971 resultados para Cardiology Service, Hospital


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Aim: To identify how the methodology of Reflection Groups (RG) can contribute to approach social-psychological problems, so often observed as obstacles in PE efforts. The objective was also to verify the contributions from RG to the implementation of ergonomics recommendations, which were a starting point and organized group discussions. Method: A concrete case was used as an illustration, and studied in depth: RG with administration and production workers` representatives from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of a cardiologic hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. RG are temporary thinking groups, taking place outside the workplace and having delegative and consultive participation. They make use of Operative Groups, an adapted form of tripartite group, activity as an instrumental resource, group dynamic techniques and videotaping. In 2007, 31 meetings took place during paid working hours with 7 groups of different composition, ranging from 1.5 h to 3 h. Results: Additionally to the positive effects in communication and psychosocial environment, RG could also contribute to changes in interpersonal relationships, cooperation, personal and work behaviours. By dealing with aspects which could hinder the explicit task: fears, conflicts, and stereotyped beliefs and behaviours; resistance to change could be broken and group members could learn. RG allowed input about new risks; continuous information and feedback about ongoing ergonomics interventions so that immediate corrective action could be taken. The main form of participation was in administrative, organizational, and psychosocial problems which required a better clarification and identification of their real causes, commitment, and elaboration of strategies and negotiation of different stakeholders in their solution. Conclusion: RG takes advantage of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups, in face to face communication. The interactions in the groups are task-oriented (explicit task) but attaining groups` goals depends on a relational interaction (implicit task). Relevance to industry: Reflection groups can bring important contributions to ergonomics and industry because they favour the discussion, disclosure of problems and incorporation of solutions, enabling interventions in working organization, psychosocial environment and relationships in a collective and participatory approach, promoting health and social integration. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introdução: Os acidentes constituem uma importante causa de morbimortalidade infantil e de recurso ao serviço de urgência pediátrica. A nível nacional conhecem-se apenas alguns dados epidemiológicos. Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal com análise da coorte das crianças observadas no serviço de urgência pediátrica de um hospital nível II por motivo de acidente, durante um período de nove meses, com dados obtidos através de um inquérito e submetidos a análise estatística. Resultados: Das 22502 admissões de crianças até aos 14 anos registadas, 1746 (7,8%) foram por acidentes. A maioria era do sexo masculino e tinha mais de 5 anos. Os acidentes ocorreram maioritariamente no exterior da escola (29,1%) e interior de casa (25%), predominando a queda como tipo de acidente (55,5%) e a contusão como mecanismo de lesão (54,2%). A maioria das crianças (77,3%) foi submetida a exames complementares de diagnóstico destacando-se os radiológicos. Os diagnósticos mais frequentes foram os traumatismos superficiais (47,9%) e os ferimentos (24,8%). Em 6,6% (115) dos casos os acidentes foram considerados graves. Estas admissões por acidentes associaram-se a uma despesa imediata estimada de 124 mil euros. Discussão: A frequência elevada e o local de ocorrência dos acidentes coincidiram com a literatura. Apesar do predomínio das lesões minor superficiais (47,9%) verificou-se um número significativo de crianças com necessidade de cuidados hospitalares. Não foram registados óbitos. Os autores concluem que os acidentes em crianças foram um motivo frequente de ida ao serviço de urgência pediátrica com importante consumo de recursos. A sensibilização dos cuidadores é essencial na prevenção dos acidentes.


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OBJECTIVE: To report a training program in cardiology emphasizing changes in its pedagogical practice. These changes were put into practice by some teachers at the Medical School of Porto Alegre of the University of Rio Grande do Sul (FAMED/UFRGS) aiming to make faculty and student activities more dynamic and to promote more efficacious learning. The training program is directed at 5th semester medical students and aims at a behavioral change in teachers and students to promote more interaction, to favor exchanges, and to make the teaching-learning process easier, always maintaining the patient in the center of the medical activity. METHODS: The program emphasizes the definition of general and specific objectives for each activity to be developed by the students, with training in the area of admission to the cardiology service, with special emphasis on behavioral change in the cognitive, motor, affective, and attitudinal areas. Knowledge was developed by means of interactive seminars with initial and final assessment tests to identify students' and teachers' performance. The students were evaluated in an immediate, continuous, and progressive way in their daily activities and through comparison of the results of 2 tests, one applied at the beginning of the training and the other at its end. These 2 tests contained the same questions. RESULTS: We systematically assessed 560 students over 4 years. The mean grades of the tests performed prior to and after the 244 seminars were 7.38±1.66 and 9.17± 0.82, respectively (p<0.0001). For the tests applied at the beginning and at the end of the training, the mean grades were 5.61±1.61 and 9.37±0.90, respectively (p<0.0001). CONCLUSION: The program proved to be efficient both for the students' learning and for assessing their performance in a systematic and objective way.


