1000 resultados para Caiman c. yacare


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The sporogony of Hepatozoon caimani has been studied, by light microscopy, in the mosquito Culex fatigans fed on specimens of the caiman Caiman c. crocodilus showing gametocytes in their peripheral blood. Sporonts iniciate development in the space between the epithelium of the insect gut and the elastic membrane covering the haemocoele surface of the stomach. Sporulating oocysts are clustered on the gut, still invested by the gut surface membrane. Fully mature oocysts were first seen 21 days after the blood-meal. No sporogonic stages were found in some unidentified leeches fed on an infected caiman, up to 30 days following the blood-meal. When mosquitoes containing mature oocysts were fed to frogs (Leptodactylus fuscus and Rana catesbeiana), cysts containing cystozoites developed in the internal organs, principally the liver. Feeding these frogs to farm-bred caimans resulted in the appearance of gametocytes in their peripheral blood at some time between 59 and 79 days later, and the development of tissue cysts in the liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. Transmission of the parasite was also obtained by feeding young caimans with infected mosquitoes and it is suggested that both methods occur in nature. The finding of similar cysts containing cystozoites in the semi-aquatic lizard Neusticurus bicarinatus, experimentally fed with infected C. fatigans, suggests that other secondary hosts may be involved.


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Proctocaccum dorsale n. sp. is described and Caimanicola marajoara Freitas & Lent, 1938 is redescribed based on specimens collected from Caiman crocodilus yacare (Daudin) from the Pantanal Mato-grossense, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. This report extends south ward the known geographic distribution of C. marajoara. It is the first record of the genus Proctocaccum in South America, and in the caiman. Proctocaccum dorsale n. sp. differs from the other eight species in the genus by the dorsal location of the anal openings, instead of being lateral or in the posterior extremity of the body.


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Two new species are described from the caiman. Caiman crocodilus yacare. Proterodiplostomum breve n. sp. differs from all other species in the genus by the following chacacteristics: (1) the paraprostate gland is shorter and club-shaped; (2) the genital cone is, in average, eight times longer than that of P. medusae; (3) the genital atrium is larger and without pseudosuckers; (4) the oral sucker and pharynx are longer; and (5) there are larger numbers of papillae surrounding the tribocytic organ (40) against 20 in P. longum, 16 in p. tumidilum, 8 in P. ophidum, and 16-18 in P. medusae. Proterodiplostomum globulare n. sp. differs from all the other species in the fenus by the following characteristics: (1) from P. tumidilum, P. lomgum, P. medusae, and P. breve n. sp. for the absense of pseudosuckers or muscular bunches in the inferior wall of the genital atrium; (2) the shape of the paraprostate gland, which is globular and not cylindrical as in P. longum, P. tumidilum, P. medusae, and P. ophidum; (3) the size of the tribocytic organ 201-407 long, 183-495 wide, while is 138-270 long, 102-292 wide in P. medusae, and 138-270 long, 255 wide in P. ophidum; (4) the number of papillae in the tribocytic organ (18-20) in P. globulare and 16-18 in P. medusae, and 8 in P. ophidum. Specimens belonging to six other species of proterodiplostomes are recorded for the first time infecting the caiman, C. c. yacare in the Pantanal Mato-grossense, Brazil, namely: Proterodiplostomum medusae, P. tumidilum, Cystodiplostomum hollyi, Prolecithodiplostomum constrictum, Paradiplostomum abbreviatum, and Herpetodiplostomum caimancola.


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The distribution and physiological condition of 116 Caiman crocodilus yacare was assessed over one year in the Southern Pantanal. Body mass and intermediary plasma metabolites were measured at three different time periods, representing large differences in the abundance of surface water. During the wet season the study site was completely submerged under water and C. c. yacare were distributed evenly throughout. High levels of [glucose] and [triglyceride] in the plasma indicated regular feeding. As the dry season progressed C. c. yacare became increasingly crowded around the remaining ponds. They showed a reduction in plasma [glucose] and [triglyceride], and an increase in plasma [beta-hydroxy-butyrate], signifying that they were feeding less and utilising fat reserves. At this sampling period, similar to 40% of the male C. c. yacare that were > 10 years old inhabited dry grassland and did not have access to water. These animals were significantly lighter than males of a similar length that had immediate water access, and plasma [uric acid] indicated that they had not fed for a long time and were metabolising tissue proteins. Essentially, the adult male C. c. yacare that inhabited dry grassland were in a state of energy deficiency. This was so severe in some animals that recovery seemed unlikely. The study suggests that fluctuations in the abundance of surface ground water may influence the size and structure of the C. c. yacare population in the Pantanal.


