29 resultados para Cardioplegia


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Objectives: The aim of this prospective study was to compare the efficacy of intermittent antegrade blood cardioplegia with or without n-acetylcysteine (NAC) in reducing myocardial oxidative stress and coronary endothelial activation. Methods: Twenty patients undergoing elective isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery were randomly assigned to receive intermittent antegrade blood cardioplegia (32 degrees C-34 degrees C) with (NAC group) or without (control group) 300 mg of NAC. For these 2 groups we compared clinical outcome, hemodynamic evolution, systemic plasmatic levels of troponin I, and plasma concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA) and soluble vascular adhesion molecule 1 (sVCAM-1) from coronary sinus blood samples. Results: Patient demographic characteristics and operative and postoperative data findings in both groups were similar. There was no hospital mortality. Comparing the plasma levels of MDA 10 min after the aortic cross-clamping and of sVCAM-1 30 min after the aortic cross-clamping period with the levels obtained before the aortic clamping period, we observed increases of both markers, but the increase was significant only in the control group (P=.039 and P=.064 for MDA; P=.004 and P=.064 for sVCAM- 1). In both groups there was a significant increase of the systemic serum levels of troponin I compared with the levels observed before cardiopulmonary bypass (P<.001), but the differences between the groups were not significant (P=.570). Conclusions: Our investigation showed that NAC as an additive to blood cardioplegia in patients undergoing on-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery may reduce oxidative stress and the resultant coronary endothelial activation.


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To study the effect of halothane as a cardioplegic agent, ten Wistar rats were anesthetized by ether inhalation and their hearts were perfused in a Langendorff system with Krebs-Henseleit solution (36oC; 90 cm H2O pressure). After a 15-min period for stabilization the control values for heart rate, force (T), dT/dt and coronary flow were recorded and a halothane-enriched solution (same temperature and pressure) was perfused until cardiac arrest was obtained. The same Krebs-Henseleit solution was reperfused again and the parameters studied were recorded after 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 30 min. Cardiac arrest occurred in all hearts during the first two min of perfusion with halothane-bubbled solution. One minute after reperfusion without halothane, the following parameters reported in terms of control values were obtained: 90.5% of control heart rate (266.9 ± 43.4 to 231.5 ± 71.0 bpm), 20.2% of the force (1.83 ± 0.28 to 0.37 ± 0.25 g), 19.8% of dT/dt (46.0 ± 7.0 to 9.3 ± 6.0 g/s) and 90.8% of coronary flow (9.9 ± 1.5 to 9.4 ± 1.5 ml/min). After 3 min of perfusion they changed to 99.0% heart rate (261.0 ± 48.2), 98.9% force (1.81 ± 0.33), 98.6 dT/dt (45.0 ± 8.2) and 94.8% coronary flow (9.3 ± 1.4). At 5 min 100.8% (267.0 ± 40.6) heart rate, 105.0% (1.92 ± 0.29) force and 104.4% (48.2 ± 7.2) dT/dt were recorded and maintained without significant differences (P>0.01) until the end of the experiment. These data demonstrate that volatile cardioplegia with halothane is an effective technique for fast induction of and prompt recovery from normothermic cardiac arrest of the rat heart


