40 resultados para Callose


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Exposure of plants to UV-C irradiation induces gene expression and cellular responses that are commonly associated with wounding and pathogen defence, and in some cases can lead to increased resistance against pathogen infection. We examined, at a physiological, molecular and biochemical level, the effects of and responses to, sub-lethal UV-C exposure on Arabidopsis plants when irradiated with increasing dosages of UV-C radiation. Following UV-C exposure plants had reduced leaf areas over time, with the severity of reduction increasing with dosage. Severe morphological changes that included leaf glazing, bronzing and curling were found to occur in plants treated with the 1000 J·m(-2) dosage. Extensive damage to the mesophyll was observed, and cell death occurred in both a dosage- and time-dependent manner. Analysis of H2 O2 activity and the pathogen defence marker genes PR1 and PDF1.2 demonstrated induction of these defence-related responses at each UV-C dosage tested. Interestingly, in response to UV-C irradiation the production of callose (β-1,3-glucan) was identified at all dosages examined. Together, these results show plant responses to UV-C irradiation at much lower doses than have previously been reported, and that there is potential for the use of UV-C as an inducer of plant defence.


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Semipermeable cell walls or apoplastic “membranes” have been hypothesized to be present in various plant tissues. Although often associated with suberized or lignified walls, the wall component that confers osmotic semipermeability is not known. In muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) seeds, a thin, membranous endosperm completely encloses the embryo, creating a semipermeable apoplastic envelope. When dead muskmelon seeds are allowed to imbibe, solutes leaking from the embryo are retained within the envelope, resulting in osmotic water uptake and swelling called osmotic distention (OD). The endosperm envelope of muskmelon seeds stained with aniline blue, which is specific for callose (β-1,3-glucan). Outside of the aniline-blue-stained layer was a Sudan III- and IV-staining (lipid-containing) layer. In young developing seeds 25 d after anthesis (DAA) that did not exhibit OD, the lipid layer was already present but callose had not been deposited. At 35 DAA, callose was detected as distinct vesicles or globules in the endosperm envelope. A thick callose layer was evident at 40 DAA, coinciding with development of the capacity for OD. Removal of the outer lipid layer by brief chloroform treatment resulted in more rapid water uptake by both viable and nonviable (boiled) seeds, but did not affect semipermeability of the endosperm envelope. The aniline-blue-staining layer was digested by β-1,3-glucanase, and these envelopes lost OD. Thus, apoplastic semipermeability of the muskmelon endosperm envelope is dependent on the deposition of a thick callose-containing layer outside of the endosperm cell walls.


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Sucrose synthase (SuSy; EC; sucrose + UDP reversible UDPglucose + fructose) has always been studied as a cytoplasmic enzyme in plant cells where it serves to degrade sucrose and provide carbon for respiration and synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides and starch. We report here that at least half of the total SuSy of developing cotton fibers (Gossypium hirsutum) is tightly associated with the plasma membrane. Therefore, this form of SuSy might serve to channel carbon directly from sucrose to cellulose and/or callose synthases in the plasma membrane. By using detached and permeabilized cotton fibers, we show that carbon from sucrose can be converted at high rates to both cellulose and callose. Synthesis of cellulose or callose is favored by addition of EGTA or calcium and cellobiose, respectively. These findings contrast with the traditional observation that when UDPglucose is used as substrate in vitro, callose is the major product synthesized. Immunolocalization studies show that SuSy can be localized at the fiber surface in patterns consistent with the deposition of cellulose or callose. Thus, these results support a model in which SuSy exists in a complex with the beta-glucan synthases and serves to channel carbon from sucrose to glucan.


