861 resultados para Carga poluidora


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O lodo de suinocultura e o resíduo de serraria podem constituir problema ambiental quando dispostos no ambiente. A possibilidade de 36 tratamento via filtração foi o objetivo deste estudo. Foram avaliados o potencial de remoção de carga poluidora do lodo de suinocultura por filtros orgânicos de serragem (Pinus sp.), bem como o impacto do descarte no solo do lodo antes e após a filtragem. Utilizou-se um Argissolo e um Latossolo para o estudo da contaminação após a disposição de lodo de suinocultura e filtrado. O solo foi disposto por camadas em vasos de PVC e mantidos em condições naturais. Seis granulometrias de serragem foram utilizadas para estabelecer as vazões de trabalho (20, 25, 30, 40 e 50 mm) e avaliar o efeito do tempo de detenção na performance dos filtros. O maior tempo de detenção correspondeu ao menor tamanho de partícula de serragem. As vazões intermediárias, correspondentes ao tamanho intermediário de material filtrante, em dois filtros sucessivos (30 e 50 mm) com filtração diária, apresentaram melhor performance de filtragem. A filtração do lodo de suinocultura possibilitou redução da demanda química de oxigênio em 85 %, de sólidos totais em 95 % e de sólidos sedimentáveis em 100 %. A retenção de lodo de suinocultura na serragem proporcionou o enriquecimento do resíduo orgânico em nutrientes, bem como diminuição da relação C:N para aproximadamente 20:1. A percolação através de ambos os solos, de lodo de suinocultura antes e após filtragem através de filtro de serragem, determinou uma diminuição significativa de coliformes totais e fecais no percolado, mas dependente da contaminação do material aplicado. Foi observado também que, quanto maior o período sem precipitação pluviométrica após aplicação dos lodos no solo, menor a presença de patogênicos no percolado.


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Este trabalho avaliou o lançamento de efluentes líquidos de quatro hospitais, de diferentes especialidades médicas, no município de Porto Alegre – RS, Brasil. Foi realizada uma pesquisa previa, nas especialidades de Traumatologia, Pneumologia, Oncologia e Geral, a fim de obter dados referentes ao descarte dos respectivos efluentes. Após foram realizadas cinco amostragens de cada especialidade hospitalar durante um ano. Os parâmetros determinados seguiram a Portaria Nº 05/89 – SSMA que aprova a Norma Técnica SSMA Nº 01/89 – DMA, que dispõe sobre critérios e padrões de efluentes líquidos a serem observados por todas as fontes poluidoras que lançam seus efluentes nos corpos d’água interiores do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Dos trinta e cinco parâmetros avaliados em cada amostragem, para cada hospital, vinte e oito apresentaram, concentração dentro do limite de descarte determinado pela Portaria 05/89, e sete ultrapassaram os limites de concentração da mesma Legislação. O consumo médio de água e a geração de esgotos, relacionados ao número de leitos, aproximase com os valores apresentados nas referências bibliográficas, considerando que, o número de atendimentos influencia diretamente na geração de efluentes hospitalares. A relação entre os resultados de DBO5 e DQO, de todas as especialidades, indica semelhança aos efluentes domésticos. Os resultados das concentrações de DBO5, DQO, Nitrogênio Total, Fósforo Total, pH, Coliformes Fecais e Coliformes Totais, tratados estatisticamente, apresentam semelhanças entre as amostragens e as especialidades comprovando que não há diferenças significativas entre efluentes líquidos nas especialidades hospitalares estudadas.