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Sorption isotherms were determined for salted alligator's meat at four different temperatures (10degreesC, 15degreesC, 25degreesC and 35degreesC), using a standard gravimetric method. The goodness of fit of five sorption models to experimental data was determined. Five models, namely the GAB, the BET, the Halsey, the Henderson and the Hailwood and Horrobin, were evaluated to determine the best fit for the experimental data. The GAB was the best fitted model for the data of salted alligator's meat with an average error less than 10% for temperature of 10degreesC and less than 5% for the others temperatures. The coefficients of determination (r(2)) were 0.99 for all temperatures considered. The monolayer values decreased as temperature increased. The other four models were not appropriated to fit the data because of the high error values, although the r(2) were also similar to the GAB model. The net isosteric heat of sorption was estimated from equilibrium sorption data, using the Clausis-Clapeyron equation. Isosteric heats of sorption were found to increase with increasing temperature and could be well adjusted by an exponential relationship. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pseudotelorchis caimanis n. sp. and P. yacarei n. sp. are described based on specimens collected from Caiman crocodilus yacare (Daudin) in the Pantanal Mato-grossense, Brazil. This is the first record of any species of Telorchiidae Stunkard, 1924, parasitizing crocodilians. Pseudotelorchis caimanis n. sp. differs from P. comapactus, the only species described in the genus with seminal receptacle, testes in tandem, and genital pore lateral to acetabulum. Pseudotelorchis yacarei n. sp. differs from the two other species for its body shape, for infecting the intestine instead of the uterus, by having regularly disposed instead of irregulary disposed uterine loops, and by having the vitelline glands disposed in longitudinal lateral lines instead of in lateral bunches.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar o levantamento das características microbiológicas da carne do jacaré, através da detecão e/ou enumeração dos microrganismos mais comumente encontrados na carne. Pela inexistência de padrões na legislação brasileira para a carne de jacaré, os resultados foram comparados com os padrões microbiológicos existentes para carne bovina e pescado. Encontrou-se a presença de S. aureus e de Salmonella sp, resultados estes considerados insatisfatórios, o que nos permitiu, classificar o produto como impróprio para o consumo. O trabalho sugere também, procedimentos para evitar e/ou minimizar a presença desses microrganismos indesejáveis na carne.


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Trata-se de um estudo de algumas formas de processamento da carne de jacaré do pantanal como uma alternativa de consumo, de uma forma não convencional, da carne dessa espécie. Testa-se, ao mesmo tempo, a utilização de carne de cortes normalmente descartados tais como o tronco e os membros. Dessa forma relatam-se os seguintes processamentos: produtos de salsicharia não embutidos (tipo hambúrguer), carne em conserva (enlatado), carne curada e não cozida (defumada) e produto curado e cozido (tipo apresuntado). Avalia-se a qualidade dos produtos através da análise sensorial e mede-se estatisticamente o grau de sua aceitação.


