966 resultados para CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE


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Neo-intima development and atherosclerosis limit long-term vein graft use for revascularization of ischaemic tissues. Using a rat model, which is technically less challenging than smaller rodents, we provide evidence that the temporal morphological, cellular, and key molecular events during vein arterialization resemble the human vein graft adaptation. Right jugular vein was surgically connected to carotid artery and observed up to 90 days. Morphometry demonstrated gradual thickening of the medial layer and important formation of neo-intima with deposition of smooth muscle cells (SMC) in the subendothelial layer from day 7 onwards. Transmission electron microscopy showed that SMCs switch from the contractile to synthetic phenotype on day 3 and new elastic lamellae formation occurs from day 7 onwards. Apoptosis markedly increased on day 1, while alpha-actin immunostaining for SMC almost disappeared by day 3. On day 7, cell proliferation reached the highest level and cellular density gradually increased until day 90. The relative magnitude of cellular changes was higher in the intima vs. the media layer (100 vs. 2 times respectively). Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CDKIs) p27(Kip1) and p16(INKA) remained unchanged, whereas p21(Cip1) was gradually downregulated, reaching the lowest levels by day 7 until day 90. Taken together, these data indicate for the first time that p21(Cip1) is the main CDKI protein modulated during the arterialization process the rat model of vein arterialization that may be useful to identify and validate new targets and interventions to improve the long-term patency of vein grafts.


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The positive transcription elongation factor (P-TEFb) consists of CDK9, a cyclin-dependent kinase and its cyclin T partner. It is required for transcription of most class II genes. Its activity is regulated by non-coding RNAs. The 7SK cellular RNA turns the HEXIM cellular protein into a P-TEFb inhibitor that binds its cyclin T subunit. Thus, P-TEFb activity responds to variations in global cellular transcriptional activity and to physiological conditions linked to cell differentiation, proliferation or cardiac hypertrophy. In contrast, the Tat activation region RNA plays an activating role. This feature at the 5' end of the human immunodeficiency (HIV) viral transcript associates with the viral protein Tat that in turn binds cyclin T1 and recruits active P-TEFb to the HIV promoter. This results in enhanced P-TEFb activity, which is critical for an efficient production of viral transcripts. Although discovered recently, the regulation of P-TEFb becomes a paradigm for non-coding RNAs that regulate transcription factors. It is also a unique example of RNA-driven regulation of a cyclindependent kinase.


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P27(Kip1) (p27) is a member of the Cip/Kip family of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Recently, a new function of p27 as transcriptional regulator has been reported. It has been shown that p27 regulates the expression of target genes mostly involved in splicing, cell cycle, respiration and translation. We report here that p27 directly binds to the transcriptional coactivator PCAF by a region including amino acids 91-120. PCAF associates with p27 through its catalytic domain and acetylates p27 at lysine 100. Our data showed that overexpression of PCAF induces the degradation of p27 whereas in contrast, the knockdown of PCAF stabilizes the protein. A p27 mutant in which K100 was substituted by arginine (p27-K100R) cannot be acetylated by PCAF and has a half-life much higher than that of p27WT. Moreover, p27-K100R remains stable along cell-cycle progression. Ubiquitylation assays and the use of proteasome inhibitors indicate that PCAF induces p27 degradation via proteasome. We also observed that knockdown of skp2 did not affect the PCAF induced degradation of p27. In conclusion, our data suggest that the p27 acetylation by PCAF regulates its stability.


