91 resultados para CUTICLES


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Metarhizium anisopliae is a well-characterized biocontrol agent of a wide range of insects including cane grubs. In this study, a two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis was used to display secreted proteins of M. anisopliae strain FI-1045 growing on the whole greyback cane grubs and their isolated cuticles. Hydrolytic enzymes secreted by M. anisopliae play a key role in insect cuticle-degradation and initiation of the infection process. We have identified all the 101 protein spots displayed by cross-species identification (CSI) from the fungal kingdom. Among the identified proteins were 64-kDa serine carboxypeptidase, 1,3 beta-exoglucanase, Dynamin GTPase, THZ kinase, calcineurin like phosphoesterase, and phosphatidylinositol kinase secreted by M. ansiopliae (FI-1045) in response to exposure to the greyback cane grubs and their isolated cuticles. These proteins have not been previously identified from the culture supernatant of M. anisopliae during infection. To our knowledge, this the first proteomic map established to study the extracellular proteins secreted by M. ansiopliae (FI-1045) during infection of greyback cane grubs and its cuticles.


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The leaf cuticular ultrastructure of some plant species has been examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in only few studies. Attending to the different cuticle layers and inner structure, plant cuticles have been grouped into six general morphological types. With the aim of critically examining the effect of cuticle isolation and preparation for TEM analysis on cuticular ultrastructure, adaxial leaf cuticles of blue-gum eucalypt, grey poplar, and European pear were assessed, following a membrane science approach. The embedding and staining protocols affected the ultrastructure of the cuticles analysed. The solubility parameter, surface tension, and contact angles with water of pure Spurr's and LR-White resins were within a similar range. Differences were however estimated for resin : solvent mixtures, since Spurr’s resin is combined with acetone and LR-White resin is mixed with ethanol. Given the composite hydrophilic and lipophilic nature of plant cuticles, the particular TEM tissue embedding and staining procedures employed may affect sample ultrastructure and the interpretation of the results in physicochemical and biological terms. It is concluded that tissue preparation procedures may be optimised to facilitate the observation of the micro- and nanostructure of cuticular layers and components with different degrees of polarity and hydrophobicity.


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The plant cuticle has traditionally been conceived as an independent hydrophobic layer that covers the external epidermal cell wall. Due to its complexity, the existing relationship between cuticle chemical composition and ultra-structure remains unclear to date. This study aimed to examine the link between chemical composition and structure of isolated, adaxial leaf cuticles of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. globulus by the gradual extraction and identification of lipid constituents (cutin and soluble lipids), coupled to spectroscopic and microscopic analyses. The soluble compounds and cutin monomers identified could not be assigned to a concrete internal cuticle ultra-structure. After cutin depolymerization, a cellulose network resembling the cell wall was observed, with different structural patterns in the regions ascribed to the cuticle proper and cuticular layer, respectively. Our results suggest that the current cuticle model should be revised, stressing the presence and major role of cell wall polysaccharides. It is concluded that the cuticle may be interpreted as a modified cell wall region which contains additional lipids. The major heterogeneity of the plant cuticle makes it difficult to establish a direct link between cuticle chemistry and structure with the existing methodologies.


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We describe a one-step bio-refinery process for shrimp composites by-products. Its originality lies in a simple rapid (6 h) biotechnological cuticle fragmentation process that recovers all major compounds (chitins, peptides and minerals in particular calcium). The process consists of a controlled exogenous enzymatic proteolysis in a food-grade acidic medium allowing chitin purification (solid phase), and recovery of peptides and minerals (liquid phase). At a pH of between 3.5 and 4, protease activity is effective, and peptides are preserved. Solid phase demineralization kinetics were followed for phosphoric, hydrochloric, acetic, formic and citric acids with pKa ranging from 2.1 to 4.76. Formic acid met the initial aim of (i) 99 % of demineralization yield and (ii) 95 % deproteinization yield at a pH close to 3.5 and a molar ratio of 1.5. The proposed one-step process is proven to be efficient. To formalize the necessary elements for the future optimization of the process, two models to predict shell demineralization kinetics were studied, one based on simplified physical considerations and a second empirical one. The first model did not accurately describe the kinetics for times exceeding 30 minutes, the empirical one performed adequately.