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Realizaram-se avaliações químicas, histológicas e medidas de pH ao longo do tempo da degradação do glicogênio no músculo longissumus dorsi do jacaré. A metabolização do glicogênio muscular durou em torno de 50 horas, situando-se o pH muscular inicial entre 6,6 e 6,7 e estabilizando-se, depois de 36 a 48 horas, em torno de 5,5-5,6. Oitenta a 85% do glicogênio inicial foi metabolizado nas primeiras 20-25 horas pós-abate. Histologicamente o teste do PAS revelou, ao longo do tempo de armazenamento refrigerado, um decréscimo dos grânulos de glicogênio.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a produção de farinha de carne a partir das vísceras do jacaré do pantanal (Caiman crocodilus yacare) e o estudo das propriedades físico-químicas, bioquímicas e bacteriológicas da farinha elaborada. Essas características que servem de parâmetro de controle de qualidade, são normalmente exigidas na comercialização de farinhas de carne elaboradas a partir de vísceras e outros materiais de descarte para animais de consumo doméstico. Os resultados obtidos do pH, acidez solúvel, composição percentual dos componentes, dos minerais Ca e P, digestibilidade em pepsina, aspecto microbiológico (presença de "salmonela") e estabilidade avaliada pelo nº de TBARS da farinha mostram ser viável o uso das vísceras do jacaré do pantanal como fonte alternativa de nutrientes para incorporação nas formulações de ração animal .


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AbstractFlour prepared via current assay methodologies from the carcasses of the Pantanal alligator (Caiman crocodilus yacare) was analyzed for its chemical composition, minerals, fatty acids, and sensorial profile. Carcasses of the Pantanal alligator, originating from the Coocrijapan scientific zoo, Cceres MT Brazil, were utilized. The carcasses were cooked for 60 minutes in a pressure cooker with water containing 2% salt and 5% chimichurri. The cooked carcasses were then ground and the mass was used for the manufacture of flour via three techniques: non-smoked, hot-smoked, and liquid-smoked. After each technique, the carcasses were dehydrated at 60ºC for 3h and were ground. Alligator flour was then produced. The moisture of liquid-smoked flour (10.97%) was higher than that of non-smoked flour (3.78%) and hot-smoked flour (4.43%). The flours provided high protein (57.11% - 58.27%) and ash (23.45 – 26.42%) rates, and were predominantly calcium (6.77% - 7.69%), phosphorus (3.67% - 4.05%), and iron (73.13 – 273.73 ppm/100 mg). Smoked-flour had a better acceptance rate by tasters when compared to non-smoked flour. Results show that flours produced from alligator carcasses had high protein, ash, and mineral rates and a reasonable acceptability by most tasters.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar o levantamento das características microbiológicas da carne do jacaré, através da detecão e/ou enumeração dos microrganismos mais comumente encontrados na carne. Pela inexistência de padrões na legislação brasileira para a carne de jacaré, os resultados foram comparados com os padrões microbiológicos existentes para carne bovina e pescado. Encontrou-se a presença de S. aureus e de Salmonella sp, resultados estes considerados insatisfatórios, o que nos permitiu, classificar o produto como impróprio para o consumo. O trabalho sugere também, procedimentos para evitar e/ou minimizar a presença desses microrganismos indesejáveis na carne.


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Trata-se de um estudo de algumas formas de processamento da carne de jacaré do pantanal como uma alternativa de consumo, de uma forma não convencional, da carne dessa espécie. Testa-se, ao mesmo tempo, a utilização de carne de cortes normalmente descartados tais como o tronco e os membros. Dessa forma relatam-se os seguintes processamentos: produtos de salsicharia não embutidos (tipo hambúrguer), carne em conserva (enlatado), carne curada e não cozida (defumada) e produto curado e cozido (tipo apresuntado). Avalia-se a qualidade dos produtos através da análise sensorial e mede-se estatisticamente o grau de sua aceitação.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a produção de farinha de carne a partir das vísceras do jacaré do pantanal (Caiman crocodilus yacare) e o estudo das propriedades físico-químicas, bioquímicas e bacteriológicas da farinha elaborada. Essas características que servem de parâmetro de controle de qualidade, são normalmente exigidas na comercialização de farinhas de carne elaboradas a partir de vísceras e outros materiais de descarte para animais de consumo doméstico. Os resultados obtidos do pH, acidez solúvel, composição percentual dos componentes, dos minerais Ca e P, digestibilidade em pepsina, aspecto microbiológico (presença de salmonela) e estabilidade avaliada pelo nº de TBARS da farinha mostram ser viável o uso das vísceras do jacaré do pantanal como fonte alternativa de nutrientes para incorporação nas formulações de ração animal .