974 resultados para Carbohydrate-metabolism


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Growth, nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism in relation to eutrophication were studied for a submerged plant Potamogeton maackianus, a species common in East Asian shallow lakes. The plants were grown in six NH4+-N concentrations (0.05, 0.50, 1.00, 3.50, 5.00 and 10.00 mg/L) for six days. NH4+-N levels in excess of 0.50 mg/L inhibited the plant growth. The relationships between external NH4+-N availability and total nitrogen (TN), protein-N, free amino acid-N (FAA-N) and NH4+-N in plant tissues, respectively, conformed to a logarithmic model suggesting that a feedback inhibition mechanism may exist for ammonium uptake. The response of starch to NH4+-N was fitted with a negative, logarithmic curve. Detailed analysis revealed that the influx NH4+-N had been efficiently incorporated into organic-N and eventually stored as protein at the expense of starch accumulation. These data suggest that this species may be able to tolerate high levels of ammonium when dissolved oxygen is sufficient.


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The effects of salt stress on carbohydrate metabolism in Microcoleus vaginatus Gom., a cyanobacterium isolated from desert algal crusts, were investigated in the present study. Extracellular total carbohydrates and exopolysaccharides (EPS) in the culture medium produced by M. vaginatus increased significantly during the growth phase and reached a maximum during the stationary phase. The production of extracellular carbohydrates also significantly increased under higher salt concentrations, which was attributed to an increase in low molecular weight carbohydrates. In the presence of NaCl, the production of cellular total carbohydrates decreased and photosynthetic activity was impaired, whereas cellular reducing sugars, water-soluble sugars and sucrose content and sucrose phosphate synthase activity increased, reaching a maximum in the presence of 200 mmol/L NaCl. These parameters were restored to original levels when the algae were transferred to a non-saline medium. Sodium and K+ concentrations of stressed cells decreased significantly and H+-ATPase activity increased after the addition of exogenous sucrose or EPS. The results suggest that EPS and sucrose are synthesized to maintain the cellular osmotic equilibrium between the intra- and extracellular environment, thus protecting algal cells from osmotic damage, which was attributed to the selective exclusion of cellular Na+ and K+ by H+-ATPase.


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The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a diverse ecosystem, and is colonised by a diverse array of bacteria, of which bifidobacteria are a significant component. Bifidobacteria are Gram-positive, saccharolytic, non-motile, non-sporulating, anaerobic, Y-shaped bacteria, which possess a high GC genome content. Certain bifidobacteria possess the ability to produce conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) from linoleic acid (LA) by a biochemical pathway that is hypothesised to be achieved via a linoleic isomerase. In Chapter two of this thesis it was found that the MCRA-specifying gene is not involved in CLA production in B. breve NCFB 2258, and that this gene specifies an oleate hydratase involved in the conversion of oleic acid into 10-hydroxystearic acid. Prebiotics are defined as non-digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon. Key to the development of such novel prebiotics is to understand which carbohydrates support growth of bifidobacteria and how such carbohydrates are metabolised. In Chapter 3 of this thesis we describe the identification and characterisation of two neighbouring gene clusters involved in the metabolism of raffinose-containing carbohydrates (plus related carbohydrate melibiose) and melezitose by Bifidobacterium breve UCC2003. The fourth chapter of this thesis describes the analysis of transcriptional regulation of the raf and mel clusters. In the final experimental chapter two putative rep genes, designated repA7017 and repB7017, are identified on the megaplasmid pBb7017 of B. breve JCM 7017, the first bifidobacterial megaplasmid to be reported. One of these, repA7017, was subjected to an in-depth characterisation. The work described in this thesis has resulted in an improved understanding of bifidobacterial fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism, Furthermore, attempts were made to develop novel genetic tools.


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This study investigated the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism through changes in skeletal muscle cell volume immediately post contraction and during recovery. Using an established in vitro isolated muscle strip model, soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) were dissected from male rats and incubated in an organ bath (perfused with 95% O2; 5% CO2, pH 7.4, temperature 25°C) containing medium- 199 altered to a target osmotic condition (iso-, hypo- or hyper-osmotic; 290, 1 80, 400 mmol/kg). Muscles were stimulated for 10 minutes (40 Hz SOL; 30 Hz EDL) and then either immediately flash frozen or allowed to recover for 20 minutes before subsequent metabolite and enzyme analysis. Results demonstrated a relative water decrease in HYPER vs. HYPOosmotic condition (n=8/group; p<0.05) regardless of muscle type. Specifically, the SOL HYPER condition had elevated metabolite concentrations after 10 minutes of stimulation in comparison to both HYPO and ISO (p<0.05), while EDL muscle did not show any significant difTerences between the HYPER or HYPO conditions. After 20 minutes of recovery, metabolic changes occurred in both SOL and EDL with the SOL HYPER condition showing greater relative changes in metabolite concentrations versus HYPO. The results of the current study have demonstrated that osmotic imbalance induces metabolic change within the skeletal muscle cell and muscle type may influence the mechanisms utilized for cell volume regulation.