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Programmed cell death is characterized by a cascade of tightly controlled events that culminate in the orchestrated death of the cell. In multicellular organisms autophagy and apoptosis are recognized as two principal means by which these genetically determined cell deaths occur. During plant-microbe interactions cell death programs can mediate both resistant and susceptible events. Via oxalic acid (OA), the necrotrophic phytopathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum hijacks host pathways and induces cell death in host plant tissue resulting in hallmark apoptotic features in a time and dose dependent manner. OA-deficient mutants are non-pathogenic and trigger a restricted cell death phenotype in the host that unexpectedly exhibits markers associated with the plant hypersensitive response including callose deposition and a pronounced oxidative burst, suggesting the plant can recognize and in this case respond, defensively. The details of this plant directed restrictive cell death associated with OA deficient mutants is the focus of this work. Using a combination of electron and fluorescence microscopy, chemical effectors and reverse genetics, we show that this restricted cell death is autophagic. Inhibition of autophagy rescued the non-pathogenic mutant phenotype. These findings indicate that autophagy is a defense response in this necrotrophic fungus/plant interaction and suggest a novel function associated with OA; namely, the suppression of autophagy. These data suggest that not all cell deaths are equivalent, and though programmed cell death occurs in both situations, the outcome is predicated on who is in control of the cell death machinery. Based on our data, we suggest that it is not cell death per se that dictates the outcome of certain plant-microbe interactions, but the manner by which cell death occurs that is crucial.


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Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a necrotrophic ascomycete fungus with an extremely broad host range. This pathogen produces the non-specific phytotoxin and key pathogenicity factor, oxalic acid (OA). Our recent work indicated that this fungus and more specifically OA, can induce apoptotic-like programmed cell death (PCD) in plant hosts, this induction of PCD and disease requires generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the host, a process triggered by fungal secreted OA. Conversely, during the initial stages of infection, OA also dampens the plant oxidative burst, an early host response generally associated with plant defense. This scenario presents a challenge regarding the mechanistic details of OA function; as OA both suppresses and induces host ROS during the compatible interaction. In the present study we generated transgenic plants expressing a redox-regulated GFP reporter. Results show that initially, Sclerotinia (via OA) generates a reducing environment in host cells that suppress host defense responses including the oxidative burst and callose deposition, akin to compatible biotrophic pathogens. Once infection is established however, this necrotroph induces the generation of plant ROS leading to PCD of host tissue, the result of which is of direct benefit to the pathogen. In contrast, a non-pathogenic OA-deficient mutant failed to alter host redox status. The mutant produced hypersensitive response-like features following host inoculation, including ROS induction, callose formation, restricted growth and cell death. These results indicate active recognition of the mutant and further point to suppression of defenses by the wild type necrotrophic fungus. Chemical reduction of host cells with dithiothreitol (DTT) or potassium oxalate (KOA) restored the ability of this mutant to cause disease. Thus, Sclerotinia uses a novel strategy involving regulation of host redox status to establish infection. These results address a long-standing issue involving the ability of OA to both inhibit and promote ROS to achieve pathogenic success.


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O conhecimento sobre o ritmo de crescimento radial e a idade das árvores é um aspecto básico para compreender a dinâmica das populações, bem como o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência das espécies. Nos trópicos, entretanto, estudos populacionais com este enfoque ainda são escassos, a despeito da urgente necessidade de preservação e manejo de suas florestas. Este trabalho tem por objetivo: i) Descrever a atividade cambial e o comportamento fenológico de Centrolobium robustum (Vell.) Mart. ex Benth., correlacionando estes parâmetros entre si; ii) Avaliar a influência da sazonalidade climática e do fotoperíodo sobre a atividade cambial e o comportamento fenológico e iii) Caracterizar o padrão estrutural dos anéis de crescimento e determinar, a partir destes, a idade e as taxas de crescimento radial da espécie na Reserva Biológica do Tinguá, RJ. Para a análise da atividade cambial, amostras de câmbio foram coletadas trimestralmente, processadas segundo técnicas usuais de anatomia vegetal e observadas sob microscopia ótica de campo claro, de fluorescência, de polarização e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. O acompanhamento fenológico foi realizado mensalmente e os índices de atividade e de intensidade foram utilizados para analisar as fenofases reprodutivas e vegetativas, respectivamente. Para a investigação dendrocronológica, foram coletadas amostras com auxílio de sonda de Pressler, as quais foram polidas e observadas sob microscópio estereoscópico. Os resultados evidenciaram um ciclo anual de atividade e dormência cambial, caracterizados, respectivamente, pela presença de células em processo de divisão e diferenciação junto ao câmbio e de células completamente diferenciadas e deposição de calose em elementos de tubo crivado adjacentes à zona cambial. A dormência cambial coincidiu com a senescência e queda foliar, enquanto a atividade foi mais evidente na presença de folhas adultas na copa. A sazonalidade da atividade cambial apresentou correlação significativa com os dados de temperatura, precipitação e fotoperíodo do mês de realização das coletas. Foi constatado o regime sazonal da atividade cambial em associação ao clima e ao comportamento fenológico da espécie, conferindo caráter anual aos anéis de crescimento. Os resultados permitiram estabelecer o padrão dendroecológico de C. robustum e as idades e taxas de crescimento da população estudada.