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Em várias regiões do mundo, assim como no Brasil, um alto percentual da população e até comunidades inteiras não têm acesso a um sistema de tratamento de esgoto centralizado, sendo comum o uso das fossas sépticas e/ou sumidouros e, em muitos casos, os esgotos são lançados in natura diretamente nos corpos hídricos. Com o objetivo de oferecer uma alternativa tecnológica de baixo custo de implantação e operação com vistas à minimização dos impactos ambientais e em atendimento a pequenas comunidades isoladas e de interesse social, o presente projeto desenvolveu com base em sistemas apresentados na literatura, um ecossistema engenheirado compacto para o tratamento de esgoto domiciliar de pequenos geradores. O sistema é composto por tratamento preliminar (caixa controladora de vazão e caixa de gordura), primário (fossa séptica), secundário (filtro aerado submerso e decantador secundário) e um conjunto de tanques vegetados por macrófitas aquáticas (Eichhornia crassipes, Schoenoplectus sp., Panicum cf. racemosum) intercalados por um tanque de algas para remoção da carga poluidora remanescente e nutrientes. O sistema foi instalado no CEADS/UERJ na Vila de Dois Rios, Ilha Grande, litoral Sul do Rio de Janeiro, operado e monitorado desde Abril de 2009, sendo que o presente estudo referese aos primeiros 200 dias de monitoramento. A remoção da carga poluidora foi monitorada na vazão de 200 L/h, posteriormente corrigida para 52 L/h, almejando alcançar os padrões de lançamento da Resolução CONAMA 357 e a NBR 13969 da ABNT, para os parâmetros de OD, pH, Temperatura, Nitrato, N amoniacal, DBO5, DQO, SSD, Cloreto e, Óleos e Graxas e outros parâmetros não incluídos na Resolução (Cond. Elétrica, COT, Alcalinidade, Dureza, Nitrito, Fósforo total e demais Sólidos (ST, SST, SSV, SSF e SDT ). Os resultados obtidos indicam que o sistema foi mais eficiente quando operado na vazão de 52 L/h, quando apresentou as seguintes taxas de remoção: 96 % (Nitrito); 71 % (Nitrato); 47 % (N amoniacal); 96,7 % (DQO); 95,7 % (DBO5); 10 % (Fósforo total). O sistema apresentou uma evolução ao longo do tempo de operação e após a redução na vazão, garantiu o enquadramento de 12 dos 14 parâmetros analisados (exceto N amoniacal e Fósforo total), nos padrões de lançamento contemplados pela Legislação Federal, CONAMA 357 e Legislação Estadual do RJ, SP, MG e GO. Para aumento da eficiência de tratamento, recomenda-se redimensionamento do filtro aerado submerso-decantador e tanques vegetados, com base nas recomendações do PROSAB 2.


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The dams are limnic ecosystems of great importance for its multiple uses, among them, water supply for the public and to culture of artisanal fish are most relevant. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the physical-chemical characteristics and the phytoplankton community in two chosen sites (Point 1 littoral zone of point source; Point 2 pelagic zone of non-point source) of the Minister João Alves dam, which is also known as Boqueirão de Parelhas/RN. This represents the spatial distribution of the phytoplankton species in order to understand any possible alterations of the water quality and the phytoplankton composition in relation to the water quality originating from the impact of the tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, culture. The study period also encompasses temporal variations exhibited in two seasons of an annual cycle, one during the dry season (Oct, Nov and Dec of 2008 and Jan of 2009), and the other rainy season (Mar, Apr, May and June of 2008) to extend the observation. The physicalchemical parameters, such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, concentration of dissolved oxygen were measured in situ and the values of the inorganic nutrients (nitrate, ammonium and orto-phosfato) and chlorophyll in the laboratory. The quali-quantitative analyses of the phytoplankton had been carried through sedimentation technique and the enumeration of the random of 400 cells, colonies and filaments counted using Sedgwick-Rafter counting chamber. The results of pH varied widely from the acidic to alkaline range with the minimum of 5.8 (± 0.8) and the maximum of 9.2 (± 0.7-0.8), at point 1 and 2. The dissolved oxygen content was higher in the rainy period than that in the dry period. The maximum electrical conductivity was of 1409 μScm-1 in point 1 and 431 minim of μScm-1, in point 2. There was a considerable alteration in the levels of inorganic nutrients such as nitrate-nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen and orthophosphate during the two cycles of study period. Phytoplankton assemblages presented a picture of alternate dominance among species Cyanobacteria, Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae. The trophic state index diagnosed to the category of mesotrophic, which is based on the values of chlorophyll, total phosphorus and Secchi-disc measurements. The wind driven turbulence of the water column and the fresh inflow of water (flushing and dilution) during rainy season acted as constraint and did-not allow an exaggerated growth of the species of cyanobacteria. On the basis of the present we conclude that the culture of tilapias in cage-culture fails to produce pollution load that could compromise the quality of the water of the dam, probably be due to small dimension of the culture in relation to the size, volume of the water and the reservoir capacity support its own environment