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Rationale:Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is a high prevalence condition characterized by altered energy metabolism, insulin resistance and elevated cardiovascular risk.Objectives:Although many individual single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been linked to certain MetS features, there are few studies analyzing the influence of SNPs on carbohydrate metabolism in MetS.Methods:904 SNPs (tag SNPs and functional SNPs) were tested for influence in eight fasting and dynamic markers of carbohydrate metabolism, performing an intravenous glucose tolerance test in 450 participants of the LIPGENE study.Findings:From 382 initial gene-phenotype associations between SNPs and any phenotypic variables, 61 (a 16 % of the pre-selected) remained significant after Bootstrapping. Top SNPs affecting glucose metabolism variables were as follows: fasting glucose: rs26125 (PPARGC1B); fasting insulin: rs4759277 (LRP1); C peptide: rs4759277 (LRP1); HOMA-IR: rs4759277 (LRP1); QUICKI: rs184003 (AGER); SI: rs7301876 (ABCC9), AIRg: rs290481 (TCF7L2) and DI: rs12691 (CEBPA).Conclusions:We describe here the top SNPs linked to phenotypic features in carbohydrate metabolism among aproximately 1000 candidate gene variations in fasting and postprandial samples of 450 patients with MetS from the LIPGENE study.


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This study examined the effect of reduced plasma free fatty acid (FFA) availability on carbohydrate metabolism during exercise. Six untrained women cycled for 60 minutes at approximately 58% of maximum oxygen uptake after ingestion of a placebo (CON) or nicotinic acid (NA), 30 minutes before exercise (7.4 ± 0.5 mg·kg−1 body weight), and at 0 minutes (3.7 ± 0.3 mg·kg−1) and 30 minutes (3.7 ± 0.3 mg·kg−1) of exercise. Glucose kinetics were measured using a primed, continuous infusion of [6,6-2H] glucose. Plasma FFA (CON, 0.86 ± 0.12; NA, 0.21 ± 0.11 mmol·L−1 at 60 minutes, P < .05) and glycerol (CON, 0.34 ± 0.05; NA, 0.10 ± 0.04 mmol·L−1 at 60 minutes, P < .05) were suppressed throughout exercise. Mean respiratory exchange ratio (RER) during exercise was higher (P < .05) in NA (0.89 ± 0.02) than CON (0.83 ± 0.02). Plasma glucose and glucose production were similar between trials. Total glucose uptake during exercise was greater (P < .05) in NA (1,876 ± 161 μmol·kg−1) than in CON (1,525 ± 107 μmol·kg−1). Total fat oxidation was reduced (P < .05) by approximately 32% during exercise in NA. Total carbohydrate oxidized was approximately 42% greater (P < .05) in NA (412 ± 40 mmol) than CON (290 ± 37 mmol), of which, approximately 16% (20 ± 10 mmol) could be attributed to glucose. Plasma insulin and glucagon were similar between trials. Catecholamines were higher (P < .05) during exercise in NA. In summary, during prolonged moderate exercise in untrained women, reduced FFA availability results in a compensatory increase in carbohydrate oxidation, which appears to be due predominantly to an increase in glycogen utilization, although there was a small, but significant, increase in whole body glucose uptake.


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To investigate the influence of heat stress on the regulation of skeletal muscle carbohydrate metabolism, six active, but not specifically trained, men performed 5 min of cycling at a power output eliciting 70% maximal O(2) uptake in either 20 degrees C (Con) or 40 degrees C (Heat) after 20 min of passive exposure to either environmental condition. Although muscle temperature (T(mu)) was similar at rest when comparing trials, 20 min of passive exposure and 5 min of exercise increased (P < 0.05) T(mu) in Heat compared with Con (37.5 +/- 0.1 vs. 36.9 +/- 0.1 degrees C at 5 min for Heat and Con, respectively). Rectal temperature and plasma epinephrine were not different at rest, preexercise, or 5 min of exercise between trials. Although intramuscular glycogen phosphorylase and pyruvate dehydrogenase activity increased (P < 0.05) at the onset of exercise, there were no differences in the activities of these regulatory enzymes when comparing Heat with Con. Accordingly, glycogen use in the first 5 min of exercise was not different when comparing Heat with Con. Similarly, no differences in intramuscular concentrations of glucose 6-phosphate, lactate, pyruvate, acetyl-CoA, creatine, phosphocreatine, or ATP were observed at any time point when comparing Heat with Con. These results demonstrate that, whereas mild heat stress results in a small difference in contracting T(mu), it does not alter the activities of the key regulatory enzymes for carbohydrate metabolism or glycogen use at the onset of exercise, when plasma epinephrine levels are unaltered.