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Introduction.The new demands of a fast changing world necessitate expanding the traditional concepts of nursing, extending the classical aspects to cover new areas. Purpose. Based on their professional duties, the nursing team in the pharmacy of a second level hospital aimed to establish a theoretical and situational framework for nurses working in the central services. Material and Methods. Application of the nursing process to nursing work in an area with no direct contact with patients. Results and Discussion. The application of the NANDA diagnoses to professional practice enabled the establishment of a nursing diagnosis with the implementation of measures designed to overcome a stressful situation with a risk of becoming unmotivated. Main Conclusion. The capacity to adapt the nursing profession to undertake new roles in the field of healthcare and the power of nursing own methodological resources permit the indirect care of “faceless” patients to be complemented with the inclusion of nurses from other services as clients, forming the focus of care, who can thus be helped with their daily care work.


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Injectable drugs are high-risk products and their reconstitution in hospital wards is a potential source of errors. Thus, in order to secure the reconstitution process and thereby improve safety, the pharmacy department of Lausanne University Hospital is focusing on developing ready-to-use forms (CIVAS). These preparations are compounded in controlled clean rooms and are analyzed prior to release. In the intensive care unit, amiodarone 12.5 mg/mL in glucose 5% is one of the high-risk preparations, which has led the pharmacy to develop a ready-to-use solution. To this end, a one-year stability study was initiated, and the preliminary results (after six months) are illustrated here. A stability-indicating HPLC method was developed and validated for monitoring the concentration of amiodarone. Batches were stored at 5 °C and 30 °C, which were analyzed immediately after preparation, after one, two, four and six months of storage. The pH and osmolality values were monitored at the respective time intervals. It was observed that after six months, all the results were within specifications. However, the pH values started to decrease after two months when amiodarone was stored at 30 °C. After six months, a degradation peak appeared on the chromatogram of these solutions, which suggested that amiodarone is more stable at 5 °C. The preliminary results obtained in this study indicated that injectable amiodarone solutions are stable for six months under refrigerated storage conditions. The study is ongoing.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of introducing clinical practice guidelines on acute coronary syndrome without persistent ST segment elevation (ACS) on patient initial assessment. DESIGN: Prospective before-after evaluation over a 3-month period. SETTING: The emergency ward of a tertiary teaching hospital. PATIENTS: All consecutive patients with ACS evaluated in the emergency ward over the two 3-month periods. INTERVENTION: Implementation of the practice guidelines, and the addition of a cardiology consultant to the emergency team. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Diagnosis, electrocardiogram interpretation, and risk stratification after the initial evaluation. RESULTS: The clinical characteristics of the 328 and 364 patients evaluated in the emergency ward for suspicion of ACS before and after guideline implementation were similar. Significantly more patients were classified as suffering from atypical chest pain (39.6% versus 47.0%; P = 0.006) after guideline implementation. Guidelines availability was associated with significantly more formal diagnoses (79.9% versus 92.9%; P < 0.0001) and risk stratification (53.7% versus 65.4%, P < 0.0001) at the end of initial assessment. CONCLUSION: Guidelines implementation, along with availability of a cardiology consultant in the emergency room had a positive impact on initial assessment of patients evaluated for suspicion of ACS. It led to increased confidence in diagnosis and stratification by risk, which are the first steps in initiating effective treatment for this common condition.


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Objective: To determine the clinical characteristics of the orofacial pain of cardiac origin in patients visited when doing a treadmill exercise test, at the cardiology service of the Can Ruti Hospital in Badalona (Barcelona, Spain). Study design: The sample of that study included thirty patients visiteding when doing a treadmill exercise test, at the cardiology service. The questionnaire has been asked to a sample of 30 patients. Results: Eleven of the 30 patients included in this study presented craniofacial pain before or during the cardiac seizure. The location of the pain was bilateral, non-irradiated at the mandible in all cases. The intensity of the pain was from slight to severe. The frequency of the appearance of the pain was paroxysmal in 8 cases and constant in three cases, and the duration was from a few hours to a maximum of 14 days. Discussion: The cardiac pain in craniofacial structures is usually bilateral, compared to odontogenic pain which is always unilateral. The pain of cardiac origin is considered atypical because of its location, but about the 10 % of the cases, the cardiac ischemia has its primary manifestation in orofacial structures. Conclusions: Eleven patients referred a bilateral non-irradiated mandibular pain, with intensity from slight to severe, and with a paroxystic frequency in eight cases and a constant frequency in three cases. Just one patient referred pain during the treadmill exercise test. In all cases the pain disappeared after the cardiac surgery or the administration of vasodilators.


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The year 2014 was rich in significant advances in all areas of internal medicine. Many of them have an impact on our daily practice and on the way we manage one problem or another. From the use of the ultrasound for the diagnosis of pneumonia to the choice of the site of venous access and the type of line, and the increasing complexity of choosing an oral anticoagulant agent, this selection offers to the readers a brief overview of the major advances. The chief residents in the Service of internal medicine of the Lausanne University hospital are pleased to share their readings.