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Background—A major problem in procurement of donor hearts is the limited time a donor heart remains viable. After cardiectomy, ischemic hypoxia is the main cause of donor heart degradation. The global myocardial ischemia causes a cascade of oxygen radical formation that cumulates in an elevation in hydrogen ions (decrease in pH), irreversible cellular injury, and potential microvascular changes in perfusion. Objective—To determine the changes of prolonged storage times on donor heart microvasculature and the effects of intermittent antegrade perfusion. Materials and Methods—Using porcine hearts flushed with a Ribosol-based cardioplegic solution, we examined how storage time affects microvascular myocardial perfusion by using contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging at a mean (SD) of 6.1 (0.6) hours (n=13) or 15.6 (0.6) hours (n=11) after cardiectomy. Finally, to determine if administration of cardioplegic solution affects pH and microvascular perfusion, isolated hearts (group 1, n=9) given a single antegrade dose, were compared with hearts (group 2, n=8) given intermittent antegrade cardioplegia (150 mL, every 30 min, 150 mL/min) by a heart preservation device. Khuri pH probes in left and right ventricular tissue continuously measured hydrogen ion levels, and perfusion intensity on magnetic resonance images was plotted against time. Results—Myocardial perfusion measured via magnetic resonance imaging at 6.1 hours was significantly greater than at 15.6 hours (67% vs 30%, P= .00008). In group 1 hearts, the mean (SD) for pH at the end of 6 hours decreased to 6.2 (0.2). In group 2, hearts that received intermittent antegrade cardioplegia, pH at the end of 6 hours was higher at 6.7 (0.3) (P=.0005). Magnetic resonance imaging showed no significant differences between the 2 groups in contrast enhancement (group 1, 62%; group 2, 40%) or in the wet/dry weight ratio. Conclusion—Intermittent perfusion maintains a significantly higher myocardial pH than does a conventional single antegrade dose. This difference may translate into an improved quality of donor hearts procured for transplantation, allowing longer distance procurement, tissue matching, improved outcomes for transplant recipients, and ideally a decrease in transplant-related costs.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A solução cardioplégica farmacológica busca eliminar as conseqüências do dano isquêmico, que é o resultado do desbalanço entre a oferta e o consumo de energia durante a parada dos batimentos cardíacos, nas cirurgias cardíacas com circulação extracorpórea. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho avalia experimentalmente as alterações estruturais e ultra-estruturais em coração isolado de coelhos submetidos à parada protegida pela Solução para Cardioplegia de Baixo Volume (SCBV). MÉTODO: O estudo compreendeu um grupo controle e dois grupos experimentais. No grupo I, a parada cardíaca foi obtida pela infusão da SCBV por 2 horas. No grupo II, o experimento foi conduzido da mesma forma até a parada protegida pela SCBV por duas horas, imediatamente procedeu-se à reperfusão com solução oxigenada de Ringer Locke (RL) por uma hora. No grupo controle os corações foram perfundidos com solução oxigenada de RL por duas horas. Após os experimentos, oito amostras de parede lateral do ventrículo esquerdo foram fixadas em formaldeído 10% e glutaraldeído 2,5% para análises histológica e ultra-estrutural. RESULTADOS: As células do miocárdio, fibroblastos e células endoteliais, observadas nos grupos experimentais I e II, apresentaram marginalização da heterocromatina, compactação do nucléolo, alteração na forma das mitocôndrias, compactação das cristas e aumento da densidade da matriz mitocondrial, indicando que tanto a estrutura nuclear quanto a das organelas citoplasmáticas foram alteradas em relação às células do grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: As modificações estruturais foram decorrentes de uma adaptação fisiológica da célula, não sendo indicativas de oncose ou apoptose, sugerindo, portanto, que a solução cardioplégica utilizada foi eficiente para a preservação das células.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a eficácia e a segurança da cardioplegia sanguínea, aterógrada-retrógrada contínua, por meio da avaliação da função ventricular. MÉTODOS: Os coelhos foram divididos em quatro grupos: Controle-C(n=10); isquêmico e cardioplegia cristaloide-IC(n=10; isquêmico e cardioplegia sanguínea-IB(n=10; isquêmico sem cardioplegia-INC(n=10. Após o período isquêmico do protocolo a função ventricular foi analisada pela técnica do balão intra-ventricular. RESULTADOS: a pressão desenvolvida intra-ventricular (IVDP) foi: C(92,90± 6,86mmHg); IC(77,78± 6,15mmHg); IB(93,64 ±5,09mmHg); INC(39,46 ±8,91mmHg) p<0,005. a primeira derivada temporal da pressão ventricular na sua deflexão positiva: C(1137,50± 92,23mmHg/sec); IC(1130,62 ±43,78mmHg/sec); IB(1187,58± 88,38mmHg/sec); INC(620,02± 43,80mmHg/se) p<0,005. A primeira derivada da pressão ventricular na sua deflexão negativa: C(770,00± 73,41mmHg/sec); IC(610,03 ±47,43mmg/sec); IB(762,53 ±46,02mmHg/sec); INC(412,35 ±84,36mmHg/sec) p<0,005. A relação do coeficiente angular logarítmico foi: C(0,108± 0,02); IC(0,159± 0,038); IB(0,114 ±0,016); INC(0,175± 0,038) p<0,05. CONCLUSÃO: No modelo experimental estudado o grupo isquêmico protegido pela cardioplegia sanguínea apresentou melhor função ventricular que os grupos protegidos por cardioplegia cristalóide e não protegido.