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花粉管是有花植物受精过程中雄性生殖单位的载体,它同根毛、真菌菌丝一样,具有典型的极性顶端生长模式。裸子植物花粉与被子植物相比,具有萌发时间较长,生长缓慢等特点。但是目前人们对于裸子植物花粉萌发和花粉管生长的机理还不清楚。本文以裸子植物白皮松(Pinus bungeana)的花粉为材料,采用细胞学和生理生化方法,包括应用普通光学显微镜、荧光显微镜、激光扫描共聚焦显微镜、显微红外光谱(FTIR)和透射电镜(TEM)等技术,对其花粉萌发和花粉管生长过程进行了较为系统的研究,旨在进一步揭示裸子植物花粉管发育的调控机制。 本论文首先研究了外源Ca2+ 和3种调钙药物(A23187、EGTA、TMB8)对白皮松花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响。结果表明,在离体培养条件下,高浓度的Ca2+(1%)能完全抑制白皮松花粉的萌发,低浓度的Ca2+ 则影响不大,而花粉萌发和花粉管生长的最适Ca2+ 浓度为0.01%。用Ca2+ 载体A23187、Ca2+ 螯合剂EGTA和钙通道阻滞剂TMB8分别处理花粉后,花粉萌发和花粉管生长均受到抑制。另外,用 Ca2+ 荧光探针 Fluo-3AM标记,对Ca2+ 的分布变化进行了观察,发现在花粉萌发的初期,Ca2+ 向萌发孔聚集。在正常生长的花粉管中Ca2+ 呈梯度分布,顶端荧光最强。与对照相比,A23187处理后花粉粒中荧光增强,而EGTA和TMB8处理的花粉粒中荧光强度均减弱。并且这3种调钙药物还破坏了花粉管顶端的Ca2+ 浓度梯度,最终导致花粉管的生长受阻。 花粉萌发和花粉管的生长依赖于RNA和蛋白质的不断合成。在放线菌素D的存在下,花粉萌发基本不受影响,但花粉管的生长速度下降,花粉管中RNA含量也减少。而经过放线菌酮处理后,花粉萌发和花粉管生长均受到抑制,花粉管中蛋白质含量降低,同时花粉管顶端显著膨大。通过SDS-PAGE的结果表明,花粉粒萌发前后蛋白质图谱有明显差异。FTIR光谱分析表明,两种抑制剂处理均导致花粉管壁的化学组成发生了变化,例如蛋白质和饱和酯含量减少,而羧酸的含量增加。此外,由放线菌酮和放线菌素D处理后,花粉管的超微结构也发生了明显变化,其中特别是花粉管顶端的分泌系统遭到严重破坏。 纤维素的正常合成对于白皮松花粉管的生长是必需的。在正常培养基中添加纤维素生物合成抑制剂2,6-二氯苯腈(DCB)后,花粉萌发几乎不受影响,但是花粉管的形态发生异常,生长速率降低。DCB处理还导致花粉管壁中纤维素含量下降,而胼胝质在花粉管顶端积累。用识别酯化果胶的JIM7和识别酸性果胶的JIM5对离体培养的白皮松花粉管进行标记后,发现果胶成分呈异常分布图式。FTIR光谱分析结果表明花粉管细胞壁中蛋白质、羧酸以及饱和酯含量增加。同时,在电镜下观察发现,花粉管细胞壁顶端呈现不均匀加厚,其中主要的细胞器,如高尔基体和线粒体等膜结构均遭到破坏。 上述结果说明,白皮松成熟花粉粒中已含有花粉萌发和花粉管早期生长所必需的Ca2+ 和RNA,但是在花粉管的后续伸长过程中仍需要外源Ca2+ 的参与以及新RNA、蛋白质的不断合成。与被子植物不同,裸子植物花粉萌发的启动也需要新蛋白的合成。尽管在花粉管中纤维素的含量很低,但是对于细胞壁的构建、花粉管的正常形态的维持起着关键作用。


