998 resultados para CX


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Silver hexynyl cluster cations, [(C4H9CCAg)nAg]+, exhibit a rich unimolecular chemistry that is dependant on the cluster size, n (1–5), cluster fragmentation (for all n > 1); C–C bond coupling (n = 3 & 4); C–H bond activation with comcomitant silver hydride formation (n = 1 & 4); C–C bond activation (n = 1 & 4).


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Praeside Joh. Jac. Schudt. Respondente Georg. Gustav Difenbach


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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This study examined the distribution of major mosquito species and their roles in the transmission of Ross River virus (RRV) infection for coastline and inland areas in Brisbane, Australia (27°28′ S, 153°2′ E). We obtained data on the monthly counts of RRV cases in Brisbane between November 1998 and December 2001 by statistical local areas from the Queensland Department of Health and the monthly mosquito abundance from the Brisbane City Council. Correlation analysis was used to assess the pairwise relationships between mosquito density and the incidence of RRV disease. This study showed that the mosquito abundance of Aedes vigilax (Skuse), Culex annulirostris (Skuse), and Aedes vittiger (Skuse) were significantly associated with the monthly incidence of RRV in the coastline area, whereas Aedes vigilax, Culex annulirostris, and Aedes notoscriptus (Skuse) were significantly associated with the monthly incidence of RRV in the inland area. The results of the classification and regression tree (CART) analysis show that both occurrence and incidence of RRV were influenced by interactions between species in both coastal and inland regions. We found that there was an 89% chance for an occurrence of RRV if the abundance of Ae. vigifax was between 64 and 90 in the coastline region. There was an 80% chance for an occurrence of RRV if the density of Cx. annulirostris was between 53 and 74 in the inland area. The results of this study may have applications as a decision support tool in planning disease control of RRV and other mosquito-borne diseases.


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A high level of control over quantum dot (QD) properties such as size and composition during fabrication is required to precisely tune the eventual electronic properties of the QD. Nanoscale synthesis efforts and theoretical studies of electronic properties are traditionally treated quite separately. In this paper, a combinatorial approach has been taken to relate the process synthesis parameters and the electron confinement properties of the QDs. First, hybrid numerical calculations with different influx parameters for Si1-x Cx QDs were carried out to simulate the changes in carbon content x and size. Second, the ionization energy theory was applied to understand the electronic properties of Si1-x Cx QDs. Third, stoichiometric (x=0.5) silicon carbide QDs were grown by means of inductively coupled plasma-assisted rf magnetron sputtering. Finally, the effect of QD size and elemental composition were then incorporated in the ionization energy theory to explain the evolution of the Si1-x Cx photoluminescence spectra. These results are important for the development of deterministic synthesis approaches of self-assembled nanoscale quantum confinement structures.


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Background In 2011, a variant of West Nile virus Kunjin strain (WNVKUN) caused an unprecedented epidemic of neurological disease in horses in southeast Australia, resulting in almost 1,000 cases and a 9% fatality rate. We investigated whether increased fitness of the virus in the primary vector, Culex annulirostris, and another potential vector, Culex australicus, contributed to the widespread nature of the outbreak. Methods Mosquitoes were exposed to infectious blood meals containing either the virus strain responsible for the outbreak, designated WNVKUN2011, or WNVKUN2009, a strain of low virulence that is typical of historical strains of this virus. WNVKUN infection in mosquito samples was detected using a fixed cell culture enzyme immunoassay and a WNVKUN- specific monoclonal antibody. Probit analysis was used to determine mosquito susceptibility to infection. Infection, dissemination and transmission rates for selected days post-exposure were compared using Fisher’s exact test. Virus titers in bodies and saliva expectorates were compared using t-tests. Results There were few significant differences between the two virus strains in the susceptibility of Cx. annulirostris to infection, the kinetics of virus replication and the ability of this mosquito species to transmit either strain. Both strains were transmitted by Cx. annulirostris for the first time on day 5 post-exposure. The highest transmission rates (proportion of mosquitoes with virus detected in saliva) observed were 68% for WNVKUN2011 on day 12 and 72% for WNVKUN2009 on day 14. On days 12 and 14 post-exposure, significantly more WNVKUN2011 than WNVKUN2009 was expectorated by infected mosquitoes. Infection, dissemination and transmission rates of the two strains were not significantly different in Culex australicus. However, transmission rates and the amount of virus expectorated were significantly lower in Cx. australicus than Cx. annulirostris. Conclusions The higher amount of WNVKUN2011 expectorated by infected mosquitoes may be an indication that this virus strain is transmitted more efficiently by Cx. annulirostris compared to other WNVKUN strains. Combined with other factors, such as a convergence of abundant mosquito and wading bird populations, and mammalian and avian feeding behaviour by Cx. annulirostris, this may have contributed to the scale of the 2011 equine epidemic.


