998 resultados para Cape Basin


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Facies zonation of the Cape basin with respect to Fe-Mn nodules based on data from Cruise 43 of R/V Akademik Kurchatov and published data is presented. Three facies regions are distinguished: the southern end of the Walvis Ridge and seamounts, the continental slope of the Southwest Africa and the deep-water Cape Basin. Iron-manganese nodules in the first of these areas are predominantly sedimentary, those in the second area are diagenetic and those in the third are sedimentary-diagenetic. Chemical characteristics and type of metallogenic specialization for each of the regions are identified.


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High-resolution planktonic and benthic stable isotope records from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1087 off southeast Africa provide the basis for a detailed study of glacial-interglacial (G-IG) cycles during the last 500 k.y. This site is located in the Southern Cape Basin at the boundary of the coastal upwelling of Benguela and close to the gateway between the South Atlantic and the Indian Oceans. It therefore monitors variations of the hydrological fronts associated with the upwelling system and the Atlantic-Indian Ocean interconnections, in relation to global climate change. The coldest period of the last 500 k.y. corresponds to marine isotope Stage (MIS) 12, when surface water temperature was 4°C lower than during the last glacial maximum (LGM) as recorded by the surface-dwelling foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber. The warmest periods occurred during MISs 5 and 11, a situation slightly different to that observed at Site 704, which is close to the Polar Front Zone, where there is no significant difference between the interglacial stages for the past 450 k.y., except the long period of warmth during MIS 11. The planktonic and benthic carbon isotope records do not follow the G-IG cycles but show large oscillations related to major changes in the productivity regime. The largest positive 13C excursion between 260 and 425 ka coincides with the global mid-Brunhes event of carbonate productivity. The oxygen and carbon isotopic gradients between surface and deep waters display long-term changes superimposed on rapid and high-frequency fluctuations that do not follow the regular G-IG pattern; these gradients indicate modifications of the temperature, salinity, and productivity gradients due to changes in the thermocline depth, the position of the hydrological fronts, and the strength of the Benguela Current.


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We report down-core sedimentary Nd isotope (epsilon Nd) records from two South Atlantic sediment cores, MD02-2594 and GeoB3603-2, located on the western South African continental margin. The core sites are positioned downstream of the present-day flow path of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and close to the Southern Ocean, which makes them suitable for reconstructing past variability in NADW circulation over the last glacial cycle. The Fe-Mn leachates epsilon Nd records show a coherent decreasing trend from glacial radiogenic values towards less radiogenic values during the Holocene. This trend is confirmed by epsilon Nd in fish debris and mixed planktonic foraminifera, albeit with an offset during the Holocene to lower values relative to the leachates, matching the present-day composition of NADW in the Cape Basin. We interpret the epsilon Nd changes as reflecting the glacial shoaling of Southern Ocean waters to shallower depths combined with the admixing of southward flowing Northern Component Water (NCW). A compilation of Atlantic epsilon Nd records reveals increasing radiogenic isotope signatures towards the south and with increasing depth. This signal is most prominent during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and of similar amplitude across the Atlantic basin, suggesting continuous deep water production in the North Atlantic and export to the South Atlantic and the Southern Ocean. The amplitude of the epsilon Nd change from the LGM to Holocene is largest in the southernmost cores, implying a greater sensitivity to the deglacial strengthening of NADW at these sites. This signal impacted most prominently the South Atlantic deep and bottom water layers that were particularly deprived of NCW during the LGM. The epsilon Nd variations correlate with changes in 231Pa/230Th ratios and benthic d13C across the deglacial transition. Together with the contrasting 231Pa/230Th: epsilon Nd pattern of the North and South Atlantic, this indicates a progressive reorganization of the AMOC to full strength during the Holocene.


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Sediment cores retrieved in the Benguela coastal upwelling system off Namibia show very distinct enrichments of solid phase barium at the sulfate/methane transition (SMT). These barium peaks represent diagenetic barite (BaSO4) fronts which form by the reaction of upwardly diffusing barium with interstitial sulfate. Calculated times needed to produce these barium enrichments indicate a formation time of about 14,000 yr. Barium spikes a few meters below the SMT were observed at one of the investigated sites (GeoB 8455). Although this sulfate-depleted zone is undersaturated with respect to barite, the dominant mineral phase of these buried barium enrichments was identified as barite by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This is the first study which reports the occurrence/preservation of pronounced barite enrichments in sulfate-depleted sediments buried a few meters below the SMT. At site GeoB 8455 high concentrations of dissolved barium in pore water as well as barium in the solid phase were observed. Modeling the measured barium concentrations at site GeoB 8455 applying the numerical model CoTReM reveals that the dissolution rate of barite directly below the SMT is about one order of magnitude higher than at the barium enrichments deeper in the sediment core. This indicates that the dissolution of barite at these deeper buried fronts must be retarded. Thus, the occurrence of the enrichments in solid phase barium at site GeoB 8455 could be explained by decreased dissolution rates of barite due to the changes in the concentration of barite in the sediment, as well as changes in the saturation state of fluids. Furthermore, the alteration of barite into witherite (BaCO3) via the transient phase barium sulfide could lead to the preservation of a former barite front as BaCO3. The calculations and modeling indicate that a relocation of the barite front to a shallower depth occurred between the last glacial maxium (LGM) and the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. We suggest that an upward shift of the SMT occurred at that time, most likely as a result of an increase in the methanogenesis rates due to the burial of high amounts of organic matter below the SMT.


