14 resultados para Cabassous


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ABSTRACT Cabossous tatouay Desmarest, 1804 is considered a rare species in southern South America, and Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, records of the species are scarce and inaccurate. This study reports 40 localities for C. tatouay, and provides a map of the species' potential distribution using ecological niche modeling (ENM). The ENM indicated that in this region C. tatouay is associated with open grasslands, including the areas of "Pampas" and the open fields in the highlands of the Atlantic Forest. This study contributes to the information about the greater naked-tailed armadillo in southern Brazil, and provides data key to its future conservation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The greater naked-tailed armadillo Cabassous tatouay is one of the least-known armadillo species. Field records are rare, if not controversial, and only few specimens exist in scientific collections in Brazil. This species is listed in the Brazilian Red List of Threatened Species as well as in six official Brazilian state Red Lists. Fieldwork was performed between 2005 and 2008 to monitor wildlife in the central-western region of São Paulo State. Cabassous tatouay was registered in three opportunities, in the municipalities of Agudos, Borebi and Avare, and ecological and morphometrical data were registered. Although this species tolerates altered habitats, the scarce field records may be related to its habits and have led to the lack of basic information on greater naked-tailed armadillos. This communication provides important ecological and biogeographical information about C. tatouay.


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Os Autores analisaram soros de 47 Cannis familiaris, de 9 Felis cattus, de 64 Didelphis marsupialis aurita, de 9 Dasypus novemcinctus, de 4 Cabassous tatouay e de 29 Rattus rattus, através da reação de imunofluorescência indireta, para pesquisar a presença de anticorpos anti Toxoplasma gondii. Estes foram encontrados apenas em C. familiaris (63,8%) e em D. m. aurita (4,7%). Frente aos resultados obtidos, os Autores sugerem que novas pesquisas nesta área sejam realizadas, para que se conheça melhor a importância epidemiológica de várias espécies animais na disseminação da toxoplasmose.


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Recebemos para exame uma pequena coleção de carrapatos no Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra (MG), entre 1979 e 1980. Os autores demosntraram a existência de uma larga co-acomodação de Amblyomma pseudoconcolor em edentados da familia Dasypodidae, sendo Dasypodini a tribo mais ajustada a sta infestação. De acordo com as Figs. 1 e 2, Dasypodini são, provavelmente, os hospedeiros reais de A. pseudoconcolor e também os hospedeiros mais antigos. Pela primeira vez, A. pseudoconcolor é também registrado e, Cabassous tatouay, C. unicinctus, priododntes maximus e Euphractus sexcinctus. Também, pela primeira vez, A. pseudoconcolor e A. calcaratum foram registrados no Estado de Minas Gerais. os ectoparasitos estão depositados no Departamento de Parasitologia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil.


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Leprosy is still a worldwide public health problem. Brazil and India show the highest prevalence rates of the disease. Natural infection of armadillos Dasypus novemcinctus with Mycobacterium leprae has been reported in some regions of the United States. Identification of bacilli is difficult, particularly due to its inability to grow in vitro. The use of molecular tools represents a fast and sensitive alternative method for diagnosis of mycobacteriosis. In the present study, the diagnostic methods used were bacilloscopy, histopathology, microbiology, and PCR using specific primers for M. leprae repetitive sequences. PCR were performed using genomic DNA extracted from 138 samples of liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and skin of 44 D. novemcinctus, Euphractus sexcinctus, Cabassous unicinctus, and C. tatouay armadillos from the Middle Western region of the state of São Paulo and from the experimental station of Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Pantanal, located in Pantanal da Nhecolândia of Mato Grosso do Sul state. Also, the molecular analysis of 19 samples from internal organs of other road killed species of wild animals, such as Nasua nasua (ring-tailed coati), Procyon cancrivoros (hand-skinned), Cerdocyon thous (dog-pity-bush), Cavia aperea (restless cavy), Didelphis albiventris (skunk), Sphigurrus spinosus (hedgehog), and Gallictis vittata (ferret) showed PCR negative data. None of the 157 analyzed samples had shown natural mycobacterial infection. Only the armadillo inoculated with material collected from untreated multibacillary leprosy patient presented PCR positive and its genomic sequencing revealed 100% identity with M. leprae. According to these preliminary studies, based on the used methodology, it is possible to conclude that wild mammals seem not to play an important role in the epidemiology of leprosy in the Middle Western region of the São Paulo state and in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul state.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Os Autores analisaram soros de 47 Cannis familiaris, de 9 Felis cattus, de 64 Didelphis marsupialis aurita, de 9 Dasypus novemcinctus, de 4 Cabassous tatouay e de 29 Rattus rattus, através da reação de imunofluorescência indireta, para pesquisar a presença de anticorpos anti Toxoplasma gondii. Estes foram encontrados apenas em C. familiaris (63,8%) e em D. m. aurita (4,7%). Frente aos resultados obtidos, os Autores sugerem que novas pesquisas nesta área sejam realizadas, para que se conheça melhor a importância epidemiológica de várias espécies animais na disseminação da toxoplasmose.


