Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, a group of women began to participate in literary reunions, and to found newspapers and magazines where works authored by women, dedicated to feminist ideas, were published. They indeed through literature started to live out womanhood in order to intellectually leave the ideological prisons where society had been keeping them. This study scans the literary works of all Romantic women writers in Cuba. It specifically analyzes poetry and short stories, and investigates how these authors expressed themselves in their works against the patriarchal society, where they lived and wrote their books. An eclectic critical method has been used. Findings were very revealing. Only three of the fourteen writers studied in my dissertation had been previously mentioned by major critics. Most of them had been ignored. However, the greatest discovery was that they prompted something new: For the first time they projected themselves as a group, as a collective consciousness, and this fact established a difference with former women writers in Cuban literature before Romanticism. In other words, they produced a "Renaissance" in Cuba's literature. In spite of how they lived between 1820 and 1900, their struggles for women's rights have linked them to our current times.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Breast cancer incidence and mortality rates for Hispanic women are lower than for non-Hispanic white (NHW) women, but recently rates have increased more rapidly among Hispanic women. Many studies have shown a consistent increased breast cancer risk associated with modest or high alcohol intake, but few included Hispanic women. Alcohol consumption and risk of breast cancer was investigated in a New Mexico statewide population-based case-control study. The New Mexico Tumor Registry ascertained women, newly diagnosed with breast cancer (1992–1994) aged 30–74 years. Controls were identified by random digit dialing and were frequency-matched for ethnicity, age-group, and health planning district. In-person interviews of 712 cases and 844 controls were conducted. Data were collected for breast cancer risk factors, including alcohol intake. Recent alcohol intake data was collected for a four-week period, six months prior to interview. Past alcohol intake included information on alcohol consumption at ages 25, 35, and 50. History of alcohol consumption was reported by 81% of cases and 85% of controls. Of these women, 42% of cases and 48% of controls reported recent alcohol intake. Results for past alcohol intake did not show any trend with breast cancer risk, and were nonsignificant. Multivariate-adjusted odds ratios for recent alcohol intake and breast cancer suggested an increased risk at the highest level for both ethnic groups, but estimates were unstable and statistically nonsignificant. Low level of recent alcohol intake (<148 grams/week) was associated with a reduced risk for NHW women (Odds Ratio (OR) = 0.49 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.35–0.69). This pattern was independent of hormone-receptor status. The reduced breast cancer risk for low alcohol intake was present for premenopausal (OR = 0.29, 95% CI 0.15–0.56) and postmenopausal NHW women (OR = 0.56, 95% CI 0.35–0.90). The possibility of an increased risk associated with high alcohol intake could not be adequately addressed, because there were few drinkers with more than light to moderate intake, especially among Hispanic women. An alcohol-estrogen link is hypothesized to be the mechanism responsible for increased breast cancer risk, but has not been consistently substantiated. More studies are needed of the underlying mechanism for an association between alcohol intake and breast cancer. ^


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Although Pap screening has decreased morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer, reported statistics indicate that among ethnic groups, Hispanic women are one of the least likely to follow screening guidelines. Human papillomavirus (HPV), a major risk factor for cervical cancer, as well as pre-cancerous lesions, may be detected by early Pap screening. With a reported 43% prevalence of HPV infection in college women, regular Pap screening is important. The purpose of this descriptive, cross-sectional survey was to examine self-reported cervical cancer screening rates in a target population of primarily Mexican-American college women, and to discover if recognized correlates for screening behavior explained differences in screening rates between this and two other predominant groups on the University of Houston Downtown campus, non-Hispanic white and African-American. The sample size consisted of 613 women recruited from summer 2003 classes. A survey, adapted from an earlier El Paso study, and based on constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM), was administered to women ages 18 and older. It was found that although screening rates were similar across ethnic groups, overall, the Hispanic group obtained screening less frequently, though this did not reach statistical significance. However, a significant difference in lower screening rates was found in Mexican American women ages <25. Additionally, of the predicted correlates, the construct of perceived barriers from the HBM was most significant for the Mexican American group for non-screening. For all groups, knowledge about cervical cancer was negatively correlated with ever obtaining Pap screening and screening within the past year. This implies that if health counseling is given at the time of women's screening visits, both adherence to appropriate screening intervals and risk factor avoidance may be more likely. Studies such as these are needed to address both screening behaviors and likelihood of follow-up for abnormal results in populations of multicultural, urban college women. ^


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Background. Estimates of perinatal depression have ranged from 5% to more than 25% of women (Gavin et al. 2005). Although Hispanics have one of the highest birthrates, few studies have looked at the prevalence of depression among this population. This study aims to describe the prevalence of depressive symptoms among a sample of Hispanic women. Methods. A convenience sample of 439 Hispanic women were screened for depression using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Sociodemographic data relating to pregnancy were also collected. Results. Although bivariate analysis found several variables to be significant, multivariate analysis found only marital and pregnancy status to be significant in predicting depression. Conclusions. While marital and pregnancy status proved to the strongest predictors for depression, future research would benefit from collecting information on timing of pregnancy and postpartum to further explore the role of pregnancy status and depressive symptoms. ^