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Microscopic investigations over time were carried out to study and compare the pathogenesis of invasion of ticks and blowflies by Metarhizium anisopliae. The scanning electron microscope and stereo light microscope were used to observe and record processes on the arthropods' surfaces and the compound light microscope was used to observe and record processes within the body cavities. Two distinctly different patterns of invasion were found in ticks and blowflies. Fungal conidia germinated on the surface of ticks then hyphae simultaneously penetrated into the tick body and grew across the tick surface. There was extensive fungal degradation of the tick cuticle, particularly the outer endocuticle. Although large numbers of conidia adhered to the surface of blowflies, no conidia were seen to germinate on external surfaces. A single germinating conidium was seen in the entrance to the buccal cavity. Investigations of the fly interior revealed a higher density of hyphal bodies in the haemolymph surrounding the buccal cavity than in haemolymph from regions of the upper thorax. This pattern suggests that fungal invasion of the blowfly is primarily through the buccal cavity. Plentiful extracellular mucilage was seen around the hyphae on tick cuticles, and crystals of calcium oxalate were seen amongst the hyphae on the surface of ticks and in the haemolymph of blowflies killed by M. anisopliae isolate ARIM16.


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Foram aplicadas as técnicas de petrografia orgânica e palinologia no testemunho do poço TMB-01-SP, localizado na porção central da Bacia de Taubaté. A análise visual de 41 lâminas organopalinológicas e palinológicas permitiu individualizar três palinofácies e posicionar temporalmente a seção. A partir dos resultados das análises quantitativas do conteúdo orgânico, observou-se o predomínio de matéria orgânica amorfa de origem lacustre determinada pela presença de algas Botryococcus braunii e Pediastrum sp. Subordinadamente, verificou-se também a presença de grãos de pólen, esporos, fitoclastos e tecidos cutículares. Devido ao predomínio de matéria orgânica amorfa e algas lacustres com contribuições menores de material proveniente de vegetais superiores, foi possível classificar o querogênio como sendo dos tipos I e III. A matéria orgânica amorfa apresentou fluorescência moderada a alta na maior parte da seção (palinofácies 1 e 3) indicando um ambiente de sedimentação redutor predominante. Os resultados do índice de coloração de esporos (ICE) entre 1,5 e 2,5 indicaram zona imatura de geração de hidrocarbonetos. A partir das análises palinológicas foi possível observar uma rica e diversificada associação com 49 espécies identificadas, incluindo grãos de pólen, esporos, algas e fungos. Os resultados palinoestratigráficos permitiram correlacionar a seção analisada à palinozona Parvisaccites? sp. (Regali et al., 1974) que corresponde ao Oligoceno. Entre os palinomorfos diagnósticos de idade e ambiente deposicional foram identificados: Catinipollis geiseltalensis, Cicatricosisporites dorogensis, Dacrydiumites florinii, Echitriletes muelleri, Ephedripites tertiarius, Perisyncolporites pokornyi, Podocarpidites marwickii, Polypodiaceiosporites potoniei, Psilatricolporites operculatus, Quadraplanus sp., Ulmodeipites krempii e Verrucatosporites usmensis. Os sedimentos estudados foram depositados em um paleoambiente lacustre raso sob condições redutoras ao longo de praticamente toda a seção.


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The distribution of phenolases in certain species of Penaeid prawns has been studied. Attempts were made to locate the regions of maximum enzyme activity in the prawns. The relative dopase activity has been examined in extracts from head, tail, shell with cuticles and muscle. The head juice and tail extracts were found to register very high order of enzyme activity. Metapenaeus affinis, Metapenaeus monoceros and Penaeus indicus record comparatively higher enzyme activity than Parapenaeopsis stylifera and Metapenaeus dobsoni, no definite relationship has been found between the relative activity of the enzyme and size grade at least in one species examined. Experiments were done to determine the pH optima of the enzyme and the influence of pH on its deactivation. Exposure to higher temperatures up to 55°c was shown to activate the crude enzyme considerably. The possible implications of the observations have been discussed.


