955 resultados para Candida non-albicans
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the antifungal activity of Buchenavia tomentosa extract and bioactive compounds on six Candida species. Materials & methods: The antimicrobial activity of extract was evaluated using standard strains and clinical isolates. Cytotoxicity was tested in order to evaluate cell damage caused by the extract. Extract was chemically characterized and the antifungal activity of its compounds was evaluated. Results: Extract showed antifungal activity on Candida species. Candida non-albicans were more susceptible than Candida albicans. Low cytotoxicity for extract was observed. The isolated compounds presented antifungal activity at least against one Candida spp. and all compounds presented antifungal effect on Candida glabrata. Conclusion: Extracts from Buchenavia tomentosa showed promising antifungal activity on Candida species with low cytotoxicity. Gallic acid, corilagin and ellagic acid showed promising inhibitory activity on Candida glabrata.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Candidíase é um problema de importância crescente, devido o aumento do número de indivíduos imunocomprometidos e o surgimento de cepas resistentes aos antifúngicos convencionais. É de fundamental importância a busca por novos agentes antifúngicos mais eficazes, menos tóxicos, sendo os óleos essenciais (OEs) excelentes alternativas para esse propósito. Esse estudo investigou a atividade biológica do OE de Mentha spicata L. sobre Candida guilliermondii de origem anal e vaginal. Para tanto foram determinadas a Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM), Concentração Fungicida Mínima (CFM), cinética do crescimento das leveduras (Time-Kill), alterações micromorfológicas (técnica do microcultivo em câmara úmida) e investigação do mecanismo de ação antifúngico, utilizando o bioensaio do sorbitol. O OE de M. spicata foi obtido pelo processo de extração por destilação a vapor. Na análise fitoquímica desse óleo foi observada a presença de carvona com 84,32%, seguida pelo limoneno (13,70%) e traços de iso-dihidrocarvona (0,82%). Os resultados da análise da CIM variou entre 32 e 128 μg/mL. A CFM variou entre 64 e 1024 μg/mL. Na avaliação da ação de OE e da nistatina 100UI/mL, o antifúngico padrão apresentou o efeito fungicida a partir de 4 horas e para OE de M. spicata foi observado efeito fungistático na CIM, CIMX2 e CIMX4 frente às cepas avaliadas. O OE de M. spicata apresentou forte atividade antifúngica contra as cepas de C. guilliermondii, promovendo alterações micromorfológicas visíveis por microscopia óptica, nas concentrações testadas (CIM, CIMx2), resultado semelhante ao que se observou com a nistatina (100UI/mL). Na investigação do mecanismo de ação antifúngico foi constatado que houve alteração da CIM na presença de sorbitol, com elevação dos valores quatro vezes maior que a concentração inicial, o que indica que os componentes desse OE apresentam ação direta sobre a parede celular das leveduras. Conclui-se que o OE de Mentha spicata é um potencial agente terapêutico no tratamento de candidíase
In this work, we collect data from surveys of bloodstream Candida isolates performed in Brazil from 1996 to 2004. Besides, we analyzed the species distribution of bloodstream Candida isolates together with potential risk factors for candidemia and the susceptibility profile of these isolates in patients from Hospital das Clinicas in Goiaonia city, Brazil. Blood samples were collected in the admission day and on every 7 days, in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a tertiary hospital. Candida isolates were identified by standard protocols that included germ tube formation, chlamydoconidia production on cornmeal agar and sugar fermentation and assimilation tests. Data of patients were recorded and analyzed according to age at the time of diagnosis, gender and presence of potential risk factors. Statistical analysis was used to determine if the time of hospital permanence increased Candida colonization in ICU patients' blood. The antifungal susceptibility testing was performed by broth microdilution method according to document NCCLS/CLSI M27-A2. Among the 345 blood samples cultured, candidemia was recovered in 33 patients, which were isolated 51.5% of Candida non-albicans. Fungemia was associated with long-term hospitalization. Fluconazole, itraconzole, voriconazole and amphotericin B exhibited a potent activity against all isolates of Candida. Voriconazole MICs were much low for all isolates tested. This work confirms data of increase of Candida non-albicans species in bloodstream in ICU and shows that voriconazole in vitro activity was higher than those of itraconazole, fluconazole and amphotericin B.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
There are no previous studies on the comparative virulence of Candida dubliniensis with other non-albicans species. The aim of this study was to compare the virulence and infection kinetics of C. dubliniensis and other species. Candida albicans, C. dubliniensis, Candida tropicalis and Candida krusei (reference strains) were inoculated intravenously in mice. For infection kinetics evaluation, a group of five animals were sacrificed after 6 h, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days. Microbiological evaluations (liver, spleen, kidneys, lungs and brain) and histopathological examination of the kidney were performed. The results of virulence evaluation were analysed using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis (5%). Candida dubliniensis-inoculated mice survived for longer periods compared with those with C. albicans (P = 0.005). No differences were detected in relation to C. tropicalis (P = 0.326) and C. krusei (P = 0.317). Most of the organs were persistently colonised by C. albicans and C. dubliniensis even by day 21. Tendency of C. krusei clearance was observed in all organs. Fungal masses and renal lesions were observed after inoculation of C. albicans, C. dubliniensis and C. tropicalis. Within the limits of the study, data on survival rate and dissemination capacity suggest that C. dubliniensis is less virulent than C. albicans.