497 resultados para Campomelic Dysplasia


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Abstract Background The association of balanced rearrangements with breakpoints near SOX9 [SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9] with skeletal abnormalities has been ascribed to the presumptive altering of SOX9 expression by the direct disruption of regulatory elements, their separation from SOX9 or the effect of juxtaposed sequences. Case presentation We report on two sporadic apparently balanced translocations, t(7;17)(p13;q24) and t(17;20)(q24.3;q11.2), whose carriers have skeletal abnormalities that led to the diagnosis of acampomelic campomelic dysplasia (ACD; MIM 114290). No pathogenic chromosomal imbalances were detected by a-CGH. The chromosome 17 breakpoints were mapped, respectively, 917–855 kb and 601–585 kb upstream of the SOX9 gene. A distal cluster of balanced rearrangements breakpoints on chromosome 17 associated with SOX9-related skeletal disorders has been mapped to a segment 932–789 kb upstream of SOX9. In this cluster, the breakpoint of the herein described t(17;20) is the most telomeric to SOX9, thus allowing the redefining of the telomeric boundary of the distal breakpoint cluster region related to skeletal disorders to 601–585 kb upstream of SOX9. Although both patients have skeletal abnormalities, the t(7;17) carrier presents with relatively mild clinical features, whereas the t(17;20) was detected in a boy with severe broncheomalacia, depending on mechanical ventilation. Balanced and unbalanced rearrangements associated with disorders of sex determination led to the mapping of a regulatory region of SOX9 function on testicular differentiation to a 517–595 kb interval upstream of SOX9, in addition to TESCO (Testis-specific enhancer of SOX9 core). As the carrier of t(17;20) has an XY sex-chromosome constitution and normal male development for his age, the segment of chromosome 17 distal to the translocation breakpoint should contain the regulatory elements for normal testis development. Conclusions These two novel translocations illustrate the clinical variability in carriers of balanced translocations with breakpoints near SOX9. The translocation t(17;20) breakpoint provides further evidence for an additional testis-specific SOX9 enhancer 517 to 595 kb upstream of the SOX9 gene.


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Campomelic dysplasia (CD) is a rare, neonatal human chondrodysplasia characterized by bowing of the long bones and often associated with male-to-female sex-reversal. Patients present with either heterozygous mutations in the SOX9 gene or chromosome rearrangements mapping at least 50 kb upstream of SOX9. Whereas mutations in SOX9 ORF cause haploinsufficiency, the effects of translocations 5′ to SOX9 are unclear. To test whether these rearrangements also cause haploinsufficiency by altering spatial and temporal expression of SOX9, we generated mice transgenic for human SOX9-lacZ yeast artificial chromosomes containing variable amounts of DNA sequences upstream of SOX9. We show that elements necessary for SOX9 expression during skeletal development are highly conserved between mouse and human and reveal that a rearrangement upstream of SOX9, similar to those observed in CD patients, leads to a substantial reduction of SOX9 expression, particularly in chondrogenic tissues. These data demonstrate that important regulatory elements are scattered over a large region upstream of SOX9 and explain how particular aspects of the CD phenotype are caused by chromosomal rearrangements 5′ to SOX9.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the types and numbers of cases, gestational age at specific prenatal diagnosis and diagnostic accuracy of the diagnosis of skeletal dysplasias in a prenatal population from a single tertiary center. METHODS: This was a retrospective database review of type, prenatal and definitive postnatal diagnoses and gestational age at specific prenatal diagnosis of all cases of skeletal dysplasias from a mixed referral and screening population between 1985 and 2007. Prenatal diagnoses were grouped into 'correct ultrasound diagnosis' (complete concordance with postnatal pediatric or pathological findings) or 'partially correct ultrasound diagnosis' (skeletal dysplasias found postnatally to be a different one from that diagnosed prenatally). RESULTS: We included 178 fetuses in this study, of which 176 had a prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of 'skeletal dysplasia'. In 160 cases the prenatal diagnosis of a skeletal dysplasia was confirmed; two cases with skeletal dysplasias identified postnatally had not been diagnosed prenatally, giving 162 fetuses with skeletal dysplasias in total. There were 23 different classifiable types of skeletal dysplasia. The specific diagnoses based on prenatal ultrasound examination alone were correct in 110/162 (67.9%) cases and partially correct in 50/162 (30.9%) cases, (160/162 overall, 98.8%). In 16 cases, skeletal dysplasia was diagnosed prenatally, but was not confirmed postnatally (n = 12 false positives) or the case was lost to follow-up (n = 4). The following skeletal dysplasias were recorded: thanatophoric dysplasia (35 diagnosed correctly prenatally of 40 overall), osteogenesis imperfecta (lethal and non-lethal, 31/35), short-rib dysplasias (5/10), chondroectodermal dysplasia Ellis-van Creveld (4/9), achondroplasia (7/9), achondrogenesis (7/8), campomelic dysplasia (6/8), asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia Jeune (3/7), hypochondrogenesis (1/6), diastrophic dysplasia (2/5), chondrodysplasia punctata (2/2), hypophosphatasia (0/2) as well as a further 7/21 cases with rare or unclassifiable skeletal dysplasias. CONCLUSION: Prenatal diagnosis of skeletal dysplasias can present a considerable diagnostic challenge. However, a meticulous sonographic examination yields high overall detection. In the two most common disorders, thanatophoric dysplasia and osteogenesis imperfecta (25% and 22% of all cases, respectively), typical sonomorphology accounts for the high rates of completely correct prenatal diagnosis (88% and 89%, respectively) at the first diagnostic examination.