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Livingston Island, the second island of South Shetland Island, constains Mesozoic-Cenozoic basement, Mesozoic-Cenozoic volcanic sequences, plutonic intrusions and post-subduction volcanic rocks, which document the history and evolution of an important part of the South Shetland Islands magmatic arc. The sedimentary sequence is named the Miers Bluff Formation (MBF) and is interpreted as turbidite since the first geological study on South Shetland Islands, and is interpreted as turbidite. It base and top are not exposed, but a thickness of more than 3000m has been suggested and seems plausible. The turbidite is overlain by Mid - Cretaceous volcanic rocks and intruded by Eocene tonalites. The age of the Miers Bluff Formation is poorly constrained Late Carboniferous -Early Triassic. Sedimentary Environment, tectonic setting and forming age of sedimentary rocks of the Miers Bluff Formation were discussed by means of the methods of sedimentology, petrography and geochemistry, combinig with the study of trace fossils and microfossil plants. The following conclusions are obstained. A sedimentary geological section of Johnsons Dock is made by outside measuring and watching, and then according the section, the geological map near the Spanish Antarctic station was mapped. Four pebbly mudstone layers are first distinguished, which thickness is about 10m. The pebbly mudstone is the typical rock of debris flow, and the depostional environment of pebbly mudstone may be the channel of mid fan of submarine fan. The sedimentsry structural characteristics and size analysis of sandstones show the typical sedimentary feature of turbidity flow and the Miers Bluff Formation is a deep-water turbidite (include some gravity-flow sediments). The materials of palaeocurrents suggest the continental slope dip to southeast, and indicate the provenance of turbidity sediment in the northwest area. By facies analysis, six main facies which include seven subfacies were recognized, which are formed in mid-fan and lower-fan of submarine, meanwhile, the sedimentary features of each facies and subfacies are summarized. The study of clastic composition, major elements, trace elements and rare earth elements indicates the forming setting of the Miers Bluff Formaton is active continental margin and continental island arc and the provenance is dissected magmatic arc which main composition is felsic gneiss. Many trace fossils of the whole succession were found in the turbidites of the Miers Bluff Formation. All these trace fossils are deep sea ichnofossils. There are fifteen ichnogenus, sixteen ichnospecies. Moreover, a new trace fossil was found and a new ichnogenus and new ichnospecies was proposed - Paleaichnus antarctics ichnogen, et ichnosp, nov.. Except the new ichnogenus and ichnospecies, others had been found in deep-sea flysch turbidites. Some are in mudstone and are preserved in the cast convex of overlying sandstone sole, they formed before turbidity flows occurred and belong to the high-different Graphoglyptida of fiysch mudstone. Others as Fucusopsis and Neonereites are preserved in sandstones and stand for trace assemblages after turbidity sedimentation. These trace fossils are typical members of abyssal "Nereites" ichnofacies, and provide for the depositional environment of the Miers Bluff Formation. Fairly diverse microfossil plants have been recovered from the Miers Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, including spores, pollen, acritarchs, wood fragments and cuticles. Containing a total of about 45 species (forms) of miospores, the palynofiora is quantitatively characterized by the dominance of non-striate bisaccate pollen, but spores of pteridophytes and pollen of gymnosperms are proportionate in diversity. It is somewhat comparable to the subzone C+D of the Alisporites zone of Antarctica, and the upper Craterisporites rotundus zone and the lower Polycingulatisporites crenulatus zone of Australia, suggesting a Late Triassic (possibly Norian-Rhaetian) age, as also evidenced by the sporadic occurrence of Aratrisporites and probable Classopollis as well as the complete absence of bisaccate Striatiti. The parent vegetation and paleoclimate are preliminarily deduced. At last, the paper prooses the provenance of sedimentary rocks of the Miers Bluff Formation locates in the east part to the southern Chile(or Southern South American). In the Triassic period, contrasting with New Zealand, Australia and South American of the Pacific margin of Gondwanaland, the Miers Bluff Formation is deposited in the fore-arc basin or back-arc basin of magmatic arc.