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Cellen har ett s.k. cytoskelett som bl.a. ger stadga åt cellen och deltar i dess form- och rörelsefunktioner. Intermediärfilamenten är en viktig del av cytoskelettet och de har länge varit kända för sina väsentliga roller i att upprätthålla den cellulära organisationen och vävnadernas integritet. På senare år har man insett att intermediärfilamenten har en större funktionell mångsidighet än man tidigare tänkts sig, i och med att en rad olika studier har visat betydelsen av intermediärfilamenten vid olika signaleringprocesser. Dessa proteinnätverk samverkar nämligen med kinaser och andra viktiga signalfaktorer och deltar därmed i cellens signaleringmaskineri. Intermediärfilamentproteinet nestin används ofta som en markör för stamceller men dess fysiologiska funktioner är i stort sett okända. Interaktion mellan nestin och ett signalkomplex bestående av cyklin-beroende kinas 5 (eng. Cyclin-dependent kinase, Cdk5) och dess aktivatorprotein p35 upptäcktes i vårt laboratorium före denna avhandling påbörjades. Därför var syftet med min avhandling att undersöka den funktionella betydelsen av nestin i regleringen av Cdk5/p35 komplexet. Cdk5 är ett multifunktionellt kinas som reglerar både utvecklingen och stressreaktioner i nerver och muskler. Vi visade att nestin skyddar neuronala stamceller under oxidativ stress genom dess förmåga att hämma Cdk5s skadliga aktivitet. Genom att förankra Cdk5/p35 komplexet, reglerar nestin den subcellulära lokaliseringen av Cdk5/p35 och minskar klyvningen av p35 till den mer stabila aktivatorn p25. Vi demonstrerade också aktiveringsmekanismen för Cdk5 under differentiering av muskelceller. Proteinkinas C zeta (PKCzeta) avslöjades ha en förmåga att accelera klyvningen av p35 till p25, och därmed öka aktiviteten hos Cdk5. Nestin kunde genom sin förmåga att reglera Cdk5 signalkomplexet styra muskelcellernas differentiering. Denna doktorsavhandling har på ett avgörande vis ökat förståelsen av de reglerande mekanismer som styr Cdk5 aktivering. Avhandling presenterar nestin och PKCzeta som kritiska faktorer i denna reglering. Vidare innehåller avhandlingen ny information om de cellulära funktionerna hos nestin som vi har visat vara en viktig reglerare av cellernas överlevnad och differentiering.


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The cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) complexes and the Cdk inhibitors (CDKI) are crucial regulators of cell cycle progression in all eukaryotic cells. Using rat cardiac myocytes as a model system, this chapter provides a detailed account of methods that can be employed to measure both cyclin/Cdk activity in cells and the extent of CDKI inhibitory activity present in a particular cell type.


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The cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) complexes and the Cdk inhibitors (CDKI) are crucial regulators of cell cycle progression in all eukaryotic cells. Using rat cardiac myocytes as a model system, this chapter provides a detailed account of methods that can be employed to measure both cyclin/Cdk activity in cells and the extent of CDKI inhibitory activity present in a particular cell type.


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We postulated that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27 could regulate the alterations in growth potential of cardiomyocytes during left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). LVH was induced in adult rat hearts by aortic constriction (AC) and was monitored at days 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 42 postoperation. Relative to sham-operated controls (SH), left ventricle (LV) weight-to-body weight ratio in AC increased progressively with time without significant differences in body weight or right ventricle weight-to-body weight ratio. Atrial natriuretic factor mRNA increased significantly in AC to 287% at day 42 compared with SH (P < 0.05), whereas p21 and p27 mRNA expression in AC rats decreased significantly by 58% (P < 0.03) and 40% (P < 0.05) at day 7, respectively. p21 and p27 protein expression decreased significantly from days 3 to 21 in AC versus SH, concomitant with LV adaptive growth. Immunocytochemistry showed p21 and p27 expression in cardiomyocyte nuclei. Thus downregulation of p21 and p27 may modulate the adaptive growth of cardiomyocytes during pressure overload-induced LVH.


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Like most other cells in the body, foetal and neonatal cardiac myocytes are able to divide and proliferate. However, the ability of these cells to undergo cell division decreases progressively during development such that adult myocytes are unable to divide. A major problem arising from this inability of adult cardiac myocytes to proliferate is that the mature heart is unable to regenerate new myocardial tissue following severe injury, e.g. infarction, which can lead to compromised cardiac pump function and even death. Studies in proliferating cells have identified a group of genes and proteins that controls cell division. These proteins include cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and CDK inhibitors (CDKIs), which interact with each other to form complexes that are essential for controlling normal cell cycle progression. A variety of other proteins, e.g. the retinoblastoma protein (pRb) and members of the E2F family of transcription factors, also can interact with, and modulate the activities of, these complexes. Despite the major role that these proteins play in other cell types, little was known until recently about their existence and activities in immature (proliferating) or mature (non-proliferating) cardiac myocytes. The reason(s) why cardiac myocytes lose their ability to divide during development remains unknown, but if strategies were developed to understand the mechanisms underlying cardiac myocyte growth, it could open up new avenues for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. In this article, we shall review the function of the cell cycle machinery and outline some of our recent findings pertaining to the involvement of the cell cycle in modulating cardiac myocyte growth and hypertrophy.


