994 resultados para Canova-Hansen


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The seasonal stability tests of Canova & Hansen (1995) (CH) provide a method complementary to that of Hylleberg et al. (1990) for testing for seasonal unit roots. But the distribution of the CH tests are unknown in small samples. We present a method to numerically compute critical values and P-values for the CH tests for any sample size and any seasonal periodicity. In fact this method is applicable to the types of seasonality which are commonly in use, but also to any other.


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Using polydispersity index as an additional order parameter we investigate freezing/melting transition of Lennard-Jones polydisperse systems (with Gaussian polydispersity in size), especially to gain insight into the origin of the terminal polydispersity. The average inherent structure (IS) energy and root mean square displacement (RMSD) of the solid before melting both exhibit quite similar polydispersity dependence including a discontinuity at solid-liquid transition point. Lindemann ratio, obtained from RMSD, is found to be dependent on temperature. At a given number density, there exists a value of polydispersity index (delta (P)) above which no crystalline solid is stable. This transition value of polydispersity(termed as transition polydispersity, delta (P) ) is found to depend strongly on temperature, a feature missed in hard sphere model systems. Additionally, for a particular temperature when number density is increased, delta (P) shifts to higher values. This temperature and number density dependent value of delta (P) saturates surprisingly to a value which is found to be nearly the same for all temperatures, known as terminal polydispersity (delta (TP)). This value (delta (TP) similar to 0.11) is in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 0.12, but differs from hard sphere transition where this limiting value is only 0.048. Terminal polydispersity (delta (TP)) thus has a quasiuniversal character. Interestingly, the bifurcation diagram obtained from non-linear integral equation theories of freezing seems to provide an explanation of the existence of unique terminal polydispersity in polydisperse systems. Global bond orientational order parameter is calculated to obtain further insights into mechanism for melting.


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Con el objetivo de evaluar siete fungicidas in vitro para el control de fusarius oxysporum (Sch.) Snyder et Hansen fueron realizados dos experimentos durante Julio de 1995 a abril de 1996, en el laboratorio de fitopatologia del Centro Experimental de Café del Norte (UNICAFE). En el primer experimento se evaluaron los fungicidas: oxicloruro de cobre 7.5 g/m2 de i.a; oxido de cobre 7.5 g/m2 de i.a.; clorotalonil 4g/m2 de i.a; fluazinan 3 g i.a/m2; hexaconazol 0.26 g/m2 de i.a; benomil 3.5 g/m2 de a.i; captan 4.5 g/m2 de a.i + carboxin 4.5 g/m de i.a, contra cuatro aislados de F. oxysporum con dos metos de aplicacion, (protectivo y erradicativo), y un testigo absoluto. Se uso un diseño de Bloque Completos al Azar (BCA) con cuatro repeticiones. Se encontró que los fungicidas fluzinam, benomil y captan + carboxin proporcionaron los mayores valores de conttrol (protectivo y erradicativo), de los fungicidas promisorios, utilizándose las siguientes dosis: fluazinam (0,5,1,5,4,5 y 6g/m2 de a.i.) benomil (0,5,1,2,3, y 5 g/m2 de i.a.), y captan + carboxin (1,3,5,7 y 9 g/m2 de i.a. mas un testigo absoluto para conformar un total de 31 tratamientos.


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Materials didàctics del grup d'investigació Observatori sobre la Didàctica de les Arts (ODAS)


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En primer lloc es fa una descripció dels espais que s’estudien: dues finques de futura propietat pública situades al litoral del municipi d’Artà a Mallorca: Sa Canova i Es Canons. Seguidament s’exposen els objectius del projecte: redacció d’un document base que serveixi com a guia per tal d’assolir una correcta ordenació basada en la conservació. S’estudia la seva problemàtica: la falta de gestió i l’ús incontrolat que s’ha fet de aquests dos espais ha provocat tot un seguit d’impactes negatius sobre el medi i finalment es proposen una sèrie d’actuacions


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Resumen tomado del propio recurso. Esta guía se completa con diversos cuadernos para el alumnado


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Mutilation of extremities was very frequent in patients affected by leprosy in the past; although it is now much less common, it is still seen, mainly in patients with long-term disease. In general, mutilation of the nose and ears is caused by the bacillus and mutilation of the hands and feet a consequence of chronic trauma. Leprosy must be chronically treated and any decision to interrupt therapy is based on laboratory tests and biopsy. Scintigraphy is a non-invasive procedure which could be of great value in to determining disease activity. We studied eight patients (five males and three females, aged 64-73 years) who presented with mutilation of the nose (2), ear (1), feet (3) or foot and hand (2), Conventional three-phase bone scintigraphy (750 MBq) and X-ray examinations of the affected areas were performed in all patients. Bone scintigraphy was abnormal in four patients (the presence of bacilli was confirmed by biopsy in two of them), and normal in the other four. In all patients except for the one with ear mutilation, radiography only showed the absence of bone. We conclude that bone scintigraphy is very useful to determine disease activity in cases of mutilation caused by leprosy. It seems to be superior to conventional radiography and may enable bone biopsies to be avoided.