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Two new species, Saxifraga xiaozhongdianensis J. T. Pan and S. ludingensis J. T. Pan, from the Saxifragaceae in China are described and illustrated. Of these, S. xiaozhongdianensis is endemic to Zhongdian, Yunnan, and is related to S. brachyphylla Franchet. It differs from S. brachyphylla in the sepals adaxially dark brown glandular-villose and the petals basally subauriculate. Saxifraga ludingensis occurs in Luding, Sichuan, and is very similar to S. egregioides J. T. Pan and S. stellariifolia Franchet. It differs from S. egregioides in the stems brown glandular-villose, the cauline leaves adaxially brown glandular-villose, the sepals spreading in anthesis and abaxially brown glandular-villose, and the petals 5-veined. It differs from S. stellariifolia in the leaves cordate and abaxially glabrous, the sepals abaxially brown glandular-villose, and the petals 4-callose and 5-veined. Saxifraga xiaozhongdianensis and S. ludingeasis are apparently endemic to western China and belong to Saxifraga sect. Ciliatae Haworth, emend. J. T. Pan.


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Com o presente trabalho pretendeu-se determinar e compreender melhor quais os alvos do Alumínio (Al) nas plantas, e contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos de tolerância presentes em genótipos com elevado grau de tolerância ao Al. O Al é um dos maiores constituintes do solo e torna-se biodisponível em solos com baixo pH. Nesses casos, a exposição ao Al afecta negativamente o crescimento das plantas conduzindo a uma diminuição da produção. Estes factos são especialmente visíveis nos cereais, sendo a exposição ao Al uma das principais causas das quebras de produção nestas espécies. O Capítulo I consiste numa revisão geral sobre a toxicidade do Al nas plantas, apontando os seus principais alvos. Apresenta também os mecanismos de resistência, que inclui Al-destoxificação externa e interna, em diferentes espécies. O Capítulo II aborda os estudos sobre a exposição de curto prazo ao Al em duas espécies de cereais: Triticum aestivum L. e Secale cereale L., tendo-se sempre utilizado um genótipo Al-tolerante e um Al-sensível para cada espécie. Este capítulo está dividido em três estudos: no Capítulo II.1 realça-se o efeito da exposição a 185 μM de Al no equilíbrio nutricional em trigo. Verificou-se que em ambos os genótipos (sensível e tolerante) o perfil de macro e micro nutrientes se alterou, tendo uma interferência negativa, sobretudo no nível de P, Mg e K. Além disso, registaram-se diferenças na diferenciação da endoderme consoante o grau de tolerância/sensibilidade do genótipo. No Capítulo II.2 apresenta-se uma visão mais abrangente dos efeitos da exposição a 185 μM de Al em trigo, incluindo parâmetros fisiológicos, estruturais, citológicos e genotóxicos. Demonstra-se, pela primeira vez, que a progressão do ciclo celular é diferentemente regulada, dependendo da tolerância/sensibilidade do genótipo e que, mesmo em zonas já diferenciadas da raiz a exposição ao Al leva à deposição de calose. O Capítulo II.3 aborda os efeitos da exposição de 1.1 mM de Al em centeio, numa perspectiva bastante alargada. Apresenta-se o desequilíbrio nutricional, sobretudo no genótipo sensível, assim como a translocação de Al para a parte aérea nesse mesmo genótipo. Analisa-se também o comportamento de ambos os genótipos no que se refere ao ciclo celular, diferenciação da endoderme, crescimento radicular, reservas de hidratos de carbono, entre outros. Os resultados apontam para estratégias bem definidas adoptadas pelo genótipo tolerante de forma a minimizar a acção do Al no sistema radicular. O Capítulo III compreende a exposição longa ao Al. Dois genótipos de centeio com diferentes graus de tolerância ao Al foram expostos a 1.11 mM e 1.85 mM de Al durante 21 dias, tendo sido usados dois pontos de amostragem (15 e 21 dias). Este capítulo está dividido em dois estudos: No Capítulo III. 1 analisamse os mecanismos antioxidantes (folhas e raízes) como resposta à exposição ao Al, dando-se especial atenção ao ciclo do ascorbato-glutationas. A exposição ao Al levou a stress oxidativo e a alterações na actividade de enzimas antioxidantes e no conteúdo de antioxidantes não-enzimáticos. Demonstra-se que os dois órgãos apresentam respostas diferentes à exposição ao Al e que a capacidade de sobreviver em ambientes ricos em Al depende da eficácia da resposta antioxidante. Para além disso, a resposta do ciclo ascorbato-glutationas parece estar dependente do tipo de órgão, grau de tolerância e do tempo de exposição ao Al. No Capítulo III. 2 analisam-se os efeitos da exposição ao Al na fotossíntese. Verificou-se que o Al afecta negativamente a taxa fotossintética em ambos os genótipos, embora as alterações que o Al provoca nas trocas gasosas e no Ciclo de Calvin sejam dependentes do genótipo. Verificou-se também que os danos no genótipo sensível surgem mais cedo do que no genótipo tolerante, mas que ambos apresentam susceptibilidade ao Al após exposição de longo termo. Por fim, no Capítulo IV são apresentadas as conclusões da Tese de Doutoramento.