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Breast and cervical cancer screening rates continue to be lower in Hispanic women than other ethnic subgroups. Several factors have been identified that influence health care utilization. The use of preventive services (cancer screenings and adherence) in addition to yearly doctor visits are often used to measure health care utilization. A secondary analysis of an existing dataset containing baseline survey data collected from participants of an intervention trial to test the Cultivando La Salud (CLS) program was used to analyze the association between cultural health practice use (use of curandero,s obador, and herbal remedies) and health care utilization. The sample consisted of women 50 years of age and older living in farmer communities in four sites: Eagle Pass, TX, Anthony, NM, Merced, CA, and Watsonville, CA (n=708). Participants reported using a curandero (5.67%), sobador (29.79%), and herbal remedies (46.65%) at some point in their lives. The use of cultural health practices was found to significantly influence utilization of certain health care services: use of herbal remedies influence doctor visits, adherence to mammography screening and adherence to Pap test screening; use of a curandero influenced ever having a mammogram; use of a sobador influenced ever having a mammogram, ever having a Pap test, and Pap test adherence. In addition, women reporting use of curandero or herbal remedies were found to be more avoidant of the health care system than those that reported not using them. Further research is needed to further analyze the influence of cultural health practices on health care utilization. ^


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Early prenatal care has been found to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes by reducing the risk of low birth weight and preterm births. Statistics point to lower utilization rates of prenatal care in El Paso, Texas and increasing rates of low birth weight. This study was a secondary data analysis, which explored the perceived benefits and barriers known to influence the utilization of prenatal care, and the birth outcomes among participating subjects attending three different prenatal care programs offered at the Centro San Vincent Clinic during the period of December 2006 to February 2008. A survey was used to collect data on demographics and assess perceived benefits and barriers regarding early prenatal care and self-efficacy of the participants. Post-partum birth records were used to gather data about the participant's newborns to include birth weight, gestational age, and the type of delivery (i.e. vaginal versus Cesarean birth). Chi square analysis was conducted to test for significant differences and associations. The sample of women in the study had high risk factors for inadequate utilization of prenatal care. In spite of high demographic risk factors, these women had higher perceived benefits, lower perceived barriers and high self-efficacy associated with prenatal care utilization. The perceived benefits and barriers to prenatal care were associated with place of birth and language preferred, with women from Mexico and who preferred Spanish having higher perceived benefits and lower barriers. There was no significant difference in birth outcomes among the women in different prenatal care programs. The findings of this study suggest that of all participants in the study, those born in Mexico demonstrated higher rates of perceived benefits of early prenatal care. The analysis also suggested that healthy birth outcomes were evenly distributed among women participating in one of the three prenatal care programs. ^


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fast food influences such as restaurant frequency and restaurant choice among Hispanic women residing in Houston Texas. We also evaluated associations between BMI and frequency of fast food consumption. Methods: Data was obtained from the BOUNCE program and baseline data was evaluated from mothers enrolled in the study. Descriptive analysis and Fisher's exact test were conducted to evaluate patterns among fast food selection. Results: Nearly 88 percent of women were classified as overweight or obese, the population was predominately immigrants from Mexico with language preference of Spanish. Factors most influencing restaurant choice included quality of food, restaurant atmosphere, and healthy food availability. No associations were found between BMI and frequency of fast foods, however data show a slight association between duration in the U.S and increase in fast food frequency. Conclusion: Though statics are not statistically significant results demonstrate a possible trend in regards to length of stay and frequency eating out. This should be further explored. ^


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This study describes the incidence and mortality of uterine cervical cancer among Texas Anglo and Hispanic women, compares these data with respective data from the U.S. SEER Program, and determines factors which explain observed differences between the Texas ethnic groups and between Texas and SEER women. A total of 1,052 invasive and 1,852 in situ cervical cancer cases diagnosed during 1976-1985 among Texas residents were identified from the Texas Cancer Registry for study.^ The effect of ethnicity on the incidence of cervical cancer was found to be strongly modified by age. Texas Hispanic women 35 years and older were found to be at significantly greater risk (two- to four-fold) of invasive cervical cancer than Texas Anglos, and the risk was greatest among women 55-69 years. Compared with SEER females, both Texas ethnic groups exhibited excess risks of invasive cancer, but the magnitude varied with age. In contrast, Texas females were diagnosed less frequently with in situ cervical cancer than SEER females, and Hispanics had the largest differentials.^ As an indicator of differences in screening utilization between Texas and SEER ethnic groups, comparisons of in situ with invasive rates revealed both Texas ethnic groups in all age groups to have lower ratios than respective SEER females. Texas Hispanics had the lowest ratios. A larger percentage of squamous cell tumors were diagnosed among SEER females compared with Texas females, also supporting the finding of less screening. Texas invasive cases did not differ by ethnic group in the distribution of cell types. Hispanics 35-54 years had higher rates than Texas Anglos and SEER Hispanics for all four cell types.^ Declines in the incidence of invasive tumors over time were seen among Texas Anglos 35-54 years and Hispanics 55+ years. The mortality of cervical cancer also declined among Texas Anglo and Hispanic females 55+ years, but the rates still remained highest among these groups.^ In summary, these data indicate increased risks of invasive cervical cancer and less screening among subgroups of Texas females. Prevention efforts should be directed toward these Texas women at high risk of invasive cervical tumors. ^