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Sox9 is a Sry-related HMG-domain containing transcription factor. Lines of evidence suggest that Sox9 has a potential role in skeletal development. During mouse development, Sox9 is predominantly expressed in all chondroprogenitors and differentiated chondrocytes, throughout the deposition of cartilage matrix. Mutations in one allele of SOX9 in humans result in campomelic dysplasia (CD), a skeletal dysplasia. syndrome characterized by the bowing of long bones. Moreover, Sox9 binds to and activates chondrocyte-specific enhancers in Col2a1 and Col11a2 genes. To further investigate the function of Sox9 in chondrogenesis, we analyzed chimeras derived from Sox9 heterozygous and homozygous null embryonic stem (ES) cells. In mouse chimeras, Sox9 −/− cells were excluded from all cartilages and did not express chondrocyte-specific genes. The segregation occurred during mesenchymal condensation. No cartilages developed in teratocarcinomas derived from Sox9 −/− ES cells. Mice heterozygous for the Sox9 mutation died neonatally and exhibited skeletal abnormalities resembling those of the CD patients. The Sox9 +/− mutants had a cleft palate and hypoplasia of scapula, pelvis and other skeletal structures derived by endochondral ossification. Bending of the radius, ulna and tibia cartilage was prominent at embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5). At E12.5 many pre-cartilaginous condensations were already defective. Advanced ossification was observed and the hypertrophic zone was enlarged in the growth plates, suggesting that Sox9 also regulates hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation. Our results identify Sox9 as the first essential regulator of chondrocyte differentiation, which plays multiple roles in chondrogenesis. ^


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In humans, SOX9 heterozygous mutations cause the severe skeletal dysmorphology syndrome campomelic dysplasia. Except for clinical descriptions, little is known about the pathogenesis of this disease. We have generated heterozygous Sox9 mutant mice that phenocopy most of the skeletal abnormalities of this syndrome. The Sox9+/− mice died perinatally with cleft palate, as well as hypoplasia and bending of many skeletal structures derived from cartilage precursors. In embryonic day (E)14.5 heterozygous embryos, bending of radius, ulna, and tibia cartilages was already prominent. In E12.5 heterozygotes, all skeletal elements visualized by using Alcian blue were smaller. In addition, the overall levels of Col2a1 RNA at E10.5 and E12.5 were lower than in wild-type embryos. We propose that the skeletal abnormalities observed at later embryonic stages were caused by delayed or defective precartilaginous condensations. Furthermore, in E18.5 embryos and in newborn heterozygotes, premature mineralization occurred in many bones, including vertebrae and some craniofacial bones. Because Sox9 is not expressed in the mineralized portion of the growth plate, this premature mineralization is very likely the consequence of allele insufficiency existing in cells of the growth plate that express Sox9. Because the hypertrophic zone of the heterozygous Sox9 mutants was larger than that of wild-type mice, we propose that Sox9 also has a role in regulating the transition to hypertrophic chondrocytes in the growth plate. Despite the severe hypoplasia of cartilages, the overall organization and cellular composition of the growth plate were otherwise normal. Our results suggest the hypothesis that two critical steps of the chondrocyte differentiation pathway are sensitive to Sox9 dosage. First, an early step presumably at the stage of mesenchymal condensation of cartilage primordia, and second, a later step preceding the transition of chondrocytes into hypertrophic chondrocytes.