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To determine the potential role of flying foxes in transmission cycles of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) in Australia, we exposed Pteropus alecto (Megachiroptera: Pteropididae) to JEV via infected Culex annulirostris mosquitoes or inoculation. No flying foxes developed symptoms consistent with JEV infection. Anti-JEV IgG antibodies developed in 6/10 flying foxes exposed to infected Cx. annulirostris and in 5/5 inoculated flying foxes. Low-level viremia was detected by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in 1/5 inoculated flying foxes and this animal was able to infect recipient mosquitoes. Although viremia was not detected in any of the 10 flying foxes that were exposed to JEV by mosquito bite, two animals infected recipient mosquitoes. Likewise, an inoculated flying fox without detectable viremia infected recipient mosquitoes. Although infection rates in recipient mosquitoes were low, the high population densities in roosting camps, coupled with migratory behavior indicate that flying foxes could play a role in the dispersal of JEV.


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Two types of left-handed zig-zag (LZ) helices were obtained following stereochemical guideline. They are referred to as LZ1 and LZ2 helices. LZ1 helices have conformations similar to those found in the single crystals of d(C-G)3 and d(C-G)25,6. Z-character is more prominent in LZ2 than in LZ1 helix. The conformations of a stable link between RU and LZ helical fragments are given. The link involves inverted stacking arrangement of the bases: a characteristic feature of all RL models proposed by us


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In a max-min LP, the objective is to maximise ω subject to Ax ≤ 1, Cx ≥ ω1, and x ≥ 0 for nonnegative matrices A and C. We present a local algorithm (constant-time distributed algorithm) for approximating max-min LPs. The approximation ratio of our algorithm is the best possible for any local algorithm; there is a matching unconditional lower bound.


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In a max-min LP, the objective is to maximise ω subject to Ax ≤ 1, Cx ≥ ω1, and x ≥ 0. In a min-max LP, the objective is to minimise ρ subject to Ax ≤ ρ1, Cx ≥ 1, and x ≥ 0. The matrices A and C are nonnegative and sparse: each row ai of A has at most ΔI positive elements, and each row ck of C has at most ΔK positive elements. We study the approximability of max-min LPs and min-max LPs in a distributed setting; in particular, we focus on local algorithms (constant-time distributed algorithms). We show that for any ΔI ≥ 2, ΔK ≥ 2, and ε > 0 there exists a local algorithm that achieves the approximation ratio ΔI (1 − 1/ΔK) + ε. We also show that this result is the best possible: no local algorithm can achieve the approximation ratio ΔI (1 − 1/ΔK) for any ΔI ≥ 2 and ΔK ≥ 2.


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It is shown that there are infinitely many primitive cusp forms f of weight 2 with the property that for all X large enough, every interval (X, X + cX(1/4)), where c > 0 depends only on the form, contains an integer n such that the n-th Fourier coefficient of f is nonzero.


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Con el objetivo de caracterizar la curva de lactancia y evaluar los efectos ambientales, año de parto (AAPAR), época de parto (E) y número de parto (NUMPA) asociados con los parámetros de la curva de lactancia, se analizaron registros mensuales (N=241) de vacas criollo Reyna bajo condiciones de trópico seco en la Hacienda "El Pino" Rivas, Nicaragua, los que corresponden a los años 1982-1989. Para la caracterización de la curva de lactancia, se utilizó el modelo propuesto por Wood (1967) de forma linealizada Ln Yx =Ln a + b Ln x - cx, donde Yx es la producción diaria en el periodo x, a representa la producción inicial, b el ascenso al pico, c descenso de producción. A partir del mismo se generaron la persistencia S, rendimiento al pico RP, tiempo al pico TP. La proporción de curvas atípicas encontradas en el presente estudio, fué de 23.21 . Al analizar la curva de lactancia general se observa un a = 1.94t +-0.l7 Kg, b =0.52+-0.04 Kg, c =0.006622+-0.000423 Kg, RP=6.13+-0.11 Kg, TP=89.17+-5.07 días y S = 7.78+-0.13; determinándose una curva sobreestimada producto de un valor para b sumamente grande. En el análisis de varianza se encontró que el factor época fue el que ejerció una mayor influencia sobre las características en estudio. Las medias de mínimos cuadrados y su error estándar según la época de parto, fueron de 2.25+-0.20 Kg, 0.50+-0.04 Kg, 0.007344+-0.0005 Kg para a, b y c respectivamente y para RP, TP y S de 6.38+-0.14 Kq, 67.64+-6.06 días y 7.49+-0.15 en la época 1 (Mayo-Octubre). En la época 2 (Noviembre-Abril) fueron de 1.63+-0.25 Kg para a, 0.52+-0.06 Kg para b, 0.005899+-0.0006 Kg para c y para RP, TP y s de 5.88+-0.17 Kg, l10.7l+-7.53 días y 8.07+-0.09 respectivamente. Los valores estimados para las correlaciones fenotípicas (rs) entre a y b, a y S resultaron de -0.71 y -0.75 respectivamente, y entre PL305 y a, PL305 y c, TP y s b y c, y entre b y S fueron de -0.00, -0.25, 0.66, 0.70 Y 0.84, respectivamente, presentando el resto de las estimaciones correlaciones cercanas a cero.