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This study aimed at identifying the hospitalization costs of pregnant women with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) at a University Hospital. It is an observational, quantitative study with descriptive data analysis. The direct and indirect costs available in the institution were identified in order to determine the hospitalization costs for patients diagnosed with DM during pregnancy and childbirth. By means of descriptive statistics, it was observed that 63.46% of the patients had caesarean delivery; the mean total cost was R$ 362.93 (U$ 218.10)/hospitalization during pregnancy, R$ 2,642.65 (U$ 1,588.13)/hospitalization for caesarean delivery, and R$ 2.319.77 (U$ 1,394.09)/hospitalization for vaginal delivery. It was concluded that the analysis of hospitalization costs for patients with DM is of utmost importance, since they are highcomplexity hospitalizations that require a large number of interventions, increasing thus the service costs.


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"December 6, 1988."


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ANTECEDENTES: Conocer el funcionamiento del sistema auditivo es de interés para los profesionales, por esto la detección temprana de hipoacusia es importante. OBJETIVO GENERAL: Determinar la incidencia de hipoacusia y su relación con factores de riesgo, en pacientes del Servicio de Neonatología, Hospital Latinoamericano, Cuenca - Ecuador, 2015. METODOLOGÍA: Es un estudio prospectivo analítico, la muestra de 50 pacientes cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, los factores de riesgo se recolectaron en un formulario elaborado por los autores. Para la formulación y análisis de tablas estadísticas se utilizó Microsoft Office Excel 2007 y SPSS. Medidas Estadísticas: Riesgo Relativo, Índice de Confianza, y valor de P. RESULTADOS: La incidencia de hipoacusia detectada por OEA fue de 20 (40%) de 50 pacientes. El grupo etario con mayor incidencia de hipoacusia fueron pacientes entre 1 y 5 días de nacidos. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron PREMATURIDAD y APGAR al minuto deprimido, ambos con 28 casos (56%). El sexo MASCULINO con un 60% del total de hipoacusias detectadas fue el de mayor incidencia. Los factores de riesgo estadísticamente significativos, fueron MANIFESTACIONES NEUROLÓGICAS, con un RR=3.31 (IC95%: 2.10 – 5.21) y valor p = 0.001 y MALFORMACIONES CONGENITAS con un RR=2.88 (IC95%: 1.94 – 4.27) y valor p=0.021. CONCLUSIONES: Determinar la incidencia de hipoacusia mediante OEA es importante para llegar a un diagnóstico definitivo mediante la prueba de Potenciales Evocados y lograr un tratamiento temprano y adecuado, además de un control epidemiológico propio para detectar factores de riesgo asociados


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OBJETIVO: Analisar as características das quedas no grupo etário com 60 anos ou mais, com ênfase nas quedas no mesmo nível, residentes no Estado de São Paulo, a partir da análise das diferentes fontes de informação oficiais. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas as 1.328 mortes registradas no SIM em 2007, 20.726 internações no SIH/SUS em 2008 e os 359 atendimentos realizados em 24 UEs do Estado de São Paulo em 2007. Um teste de regressão logística foi utilizado para testar associações entre variáveis nos atendimentos em emergências. RESULTADOS: O sexo masculino preponderou nas mortes (51,2 %) enquanto o sexo feminino preponderou nas internações (61,1%) e atendimentos em emergências (60,4%). O coeficiente de mortalidade foi 31/100.000 habitantes, aumentando com a idade e atingindo o valor de 110,7/100.000 habitantes na faixa de 80 anos e mais. As quedas no mesmo nível foram responsáveis pela maior proporção de mortes definidas (35%), nas internações (47,5%) e também nas emergências (66%), crescendo de importância com o aumento das faixas etárias. A residência foi o local de ocorrência em 65,8% dos casos atendidos nas emergências. Os traumatismos de cabeça assumem importância nas mortes; as fraturas de fêmur foram as lesões mais frequentes nas internações e emergências. Nas emergências, as mulheres foram 1,55 vezes significativamente mais prováveis de serem atendidas por uma queda do que pelas outras causas externas que os homens. Comparativamente à faixa de 60 a 69 anos, os indivíduos na faixa de 70 a 79 anos foram 2,10 vezes e os indivíduos de 80 anos e mais foram 2,26 vezes significativamente mais prováveis de serem atendidos por uma queda do que pelas outras causas externas. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante quanto ao sexo ou faixa etária quando se comparou os indivíduos que sofreram quedas no mesmo nível e outros tipos de queda. CONCLUSÃO: Recomenda-se que a prevenção das quedas entre idosos entre na pauta de discussão das políticas públicas sem mais demora.