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Sox genes encode transcription factors belonging to the HMG ( High Mobility Group) superfamily. They are conserved across species and involved in a number of developmental processes. In vitro studies have shown at least one Sox gene to be capable of inducing oncogenic transformation of fibroblast cells. In addition, overexpression and/or amplification of Sox genes are associated with a large number of tumour types in vivo. We review here the available evidence linking Sox gene expression and cancer, and show that this link is supported by extensive EST database analysis. This work provides a basis for further studies aimed at investigating the possible role of Sox genes in the oncogenic process. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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A critical gene involved in mammalian sex determination and differentiation is the Sty-related gene Sox9. In reptiles, Sox9 resembles that of mammals in both structure and expression pattern in the developing gonad, but a causal role in male sex determination has not been established. A closely related gene, Sox8, is conserved in human, mouse, and trout and is expressed in developing testes and not developing ovaries in mouse. In this study, we tested the possibility of Sox8 being important for sex determination or sex differentiation in the red-eared slider turtle Trachemys scripta, in which sex is determined by egg incubation temperature between stages 15 and 20. We cloned partial turtle Sox8 and anti-Mullerian hormone (Amh) cDNAs, and analyzed the expression patterns of these genes in developing gonads by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and whole-mount in situ hybridization. While Amh is expressed more strongly in males than in females at stage 17, Sox8 is expressed at similar levels in males and females throughout the sex-determining period. These observations suggest that differential transcription of Sill is not responsible for regulation of Amh, nor responsible for sex determination in turtle. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Endochondral bone is formed during an avascular period in an environment of low oxygen. Under these conditions, pluripotential mesenchymal stromal cells preferentially differentiate into chondrocytes and form cartilage. In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that oxygen tension modulates bone mesenchymal cell fate by altering the expression of genes that function to promote chondrogenesis. Microarray of RNA samples from ST2 cells revealed significant changes in 728 array elements (P < 0.01) in response to hypoxia. Real-time PCR on these RNA samples, and separate samples from C3H10T1/2 cells, revealed hypoxia-induced changes in the expression of additional genes known to be expressed by chondrocytes including Sox9 and its downstream targets aggrecan and Col2a. These changes were accompanied by the accumulation of mucopolysacharide as detected by alcian blue staining. To investigate the mechanisms responsible for upregulation of Sox9 by hypoxia, we determined the effect of hypoxia on HIF-1 alpha levels and Sox9 promoter activity in ST2 cells. Hypoxia increased nuclear accumulation of HIF-1 alpha and activated the Sox9 promoter. The ability of hypoxia to transactivate the Sox9 promoter was virtually abolished by deletion of HIF-1 alpha consensus sites within the proximal promoter. These findings suggest that hypoxia promotes the differentiation of mesenchymal cells along a chondrocyte pathway in part by activating Sox-9 via a HIF-1 alpha-dependent mechanism. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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During mammalian sexual development, the SOX9 transcription factor up-regulates expression of the gene encoding anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), but in chickens, Sox9 gene expression reportedly occurs after the onset of Amh expression. Here, we examined expression of the related gene Sox8 in chicken embryonic gonads during the sex-determining period. We found that cSox8 is expressed at similar levels in both sexes at embryonic day 6 and 7, and only at the anterior tip of the gonad, suggesting that SOX8 is not responsible for the sex-specific increase in cAmh gene expression at these stages. We also found that several other chicken Sox genes (cSox3, cSox4 and cSox11) are expressed in embryonic gonads, but at similar levels in both sexes. Our data suggest that the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of Amh genes of mouse and chicken are not conserved, despite similar patterns of Amh expression in both species.