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The aim of this work is the evaluation of four different heat exchangers used for myocardium during cardioplegic system in cardiac surgeries. Four types of shell and tube heat exchangers made of different exchange elements were constructed, as follows: stainless steel tubes, aluminium tubes, polypropylene hollow fiber, and bellows type. The evaluation was performed by in vitro tests of parameters such as heat transfer, pressure drop, and hemolysis tendency. The result has shown that all four systems tested were able to achieve the heat performance, and to offer low resistance to flow, and safety, as well as have low tendency to hemolysis. However, we can emphasize that the bellows type heat exchanger has a significant difference with regard to the other three types.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJECTIVES: The present investigation aimed to study the protective effect of intermittent normothermic cardioplegia in rabbit's hypertrophic hearts. METHODS: The parameters chosen were 1) the ratio heart weight / body weight, 2) the myocardial glycogen levels, 3) ultrastructural changes of light and electron microscopy, and 4) mitochondrial respiration. RESULTS: 1) The experimental model, coarctation of the aorta induced left ventricular hypertrophy; 2) the temporal evolution of the glycogen levels in hypertrophic myocardium demonstrates that there is a significant decrease; 3) It was observed a time-dependent trend of higher oxygen consumption values in the hypertrophic group; 4) there was a significant time-dependent decrease in the respiratory coefficient rate in the hypertrophic group; 5) the stoichiometries values of the ADP: O2 revealed the downward trend of the values of the hypertrophic group; 6) It was possible to observe damaged mitochondria from hypertrophic myocardium emphasizing the large heterogeneity of data. CONCLUSION: The acquisition of biochemical data, especially the increase in speed of glycogen breakdown, when anatomical changes are not detected, represents an important result even when considering all the difficulties inherent in the process of translating experimental results into clinical practice. With regard to the adopted methods, it is clear that morphometric methods are less specific. Otherwise, the biochemical data allow detecting alterations of glycogen concentrations and mitochondria respiration before the morphometric alterations should be detected


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Background Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte disorder in hospitalized patients and is known to be associated with increased mortality. The administration of antegrade single-shot, up to two liters, histidine-tryptophane-ketoglutarate (HTK) solution for adequate electromechanical cardiac arrest and myocardial preservation during minimally invasive aortic valve replacement (MIAVR) is a standard procedure. We aimed to determine the impact of HTK infusion on electrolyte and acid–base balance. Methods In this retrospective analysis we reviewed data on patient characteristics, type of surgery, arterial blood gas analysis during surgery and intra-/postoperative laboratory results of patients receiving surgery for MIAVR at a large tertiary care university hospital. Results A total of 25 patients were included in the study. All patients were normonatremic at start of surgery. All patients developed hyponatremia after administration of HTK solution with a significant drop of serum sodium of 15 mmol/L (p < 0.01). Measured osmolality did not change during all times of surgery compared to start of surgery (p = 0.28 – p = 0.79), indicating isotonic hyponatremia. After administration of HTK solution pH fell significantly due to development of metabolic acidosis. Conclusions Acute hyponatremia during cardioplegia with HTK solution is isotonic and should probably not be corrected without presence of hypotonicity as confirmed by measurement of serum osmolality.


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OBJECTIVE: Contact of blood with artificial surfaces and air as well as ischemia/reperfusion injury to the heart and lungs mediate systemic and local inflammation during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Activation of complement and coagulation cascades leads to and accompanies endothelial cell damage. Therefore, endothelial-targeted cytoprotection with the complement inhibitor and endothelial protectant dextran sulfate (DXS, MW 5000) may attenuate CBP-associated myocardial and pulmonary injury. METHODS: Eighteen pigs (DXS, n=10; phosphate buffered saline [PBS], n=8) underwent standard cardiopulmonary bypass. After aortic cross-clamping, cardiac arrest was initiated with modified Buckberg blood cardioplegia (BCP), repeated after 30 and 60 min with BCP containing either DXS (300 mg/10 ml, equivalent to 5mg/kg) or 10 ml of PBS. Following 30 min reperfusion, pigs were weaned from CPB. During 2h of observation, cardiac function was monitored by echocardiography and invasive pressure measurements. Inflammatory and coagulation markers were assessed regularly. Animals were then sacrificed and heart and lungs analyzed. RESULTS: DXS significantly reduced CK-MB levels (43.4+/-14.8 ng/ml PBS, 35.9+/-11.1 ng/ml DXS, p=0.042) and significantly diminished cytokine release: TNFalpha (1507.6+/-269.2 pg/ml PBS, 222.1+/-125.6 pg/ml DXS, p=0.0071), IL1beta (1081.8+/-203.0 pg/ml PBS, 110.7+/-79.4 pg/ml DXS, p=0.0071), IL-6 (173.0+/-91.5 pg/ml PBS, 40.8+/-19.4 pg/ml DXS, p=0.002) and IL-8 (304.6+/-81.3 pg/ml PBS, 25.4+/-14.2 pg/ml DXS, p=0.0071). Tissue endothelin-1 levels were significantly reduced (6.29+/-1.90 pg/100mg PBS, 3.55+/-1.15 pg/100mg DXS p=0.030) as well as thrombin-anti-thrombin formation (20.7+/-1.0 microg/ml PBS, 12.8+/-4.1 microg/ml DXS, p=0.043). Also DXS reduced cardiac and pulmonary complement deposition, neutrophil infiltration, hemorrhage and pulmonary edema (measured as lung water content, 81+/-3% vs 78+/-3%, p=0.047), indicative of attenuated myocardial and pulmonary CPB-injury. Diastolic left ventricular function (measured as dp/dt(min)), pulmonary artery pressure (21+/-3 mmHg PBS, 19+/-3 mmHg DXS, p=0.002) and right ventricular pressure (21+/-1 mmHg PBS, 19+/-3 mmHg DXS p=0.021) were significantly improved with the use of DXS. CONCLUSIONS: Addition of DXS to the BCP solution ameliorates post-CPB injury and to a certain extent improves cardiopulmonary function. Endothelial protection in addition to myocyte protection may improve post-CPB outcome and recovery.