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STOBBS, Lorne,W ABSTRACT Biochemical and Histological Investigations of viral localisation in the hypersensitive reaction of Phaseolus vulgaris L. var Pinto to tobacco mosaic virus infection. The infection of Phaseolus vulgaris L. var Pinto with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) results in the production of distinct necrotic lesions confining the virus to restricted areas of the leaf surface. Biochemical and histological changes in the leaf tissue as a result of infection have been described. Trace accumulations of fluorescent metabolites, detected prior to lesion expression represent metabolites produced, by the cell in response to virus infection. These substances, are considered to undergo oxidation and in diffusing into adjacent cells, react with cellular constituents causing the death of these cells. Such cellular necrosis in advance of infection effectively limits virus spread. Chromatographic studies on extracts from TMV infected Pinto bean leaf tissue suggests that a number of extra-fluorescent metabolites produced on lesion'expression represent end products of phenolic oxidation r,eactionsoccurring earlier in these cells. Inhibition of phenolic oxidation by ascorbate infiltration or elevated temperature treatment resulted in the absence of extra-fluorescent metabolites and the continued movement of virus in the absence of necrosis. Further studies with i ascorbate infiltration indicated that irreversible necrotic events were determined as early as 12 tci 18 hrs after viral inoculation. Histochemical tests indicated that callose formation was initiated at this time, and occurred in response to necrotisation. Inhibition of necrosis by either ascorbate infiltration or elevated temp8rature treatment resulted in the absence of callose deposition. Scanning electron'micrographs of infected tissue revealed severe epidermal and palisade cell damage. Histochemical tests indicated extensive callose formation in cells bordering the lesion, and suggested the role of callose iTh the blockage of intercellular connections limiting virus movement. The significance of these cellular changes is discussed. ii


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L’une des particularités fondamentales caractérisant les cellules végétales des cellules animales est la présence de la paroi cellulaire entourant le protoplaste. La paroi cellulaire joue un rôle primordial dans (1) la protection du protoplaste, (2) est impliquée dans les mécanismes de filtration et (3) est le lieu de maintes réactions biochimiques nécessaires à la régulation du métabolisme et des propriétés mécaniques de la cellule. Les propriétés locales d’élasticité, d’extensibilité, de plasticité et de dureté des composants pariétaux déterminent la géométrie et la forme des cellules lors des processus de différentiation et de morphogenèse. Le but de ma thèse est de comprendre les rôles que jouent les différents composants pariétaux dans le modelage de la géométrie et le contrôle de la croissance des cellules végétales. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le modèle cellulaire sur lequel je me suis basé est le tube pollinique ou gamétophyte mâle. Le tube pollinique est une protubérance cellulaire qui se forme à partir du grain de pollen à la suite de son contact avec le stigmate. Sa fonction est la livraison des cellules spermatiques à l’ovaire pour effectuer la double fécondation. Le tube pollinique est une cellule à croissance apicale, caractérisée par la simple composition de sa paroi et par sa vitesse de croissance qui est la plus rapide du règne végétal. Ces propriétés uniques font du tube pollinique le modèle idéal pour l’étude des effets à courts termes du stress sur la croissance et le métabolisme cellulaire ainsi que sur les propriétés mécaniques de la paroi. La paroi du tube pollinique est composée de trois composantes polysaccharidiques : pectines, cellulose et callose et d’une multitude de protéines. Pour comprendre les effets que jouent ces différents composants dans la régulation de la croissance du tube pollinique, j’ai étudié les effets de mutations, de traitements enzymatiques, de l’hyper-gravité et de la gravité omni-directionnelle sur la paroi du tube pollinique. En utilisant des méthodes de modélisation mathématiques combinées à de la biologie moléculaire et de la microscopie à fluorescence et électronique à haute résolution, j’ai montré que (1) la régulation de la chimie des pectines est primordiale pour le contrôle du taux de croissance et de la forme du tube et que (2) la cellulose détermine le diamètre du tube pollinique en partie sub-apicale. De plus, j’ai examiné le rôle d’un groupe d’enzymes digestives de pectines exprimées durant le développement du tube pollinique : les pectate lyases. J’ai montré que ces enzymes sont requises lors de l’initiation de la germination du pollen. J’ai notamment directement prouvé que les pectate lyases sont sécrétées par le tube pollinique dans le but de faciliter sa pénétration au travers du style.