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Background. Several pathogens that cause important zoonotic diseases have been frequently associated with armadillos and other xenarthrans. This mammal group typically has evolved on the South American continent and many of its extant species are seriously threatened with extinction. Natural infection of armadillos with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in hyperendemic areas has provided a valuable opportunity for understanding the role of this mammal in the eco-epidemiology of Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), one of the most important systemic mycoses in Latin America. Findings. This study aimed to detect P. brasiliensis in different xenarthran species (Dasypus novemcinctus, Cabassous spp., Euphractus sexcinctus, Tamandua tetradactyla and Myrmecophaga tridactyla), by molecular and mycological approaches, in samples obtained by one of the following strategies: i) from road-killed animals (n = 6); ii) from naturally dead animals (n = 8); iii) from animals that died in captivity (n = 9); and iv) from living animals captured from the wild (n = 2). Specific P. brasiliensis DNA was detected in several organs among 7/20 nine-banded armadillos (D. novemcinctus) and in 2/2 anteaters (M. tridactyla). The fungus was also cultured in tissue samples from one of two armadillos captured from the wild. Conclusion. Members of the Xenarthra Order, especially armadillos, have some characteristics, including a weak cellular immune response and low body temperature, which make them suitable models for studying host-pathogen interaction. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals, from PCM endemic areas, may be more common than initially postulated and reinforces the use of these animals as sentinels for the pathogen in the environment. © 2009 Bagagli et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Os Xenarthra são o grupo de mamíferos que inclui os tatus, os tamanduás e as preguiças. A América do Sul serviu de cenário para a história natural do grupo que, somente no fim do Cenozóico, dispersou-se para a América Central e, com uma perda de variedade, chegou à América do Norte e à algu-mas ilhas do Caribe. Trinta e uma espécies estão descritas dentro da linha-gem dos Xenarthra. Elas estão classificadas em 13 gêneros, quatro famílias (Bradypodidae, Megalonychidae, Myrmecophagidae e Dasypodidae) e duas ordens (Cingulata e Pilosa). A filogenia deste grupo tem sido alvo de diver-sas pesquisas que analisaram tanto dados morfológicos, quanto moleculares. Delsuc et al. (2003) analisaram seqüências de genes mitocondriais e nucleares e confirmaram a monofilia das três subfamílias (Dasypodinae, Euphacti-nae e Tolypeutinae) inclusas na família Dasypodidae. Delsuc et al. (2003) geraram a seguinte árvore: (((Bradypus, Choloepus)100, ((Myrmecophaga, Tamandua)100, Cyclopes)100), ((D. kappleri, D. novemcinctus)100, (Toly-pentes, (Priodontes, Cabassous)54)100, (Zaedyus, (Euphractus, Chaetophrac-tus)60)100)). Gaudin (2005) apresentou um trabalho que reviu e ampliou as análises morfológicas apresentadas até então, concluindo que os tatus atu-ais estão divididos em dois grupos, um mais basal (Dasypodinae) e outro mais derivado (Euphractinae), de acordo com o seguinte arranjo: (Bradypus, Tamandua), (Dasypus, (Priodontes, (Cabassous, (Tolypeutes, (Euphractus, Chaetophractus, (Zaedyus, Chlamyphorus)42)36)72)72)40)85). Neste traba-lho utilizou-se parte do gene mitocondrial rRNA 16S de 12 táxons atu-ais de Xenarthra para analisar a filogenia do grupo através do critério de máxima verossimilhança. Nossos resultados são apresentados analisando-se o gene 16S e analisando o banco de dados do 16S mais o de Delsuc et al. (2003). Nas duas situações, as filogenias apresentadas apóiam os resulta-dos de Delsuc et al. (2003): (Bradypus, (Choloepus, ((Cyclopes, (Myrme-cophaga, Tamandua)100)100, (Dasypus, (((Cabassous, Priodontes)68, Toly-peutes)100,((Chaetophractus, Euphractus)65, Zaedyus)100)100)100)100)100). Uma melhora nos valores de bootstrap nos ramos dentro das sub-famílias da família Dasypodidae é percebida em relação ao trabalho de Delsuc et al. (2003). Acreditamos que Elementos de Transposição do tipo (LINES) são os marcadores moleculares mais adequados para confirmar o arranjo obtido com as seqüências de genes mitocondriais e nucleares.


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Abstract Background Several pathogens that cause important zoonotic diseases have been frequently associated with armadillos and other xenarthrans. This mammal group typically has evolved on the South American continent and many of its extant species are seriously threatened with extinction. Natural infection of armadillos with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in hyperendemic areas has provided a valuable opportunity for understanding the role of this mammal in the eco-epidemiology of Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), one of the most important systemic mycoses in Latin America. Findings This study aimed to detect P. brasiliensis in different xenarthran species (Dasypus novemcinctus, Cabassous spp., Euphractus sexcinctus, Tamandua tetradactyla and Myrmecophaga tridactyla), by molecular and mycological approaches, in samples obtained by one of the following strategies: i) from road-killed animals (n = 6); ii) from naturally dead animals (n = 8); iii) from animals that died in captivity (n = 9); and iv) from living animals captured from the wild (n = 2). Specific P. brasiliensis DNA was detected in several organs among 7/20 nine-banded armadillos (D. novemcinctus) and in 2/2 anteaters (M. tridactyla). The fungus was also cultured in tissue samples from one of two armadillos captured from the wild. Conclusion Members of the Xenarthra Order, especially armadillos, have some characteristics, including a weak cellular immune response and low body temperature, which make them suitable models for studying host-pathogen interaction. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals, from PCM endemic areas, may be more common than initially postulated and reinforces the use of these animals as sentinels for the pathogen in the environment.