42 resultados para Calendula officinallis


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Medicamentos homeopáticos como o Symphytum officinalle e a Calendula officinallis são dotados de propriedades anti-sépticas, antiinflamatória, cicatrizantes e também agem como promotores da consolidação de fraturas ósseas. Neste trabalho, uniram-se esses dois medicamentos similares em um complexo para verificar o seu efeito no reparo em feridas de extração dentária em camundongos. O complexo Symphytum officinalle e Calendula officinallis nas potências de 6CH e 3CH, respectivamente, foi ministrado por via oral ao grupo tratado durante 5 dias antes e após a extração do incisivo superior direito. No grupo controle, administraram-se 5ml de álcool etílico a 70% diluídos em 30 ml de soro fisiológico. Após a proservação, os animais foram sacrificados, a maxila direita separada da esquerda, fixada e processada para inclusão em parafina. Após a microtomia, os cortes obtidos foram corados pela H/E. A análise histológica mostrou que, tanto no grupo controle como no tratado, o alvéolo dentário estava preenchido por tecido de granulação e tecido ósseo neoformado, com graus variáveis de maturação, rico em osteócitos. No entanto, nos animais tratados, o processo de reparo em feridas após extração dentária do incisivo superior direito mostrou um avanço progressivo de neoformação óssea mais acentuado quando comparado ao grupo controle, em tempos equivalentes. Estes resultados enfatizam as propriedades biológicas do complexo Symphytum officinalle e Calendula officinallis e sua possível utilização como recurso terapêutico na Odontologia.


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Calendula officinalis is grown widely as an ornamental plant across Europe. It belongs to the large. Asteraceae family. In this study, the aim was to explore the possibilities to use Calendula officinalis as a new model organism for flower development and secondary mechanism studies in Asteraceae. Tissue culture of Calendula officinalis was established using nine different cultivars. Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium with four different combinations of plant growth regulators were tested. Of all these combinations, the medium containing 1mg/l BAP, 0.1 mg/l IAA, and 1mg/l Zeatin achieved highest frequency of adventitious shoot regeneration from hypocotyl and cotyledon explants. Virus-induced gene silencing is a recent developed genetic tool for charactering the gene functions in plants, and extends the range of host plants that are not accessible for Agrobacterium transformation. Here, tobacco rattle virus (TRV)-based VIGS technique was tested in calendula (cv. Single Orange). We used TRV carrying Gerbera hybrid phytoene desaturase (PDS) gene fragment to induce PDS silencing in calendula. Vacuum infiltration and syringe infiltration methods both resulted in photo-bleaching phenotypes in leaves, bracts and petals. Loss-of-function phenotypes occurred on calendula 13 days post-infiltration. In conclusion, the data indicates that calendula explants can be regenerated through tissue culture which is a prerequisite for development of stable transformation methods. However, further optimization is still needed to improve the frequency. In addition, VIGS was applied to silence PDS marker gene expression indicating that this method has potential for gene functional studies in future.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Recursos Biológicos do Mar, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias dos Recursos Aquáticos, Universidade do Algarve, 1998


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Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the antimicrobial effect of mouthwashes containing Calendula officinalis L., Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze and 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate on the adherence of microorganisms to suture materials after extraction of unerupted third molars. Material and Methods: Eighteen patients with unerupted maxillary third molars indicated for extraction were selected (n=6 per mouthwash). First, the patients were subjected to extraction of the left tooth and instructed not to use any type of antiseptic solution at the site of surgery (control group). After 15 days, the right tooth was extracted and the patients were instructed to use the Calendula officinalis, Camellia sinensis or chlorhexidine mouthwash during 1 week (experimental group). For each surgery, the sutures were removed on postoperative day 7 and placed in sterile phosphate-buffered saline. Next, serial dilutions were prepared and seeded onto different culture media for the growth of the following microorganisms: blood agar for total microorganism growth; Mitis Salivarius bacitracin sucrose agar for mutans group streptococci; mannitol agar for Staphylococcus spp.; MacConkey agar for enterobacteria and Pseudomonas spp., and Sabouraud dextrose agar containing chloramphenicol for Candida spp. The plates were incubated during 24-48 h at 37 degrees C for microorganism count (CFU/nnL). Results: The three mouthwashes tested reduced the number of microorganisms adhered to the sutures compared to the control group. However, significant differences between the control and experimental groups were only observed for the mouthwash containing 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate. Conclusions: Calendula officinalis L. and Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze presented antimicrobial activity against the adherence of microorganisms to sutures but were not as efficient as chlorhexidine digluconate.


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Calendula officinalis L. and S. barbadetiman are used in Brazil for the treatment of a number of aliments. The healing properties of these substances are well known, mainly in domestic or sun burn. In order to establish a pharmacological rationale for the traditional use of these plants as a cicatrizant or antiinflammatory remedy, we used ethanol extracts or gel from stem bark of the S. barbadetiman and inflorescence of the Calendula. We selected four groups of patients; two groups shown varicose ulcer (I, II) and two groups shown skin lesions (III and IV). Groups I and III were treated with Calendula and group II and IV were treated with Calendula plus barbadetiman. The data in this study suggest that the treatment with Calendula or Calendula plus barbadetiman are effective in the process that brings wounds to a close. These findings provide basis to an alternative treatment of varicose ulcer.


