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Lupus erythematosus (LE) is a chronic, heterogeneous autoimmune disorder with abnormal immune responses, including production of autoantibodies and immune complexes. Clinical presentations of the disease range from mild cutaneous manifestations to a more generalised systemic involvement of internal organs. Cutaneous (CLE) forms are further subclassified into discoid LE (DLE), subacute cutaneous LE (SCLE) and acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (ACLE), and may later progress to systemic disease (SLE). Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the disease, although the precise aetiology is still elusive. Furthermore, complex gene-gene or gene-environment interactions may result in different subphenotypes of lupus. The genetic background of CLE is poorly known and only a few genes are confirmed, while the number of robust genetic associations in SLE exceeds 30. The aim of this thesis was to characterise the recruited patients clinically, and identify genetic variants conferring susceptibility to cutaneous variants of LE. Given that cutaneous and systemic disease may share underlying genetic factors, putative CLE candidate genes for genotyping were selected among those showing strong evidence of association in SLE. The correlation between relevant clinical manifestations and risk genotypes was investigated in order to find specific subphenotype associations. In addition, epistatic interactions in SLE were studied. Finally, the role of tissue degrading matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) in LE tissue injury was explored. These studies were conducted in Finnish case-control and family cohort, and Swedish case-control cohort. The clinical picture of the patients in terms of cutaneous, haematological and immunological findings resembled that described in the contemporary literature. However, the proportion of daily smokers was very high supporting the role of smoking in disease aetiology. The results confirmed that, even though clinically distinct entities, CLE and SLE share predisposing genetic factors. For the first time it was shown that known SLE susceptibility genes IRF5 and TYK2 also increase the risk of CLE. A tendency toward gene-gene interaction between these genes was found in SLE. As a remarkable novel finding, it was observed that ITGAM polymorphisms associated even more strongly to DLE than SLE, and the risk estimates were substantially higher than those reported for SLE. Several other recently identified SLE susceptibility genes showed signs of good or modest association especially in DLE. Subphenotype analyses indicated possible associations to clinical features, but marginally significant results reflected lack of sufficient power for these studies. Thorough immunohistochemical analyses of several MMPs demonstrated a role in epidermal changes and dermal tissue remodelling in diseased skin, and suggested that targeted action using selective MMP inhibitors may reduce lupus-induced damage in inflamed tissues. In conclusion, the results provide an insight into the genetics of CLE and demonstrate that genetic predisposition is at least in part shared between cutaneous and systemic variants of LE. This doctoral study has contributed IRF5, TYK2, ITGAM and several other novel genes to the so far short list of genes implicated in CLE susceptibility. Detailed examination of the function of these genes in CLE pathogenesis warrants further studies. Furthermore, the results support the need of subphenotype analysis with sample sizes large enough to reveal possible specific disease associations in order to better understand the heterogeneous nature and clinical specificities of the disease. Comprehensive analysis of clinical data suggests that smoking is an environmental triggering factor.


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OBJECTIVES To longitudinally map the onset and identify risk factors for skin sclerosis and digital ulcers (DUs) in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) from an early time point after the onset of Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) in the European Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) cohort. METHODS 695 patients with SSc with a baseline visit within 1 year after RP onset were followed in the prospective multinational EUSTAR database. During the 10-year observation period, cumulative probabilities of cutaneous lesions were assessed with the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was used to evaluate risk factors. RESULTS The median modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS) peaked 1 year after RP onset, and was 15 points. The 1-year probability to develop an mRSS ≥2 in at least one area of the arms and legs was 69% and 25%, respectively. Twenty-five per cent of patients developed diffuse cutaneous involvement in the first year after RP onset. This probability increased to 36% during the subsequent 2 years. Only 6% of patients developed diffuse cutaneous SSc thereafter. The probability to develop DUs increased to a maximum of 70% at the end of the 10-year observation. The main factors associated with diffuse cutaneous SSc were the presence of anti-RNA polymerase III autoantibodies, followed by antitopoisomerase autoantibodies and male sex. The main factor associated with incident DUs was the presence of antitopoisomerase autoantibodies. CONCLUSION Early after RP onset, cutaneous manifestations exhibit rapid kinetics in SSc. This should be accounted for in clinical trials aiming to prevent skin worsening.


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A 2-month-old boy experienced cutaneous lesions that revealed an underlying severe, combined immunodeficiency (SCID). It is important to recognize cutaneous manifestations of primary immunodeficiency disorders, as they may provide the earliest clue to a defect in immune function.