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Middle/late Miocene to early Pliocene sedimentary sequences along the continental margin of southwest Africa have changes that correspond to the carbonate crash (12-9 Ma) and biogenic bloom events (~7-4 Ma) described in the equatorial Pacific by Farrell et al. (1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.138.143.1995). To explore the origins of these changes, we analyzed the carbon and coarse fraction contents of sediments from ODP Sites 1085, 1086, and 1087 at a time resolution of 5 to 30 kyr. Several major drops in CaCO3 concentration between 12 and 9 Ma are caused by dilution from major increases in clastic input from the Oranje River during global sea level regressions. Abundant pyrite crystals and good preservation of fish debris reflect low oxygenation of bottom/pore waters. Regional productivity was enhanced during the time equivalent to the carbonate crash period. Higher benthic/planktic foraminiferal ratios indicate that CaCO3 dissolution at Site 1085 peaked between 9 to 7 Ma, which was after the global carbonate crash. This period of enhanced dissolution suggests that Site 1085 was located within a low-oxygen water mass that dissolved CaCO3 more easily than North Atlantic Deep Water, which began to bathe this site at 7 Ma. At 7 to 6 Ma, the onset of the biogenic bloom, increases and variations in total organic carbon and benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates show that paleoproductivity increased significantly above values observed during the carbonate crash period and fluctuated widely. We attribute the late Miocene paleoproductivity increase off southwest Africa to ocean-wide increases in nutrient supply and delivery.


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A technique for onsite application of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry to samples from sediment cores aboard a research vessel was developed and tested. The method is sufficiently simple, precise, and fast to be used routinely for high-resolution analyses of depth profiles as well as surface samples. Analyses were performed with the compact high-performance energy-dispersive polarisation X-ray fluorescence (EDPXRF) analyser Spectro Xepos. Contents of the elements Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, K, Sr, Ba, Rb, Cu, Ni, Zn, P, S, Cl and Br were simultaneously determined on 200-225 samples of each core within 24 h of recovery. This study presents a description of the employed shipboard preparation and analysis technique, along with some example data. We show land-based datasets that support our decisions to use powder samples and to reduce the original measuring time for onboard analyses. We demonstrate how well the results from shipboard measurements for the various elements compare with the land-based findings. The onboard geochemical data enabled us to establish an element stratigraphy already during the cruise. Correlation of iron, calcium and silicon enrichment trends with an older reference core provided an age model for the newly retrieved cores. The Spectro Xepos instrument performed without any analytical and technical difficulties which could have been caused by rougher weather conditions or continuous movement and vibration of the research vessel. By now, this XRF technique has been applied during three RV Meteor cruises to approximately 5,000 Late Quaternary sediment samples from altogether 23 gravity cores, 25 multicorer cores and two box cores from the eastern South Atlantic off South Africa/Namibia and the eastern Atlantic off NW Africa.


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Sites 1085, 1086 and 1087 were drilled off South Africa during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 175 to investigate the Benguela Current System. While previous studies have focused on reconstructing the Neogene palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic history of these sites, palynology has been largely ignored, except for the Late Pliocene and Quaternary. This study presents palynological data from the upper Middle Miocene to lower Upper Pliocene sediments in Holes 1085A, 1086A and 1087C that provide complementary information about the history of the area. Abundant and diverse marine palynomorphs (mainly dinoflagellate cysts), rare spores and pollen, and dispersed organic matter have been recovered. Multivariate statistical analysis of dispersed organic matter identified three palynofacies assemblages (A, B, C) in the most continuous hole (1085A), and they were defined primarily by amorphous organic matter (AOM), and to a lesser extent black debris, structured phytoclasts, degraded phytoclasts, and marine palynomorphs. Ecostratigraphic interpretation based on dinoflagellate cyst, spore-pollen and palynofacies data allowed us to identify several palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic signals. First, the late Middle Miocene was subtropical, and sediments contained the highest percentages of land-derived organic matter, even though they are rich in AOM (palynofacies assemblage A). Second, the Late Miocene was cool-temperate and characterized by periods of intensified upwelling, increase in productivity, abundant and diverse oceanic dinoflagellate cysts, and the highest percentages of AOM (palynofacies assemblage C). Third, the Early to early Late Pliocene was warm-temperate with some dry intervals (increase in grass pollen) and intensified upwelling. Fourth, the Neogene "carbonate crash" identified in other southern oceans was recognized in two palynofacies A samples in Hole 1085A that are nearly barren of dinoflagellate cysts: one Middle Miocene sample (590 mbsf, 13.62 Ma) and one Upper Miocene sample (355 mbsf, 6.5 Ma). Finally, the extremely low percentages of pollen suggest sparse vegetation on the adjacent landmass, and Namib desert conditions were already in existence during the late Middle Miocene.