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In Portugal, it was estimated that around 1.95 Mton/year of wood is used in residential wood burning for heating and cooking. Additionally, in the last decades, burnt forest area has also been increasing. These combustions result in high levels of toxic air pollutants and a large perturbation of atmospheric chemistry, interfere with climate and have adverse effects on health. Accurate quantification of the amounts of trace gases and particulate matter emitted from residential wood burning, agriculture and garden waste burning and forest fires on a regional and global basis is essential for various purposes, including: the investigation of several atmospheric processes, the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, and quantification of the air pollution sources that affect human health at regional scales. In Southern Europe, data on detailed emission factors from biomass burning are rather inexistent. Emission inventories and source apportionment, photochemical and climate change models use default values obtained for US and Northern Europe biofuels. Thus, it is desirable to use more specific locally available data. The objective of this study is to characterise and quantify the contribution of biomass combustion sources to atmospheric trace gases and aerosol concentrations more representative of the national reality. Laboratory (residential wood combustion) and field (agriculture/garden waste burning and experimental wildland fires) sampling experiments were carried out. In the laboratory, after the selection of the most representative wood species and combustion equipment in Portugal, a sampling program to determine gaseous and particulate matter emission rates was set up, including organic and inorganic aerosol composition. In the field, the smoke plumes from agriculture/garden waste and experimental wildland fires were sampled. The results of this study show that the combustion equipment and biofuel type used have an important role in the emission levels and composition. Significant differences between the use of traditional combustion equipment versus modern equipments were also observed. These differences are due to higher combustion efficiency of modern equipment, reflecting the smallest amount of particulate matter, organic carbon and carbon monoxide released. With regard to experimental wildland fires in shrub dominated areas, it was observed that the largest organic fraction in the samples studied was mainly composed by vegetation pyrolysis products. The major organic components in the smoke samples were pyrolysates of vegetation cuticles, mainly comprising steradienes and sterol derivatives, carbohydrates from the breakdown of cellulose, aliphatic lipids from vegetation waxes and methoxyphenols from the lignin thermal degradation. Despite being a banned practice in our country, agriculture/garden waste burning is actually quite common. To assess the particulate matter composition, the smoke from three different agriculture/garden residues have been sampled into 3 different size fractions (PM2.5, PM2.5-10 and PM>10). Despite distribution patterns of organic compounds in particulate matter varied among residues, the amounts of phenolics (polyphenol and guaiacyl derivatives) and organic acids were always predominant over other organic compounds in the organosoluble fraction of smoke. Among biomarkers, levoglucosan, β-sitosterol and phytol were detected in appreciable amounts in the smoke of all agriculture/garden residues. In addition, inositol may be considered as an eventual tracer for the smoke from potato haulm burning. It was shown that the prevailing ambient conditions (such as high humidity in the atmosphere) likely contributed to atmospheric processes (e.g. coagulation and hygroscopic growth), which influenced the particle size characteristics of the smoke tracers, shifting their distribution to larger diameters. An assessment of household biomass consumption was also made through a national scale survey. The information obtained with the survey combined with the databases on emission factors from the laboratory and field tests allowed us to estimate the pollutant amounts emitted in each Portuguese district. In addition to a likely contribution to the improvement of emission inventories, emission factors obtained for tracer compounds in this study can be applied in receptor models to assess the contribution of biomass burning to the levels of atmospheric aerosols and their constituents obtained in monitoring campaigns in Mediterranean Europe.