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Introdução: Algumas alterações cutâneas podem ser as primeiras manifestações clínicas de diversas entidades nosológicas com atingimento sistémico. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo rever a semiologia dermatológica relevante no contexto das doenças com envolvimento neurológico na infância. Material e Métodos: Revisão dos artigos indexados à MedLine publicados nos últimos 12 anos e com relevância para o tema. Resultados: Os principais grupos nosológicos relevantes para o tema compreendem as genodermatoses (com destaque para as síndromes neurocutâneas), as alterações da pigmentação, as doenças vasculares, as endócrinas, os défices enzimáticos congénitos e os disrafismos espinhais ocultos. Discussão: O reconhecimento da semiologia cutânea específica é importante pois pode permitir um diagnóstico muito mais precoce.


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Objectif : Déterminer la prévalence de la Sclérose systémique (SSc) chez les patients atteints de cirrhose biliaire primitive (CBP) et décrire les caractéristiques cliniques, pronostiques, immunologiques et capillaroscopiques chez les patients avec et sans SSc. Méthode : Étude descriptive de 100 patients avec CBP naïfs de SSc référés par les gastroentérologues. Un examen physique ainsi qu’un prélèvement sanguin et une capillaroscopie ont été réalisés. Résultats : Parmi les 22 patients diagnostiqués avec SSc, 13 n’avaient pas d’atteinte cutanée. Trente-neuf patients présentaient un phénomène de Raynaud. Dix-neuf étaient anticentromères (ACAs) positifs dont 18 avaient une SSc. Le groupe de CBP avec SSc avait un score Mayo meilleur et une atteinte histologique moins sévère. Une capillaroscopie anormale était retrouvée chez 29/100 patients. Les patients sans ACAs avaient une hypertension portale légèrement plus fréquente 14/81 (17,28%, p= 0,876) et une atteinte histologique hépatique plus sévère (89,5%, p=0,125). Le score Mayo était globalement meilleur dans le groupe des ACAs positifs. La sensibilité et la spécificité du test immunologique sont 95,45% et 93,59% respectivement. La capillaroscopie a une sensibilité de 78% et une spécificité de 94% pour le diagnostic de la SSc dans la population de CBP.   Conclusion : La SSc est fréquente dans la CBP, d’où l’intérêt de rechercher systématiquement les signes cliniques subtiles de la SSc, notamment le phénomène de Raynaud, et de demander une sérologie spécifique et une capillaroscopie pour identifier une SSc débutante.


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El trasplante de órganos y/o tejidos es considerado como una opción terapéutica viable para el tratamiento tanto de enfermedades crónicas o en estadios terminales, como de afectaciones no vitales, pero que generen una disminución en la calidad de vida percibida por el paciente. Este procedimiento, de carácter multidimensional, está compuesto por 3 actores principales: el donante, el órgano/tejido, y el receptor. Si bien un porcentaje significativo de investigaciones y planes de intervención han girado en torno a la dimensión biológica del trasplante, y a la promoción de la donación; el interés por la experiencia psicosocial y la calidad de vida de los receptores en este proceso ha aumentado durante la última década. En relación con esto, la presente monografía se plantea como objetivo general la exploración de la experiencia y los significados construidos por los pacientes trasplantados, a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre esta temática. Para ello, se plantearon unos objetivos específicos derivados del general, se seleccionaron términos o palabras claves por cada uno de estos, y se realizó una búsqueda en 5 bases de datos para revistas indexadas: Ebsco Host (Academic Search; y Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection); Proquest; Pubmed; y Science Direct. A partir de los resultados, se establece que si bien la vivencia de los receptores ha comenzado a ser investigada, aún es necesaria una mayor exploración sobre la experiencia de estos pacientes; exploración que carecería de objetivo si no se hiciera a través de las narrativas o testimonios de los mismos receptores


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BACKGROUND: Dendritic cells regulate immune responses to microbial products and play a key role in ulcerative colitis (UC) pathology. We determined the immunomodulatory effects of probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei Shirota (LcS) on human DC from healthy controls and active UC patients. METHODS: Human blood DC from healthy controls (control-DC) and UC patients (UC-DC) were conditioned with heat-killed LcS and used to stimulate allogeneic T cells in a 5-day mixed leucocyte reaction. RESULTS: UC-DC displayed a reduced stimulatory capacity for T cells (P < 0.05) and enhanced expression of skin-homing markers CLA and CCR4 on stimulated T cells (P < 0.05) that were negative for gut-homing marker β7. LcS treatment restored the stimulatory capacity of UC-DC, reflecting that of control-DC. LcS treatment conditioned control-DC to induce CLA on T cells in conjunction with β7, generating a multihoming profile, but had no effects on UC-DC. Finally, LcS treatment enhanced DC ability to induce TGFβ production by T cells in controls but not UC patients. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate a systemic, dysregulated DC function in UC that may account for the propensity of UC patients to develop cutaneous manifestations. LcS has multifunctional immunoregulatory activities depending on the inflammatory state; therapeutic effects reported in UC may be due to promotion of homeostasis.