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This work evaluated the use of the Hildebrand/Hansen solubility parameters for selection of solvents for extraction of the organochlorine pesticides pp' DDT, pp' DDE, Aldrin and a-Endossulfan from soil using columns packed with Al2O3. The mixtures hexane:dichloromethane (7:3; v/v), hexane:acetonitrile (1:1; v/v), hexane:acetone (1:1; v/v) and pure hexane were chosen as extracting solutions. In the addition and recovery tests, different extraction solutions provided high recoveries percentages (>75%) with coefficients of variation below 15%. The recoveries are in agreement with the Hildebrand/Hansen parameters, demonstrating its applicability in the selection of extracting solution and in the replacement of toxic solvents, as dichloromethane


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Moina minuta, a tropical species of Cladocera, was selected for the study of medium size at maturity and female egg production, due to its abundance and frequency in samples during low-water season in 1997 and high-water season in 1998, in Amapá Lake, Western Amazônia. The primiparous female had a size of 330 μm and 340 μm in low and high water, respectively. Moina individuals reached maximum size during high water (595μm). The medium size of the ovigerous females, in low water was 501 μm, producing an average of 4.41 eggs/female, while in high water, it was 533μm, with an average egg production of 4.84 eggs/female. The results, analyzed by the t test and Fischer's F test, showed that there were no statistical differences in size among individuals (t= -10.69, F=1.20 and P>0.1227), nor among ovigerous females (t= -4.45, F=1.02 and P>0.8906), considering the two seasons.


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Hansen's disease is an infectious illness caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It affects preferentially the skin and the peripheral nervous system leading to incapacities, such as leg ulcers, which happens due to the direct action of the bacillus on the organs or its indirect action on the peripheral nervous system. Leg ulcers can occur by two physiopathologic processes. There are many treatments for general leg ulcers, which include the ones caused by Hansen's disease sequels. Among them, surgical treatment shows to be effective when using skin graft, which can be performed by several techniques. Considering the low number of techniques known for treating leg ulcers in Hansen's disease sequels, the aims of this work were to standardize alternative techniques, to detect the main bacteria found in ulcer secretion cultures, to analyze the patients profile and the ulcers, to describe the histophatologies found, and to correlate these data with those of literature from all over the world. Skin graft punch type was carried out and analyzed; males had a mean age of 59.4 years old and females, 54.2 years old. Patients were 73.6% male and 26.3% female. Lepromatous type was present in 89.4% patients and tuberculoid type was seen in 10.5% of them. Associated systemic diseases were observed in 26.3% patients. Mean time of ulcers evolution was 11.6 years in male and 12.8 years in women. The average diameter of ulcers in the pre-treatment period was 8.5 X 9.5 cm in male and 10.2 X 6.8 cm in women. After the graft, their average diameters were 3.2 X 2.7 cm in male and 5.1 X 5.6 cm in women. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant correlation between the ulcer diameter and its reduction or not in the post-surgery period (p=0.269732). The mean age of patients whose ulcers diameter did not change or reduced by only 20% was 63.5 years. Using the Spearman's coefficient, it was possible to observe that there was no significant correlation between the patients' age and the ulcers diameter reduction after the skin graft (p=0.222531). Evolution time of ulcers that did not present any satisfactory result in the post-surgery period was 12.1 years. The Spearman's coefficient showed that there was no significant correlation between the ulcers evolution time and the ulcers diameter reduction in the post-surgery period (p=0.191655). Cultures presented 50% of cases with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Statistical analysis showed there is no correlation between the bacterial types found and the ulcer evolution in the post-surgery period (p=0.697531). The average of the ulcers diameter reduction was 42.4%, and in 26.3% of the patients the lesions disappeared after the skin graft.


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O Método CANOVA® (CA) é um imunomodulador brasileiro de formulação homeopática. CA é indicado em condições clínicas nas quais o sistema imune se encontre comprometido. O N-Metil-N-Nitrosoureia (NMU) é um agente N-nitroso alquilante e carcinogênico utilizado como modelo experimental em roedores e macacos. O NMU também apresenta efeitos genotóxicos/mutagênicos analisáveis por testes clássicos de detecção de danos ao DNA e aberrações cromossômicas. Apesar de vários estudos terem demonstrado resultados promissores na utilização do medicamento CA, não existem trabalhos relatando possíveis efeitos antigenotóxicos deste medicamento, a despeito de seu potencial anticarcinogênico. Assim, o presente trabalho avaliou in vitro os efeitos antigenotóxicos e anticitotóxicos do medicamento CA em linfócitos humanos expostos ao NMU. Foram utilizadas amostras de linfócitos humanos que foram submetidos a diferentes concentrações de uma mistura contendo CA e NMU. A viabilidade das células expostas ao NMU foi avaliada pelo ensaio MTT, a genotoxicidade/antigenotoxicidade do CA foi avaliada pelo teste do cometa e a anticitotoxicidade do CA foi verificada pela quantificação de apoptose e necrose utilizando corantes fluorescentes (laranja de acridina/brometo de etídeo). No teste MTT verificamos que o NMU conseguiu diminuir a viabilidade dos linfócitos de forma significativa. No teste do cometa foi observado que CA diminui significativamente os danos ao DNA induzidos pelo NMU, caracterizando um claro efeito antigenotóxico do composto homeopático. CA também diminuiu de forma significativa a frequência de apoptose induzida pelo NMU em leitura realizada após 24 horas de tratamento. Concluímos que o CA apresentou um efeito antigenotóxico e anticitotóxico nas condições avaliadas no presente estudo, demonstrando, assim, um claro potencial citoprotetor.