7 resultados para Cabruca
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A região cacaueira do sul da Bahia abriga hoje uma das mais expressivas diversidades arbórea do planeta. Esta região ficou conhecida por ter sido a maior exportadora de cacau do Brasil e pela prática do Sistema Agroflorestal Cabruca (sistema em que o cacau é plantado sob a sombra das grandes árvores da mata), o que conservou espécies arbóreas nativas importantes ao equilíbrio natural do bioma Mata Atlântica. Este estudo objetivou caracterizar histórica e geograficamente o sistema Cabruca neste contexto, a fim de ratificar a importância deste para a conservação da diversidade arbórea na região. As informações foram obtidas através de pesquisa bibliográfica, questionários estruturados aplicados aos proprietários e funcionários de sete propriedades rurais em sete municípios da região sul da Bahia e por meio da observação em campo. Os resultados são concernentes à estrutura fundiária, tempo de fundação das fazendas, manejo das cabrucas e as principais espécies arbóreas encontradas nas áreas de cabruca das fazendas visitadas. Observando a paisagem foi possível entender a influência que o entorno exerce sobre a constituição arbórea das cabrucas. O Sistema Agroflorestal Cabruca é de grande relevância para os remanescentes de Mata Atlântica do sul Bahia, uma vez que as cabrucas existentes apresentam expressiva biodiversidade local.
In southern Bahia, Brazil, large land areas are used for the production of cocoa (Theobroma cacao), which is predominantly grown under the shade of native trees in an agroforestry system locally known as cabruca. As a dominant forest-like landscape element of the cocoa region, the cabrucas play an important role in the conservation of the region`s biodiversity. The purpose of this review is to provide the scientific basis for an action plan to reconcile cocoa production and biodiversity conservation in southern Bahia. The available research collectively highlights the diversity of responses of different species and biological groups to both the habitat quality of the cabrucas themselves and to the general characteristics of the landscape, such as the relative extent and spatial configuration of different vegetation types within the landscape mosaic. We identify factors that influence directly or indirectly the occurrence of native species in the cabrucas and the wider landscape of the cocoa region and develop recommendations for their conservation management. We show that the current scientific knowledge already provides a good basis for a biodiversity friendly management of the cocoa region of southern Bahia, although more work is needed to refine some management recommendations, especially on shade canopy composition and density, and verify their economic viability. The implementation of our recommendations should be accompanied by appropriate biological and socioeconomic monitoring and the findings should inform a broad program of adaptive management of the cabrucas and the wider cocoa landscape.
A recent debate has contrasted two conservation strategies in agricultural landscapes; either ""land sparing`` farm development combining intensive production practices with forest set-asides, or ""wildlife-friendly`` farming with greater on-farm habitat value but lower yields. We argue that in established mosaic landscapes including old cacao production regions where natural forest has already been reduced to relatively small fragments, a combination of both strategies is needed to conserve biodiversity. After reviewing the evidence for the insufficiency of either strategy alone if applied to such landscapes, the paper focuses on the cacao production landscape of southern Bahia, Brazil, once the world`s second largest cacao producer. Here, small remaining areas of Atlantic Forest are embedded in a matrix dominated by traditional cacao agroforests, resulting in a landscape mosaic that has proven favorable to the conservation of the region`s high biodiversity. We show that current land use dynamics and public policies pose threats but also offer opportunities to conservation and describe a three- pronged landscape conservation strategy, consisting of (i) expansion of the protected areas system, (ii) promotion of productive yet biodiversity-friendly cacao farming practices, and (iii) assistance to land users to implement legally mandated on-farm reserves and voluntary private reserves. We discuss recent experiences concerning the implementation of this strategy, discuss likely future scenarios, and reflect on the applicability of the Bahian experience to biodiversity rich cacao production regions elsewhere in the tropics.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The forest-like characteristics of agroforestry systems create a unique opportunity to combine agricultural production with biodiversity conservation in human-modified tropical landscapes. The cacao-growing region in southern Bahia, Brazil, encompasses Atlantic forest remnants and large extensions of agroforests, locally known as cabrucas, and harbors several endemic large mammals. Based on the differences between cabrucas and forests, we hypothesized that: (1) non-native and non-arboreal mammals are more frequent, whereas exclusively arboreal and hunted mammals are less frequent in cabrucas than forests; (2) the two systems differ in mammal assemblage structure, but not in species richness; and (3) mammal assemblage structure is more variable among cabrucas than forests. We used camera-traps to sample mammals in nine pairs of cabruca-forest sites. The high conservation value of agroforests was supported by the presence of species of conservation concern in cabrucas, and similar species richness and composition between forests and cabrucas. Arboreal species were less frequently recorded, however, and a non-native and a terrestrial species adapted to open environments (Cerdocyon thous) were more frequently recorded in cabrucas. Factors that may overestimate the conservation value of cabrucas are: the high proportion of total forest cover in the study landscape, the impoverishment of large mammal fauna in forest, and uncertainty about the long-term maintenance of agroforestry systems. Our results highlight the importance of agroforests and forest remnants for providing connectivity in human-modified tropical forest landscapes, and the importance of controlling hunting and dogs to increase the value of agroforestry mosaics.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo a realização de um diagnóstico da fragilidade ambiental da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Almada, Bahia, Brasil. Para tanto, foi realizada a caracterização da área de estudo, com base em dados primários e pré-existentes; elaboração do mapa de solo - a partir da interpretação da paisagem e de sessenta perfis de solo distribuídos na bacia, além de análises físicas e químicas em trinta perfis e análises mineralógicas em amostras representativas; determinação do grau de fragilidade ambiental. O mapa de fragilidade ambiental foi obtido a partir da integração das características climática, substrato rochoso, declividade, solo e uso e ocupação do solo, por meio de álgebra de mapas em ambiente de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) na escala de 1:100.000, sendo classificado em cinco graus de fragilidade, assim identificadas: muito baixo, baixo, médio, alto e muito alto. As maiores fragilidade incluem as áreas urbanas, os sedimentos arenosos expostos na zona de praia, manguezais e bolsões degradados da planície costeira localizados na porção leste e as áreas de pastagem e solo exposto nas porções oeste da bacia. Nas classes que apresentaram fragilidade baixa estão incluídos as rochas do embasamento cristalino, recobertas pela floresta de mata atlântica e da cabruca.