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The great diversity of the textile industries activities causes the formation of wastewaters with high complex characteristics during the productive process, according to the industrial process used. The principal aim of the present work is the characterization of the wastewater from the textile industry that process the indigo, located in the Industrial District of Natal-RN, to know the contaminante load of each stage of the process and the framing of the wastewater with the standards of act of receiving of the System of Treatment of Wastewater of the Industrial District of Natal-RN SITEL-DIN, operated for the Company of Waters and Sewers of the RN CAERN. It was analyzed the following properties and pollutants agents: temperature; pH; alcalinity; color; COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand); total and suspended solids; heavy metals, thermotolerants coliformes, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity. As conclusion it is distinguished that the wastewater did not get resulted satisfactory, according to comparisons with other sources, in only three parameters: turbidity, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity, however none of these parameters is criteria of acts of receiving of the SITEL-DIN,therefore the wastewater if finds inside of normality. After the analysis of the obtained results it was verified that SITEL-DIN is indispensable for completing the wastewater treatment


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Textile industry deals with a high diversity of processes and generation of wastewaters with a high content of pollutant material. Before being disposed of in water bodies, a pre-treatment of the effluent is carried out, which is sometimes ineffective. In order to be properly treated, physical and chemical properties of the effluent must be known, as well as the pollutant agents that might be present in it. This has turned out to be a great problem in the textile industry, for there is a variety of processes and the pollutant load is very diversified. The characterization of the effluent allows the identification of most critical points and, as a consequence, the most appropriate treatment procedure to be employed, may be chosen. This study presents the results obtained after characterizing the effluent of a textile industry that comprises knitting, dyeing and apparel sections, processing mainly polyester/cotton articles. In this work, twenty samples of the effluent were collected, and related to the changes in production. From the results, a statistical evaluation was applied, determined in function of the rate of flow. The following properties and pollutants agents were quantitatively analysed: temperature; pH; sulfides; chlorine; alcalinity; chlorides; cianides; phenols; color; COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand); TOC (Total Organic Carbon); oil and grease; total, fixed and volatile solids; dissolved, fixed and volatile solids; suspended, fixed and volatile solids; setteable solids and heavy metals such as cadmium, copper, lead, chromium, tin, iron, zinc and nickel. Analyses were carried out according to ABNT NBR 13402 norm, based upon Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. As a consequence, a global treatment proposal is presented, involving clean production practices as contaminant load reducer, followed by conventional (biological) treatment