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Roscovitine and flavopiridol have been shown to potently inhibit cyclin-dependent kinase 1 and 2 (CDK1 and 2). The structures of CDK2 complexed with roscovitine and deschoroflavopiridol have been reported, however no crystallographic structure is available for complexes of CDK1 with inhibitors. The present work describes two molecular models for the binary complexes CDK1:roscovitine and CDK1:flavopiridol. These structural models indicate that both inhibitors strongly bind to the ATP-binding pocket of CDKI and structural comparison of the CDK complexes correlates the structures with differences in inhibition of these CDKs by flavopiridol and roscovitine. This article explains the structural basis for the observed differences in activity of these inhibitors. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Here is described a structural model for the binary complex CDK5-roscovitine. Roscovitine has been shown to potently inhibit cyclin-dependent kinases 1, 2 and 5 (CDK1, 2, and 5), and the structure of CDK2 complexed with roscovitine has been reported; however, no structural data, are available for complexes of CDK5 with inhibitors. The structural model indicates that roscovitine strongly binds to the ATP-binding pocket of CDK5 and structural comparison of the CDK2-roscovitine complex correlates the structural differences with differences in inhibition of these CDKs by this inhibitor. This structure opens the possibility of testing new inhibitor families, in addition to new substituents for the already known lead structures of adenine derivatives. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. (USA). All rights reserved.


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Flavopiridol has been shown to potently inhibit CDK1 and 2 (cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2) and most recently it has been found that it also inhibits CDK9. The complex CDK9-cyclin T1 controls the elongation phase of transcription by RNA polymerase II. The present work describes a molecular model for the binary complex CDK9-flavopiridol. This structural model indicates that the inhibitor strongly binds to the ATP-binding pocket of CDK9 and the structural comparison of the complex CDK2-flavopiridol correlates the structural differences with differences in inhibition of these CDKs by flavopiridol. This structure opens the possibility of testing new inhibitor families, in addition to new substituents for the already known leading structures such as flavones and adenine derivatives. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Contents The aim of this study was to determine the effect of temporary inhibition of meiosis using the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor butyrolactone I (BLI) on gene expression in bovine oocytes and cumulus cells. Immature bovine cumulusoocyte complexes (COCs) were assigned to groups: (i) Control COCs collected immediately after recovery from the ovary or (ii) after in vitro maturation (IVM) for 24 h, (iii) Inhibited COCs collected 24 h after incubation with 100 mu m BLI or (iv) after meiotic inhibition for 24 h followed by IVM for a further 22 h. For mRNA relative abundance analysis, pools of 10 denuded oocytes and respective cumulus cells were collected. Transcripts related to cell cycle regulation and oocyte competence were evaluated in oocytes and cumulus cells by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). Most of the examined transcripts were downregulated (p < 0.05) after IVM in control and inhibited oocytes (19 of 35). Nine transcripts remained stable (p > 0.05) after IVM in control oocytes; only INHBA did not show this pattern in inhibited oocytes. Seven genes were upregulated after IVM in control oocytes (p < 0.05), and only PLAT, RBP1 and INHBB were not upregulated in inhibited oocytes after IVM. In cumulus cells, six genes were upregulated (p < 0.05) after IVM and eight were downregulated (p < 0.05). Cells from inhibited oocytes showed the same pattern of expression regarding maturation profile, but were affected by the temporary meiosis inhibition of the oocyte when the same maturation stages were compared between inhibited and control groups. In conclusion, changes in transcript abundance in oocytes and cumulus cells during maturation in vitro were mostly mirrored after meiotic inhibition followed by maturation.


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It has been shown that glucocorticoids accelerate lung development by limiting alveolar formation resulting from a premature maturation of the alveolar septa. Based on these data, the aim of the present work was to analyze the influence of dexamethasone on cell cycle control mechanisms during postnatal lung development. Cell proliferation is regulated by a network of signaling pathways that converge to the key regulator of cell cycle machinery: the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) system. The activity of the various cyclin/CDK complexes can be modulated by the levels of the cyclins and their CDKs, and by expression of specific CDK inhibitors (CKIs). In the present study, newborn rats were given a 4-d treatment with dexamethasone (0.1-0.01 microg/g body weight dexamethasone sodium phosphate daily on d 1-4), or saline. Morphologically, the treatment caused a significant thinning of the septa and an acceleration of lung maturation on d 4. Study of cyclin/CDK system at d 1-36 documented a transient down-regulation of cyclin/CDK complex activities at d 4 in the dexamethasone-treated animals. Analysis of the mechanisms involved suggested a role for the CKIs p21CIP1 and p27KIP1. Indeed, we observed an increase in p21CIP1 and p27KIP1 protein levels on d 4 in the dexamethasone-treated animals. By contrast, no variations in either cyclin and CDK expression, or cyclin/CDK complex formation could be documented. We conclude that glucocorticoids may accelerate lung maturation by influencing cell cycle control mechanisms, mainly through impairment of G1 cyclin/CDK complex activation.