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Introdução A mastocitose abrange um grupo heterogêneo de condições crônicas caracterizado pela proliferação excessiva de mastócitos nos tecidos. Os sinais e sintomas clínicos são decorrentes da distribuição anatômica dos mastócitos e do efeito funcional dos mediadores produzidos e liberados por estas células. Na infância, a doença é considerada uma condição benigna na maioria dos casos, cujo comprometimento característico é o cutâneo. As mais freqüentes manifestações na pele são os mastocitomas e a urticária pigmentosa. Lesões cutâneas bolhosas podem manifestar-se e acompanhar todas as formas de mastocitose e quando esta apresentação é a predominante, é denominada de mastocitose bolhosa. O diagnóstico de mastocitose é suspeitado clinicamente e confirmado pela histologia. A demonstração do aumento do número de mastócitos nas lesões cutâneas características se constitui no principal critério diagnóstico. Contudo, este método tem dificuldades técnicas que impedem a adequada reprodutibilidade dos achados, dificultando a elucidação de casos duvidosos e retardando seu tratamento. Considerando as propriedades imunológicas e a importância clínica dos mastócitos reveste-se de maior importância compreender o papel destas células nas doenças, sendo indispensável identificá-las e enumerá-las com acurácia nos tecidos. Objetivos Quantificar o número de mastócitos marcados com anticorpo monoclonal antitriptase, através de técnica imuno-histoquímica e análise de imagem, em biópsias cutâneas de crianças, com diagnóstico clínico de mastocitose. Descrever os achados histológicos; quantificar o número de mastócitos marcados com o anticorpo antitriptase entre as diferentes expressões clínicas da mastocitose cutânea; comparar o número de mastócitos entre os casos de mastocitose cutânea e mastocitose associada à sintomas sistêmicos e correlacionar as contagens de mastócitos entre os dois diferentes métodos (coloração por Giemsa com contagem manual e marcação com anticorpo antitriptase e análise digital). Material e Método Foram incluídas no estudo biópsias cutâneas de crianças de 0 a 14 anos, com diagnóstico clínico e histológico de mastocitose. Os casos foram classificados de acordo com a apresentação clínica cutânea em mastocitoma, urticária pigmentosa ou mastocitose bolhosa e assinalada a presença de sintomas sistêmicos associados. Os fragmentos de pele fixados em formalina e emblocados em parafina foram cortados e utilizados para diagnóstico histopatológico convencional, corados com hematoxilina-eosina e Giemsa, e para análise imuno-histoquímica com estreptavidina peroxidase marcados com anticorpo antitriptase. A densidade de mastócitos (número de células por área) foi realizada por um único observador na técnica histológica e através de um sistema de análise de imagem de vídeo no método imuno-histoquímico. Resultados Foram avaliados 33 casos de mastocitose, sendo 21 do sexo masculino. Dez casos (30,3%) apresentavam mastocitoma, 21 (63,6%) urticária pigmentosa e 2 (6,1%) mastocitose bolhosa. Todos os casos da amostra foram classificados como tendo mastocitose incipiente e em 6 (18,8%) pacientes pôde ser identificada a associação com sintomas sistêmicos. Prurido foi o sintoma mais freqüente, sendo relatado em 21 casos. Em 21 dos 33 casos foi identificada a infiltração de mastócitos na derme havendo predominância pela região perivascular (p=0,001, teste exato de Fisher). Não houve diferenças significativas entre a presença de infiltrado mastocitário e as várias formas cutâneas de mastocitose ou a mastocitose sistêmica. A presença de eosinófilos foi identificada em 15 casos (45,5%) e em 10 casos associadamente ao infiltrado perivascular de mastócitos. A densidade de mastócitos na técnica histológica, incluindo-se todos os casos, foi 50,00 células/mm2. Não houve diferença significativa das contagens entre os pacientes com mastocitoma e aqueles com urticária pigmentosa, assim como entre os pacientes com e sem sintomas sistêmicos associados aos cutâneos. A densidade de mastócitos encontrada com a técnica imuno-histoquímica e contagem por análise de imagem foi 158,85 células/mm2. Não houve diferença significativa das contagens entre os pacientes com mastocitoma e aqueles com urticária pigmentosa, assim como entre aqueles com e sem sintomas sistêmicos. Comparando-se a contagem dos mastócitos por área (densidade) entre a histologia e a imuno-histoquímica houve uma diferença significativa (p=0,0001 teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon). A média da diferença entre as contagens foi 199,98 células/mm2 (±365,31 DP). Também não houve semelhança, entre os dois métodos, nos grupos mastocitoma e urticária pigmentosa (p=0,005 e p=0,01, respectivamente, teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon). Puderam ser identificados 518% a mais de mastócitos com a técnica imunohistoquímica quando comparada com a histológica. Conclusões O presente estudo permite concluir que: 1) a localização preferencial da infiltração de mastócitos é dérmica e perivascular, não sendo possível identificar diferenças histológicas entre casos de urticária pigmentosa e mastocitoma; 2) o número de mastócitos marcados com o anticorpo monoclonal antitriptase e contados com análise digital de imagem, em biópsia de pele de crianças com diagnóstico clínico de mastocitose, foi 159 células por milímetro quadrado; 3) a densidade de mastócitos, foi semelhante entre os casos de urticária pigmentosa e mastocitoma e entre os casos com e sem sintomas sistêmicos associados nas duas diferentes técnicas empregadas; 4) o número de mastócitos por milímetro quadrado com a técnica imuno-histoquímica e a contagem através de análise de imagem foi significativamente maior quando comparada com a coloração através de Giemsa e a contagem manual, com uma diferença média entre os dois métodos de 200 células por milímetro quadrado; 5) a densidade de mastócitos com a técnica imunohistoquímica foi significativamente maior tanto nos casos com urticária pigmentosa quanto nos com mastocitoma, quando comparada com a técnica empregada rotineiramente e 6) com a técnica imuno-histoquímica e a contagem através de análise de imagem foi possível identificar 518% a mais de mastócitos quando comparada com a técnica histológica.


