930 resultados para Cardboard boxes
Reusable cardboard boxes can be ergonomically designed for internal transportation of dry products in industrial settings. In this study we compared the effects of handling a regular commercial box and two cardboard prototypes on upper limb postures through the evaluation of movements, myoelectrical activity, perceived grip acceptability and capacity for reuse. The ergonomic designs provided a more acceptable grip, safer wrist and elbow movements and lower wrist extensors and biceps activity. Biomechanical disadvantages were observed only for one of the prototypes when handling to high surface. The prototypes were durable and suitable for extensive reuse (more than 2000 handlings) in internal industrial transportation. Despite being slightly more expensive than regular cardboard, the prototypes showed good cost-benefit considering their high durability. Relevance to industry: Cardboard boxes can be efficiently redesigned for allowing safer upper limb movements and lower muscle workload in manual materials handling. New designs can also be extensively reused for internal industrial transportation with good cost-benefit. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Tick-borne relapsing fever is an endemic disease in Iran, with most cases attributed to infection by B. persica, which is transmitted by Ornithodoros tholozani soft ticks. Here, we report spirochetemia in blood of a puppy residing in Tehran, Iran. The causative species was identified by use of highly discriminative IGS sequencing; the 489 bp IGS sequence obtained in our study showed 99% identity (100% coverage) when compared with Borrelia persica sequences derived from clinical cases or from Ornithodoros tholozani ticks. Our IGS sequence also showed 99% similarity over 414 bp (85% coverage) with a strain from a domestic dog, and 96% over 328 bp (69% coverage) with a strain from a domestic cat. Pet-keeping in cosmopolitan cities like Tehran has become increasingly popular in recent years. Animals are often transported into the city in cages or cardboard boxes that might also harbour minute tick larvae and/or early stages of the nymphs bringing them into the urban environment. This may pose a threat to household members who buy and keep these puppies and as a result may come into close contact with infected ticks.
En Colombia la producción de panela es básicamente artesanal, por lo cual no se registra un gran volumen de exportaciones. Este producto es comúnmente conocido como sustituto del azúcar y dentro del país su consumo es casi igual a su producción. A pesar de lo anterior, con el presente proyecto estamos buscando abrir espacios de comercialización de la panela hacia el exterior, más específicamente con destino a la ciudad de New York – Estados Unidos, dirigido a la población latina que se encuentra en dicha ciudad. Para incentivar las ventas de nuestro producto, haremos énfasis en los beneficios nutricionales y medicinales de la panela, que aún no son conocidos por el mercado objetivo. Además, según el estudio de mercados realizado, las presentaciones con mayor acogida por los consumidores son: panela granulada y panela en cubitos, que se comercializarán en frascos plásticos y en cajas de cartón respectivamente. Para ambas referencias las presentaciones serán identificadas con el logo de la empresa, además de la bandera de nuestro país. El empaque en su etiqueta mostrará la tabla nutricional como su forma de preparación, la etiqueta estará en los dos idiomas: inglés y español. Finalmente, el término de negociación utilizado será FOB puerto colombiano, con medio de pago carta de crédito ya que brinda la confianza y seguridad de llevar a feliz término el acuerdo pactado en una negociación de comercio exterior.
Os principais aspectos que marcaram a evolução técnica das culturas do abacaxizeiro, mamoeiro e maracujazeiro no Brasil foram discutidos. em abacaxizeiro, tem-se constatado uma inovação no sistema de comercialização da cv. Smooth Cayenne, que consiste no uso de caixas de papelão ondulado para o mercado interno, cujo objetivo é propiciar uma garantia de sabor inserida em uma marca. O recente lançamento de cultivares resistentes à fusariose, pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) (Imperial e Vitória) e IAC (Fantástico), traz novas perspectivas de produtividade. em maracujazeiro, a maior contribuição aos pomares foi dada pelo melhoramento genético, inicialmente voltado apenas para ampliação da produtividade da cultura. No início dos anos 2000, o lançamento das primeiras cultivares de maracujá - mais produtivas e com qualidade de fruta diferenciada para os dois segmentos de mercado (frutas frescas e agroindústria), transformou o cenário produtivo brasileiro. Com a criação de um sistema organizado de produção e comercialização de sementes e mudas selecionadas, ampliou-se significativamente a qualidade dos pomares. Atualmente, a disponibilidade de novas cultivares tolerantes à virose (VEFM) e cultivares regionais passou a representar um diferencial para a cultura. em mamoeiro, destaca-se a ocorrência do Mosaico do Mamoeiro (Monte Alto-SP, 1967), que determinou a migração da cultura pelo Estado e sua expulsão para outros estados, até sua fixação na Bahia e no Espírito Santo, os maiores produtores nacionais. Comparam-se as técnicas utilizadas nos diferentes períodos de produção, antes e depois do surgimento do mosaico, que permitiram ao Brasil lançar-se no mercado externo, tornando-se o maior exportador mundial de mamão, com lavouras produtivas e frutos de ótima qualidade. Nesta evolução, soma-se a contribuição do melhoramento genético, que disponibilizou sementes de alta qualidade, com reflexos nas práticas culturais e de propagação. São apresentadas de colheita e de pós-colheita diferenciadas que resultaram em melhorias no padrão de qualidade das frutas exportadas para o mercado europeu e norte-americano.
Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de verificar a influência da temperatura de refrigeração e idade do cacho sobre a conservação e qualidade pós-colheita da banana 'Prata Anã', produzida no Norte de Minas Gerais, visando a exportação. Utilizaram-se frutos de bananeira 'Prata Anã' provenientes do município de Nova Porteirinha, MG. A colheita foi realizada na 16ª, 18ª e 20ª semanas após a emissão floral. Dos cachos colhidos, utilizou-se às segundas pencas, separadas em buquês com 5 frutos, lavados e pesados (18 kg). em seguida, os frutos foram revestidos com embalagens de polietileno de baixa densidade, com 50m de espessura, sob vácuo parcial, acondicionados em caixas de papelão e distribuídos em paletes. Depois de embalados e paletizados, os frutos foram transportados para a EPAMIG/CTNM, onde foram armazenados em câmaras de refrigeração (10 e 12ºC) e umidade relativa de 95%, por um período de 35 dias, sendo analisados antes e após a refrigeração. O armazenamento de bananas 'Prata Anã', provenientes de cachos com 16, 18 e 20 semanas, por 35 dias a temperaturas de 10 e 12ºC, não promoveu chilling nos frutos. A temperatura de 10ºC foi mais eficaz em prevenir a evolução da coloração da casca de bananas provenientes de cachos com 18 semanas, que à temperatura de 12ºC, enquanto as temperaturas de 10 e 12ºC foram igualmente eficientes na contenção da mudança de cor de bananas provenientes de cachos com 16 semanas. Frutos provenientes de cachos com 20 semanas amadureceram desuniformemente, ao longo do armazenamento refrigerado.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The year so far has been a slow start for many businesses, but at least we have not seen the collapse of as many businesses that we were seeing around two years ago. We are, however, still well and truly in the midst of a global recession. Interest rates are still at an all time low, UK house prices seem to be showing little signs of increase (except in London where everyone still seems to want to live!) and for the ardent shopper there are bargains to be had everywhere. It seems strange that prices on the high street do not seem to have increased in over ten years. Mobile phones, DVD players even furniture seems to be cheaper than they used to be. Whist much of this is down to cheaper manufacturing and the rest could probably be explained by competition within the market place. Does this mean that quality suffered too? Now that we live in a world when if a television is not working it is thrown away and replaced. There was a time when you would take it to some odd looking man that your father would know who could fix it for you. (I remember our local television fix-it man, with his thick rimmed bifocal spectacles and a poor comb-over; he had cardboard boxes full of resistors and electrical wires on the floor of his front room that smelt of soldering irons!) Is this consumerism at an extreme or has this move to disposability made us a better society? Before you think these are just ramblings there is a point to this. According to latest global figures of contact lens sales the vast majority of contact lenses fitted around the world are daily, fortnightly or monthly disposable hydrogel lenses. Certainly in the UK over 90% of lenses are disposable (with daily disposables being the most popular, having a market share of over 50%). This begs the question – is this a good thing? Maybe more importantly, do our patients benefit? I think it is worth reminding ourselves why we went down the disposability route with contact lenses in the first place, and unlike electrical goods it was not just so we did not have to take them for repair! There are the obvious advantages of overcoming problems of breakage and tearing of lenses and the lens deterioration with age. The lenses are less likely to be contaminated and the disinfection is either easier or not required at all (in the case of daily disposable lenses). Probably the landmark paper in the field was the work more commonly known as the ‘Gothenburg Study’. The paper, entitled ‘Strategies for minimizing the Ocular Effects of Extended Contact Lens Wear’ published in the American Journal of Optometry in 1987 (volume 64, pages 781-789) by Holden, B.A., Swarbrick, H.A., Sweeney, D.F., Ho, A., Efron, N., Vannas, A., Nilsson, K.T. They suggested that contact lens induced ocular effects were minimised by: •More frequently removed contact lenses •More regularly replaced contact lenses •A lens that was more mobile on the eye (to allow better removal of debris) •Better flow of oxygen through the lens All of these issues seem to be solved with disposability, except the oxygen issue which has been solved with the advent of silicone hydrogel materials. Newer