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It is currently accepted that the most appropriate diet in the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus "e;NIDDM"e; is high in carbohydrates, high in fibre and low in fat. Dietary fibre reduces the rate of carbohydrate absorption, which may have a beneficial effect on insulin action. Furthermore, high fibre diets also increase the amount of carbohydrates which are not absorbed from the small intestine. These malabsorbed carbohydrates are fermented by the bacterial population in the large intestine, producing short chain fatty acids "e;SCFA"e;, including propionate, which has been shown to alter liver carbohydrate metabolism. This thesis investigated the actions of slowed carbohydrate absorption and carbohydrate malabsorption in streptozotocin-induced "e;STZ"e; diabetic rats. High carbohydrate diet supplemented with guar gum, a soluble dietary fibre, fed to STZ diabetic rats improved insulin sensitivity. investigation of the alterations in the stomach and small intestine demonstrated that guar increased the viscosity of the meal in the intestine. The action of increased fermentation, producing more propionate, was investigated by supplementing propionate into the diets of STZ diabetic rats or when perfused into isolated rat livers. No changes in insulin action or liver glucose metabolism were measured. in addition, it was shown that guar gum reduces food intake in STZ diabetic rats. Mild reductions in food intake in STZ diabetic rats were shown to increase insulin action. In summary, STZ diabetic rats fed high carbohydrate, high fibre diets reductions in food consumption and slowed carbohydrate absorption are important factors which may lower blood glucose concentrations and increase insulin action. increased SCFA production is unlikely to contribute significantly to the improvements in insulin action.


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1. This series of studies was undertaken to examine the adrenergic regulation of carbohydrate metabolism during exercise. Recreationally active males were tested during moderate to intense exercise on a stationary cycle ergometer. Venous and arterial plasma obtained from indwelling catheters was analysed for hormonal and metabolite responses, and hepatic glucose production and glucose uptake were measured using the tracer-dilution method with stable isotopes. Muscle samples were obtained by the needle biopsy technique to examine muscle glycogen utilisation and the flux of related muscle metabolites using enzymatic, fluorometric and radioisotopic techniques. 2. During moderate exercise adrenaline infusion induced a marked hyperglycemia and this was due to reduced glucose uptake rather than enhanced hepatic glucose production. The reduction in glucose uptake was most likely mediated by a decrease in glucose phosphorylation, as indicated by the accumulation of glucose 6-phosphate with adrenaline infusion. 3. The hyperglycemic response to intense exercise was prevented by the administration of α- and β-adrenergic antagonists. Adrenergic blockade was without effect on hepatic glucose production whereas glucose uptake was enhanced when compared with control subjects. These data support the notion that adrenergic mechanisms are more important in restraining glucose uptake than enhancing hepatic glucose production during intense exercise. Other glucoregulatory factors are responsible for the increase in glucose production during intense exercise. 4. Elevated plasma adrenaline levels during moderate exercise in untrained men increases skeletal muscle glycogen breakdown and PDH activation which results


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Examines the interrelationships between body build and body composition and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in healthy young men and women. Results indicate that in women a low relative sitting height may be an early marker of susceptibility to abdominal obesity and its consequences, non insulin dependent diabetes and coronary heart disease.


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The objective of this work was to assess the functionality of the glycolytic pathways in the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. To this effect, the enzymes phosphoglucose isomerase, aldolase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase of the glycolytic pathway, and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway were studied, followed by cloning and expression studies of the enolase gene and determination of its activity. These studies showed that X. fastidiosa does not use the glycolytic pathway to metabolize carbohydrates, which explains the increased duplication time of this phytopatogen. Recombinant enolase was expressed as inclusion bodies and solubilized with urea (most efficient extractor), Triton X-100, and TCA. Enolase extracted from X. fastidiosa and from chicken muscle and liver is irreversibly inactivated by urea. The purification of enolase was partial and resulted in a low yield. No enzymatic activity was detected for either recombinant and native enolases, aldolase, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, suggesting that X. fastidiosa uses the Entner-Doudoroff pathway to produce pyruvate. Evidence is presented supporting the idea that the regulation of genes and the presence of isoforms with regulation patterns might make it difficult to understand the metabolism of carbohydrates in X. fastidiosa.