102 resultados para Camponotus vittatus
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
For an adequate management program of urban ants, knowledge on their biology is required, with the aim of detecting and exploring their vulnerabilities. This type of information has been used in the manufacture of baits, which must show, among other characteristics, attractiveness to several species to be considered efficient and economically viable. Therefore, the present study was aimed to evaluate in the laboratory the attractiveness of sweet and fatty substances to Camponotus vittatus, trying to find which substances would be more efficient to be introduced as the attractive component in baits. Five colonies, 68 sweet substances and 23 fatty substances were utilized in the laboratory trials. The most attractive sweet and fatty substances, were, respectively, 75% demerara sugar and vegetable fat. When substances of both natures were tested together, sweet substances presented slightly higher attractive indexes than oily substances.
The immatures of males of two species of Camponotus ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are described and compared by light and electron microscopy. The numbers of larval instars were determined: Camponotus rufipes Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) have four instars; and Camponotus vittatus Forel have three. Male larvae of the two species are similar to previously described Camponotus larvae, sharing the following traits: basic shape of body and mandible, presence of 'chiloscleres', 'praesaepium' (some specimens), labial pseudopalps, and ten pairs of spiracles. However, larvae of the two species can be separated by bodily dimensions and based on their hair number and types. Worker larvae of C. vittatus previously described are extensively similar to male larvae, with only a few inconspicuous differences that may result from intraspecific variation or sexual differences.
The immatures of males of two species of Camponotus ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are described and compared by light and electron microscopy. The numbers of larval instars were determined: Camponotus rufipes Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) have four instars; and Camponotus vittatus Forel have three. Male larvae of the two species are similar to previously described Camponotus larvae, sharing the following traits: basic shape of body and mandible, presence of 'chiloscleres', 'praesaepium' (some specimens), labial pseudopalps, and ten pairs of spiracles. However, larvae of the two species can be separated by bodily dimensions and based on their hair number and types. Worker larvae of C. vittatus previously described are extensively similar to male larvae, with only a few inconspicuous differences that may result from intraspecific variation or sexual differences.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con especialidad en Entomolo gía Médica) U.A.N.L.
The crustaceans activity of move about could alter in function of the environmental conditions. In the present study, this activity of the hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus was studied in dry and submerged areas of the intertidal region of Pescadores Beach in Sao Vicente (SP), Brazil. In both areas 110 animals (86 of dry and 24 of submerged area) were analyzed and C. vittatus show more activity in the submerged area than in the dry one. The low activity of locomotion presented when exposed to the air, can be due by the stress caused in function of the high temperature and desiccation.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o crescimento de machos e fêmeas do ermitão Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802), da região de São Vicente, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram realizadas coletas mensais de maio/2001 a abril/2003, na Praia dos Pescadores em São Vicente. Os 2.501 animais capturados foram identificados, determinados quanto ao sexo e mensurados quanto ao seu comprimento de escudo cefalotorácico (CEC). Para o estudo sazonal do crescimento, a população foi dividida em classes de tamanho de 5mm de (CEC), e analisada pelo método de Bertalanffy, com o auxílio do software Fisat II. Foram obtidos 703 indivíduos machos e 1.798 fêmeas, com média de tamanho de 8.94±1.80 e 6.61±1.13mm, respectivamente. Constatou-se um padrão de crescimento sazonal, com machos atingindo um tamanho assintótico (14.92mm) superior ao das fêmeas (13.85mm), além de iniciarem o processo de crescimento aproximadamente cinco meses antes destas. Desta forma, é provável que este seja um padrão que auxilia na diminuição da disputa intra-específica por conchas, uma vez que os machos atingiram maior tamanho e estariam disponibilizando conchas menores para as fêmeas.
The respiratory metabolism of immature forms (eggs, larvae, prepupae and pupae) of Camponotus rufipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) was studied at 25 degrees C, using a Warburg respirometer. Mean respiratory rates (mu l O gamma mg(-1) live weight.hr(-1)) for eggs, first instars, second instars, third instars, fourth instars, prepupae, and pupae were respectively: 2.53, 5.07, 1.23, 0.32, 0.22, 0.19 and 0.13. Adult workers with body mass between 20 and 30 mg had a mean respiratory rate of 0.43. The high respiratory rate in first instars probably reflects, besides the size influence, the metabolic costs of differentiation that occurs in this phase. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study aimed to characterize the populational structure of Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802), as well as to determine the morphometric relations between the animal's size and the variables: length of their chelar propodus and the size of the shell opening. C. vittatus is a relatively abundant pagurid on the west Atlantic coast, it occurs in the intertidal region from 38 degrees N to 28 degrees S. The animals in this study were randomly sampled every month on the Paranapu (a) over tilde Beach (46 degrees 23' S e 23 degrees 59' W), S (a) over tilde $ o Vicente (SP), Brazil. The biometrics data were adjusted to the power equation (y = ax(b)), by means of the minimum square method. A total of 427 individuals were collected. The size of the cephalothoraxic shield ranged from 2.5 to 12.7 mm, evidencing a representative sample of the population. The of most commonly genus of Gastropoda shells occupied by the hermits was Thais (97,26%). In relation to the morphometric analyses performed, it was observed a positive correlation between the animal size and the variables length of the chelar propodus and the size of the shells.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a utilização de conchas de gastrópodes por Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802), na Praia dos Pescadores, em São Vicente (SP), Brasil. Foram realizadas amostras mensais no período de maio de 2001 a abril de 2003, na região intertidal durante a maré baixa. Todos os animais foram pesados e tiveram o comprimento de seu escudo cefalotorácico mensurados, suas conchas identificadas e medidas quanto ao comprimento (mm), abertura (mm) e peso (g). Capturamos 2.344 ermitões (644 machos, 1.594 fêmeas não-ovígeras, 45 fêmeas ovígeras e 61 em intersexo), utilizando 13 espécies de conchas de gastrópodes, das quais Stramonita haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1767), Cymatium parthenopeum (Von Salis, 1793) e Achatina fulica (Bowdich, 1822) representaram mais de 98% das conchas utilizadas. Obteve-se significativa diferença de tamanho entre os sexos, com machos e indivíduos em intersexo atingindo maior porte físico do que fêmeas. Este padrão influenciou fortemente na ocupação e utilização de conchas, principalmente em A. fulica, que foi a maior concha obtida por C. vittatus, utilizada somente por machos e indivíduos em intersexo. Cymatium parthenopeum foi a única espécie de concha em que se obtiveram elevados coeficientes de determinação para todas os parâmetros analisados. Stramonita haemastoma apresentou elevados e significativos coeficientes de determinação, indicando que esta espécie é o principal recurso de concha ocupada na Praia dos Pescadores.