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Yläruoansulatuskanavan syöpien tärkeimpiä riskitekijöitä ovat tupakointi, alkoholin suurkulutus ja huono suuhygienia. Näiden tekijöiden vaikutuksesta sylkeen erittyy korkeita pitoisuuksia asetaldehydiä, jonka Kansainvälinen syöväntutkimuslaitos (IARC) on luokitellut 1-ryhmän karsinogeeniksi. Suuri osa syljen asetaldehydistä on suun mikrobien tuottamaa. Tiedetään, että suun mikrobiomiin kuuluvat bakteerit ja Candida albicans -hiivat kykenevät tuottamaan mutageenisiä määriä asetaldehydiä. C. albicansin aiheuttaman kroonisen mukosiitin onkin todettu olevan karsinogeeninen. Muiden kandidalajien (non- albicans Candida, NAC) määrän on todettu kasvavan etenkin suusyöpähoitoja saavilla potilailla ja toisinaan osalle näistä potilaista kehittyy uusi primäärikarsinooma kandidamukosiitin läheisyyteen. NAC-lajien kykyä tuottaa asetaldehydiä ei kuitenkaan ole aiemmin tutkittu. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää pystyvätkö NAC-lajit tuottamaan karsinogeenisiä määriä asetaldehydiä etanoli- ja glukoosi-inkubaatiossa in vitro. Kaikkiaan kolmenkymmenen (n=30) kliinisen ja kantapankkiNAC-kannan kyky tuottaa asetaldehydiä etanoli- ja glukoosi-inkubaatiossa mitattiin kaasukromatografilla. Yksi C. albicans kantapankkikanta oli mukana kontrollina. Kaikki kandidahiivat tuottivat merkittäviä määriä asetaldehydiä etanoli-inkubaatiossa in vitro. C. tropicalis –kannat tuottivat eniten (252,3 µM) ja C. krusei –kannat vähiten (54,6 µM) asetaldehydiä etanolista. NAC-lajeista ainoastaan C. glabrata tuotti merkittäviä määriä asetaldehydiä glukoosia fermentoimalla. Suuontelon kolonisoituminen merkittävään asetaldehydituotantoon pystyvällä NAC-lajilla kuten C. glabratalla voi altistaa suun limakalvon paikallisesti korkeille määrille asetaldehydiä, mikä voi johtaa suusyövän kehittymiseen.
Objective: To describe the epidemiology of Candida bloodstream infections (BSI) in Northern Ireland. Methods: Retrospective collation of data relating to all clinically significant BSI in a university teaching hospital, which had been recorded prospectively, between 1984 and 2000. Results: One hundred and forty five episodes of candidaemia occurred in 144 patients (of mean age 56.6 years). The contribution of Candida spp. towards all significant BSI increased from 2.00% to 2.5%. C. albicans was the most frequently isolated species, however, its incidence fell from 70% to 53% during the study period. The greatest increase in incidence was seen with C. glabrata which was the most common non-albicans species. Twenty-nine per cent of isolates occurred in patients from an intensive care unit and, surprisingly, a further 25.5% occurred in patients from a surgical service. Conclusion: There appears to be several subtle differences in the epidemiology of candidal BSI between Northern Ireland and other countries. © 2002 The British Infection Society.
Effects of probiotic bacteria on Candida presence and IgA anti-Candida in the oral cavity of elderly
Imbalance in the resident microbiota may promote the growth of opportunistic microorganisms, such as yeasts of Candida genus and the development of diseases, especially in aged people. This study evaluated whether the consumption of the probiotic Yakult LB® (Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium breve) was able to influence on the specific immunological response against Candida and on the presence of these yeasts in the oral cavity of 42 healthy aged individuals. Saliva samples were collected before and after the probiotic use for 30 days, 3 times a week. The samples were plated in Dextrose Saboraud Agar with chloramphenicol, the colony-forming units (CFU/mL) were counted and the Candida species were identified. Anti-Candida IgA analysis was conducted using the ELISA technique. ANOVA and Student's t-test were used for normally distributed data and the Wilcoxon test was used for data with non-normal distribution (α=0.05). The results showed a statistically significant reduction (p<0.05) in Candida prevalence (from 92.9% to 85.7%), in CFU/mL counts of Candida and in the number of non-albicans species after consumption of the probiotic. Immunological analysis demonstrated a significant increase (p<0.05) in anti-Candida IgA levels. In conclusion, probiotic bacteria reduced Candida numbers in the oral cavity of the elderly and increased specific secretory immune response against these yeasts, suggesting its possible use in controlling oral candidosis.
In healthy individuals, Candida species are considered commensal yeasts of the oral cavity. However, these microorganisms can also act as opportunist pathogens, particularly the so-called non-albicans Candida species that are increasingly recognized as important agents of human infection. Several surveys have documented increased rates of C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. guilliermondii, C. dubliniensis, C. parapsilosis, and C. krusei in local and systemic fungal infections. Some of these species are resistant to antifungal agents. Consequently, rapid and correct identification of species can play an important role in the management of candidiasis. Conventional methods for identification of Candida species are based on morphological and physiological attributes. However, accurate identification of all isolates from clinical samples is often complex and time-consuming. Hence, several manual and automated rapid commercial systems for identifying these organisms have been developed, some of which may have significant sensitivity issues. To overcome these limitations, newer molecular typing techniques have been developed that allow accurate and rapid identification of Candida species. This study reviewed the current state of identification methods for yeasts, particularly Candida species. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)