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This study investigates the association between race/ethnicity and acculturation variables (language preference and nativity) with use of contraception and contraceptive services among Mexican/Mexican American and “other” Hispanic women aged 15-44 when compared to non- Hispanic white women.^ Data was analyzed from the 2006-2008 National Survey of Family Growth. The sample contained 3357 women aged 15-44. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to examine the association between race/ethnicity and acculturation variables and contraceptive-related behaviors adjusted for other known covariates. ^ After multivariate analysis, neither nativity nor language preference were significantly associated with contraception use or contraceptive services. Mexican/Mexican American women did not differ in their contraception-related behaviors when compared to non-Hispanic whites. Other Hispanic women, however, were less likely to obtain contraceptive services than non-Hispanic whites (OR=0.67, 95% CI=0.45-1.00). Women aged 30-39 and 40-44 were less likely to obtain contraception and contraceptive services than those aged 15-19. Single women were less likely to use contraception (OR=0.72, 95% CI=0.56-0.92) and contraceptive services (OR=0.69, 95% CI=0.53-0.89) than married/co-habiting women. Women with healthcare coverage were more likely to use contraception and contraceptive services than uninsured women.^ Among Hispanic women of different origin groups, age, marital status, and healthcare coverage were stronger indicators of contraception-related behavior than race/ethnicity, language preference, and nativity. Reproductive health programs that target increased use of contraception and contraceptive services among Hispanic origin groups should specifically target women who are over 30, single, and uninsured.^


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Because Hispanic women are even less likely than women of other ethnic groups to receive early prenatal care, the purpose of this study was to identify factors that may influence these women to initiate care. After giving consent, 300 Hispanic women (100 who initiated first trimester care, 100 who initiated second trimester care, and 100 who initiated third trimester care or received no care) were interviewed in the post partum unit of a local public hospital. The interview included recollection of events leading to the first prenatal appointment, including first physical indicators of pregnancy, confirmation of pregnancy, feelings about the pregnancy, appointment making behavior, and system barriers encountered. The Health Belief Model was used as the theoretical framework for determining psychosocial variables. Using this model, perceived susceptibility to problems during pregnancy, perceived seriousness of possible problems, perceived benefits of prenatal care, perceived barriers to care, and cues to action were assessed. Time of entry into prenatal care was assessed by interview.^ In this sample of low-income Hispanic women, a higher perception of barriers to care was associated with later initiation of care and non-use of care, higher perceived benefits of care for the baby were associated with earlier care, especially in women without a card to access hospital district services, and having a card to access hospital district services was associated with earlier care. Several barriers to care were mentioned by women on open-ended questioning including long waiting times, embarrassment, and lack of transportation.^ Recommendations for practice included decreasing the number of visits for low-risk women while increasing the time spent with the provider, decreasing the number of vaginal exams for low-risk women, increasing the use of midwives, training lay workers to do risk assessment, giving specific messages about benefits of care to baby, and increasing general health motivation through community intervention methods. More research on the psychosocial and cultural factors associated with initiation of care is needed. In the meantime, the recommendations for practice can be implemented now to increase the use of prenatal care by low-income Hispanic women. ^


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"Adelante, Mujer Hispana-Education and Employment Conference was held January 11-12, 1980 in Denver, Colorado"--Foreword.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Leadership is a socially constructed concept shaped by the context, values and experiences of society (Klenke, 1996); the historical context of gender and ethnicity in society affects views about leadership and who merits a leadership role. Therefore, developing an understanding of Hispanic women students’ leadership identity development is critical in broadening how we define leadership and develop leadership education. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore and describe the leadership identity development of a select group of women leaders at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) in the southeast. A psychosocial approach to the study was utilized. In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted with 11 self-identified Hispanic women students of sophomore, junior or senior standing with varying degrees of involvement in leadership activities at Florida International University. Participants were asked questions related to four topics; (a) leadership, (b) gender, (c) ethnic identity, and (d) influences that contributed to their understanding of self as leader. Five topics emerged from the data presented by the participants’: (a) encouraging relationships, (b) meaningful experiences, (c) self development, (d) the role of gender, and (e) impact of ethnicity. These themes contributed to the leadership identity development of the participants. Findings indicate that leadership identity development for Hispanic women college students at this HSI is complex. The concept of leadership identity development presented in the literature was challenged as findings indicate that the participants’ experiences living and attending a school in a majority-minority city influenced their development of a leadership identity. The data indicate that leadership is not gender or ethnicity neutral as differences exist in expectations of men and women in leadership roles. Gender expectations posed particular challenges for these women student leaders. The prescriptive nature of stage-based models was problematic as findings indicated leadership identity development a complicated and continuing process influenced strongly by relationships and experiences. This study enhanced knowledge of the ways that Hispanic women students become leaders and the influences that shape their leadership experiences which can assist higher education professionals in developing leadership programs and courses that address gender, multiculturalism and awareness of self as leader.