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The investigation was carried out during May - June 1996 in Agronomical Sciences College - UNESP, Campus de Botucatu. The objective was to study the effect of seed types (carenate, alate and orbicular) and different substrates (vermiculite, sand, soil, commercial mixture and producer's mixture) on Calendula officinalis germination and seedling development. The design was in randomized blocks, with 4 replications. The germination index of the seeds was evaluated, as well as the development of aerial part and root system of the seedlings. Results showed that seed types have no relation with seedling development, therefore, germination was better on alate and orbicular seeds in C. officinalis. With reference to the substrates, the producer's mixture and the commercial mixture gave better germination and seedling development.


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Salting have been a very utilized fish conservation method, however only in the last years the basic mechanism involved in salting fish has been understood. The objectives of this study were determine the addition in brine salt of rosemary leaves, rosemary extracts and tocopherol, and your action in the followed parameters: water activity (Aw), moisture, ash, salt content and TBARS. The results showed that the addition of antioxidants was difficulted the salt absorption, however didn't have differences between rosemary or tocopherol use. In the salting time of 3 hours the values of Aw and salt levels, was respectively: 0.77±0.01 and 14.42±1.69. for control treatment; 0.85±0.02 and 9.09±1.39for rosemary filtrate; 0.78±0.03 and 10.63±0.69 rosemary without filtrating and 0.85±0.02 and 11.96±1.78 tocopherol, showed that didn't grow indigenous bacterias. Lipid oxidation was evaluated by TBARS and the results showed the oxidative effect of salt and the pro oxidant effects of alls antioxidants used in brine salting.


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Micropropagation of Calendula officinalis L. is usually propagated through seeds and therefore shows high diversity in flower size and colour, what causes quantitative and qualitative chemical variability. A micropropagation protocol was established for clonal propagation of this species to achieve homogeneous biomass, more appropriate for the production of phytotherapics. Explants harvested from capitula were the most appropriate for the micropropagation process. MS culture medium supplemented with 1.0 mgL-1 BAP and 6.0 gL-1 Phytagel™ enhanced shoot proliferation, while MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mgL-1 Kinetin and 6.0 gL-1 Phytagel™, increased shoot elongation. Plantlets (80%) cultured in MS/2 medium supplemented with 1.0 mgL-1 de IBA rooted.


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Authors describe a case of recurrent exfoliative cheilitis that responded to treatment with a standardized topical preparation of Calendula officinalis L. An eighteen-year-old man was referred to UNESP - São Paulo State University, Department of Biosciences and Oral Diagnosis, São José dos Campos Dental School to investigate a chronic dry scaling lesion on his lips. The patient's main chief was aesthetic compromising. Corticoid therapy was suspended and Calendula officinalis ointment 10% for ad libitum use has been prescribed. The results presented allow the authors to consider Calendula officinalis L. as a potential therapy in cases of cheilitis exfoliative. © 2009 Roveroni-Favaretto et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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A fitoterapia constitui uma forma de terapia medicinal que vem crescendo visivelmente ao longo dos anos, no entanto, apesar da extensa utilização dos fitoterápicos, a qualidade destes medicamentos muitas vezes é deficiente e questionável. Dentre as plantas medicinais mais empregadas como fitoterápicos, temos a Calendula officinalis L.(Asteraceae), utilizada pelos seus efeitos antiinflamatórios, antisépticos e cicatrizantes. Sendo assim, o presente estudo objetivou aprimorar e consolidar o emprego de metodologias de tecnologia farmacêutica na área de desenvolvimento de fitoterápicos, por meio da realização de estudos preliminares do planejamento/pré-formulação de uma formulação fitoterápica semi-sólida contendo tintura de C. officinalis L., visando o controle de qualidade das etapas do seu desenvolvimento. Na caracterização física e físico-química do pó e da tintura de calêndula foi possível obter especificações farmacognósticas condizentes com as da literatura, além de constatar a identidade do material vegetal através da detecção do marcador químico rutina por CCD. Por meio da validação do método, que apresentou parâmetros recomendados pela legislação vigente, foram determinados 463 μg/mL de rutina na tintura. Os espectros obtidos na região do infravermelho (IV) mostraram bandas características da rutina no extrato liofilizado, além de demonstrar a permanência dessas bandas após sua mistura com os excipientes da formulação. As técnicas termoanalíticas confirmaram a compatibilidade entre os excipientes e o extrato liofilizado de calêndula. Na avaliação da estabilidade preliminar do gel, a formulação permaneceu estável durante a realização dos ciclos em estufa (45 2 0C) e temperatura ambiente (25 2 0C). No estudo preliminar da permeação, o gel apresentou tendência para favorecer a permeação dos flavonóides totais expresso em rutina para a fase receptora. Estes resultados demonstram a importância do emprego de protocolos de controle de qualidade das matérias primas vegetais, além do estabelecimento de metodologias tecnológicas para a produção de fitoterápicos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The use of medicinal plants occurs since the Antiquity, but has become more popular in the present time. In the United States, 50% of the population uses the phytotherapy. Calendula officinalis and Melampodium divaricatum have components called flavonoids. Matricaria chamomila Linn and Acchilea millefolium, popularly known as camomila and mil folhas, respectively, have sesquiterpenic components called azulens. These substances present many effects; some of them offer benefits to the human health. Thus, these plants had their extract incorporated in cosmetic-dermatological formulations. This study aimed to prove the presence of the active substances, sesquiterpenes and flavonoids, in cosmetic creams with Matricaria chamomila Linn, Acchilea millefolium, Calendula officinalis and Melampodium divaricatum extracts. Also, aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of the products. Flavonoids and sesquiterpernes were detected in the emulsions and the microbiological quality was verified. Thus, the products are safe to the users in relation to the microbiological aspects and should present beneficial effects due to the presence of flavonoids and sesquiterpenes.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015