issues have arisen and most can be solved in practice by the eye care practitioner. The emphasis now seems to be on making lenses more comfortable. The problems of contact lens related dry eyes symptoms seem to be ever present and maybe this would explain why in the UK we have a pretty constant contact lens wearing population of just over three million but every year we have over a million dropouts! That means we must be attracting a million new wearers every year (well done to the marketing departments!) but we are also losing a million wearers every year. We certainly are not losing them all to the refractive surgery clinics. We know that almost anyone can now wear a contact lens and we know that some lenses will solve problems of sharper vision, some will aid comfort, and some will be useful for patients with dry eyes. So if we still have so many dropouts then we must be doing something wrong! I think the take home message has to be ‘must try harder’! I must end with an apology for two errors in my editorial of issue 1 earlier this year. Firstly there was a typo in the first sentence; I meant to state that it was 40 years not 30 years since the first commercial soft lens was available in the UK. The second error was one that I was unaware of until colleagues Geoff Wilson (Birmingham, UK) and Tim Bowden (London, UK) wrote to me to explain that soft lenses were actually available in the UK before 1971 (please see their ‘Letters to the Editor’ in this issue). I am grateful to both of them for correcting the mistake.
O presente trabalho resultou da realização de um estágio curricular na empresa Fábrica de Papel e Cartão da Zarrinha, S.A.. O trabalho incide sobre a aplicação da metodologia DMAIC da abordagem Seis-Sigma a uma linha de produção de cartão canelado, mais especificamente a um tipo de não conformidade do mesmo, denominado por cartão com Warp (ou cartão com empeno). Através desta aplicação, foi possível encontrar as principais causas-raíz do problema em questão e delinear possíveis ações de melhoria para solucionar o mesmo. Durante a implementação desta metodologia foram utilizadas várias ferramentas de qualidade que permitiram uma melhor gestão e tratamento da informação de forma a agilizar alguns processos também como a comunicação interna. Sob a forma de resultados, além de se testemunhar a diminuição de placas e embalagens de cartão com warp, conseguiu-se também a sensibilização dos vários departamentos para a problemática em questão e, principalmente, para a utilização e consciencialização da metodologia Seis-Sigma e dos seus benefícios.
In this paper we investigate the heuristic construction of bijective s-boxes that satisfy a wide range of cryptographic criteria including algebraic complexity, high nonlinearity, low autocorrelation and have none of the known weaknesses including linear structures, fixed points or linear redundancy. We demonstrate that the power mappings can be evolved (by iterated mutation operators alone) to generate bijective s-boxes with the best known tradeoffs among the considered criteria. The s-boxes found are suitable for use directly in modern encryption algorithms.
In offering a critical review of the problem we call “ADHD” this paper progresses in three stages. The first two parts juxtapose the dominant voices emanating from the literature in medicine and psychology, highlighting some interdependency between these otherwise competing interest groups. In part three, the nature of the relationship between these groups and the institution of the school is considered, as is the role that the school may play in the psycho-pathologisation of fidgety, distractible, active children who prove hard to teach. In so doing, the author provides an insight as to why the problem we call “ADHD” has achieved celebrity status in Australia and what the effects of that may be for children who come to be described in these ways.
New criteria of extended resiliency and extended immunity of vectorial Boolean functions, such as S-boxes for stream or block ciphers, were recently introduced. They are related to a divide-and-conquer approach to algebraic attacks by conditional or unconditional equations. Classical resiliency turns out to be a special case of extended resiliency and as such requires more conditions to be satisfied. In particular, the algebraic degrees of classically resilient S-boxes are restricted to lower values. In this paper, extended immunity and extended resiliency of S-boxes are studied and many characterisations and properties of such S-boxes are established. The new criteria are shown to be necessary and sufficient for resistance against the divide-and-conquer algebraic attacks by conditional or unconditional equations.