6 resultados para Calretinina


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Cortical interneurons are characterized by their distinct morphological, physiological and biochemical properties, acting as modulators of the excitatory activity by pyramidal neurons, for example. Various studies have revealed differences in both distribution and density of this cell group throughout distinct cortical areas in several species. A particular class of interneuron closely related to cortical modulation is revealed by the immunohistochemistry for calcium binding proteins calbindin (CB), calretinina (CR) and parvalbumin (PV). Despite the growing amount of studies focusing on calcium binding proteins, the prefrontal cortex of primates remains relatively little explored, particularly in what concerns a better understanding of the organization of the inhibitory circuitry across its subdivisions. In the present study we characterized the morphology and distribution of neurons rich in calcium-binding proteins in the medial, orbital and dorsolateral areas of the prefrontal cortex of the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Using both morphometric and stereological techniques, we found that CR-reactive neurons (mainly double bouquet and bipolar cells) have a more complex dendritic arborization than CB-reactive (bitufted and basket cells) and PV-reactive neurons (chandelier cells). The neuronal densities of CR- and CB-reactive cells are higher in the supragranular layers (II/III) whilst PV-reactive neurons, conversely, are more concentrated in the infragranular layers (V/VI). CR-reactive neurons were the predominant group in the three regions evaluated, being most prevalent in dorsomedial region. Our findings point out to fundamental differences in the inhibitory circuitry of the different areas of the prefrontal cortex in marmoset


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The thalamus plays an important role in the sensorial processing information, in this particular case, the visual information. Several neuronal groups have been characterized as conductors and processors of important sensorial information to the cerebral cortex. The lateral geniculate complex is one to them, and appears as a group very studied once it is responsible, in almost all totality, for the processing of visual information. Among the nuclei that constitute the lateral geniculate complex we highlight the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (DLG), the main thalamic relay for the visual information. This nucleus is located rostral and lateral to medial geniculate nucleus and ventral to thalamic pulvinar nucleus in most of the mammals. In the primates humans and non-humans, it presents as a laminate structure, arranged in layers, when observed in coronal sections. The objective of this work was to do a mapping of the retinal projections and a citoarchictetonic and neurochemical characterization of DLG in the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a New World primate. The retinal projections were traced by anterograde transport of subunit b of cholera toxin (CTb), the citoarchicteture was described by Nissl method, and to neurochemical characterization immunohistochemicals technical were used to examine the main neurotransmitters and neuroatives substances present in this neural center. In DGL of marmoset thalamus, in coronal sections labeled by Nissl method, was possible to visualize the division of this nucleus in four layers divided in two portions: magnocellular and parvocellular. The retinal projections were present being visualized fibers and terminals immunorreactives to CTb (IR-CTb) in the DLG ipsilateral and contralateral. And through the immunohistochemicals techniques was observed that DLG contain cells, fibers and/or terminals immunoreactives against neuronal nuclear protein, subunits of AMPA 15 glutamate receptors (GluR1, GluR2/3, GluR4), choline acetyltransferase, serotonin, glutamic acid decarboxylase, binding calcium proteins (calbindin, parvalbumin and calretinin), vasopressin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and an astrocyte protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein.


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The parabrachial complex (PB) is an area of the brainstem responsible for the processing and transmission of essential physiologic information for the survival of the organisms. This region is subdivided in approximately nine subregions, considering morphology, cytoarchitectural and functional characteristic. Its neurons have an extensive network of connections with other regions of the nervous system. The objective in this work was to map the retinal projection to the PB and make a citoarchitectonic and neurochemical characterization of this region in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a primate of the New World. The retinal projections were mapped by anterograde transport of the choleric toxin subunit b (CTb). The citoarchitecture was described through the Nissl method, and the neurochemical characterization was made through immunohistochemical technique to the some neurotransmitters and neuroactives substances present in this neural center. In marmoset PB, in the coronal sections labeled by Nissl method, we found a similar pattern to that evidenced in other animal species. The immunoreactivity against CTb was verified in the PBMv in fibers/terminal, characterizing such as retinal innervations in this area. The immunohistochemical technique reveled that the PB contain cells, fibers and/or terminals immunoreactives to the neuronal nuclear protein, Choline acetyl transferase, nitric oxide synthase, serotonin, enkephalin, substance P, Calcium-binding proteins (calbindin, calretinin e parvalbumin), and glial fibrillary acidic protein. The histochemical technique reveled cells and fibers NADPH-diaphorase reactive. Each one of those substances presented a characteristic pattern of demarcation in PB, and some serve as specific markers of subregions


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Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB


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Nei Roditori e nei Primati, studi di immunoistochimica condotti sulla formazione ippocampale hanno dimostrato che le proteine leganti il calcio (parvalbumina, calbindina-D28k e calretinina) sono dei marker che consentono di identificare differenti sottopopolazioni di neuroni. Nel presente studio è stata analizzata la distribuzione di queste proteine nella formazione ippocampale di cane. L’immunoreattività per la parvalbumina è stata localizzata in neuroni multipolari presenti nello strato polimorfo e nei campi CA3-CA1, così come in alcuni neuroni presumibilmente inibitori localizzati nel campo CA1 e nel subicolo. I granuli e le fibre muschiate presentavano una forte immunoreattività per la calbindina-D28k. Tale immunoreattività era evidente anche nei neuroni piramidali del campo CA1 e del subicolo ed in alcuni interneuroni, presumibilmente inibitori, distribuiti nella formazione ippocampale. L’immunoreatività per la calretinina era relativamente bassa in tutta la formazione ippocampale. Le analisi immunoistochimiche hanno evidenziato, nel giro dentato e nel campo CA1, una riduzione età-dipendente dell’immunoreattività per la parvalbumina e la calretinina. Le analisi condotte mediante risonanza magnetica hanno inoltre dimostrato una riduzione volumetrica età-dipendente della formazione ippocampale di cane.


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Lo studio della sfera emozionale è stato da sempre oggetto d’interesse da parte di molti ambiti della Scienza, nonostante la sua perfetta mappatura costituisca ancora oggi un’ambizione non del tutto raggiunta. Comprendere quale sia il meccanismo specifico di genesi ed elaborazione delle emozioni e quali aree encefaliche ne siano responsabili, costituisce per gli scienziati una sfida di grande interesse. L’importanza dell’Amigdala nello studio e nella comprensione delle emozioni è conseguente alla scoperta di come questa struttura sia responsabile della genesi di un'emozione: la paura. Antica e ben radicata nel percorso evolutivo di ogni specie, la reazione di paura davanti ad un pericolo ha una funzione positiva: protegge da stimoli potenzialmente dannosi e, di base, non si apprende: tutti sono in grado di provare paura. L’Amigdala, denominata anche complesso nucleare amigdaloideo, è una struttura eterogenea, costituita da circa 13 nuclei e localizzata nella parte mediale del lobo temporale. I nuclei amigdaloidei vengono divisi in 3 gruppi: nuclei profondi, nuclei superficiali ed altre aree amigdaloidee. Le caratteristiche citoarchitettoniche e neurochimiche del complesso nucleare amigdaloideo sono state largamente studiate nei Mammiferi terrestri quali: ratto, scimmia, gatto ed Uomo. In letteratura non sono presenti particolari riferimenti ai Mammiferi marini. Per questo motivo la presente ricerca si propone di mostrare le caratteristiche citoarchitettoniche e neurochimiche del nucleo centrale dell’amigdala di tursiope (Tursiops truncatus), con particolare riferimento alle caratteristiche morfometriche dei neuroni esprimenti parvalbumina, calbindina-D28k e calretinina.