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Trilobites ¥tere collected from Ordovician and Devonian formations of Ontario} New York} Ohio} Oklahoma} and Indiana. Diversity was generally low} but 19..?telllS and Ph..~tY>ps ¥tere the most abundant species from the Ordovician and Devonian} respectively. Recent marine arthropods ¥tere collected from the Atlantic shore of the middle Florida Keys} and from the Pacific and lagoonal waters at Cape Beale} B. C. Fresh-water arthropods were collected along the shore of the Severn River in northcentral Ontario. Cuticles ¥tere analyzed for major} minor and trace elements, 180 and 13C isotopes, as ¥tell as examined by scanning electron micr?scope to identify original and diagenetic fabrics. Examination of trilobite cuticles by scanning electron microscope revealed several microstructures consistent with those observed in Recent arthropods. Microstructures} such as setae and tegumental gland duct openings} in like sized Lim/IllS and Isoteline trilobites may indicate common ancestral origins for these organisms, or simply parallel cuticle evolutions. The dendritic microstructure, originally' thought to be a diagenetic indicator, was found in Recent specimens and therefore its presence in trilobites may be suggestive of the delicate nature of diagenesis in trilobites. The absence of other primary microstructures in trilobites may indicate alteration, taxonomic control} or that there is some inherent feature of S EM examination which may' not allow detection of some features} while others are apparently visit·le onl~1 under SH.·1. The region of the cuticle sampled for examination is also a major influence in detecting pristine microstructures, as not all areas of trilobite and Recent arthropod cuticles will have microstructures identifiable in a SEM study. Subtleties in the process of alteration, however} ma~·· leave pristine microstructures in cuticles that are partial~/ silicified or do 10m itized, and degree and type of alteration may vary stratigraphically and longitudinally within a unit. The presence of fused matrices, angular calcite rhombs, and pyrite in the cuticle are thought to be indicative of altered cuticles, although pyritization may not affect the entire cuticle. t-~atural processes in Recent arthropods, such as molting, lead to variations in cuticle chemistries, and are thought to reflect the area of concentration of the elements during calcification. The level of sodium in Recent arthropods was found to be higher than that in trilobites, but highly mobile when sUbjected to the actions of VY'€'athering. Less saline water produced lovy'€'r magnesium and higher calcium values in Recent specimens .. and metal variations in pristine Ordovician trilobite cuticle appears to follow the constraints outlined for Recent arthropods, of regulation due to the chemislry of the surrounding medium. In diagenetic analysis, sodium, strontium and magnesium proved most beneficial in separating altered from least altered trilobites. Using this criterion, specimens from shale show the least amount of geochemical alteration, and have an original mineralogy of 1.7 - 2.4 mole % MgC03 (8000 t(> 9500 ppm magnesium) for both /s>..?/e/11S lJA'i.riff!11S and PseIAit'11J17ites I..itmirpin..itl/~ and 2.8 - 3.3 mole % MgC03 (5000 to 7000 ppm magnesium) for Ph.i{).?PS This is Slightly lower than the mineralogy of Recent marine arthropods (4.43 - 12.1 mole % MgC03), and slightly higher than that of fresh-water crayfish (0.96 - 1.82 mole % MgC03). Geochemically pristine trilobites were also found to possess primary microstructures. Stable isotope values and trends support the assertion that marine-meteoriclburial fluids were responsible for the alteration observed in a number of the trilobite specimens. The results of this stUdy suggest that fossil material has to be evaluated separately along taxonomic and lithological lines to arrive at sensible diagenetic and e nvironmenta I interpretations.


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Metarhizium robertsii is an entomopathogenic fungus that is additionally plant rhizosphere competent. Two adhesin-encoding gens, Mad1 and Mad2, are involved in insect pathogenesis or plant root colonization, respectively. This study examined differential expression of the Mad genes for M robertsii grown on a variety of insectand plant-related substrates. Mad1 was up regulated in response to insect cuticles and up regulation of Mad2 resulted from root exudates, tomato stems and non-preferred carbohydrates. A time course analysis that compared water, minimal media, and nutrient rich broth revealed Mad2 gene expression increased as nutrient availability decreased. The regulation of Mad2 compared to known stress-related genes (Hsp30, Hsp70 and ssgA) under various stresses (nutrient, pH, osmotic, oxidative, temperature) revealed Mad2 to be generally up regulated by nutrient starvation only. Examination of the Mad2 promoter region revealed two copies of a stress-response element (S TRE) known to be regulated under the general stress response pathway.