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In young pollen grains of Datura innoxia, a wall of the usual hemispherical type separates the 2 gametophytic cells initially and, in the electron microscope, appears as an electron-translucent matrix which is contiguous with the intine. Before detachment of the generative cell from the intine, the matrix decreases in thickness and in places is dispersed altogether leaving the plasmalemmae on either side of it in close apposition. A particularly prominent zone, triangular in profile, is left where the wall joins with the intine. After detachment of the cell, remnants of the matrix can be seen distributed irregularly around the cell and it is supposed that these are partly derived from material in the triangular zone as the cell is drawn away from the intine. The wall residues persist throughout the maturation phase of the pollen and are considered to be either callose resulting from incomplete digestion of the initial wall, or some other polysaccharide material which is unevenly laid down along the wall and concentrated at the junction with the intine. In pollen induced into embryogenesis by anther culture, wall material is also distributed irregularly around the detached cell in a series of discrete zones, but these are more extensive than in vivo, closer together and in many instances highly dilated. The wall profiles thus have a beaded appearance, the 'beads' being connected together by short links of the 2 apposed plasmalemmae. The contents of the swollen zones have a similar electron density to that of the matrix in vivo but also show traces of a fibrillar component. It is postulated that this unusual swelling is a prelude to dispersal of the wall by disruption of the plasmalemmal links and to the establishment of cytoplasmic continuity between the 2 cells. The significance of such binucleate pollen grains in the formation of non-haploid embryos is discussed.


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The transcriptome of the developing starchy endosperm of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) was determined using RNA-Seq isolated at five stages during grain fill. This resource represents an excellent way to identify candidate genes responsible for the starchy endosperm cell wall, which is dominated by arabinoxylan (AX), accounting for 70% of the cell wall polysaccharides, with 20% (1,3; 1,4)-beta-D-glucan, 7% glucomannan, and 4% cellulose. A complete inventory of transcripts of 124 glycosyltransferase (GT) and 72 glycosylhydrolase (GH) genes associated with cell walls is presented. The most highly expressed GT transcript (excluding those known to be involved in starch synthesis) was a GT47 family transcript similar to Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) IRX10 involved in xylan extension, and the second most abundant was a GT61. Profiles for GT43 IRX9 and IRX14 putative orthologs were consistent with roles in AX synthesis. Low abundances were found for transcripts from genes in the acyl-coA transferase BAHD family, for which a role in AX feruloylation has been postulated. The relative expression of these was much greater in whole grain compared with starchy endosperm, correlating with the levels of bound ferulate. Transcripts associated with callose (GSL), cellulose (CESA), pectin (GAUT), and glucomannan (CSLA) synthesis were also abundant in starchy endosperm, while the corresponding cell wall polysaccharides were confirmed as low abundance (glucomannan and callose) or undetectable (pectin) in these samples. Abundant transcripts from GH families associated with the hydrolysis of these polysaccharides were also present, suggesting that they may be rapidly turned over. Abundant transcripts in the GT31 family may be responsible for the addition of Gal residues to arabinogalactan peptide.