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The urban drainage is one of the powers of environmental sanitation and its scope is the quantitative and qualitative aspects. In decision making of managers and the engineering aspects of design are almost always taken into account only the quantitative aspects. However, the waters of the runoff have the highest concentrations of pollutants at the beginning of precipitation. Thus, if the plot pollution removed, the remaining portion can be used for other purposes. This work has aimed to present the variation of water quality of two drainage basins in the city of Natal / RN-Brazil to support the implementation of drainage to consider the qualitative aspect, and identify potential for the use of water. The basins (M and C) are analyzed closed-type, are in the urban area, are predominantly residential occupation and its waters are used for detention ponds and infiltration. The samples were divided into three phases, the first two direct to final points in a basin and the third in traps distributed over the surface drainage. The parameters had been analyzed were pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, Color, Turbidity, COD, Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, total phosphorus, orthophosphate, Sediments solids, total solids, chloride, sulfate, alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, Heavy Metals (Chromium, Cadmium, Lead, Zinc and Copper), Eschichia coli and total coliforms. The parameters studied showed high initial pollution load, events and located in different proportions, except nitrite, heavy metals and biological indicators. The size of the surface drainage and topographic its features influence the quality of water. However, the form of sampling is crucial in the qualitative study in the basin. The samplers developed at work, were generated economic and representative results. The urban rainwater presents organic faecal indicators. The runoff of water from both basins shows no risk of salinity and sodicity for use in irrigation, should be noted the content of chloride in the choice of method of irrigation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Ethanol, the main automotive biofuel, has its production based on the fermentation of sugars found in biological materials and on the distillation of the alcoholic media formed during the fermentative process. Stillage is the main residue from ethanol production, containing a high organic loading in addition to acidic and corrosive characteristics. Considering the available technologies to treat stillage, we highlight anaerobic digestion, which allows the reduction of the impacts associated to pollutants loading of this effluent and the generation of energy from the methane gas produced in the process. Based on the high treatment efficiency usually associated to the anaerobic process, this work aimed to assess whether anaerobic systems applied to the treatment of stillage are energetically self-sufficient. First we evaluated the energy recovery capacity in an anaerobic reactor applied to the treatment of stillage resulting from corn-to-ethanol processing. The results indicated the great influence that a correct selection of electrical equipment and their respective operating periods have on the net energy balance of the anaerobic treatment. The high energy consumption of the heater would not allow the system to achieve a positive net energy balance – the maximum energy recovery would reach only 0.68% of the consumption. However, the replacement of the mixture equipment would result in energy gains ranging from 8.5 to 967.9% of the consumption. In this work we also assessed the efficiency of methane yields for a few studies and the correlation between some parameters of the anaerobic process. With respect to the methane yield, we noted that mesophilic systems tend to be more advantageous than the thermophilic ones (efficiency of 76.45 ± 22.51% vs. 69.40 ± 30.36%). Considering the study... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The volume of liquid effluent generated in cattle slaughterhouses is quite high and cannot be released untreated in water bodies due to its high pollution load of predominantly organic origin. To minimize the environmental impacts of its industrial wastewater and meet the local environmental legislation, abattoirs shall make the treatment of these effluents. The present work aims to develop the study of a reactor by sequential batch pilot scale, in order to optimize their performance in treating wastewater from a cattle slaughterhouse. The treatment system used was developed and installed in the Laboratory of Wastewater Treatment, in Faculty of Science and Technology UNESP, Presidente Prudente campus. The procedure used followed the operation of sequential batch reactors, in which all processes and treatment operations occurring sequentially in a single unit, by establishing specific operating cycles, which comprise the following separated phases: aerobic reaction, anoxic reaction, sedimentation and emptying. Aiming to improve the quality of treatment was planned the addition of coagulant Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) in the reactor, by determining their optimal dosage by Jar-test trials. Were prepared four steps with specific operating cycles: step one or acclimatization (10 hour of aeration, one hour and 30 minutes of sedimentation and 30 minutes for exchanging the effluent); step 2 (6 hours of aeration or aerobic phase, 4 hours and 45 minutes of stirring or anoxic phase and 1 hour and 15 minutes for sedimentation and exchange effluent); step 3 (2 hours and 30 minutes of aeration, 8 hours and 15 minutes of stirring and 1 hour and 15 minutes for sedimentation and exchange) and step 4 (2 hours of aeration, 8 hours and 45 minutes of stirring and 1 hour and 15 minutes for sedimentation and exchange)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Brazil has one of the largest cattle herds in the world, so the cattle slaughter is one of the most important economic activities in the Brazilian market. But this activity requires a high demand of water, resulting in serious problems about the correct disposal of wastewater generated in the process. This effluent has a high pollution load, becoming its receiving bodies (streams and rivers) unfit for various activities such as public water supply, recreation, fisheries. To minimize the environmental impacts of its industrial wastewater and fallow the local environmental legislation, refrigerators must make the treatment of these effluents. This study aimed to verify the efficiency of a enzymatic reactor, when occur hydrolysis of lipids present in the effluent industrial of an cattle slaughter industry. The treatment system used was composed of two separate reactors: one being the anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR), inoculated with immobilized enzymes on the matrix support, and the other by sequential batch reactor (SBR) inoculated with activated sludge. Whereas, the reactors have been developed and installed at the Wastewater Treatment Laboratory, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNESP, campus Presidente Prudente. The procedure operating occurred differently for each reactor: preparation and inoculation of enzyme granules, filling the reactor, hydrolysis, and AFBR emptying, filling, aerobic reaction, sedimentation, and emptying the SBR. We performed three experimental stages, with the first and second stage of the work were done reactor analyzes separately, and the third step of the analysis were made with the interconnected reactors... (Complete abstract electronic access below)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)