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Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are the most significant plant-parasitic nematodes that damage many crops all over the world. The free-living second stage juvenile (J2) is the infective stage that enters plants. The J2s move in the soil water films to reach the root zone. The bacterium Pasteuria penetrans is an obligate parasite of root-knot nematodes, is cosmopolitan, frequently encountered in many climates and environmental conditions and is considered promising for the control of Meloidogyne spp. The infection potential of P. penetrans to nematodes is well studied but not the attachment effects on the movement of root-knot nematode juveniles, image analysis techniques were used to characterize movement of individual juveniles with or without P. penetrans spores attached to their cuticles. Methods include the study of nematode locomotion based on (a) the centroid body point, (b) shape analysis and (c) image stack analysis. All methods proved that individual J2s without P. penetrans spores attached have a sinusoidal forward movement compared with those encumbered with spores. From these separate analytical studies of encumbered and unencumbered nematodes, it was possible to demonstrate how the presence of P. penetrans spores on a nematode body disrupted the normal movement of the nematode.


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Alpaca fibers have some distinct properties such as softness and warmth, which have not been fully understood in combination with the fiber internal structures. In the present investigation, the internal structures of alpaca fibers have been closely examined under the scanning electron microscope (SEM), especially in the longitudinal direction. The results showed that numerous pigment granules reside loosely inside pockets in brown and dark-brown alpaca fibers. These pigment granules were mainly distributed inside the cortical cells, the medullation regions as well as underneath the cuticles. Their size in the brown alpaca fibers was smaller and more uniformly round than in the dark-brown fibers. These granules in colored alpaca fibers loosen the bundle of cortical cells, providing many crannies in the fibers which may contribute to the superior flexibility, warmth and softness of the fibers. Moreover, there are no heavy metal elements found in the granules. The mordant hydrogen peroxide bleaching employed could eliminate the pigment granules and create many nano-volumes for further dyeing of fibers into more attractive colors.


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Electron microscopy techniques such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been invaluable tools for the study of the micromorphology of plant cuticles. However, for electron microscopy, the preparation techniques required may invariably introduce artefacts in cuticle preservation. Further, there are a limited number of methods available for quantifying the image data obtained through electron microscopy. Therefore, in this study, optical microscopy techniques were coupled with staining procedures and, along with SEM were used to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the ultrastructure of plant leaf cuticles. Leaf cryosections of Triticum aestivum (wheat), Zea mays (maize), and Lupinus angustifolius (lupin) were stained with either fat-soluble azo stain Sudan IV or fluorescent, diarylmethane Auramine O and were observed under confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). For all the plant species tested, the cuticle on the leaf surfaces could be clearly resolved in many cases into cuticular proper (CP), external cuticular layer (ECL), and internal cuticular layer (ICL). Novel image data analysis procedures for quantifying the epicuticular wax micromorphology were developed, and epicuticular waxes of L. angustifolius were described here for the first time. Together, application of a multifaceted approach involving the use of a range of techniques to study the plant cuticle has led to a better understanding of cuticular structure and provides new insights into leaf surface architecture.


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It remains a huge challenge to create advanced polymeric materials combining high strength, great toughness, and biodegradability so far. Despite enhanced strength and stiffness, biomimetic materials and polymer nanocomposites suffer notably reduced extensibility and toughness when compared to polymer bulk. Silk displays superior strength and toughness via hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) assembly, while cuticles of mussels gain high hardness and toughness via metal complexation cross-linking. Here, we propose a H-bonds cross-linking strategy that can simultaneously strikingly enhance strength, modulus, toughness, and hardness relative to polymer bulk. The H-bond cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol) exhibits high yield strength (140 MPa), reduced modulus (22.5 GPa) in nanoindention tests, hardness (0.5 GPa), and great extensibility (40%). More importantly, there exist semiquantitive linear relationships between the number of effective H-bond and macroscale properties. This work suggests a promising methodology of designing advanced materials with exceptional mechanical by adding low amounts (1.0 wt %) of small molecules multiamines serving as H-bond cross-linkers.