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Gebiet: Chirurgie Abstract: Background: Preservation of cardiac grafts for transplantation is not standardized and most centers use a single administration of crystalloid solution at the time of harvesting. We investigated possible benefits of an additional dose of cardioplegia dispensed immediately before implantation. – – Methods: Consecutive adult cardiac transplantations (2005?2012) were reviewed. Hearts were harvested following a standard protocol (Celsior 2L, 4?8°C). In 2008, 100 ml crys-talloid cardioplegic solution was added and administered immediately before implanta-tion. Univariate and logistic regression analyses were used to investigate risk factors for post-operative graft failure and mid-term outcome. – – Results: A total of 81 patients, 44 standard (?Cardio???) vs. 37 with additional cardiople-gia (?CardioC?) were analyzed. Recipients and donors were comparable in both groups. CardioC patients demonstrated a reduced need for defibrillation (24 vs. 48%, p D0.03), post-operative ratio of CK-MB/CK (10.1_3.9 vs. 13.3_4.2%, p D0.001), intubation time (2.0_1.6 vs. 7.2_11.5 days, p D0.05), and ICU stay (3.9_2.1 vs. 8.5_7.8 days, p D0.001). Actuarial survival was reduced when graft ischemic time was >180 min in Cardio?? but not in CardioC patients (p D0.033). Organ ischemic time >180 min (OR: 5.48, CI: 1.08?27.75), donor female gender (OR: 5.84, CI: 1.13?33.01), and recipient/donor age >60 (OR: 6.33, CI: 0.86?46.75), but not the additional cardioplegia or the observation period appeared independent predictors of post-operative acute graft failure. – – Conclusion: An additional dose of cardioplegia administered immediately before implan-tation may be a simple way to improve early and late outcome of cardiac transplantation, especially in situations of prolonged graft ischemia.A large, ideally multicentric, randomized study is desirable to verify this preliminary observation.


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Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Ramo de especialização: Ultrassonografia Cardiovascular


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FUNDAMENTO: A resposta inflamatória orgânica constitui um mecanismo fisiopatológico presente em todas as cirurgias de revascularização do miocárdio com circulação extracorpórea (CRVM-CEC), e a liberação de mediadores inflamatórios constitui um de seus mecanismos de defesa. OBJETIVO: Avaliar, em estudo prospectivo duplo-cego randomizado e controlado com placebo, os efeitos da trimetazidina (Tmz) sobre a resposta inflamatória, por meio da variação nas interleucinas 6 e 8; TNF-α; complementos C3 e C5, e na proteína C reativa ultrassensível (PCR-us), em dois momentos, pré e pós-operatório. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 30 pacientes submetidos a CRVM-CEC utilizando cardioplegia hipotérmica intermitente, e com no máximo disfunção ventricular leve, divididos em dois grupos (placebo e Tmz), estratificados por ecocardiografia e recebendo medicação/placebo na dose de 60mg/dia. As amostras foram dosadas no pré-operatório sem medicação, no dia da cirurgia com 12 a 15 dias de medicação/placebo e, seguidamente, 5 min após o desclampeamento aórtico, 12 e 24h, para interleucinas e complementos, e 48h para PCR. RESULTADOS: Não ocorreram diferenças significativas entre os níveis de interleucina 8, Tnf-α, complementos C3 e C5, e PCR-us. No entanto, no grupo tratado, os níveis de interleucina 6 foram significativamente inferiores aos do grupo controle, em todos os momentos analisados. CONCLUSÃO: A trimetazidina mostrou-se eficaz apenas na redução da interleucina 6 nos pacientes submetidos à CRVM.