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Sox8 is a member of the Sox family of developmental transcription factor genes and is closely related to Sox9, a critical gene involved in mammalian sex determination and differentiation. Both genes encode proteins with the ability to bind similar DNA target sequences, and to activate transcription in in vitro assays. Expression studies indicate that the two genes have largely overlapping patterns of activity during mammalian embryonic development. A knockout of Sox8 in mice has no obvious developmental phenotype, suggesting that the two genes are able to act redundantly in a variety of developmental contexts. In particular, both genes are expressed in the developing Sertoli cell lineage of the developing testes in mice, and both proteins are able to activate transcription of the gene encoding anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), through synergistic action with steroidogenic factor I (SF1). We have hypothesized that Sox8 may substitute for Sox9 in species where Sox9 is expressed too late to be involved in sex determination or regulation of Amh expression. However, our studies involving the red-eared slider turtle indicate that Sox8 is expressed at similar levels in males and females throughout the sex-determining period, suggesting that Sox8 is neither a transcriptional regulator for Amh, nor responsible for sex determination or gonad differentiation in that species. Similarly, Sox8 is not expressed in a sexually dimorphic pattern during gonadogenesis in the chicken. Since a functional role(s) for Sox8 is implied by its conservation during evolution, the significance of Sox8 for sexual and other aspects of development will need to be uncovered through more directed lines of experimentation. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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BACKGROUND: Trochlear dysplasia is suspected to have a genetic basis and causes recurrent patellar instability due to insufficient anatomical geometry. Numerous studies about trochlear morphology and the optimal surgical treatment have been carried out, but no attention has been paid to the corresponding patellar morphology.----- ----- PURPOSE: The aim of this study was the evaluation of the patellar morphology in normal and trochlear dysplastic knees. ----- ----- STUDY DESIGN: Biometric analysis. ----- ----- METHODS: Twenty two patellae with underlying trochlear dysplasia (study group--SG) were compared with 22 matched knees with normal trochlear shape (control group--CG) on transverse and sagittal MRI slices. We compared transverse diameter, cartilaginous thickness, Wiberg-index and -angle, length and radius of lateral and medial facet, patellar shape and angle, retropatellar length, and type of trochlear dysplasia. For statistical analysis we used the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. ----- ----- RESULTS: The transverse and sagittal diameter, mean length of medial patellar facet, and mean cartilaginous and subchondral Wiberg-index showed statistical differences between the two groups. ----- ----- CONCLUSIONS: Although the insufficient trochlear depth and decreased lateral trochlear slope are responsible for patellofemoral instability, the patella shows morphological changes in trochlear dysplastic knees. Its overall size and the medial facet are smaller. Although the femoral sulcus angle is larger, the Wiberg-angle and -index are equal to the control group. This may indicate that the patellar morphology may not be a result of missing medial patellofemoral pressure in trochlear dysplastic knees, but a decreased medial patellofemoral traction. This seems to be caused by hypotrophic medial patellofemoral restraints in combination with an increased lateral patellar tilt, both resulting in a decreased tension onto the medial patella facet. Whether there is a genetic component to the patellar morphology remains open.


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Endometrial carcinoma is the most common gynecological malignancy in the United States. Although most women present with early disease confined to the uterus, the majority of persistent or recurrent tumors are refractory to current chemotherapies. We have identified a total of 11 different FGFR2 mutations in 3/10 (30%) of endometrial cell lines and 19/187 (10%) of primary uterine tumors. Mutations were seen primarily in tumors of the endometrioid histologic subtype (18/115 cases investigated, 16%). The majority of the somatic mutations identified were identical to germline activating mutations in FGFR2 and FGFR3 that cause Apert Syndrome, Beare-Stevenson Syndrome, hypochondroplasia, achondroplasia and SADDAN syndrome. The two most common somatic mutations identified were S252W (in eight tumors) and N550K (in five samples). Four novel mutations were identified, three of which are also likely to result in receptor gain-of-function. Extensive functional analyses have already been performed on many of these mutations, demonstrating they result in receptor activation through a variety of mechanisms. The discovery of activating FGFR2 mutations in endometrial carcinoma raises the possibility of employing anti-FGFR molecularly targeted therapies in patients with advanced or recurrent endometrial carcinoma.


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Gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia (GDD) is a rare autosomal dominant condition characterized by bone fragility, irregular bone mineral density (BMD) and fibro-osseous lesions in the skull and jaw. Mutations in Anoctamin-5 (ANO5) have been identified in some cases. We aimed to identify the causative mutation in a family with features of GDD but no mutation in ANO5, using whole exome capture and massive parallel sequencing (WES). WES of two affected individuals (a mother and son) and the mother's unaffected parents identified a mutation in the C-propeptide cleavage site of COL1A1. Similar mutations have been reported in individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) and paradoxically increased BMD. C-propeptide cleavage site mutations in COL1A1 may not only cause 'high bone mass OI', but also the clinical features of GDD, specifically irregular sclerotic BMD and fibro-osseous lesions in the skull and jaw. GDD patients negative for ANO5 mutations should be assessed for mutations in type I collagen C-propeptide cleavage sites.