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Acromegalia é doença crônica rara, insidiosa, decorrente da hipersecreção de hormônio do crescimento, cujos efeitos tróficos e metabólicos frequentemente incorrem em manifestações cutâneas, que podem ser precoces. Os autores avaliaram 15 pacientes portadores de acromegalia e evidenciaram alterações dermatológicas em todos, principalmente espessamento da pele, acrocórdons, cistos epidérmicos, pseudoacantose nigricante, queratoses seborreicas, nevos melanocíticos e manchas lentiginosas.


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Although many tropical insects carry infectious diseases, cutaneous injury can occur by other mechanisms, for example erucism (envenomation by caterpillars) or lepidopterism (dermatitis from moths). Pararama is a unique form of erucism seen in workers in contact with rubber trees in the Amazon, and it is caused by Premolis larvae, resulting in progressive periarticular fibrosis, ankylosis, and the loss of articulation. Ants and aquatic insects of the Belostomatidae family can cause painful bites and stings. Anaphylactic shock and death can result from the venom of bees and wasps. Beetles can cause vesicular dermatitis via cantharidin or paederin. Myiasis results from fly larvae (maggots) feeding on live or necrotic tissue of humans or other hosts, while New World screwworm fly larvae feed only on living tissue and burrow (ie, screw) more deeply when attempts are made to remove them. Tungiasis is characterized by very pruritic and painful papules and ulcers resulting from a Tunga flea penetrating the host's skin. Dermatologists should be able to diagnose and treat the cutaneous manifestations of these tropical insects and educate their patients on prevention. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2012; 67:339.e1-14.)


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Introduction. Incontinentia pigmenti or Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome is a rare X-linked dominant disease that mainly affects the skin, eyes, hair, central nervous system and teeth. The disease is predominant among women. Although dermatologic manifestations are among the most important aspects for the diagnosis of the syndrome, they are less damaging to the patient and do not require treatment. However, oral involvement characterized by hypodontia of deciduous and permanent teeth is important for the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. Case presentation. We report the case of a 3-year-old girl with ophthalmologic and neurologic disturbances, cutaneous manifestations and hypodontia. Since the patient did not present more damaging manifestations such as neurologic and/or ophthalmologic problems, her most severe complications were related to dental anomalies. The importance of integrated dental treatment, which combines pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and conventional prosthesis, is emphasized. Conclusion. Hypodontia is a frequent finding in incontinentia pigmenti, and dentists should be aware of this condition in order to help with the diagnosis. © 2009 Kitakawa et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Lupus erythematosus panniculitis (LEP) or lupus erythematosus profundus is a rare form of chronic cutaneous manifestation affecting both adults and pediatric patients. The prevalence of this manifestation was seldom reported in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE). Case reports: From January 1983 to December 2010, 5,506 patients were followed at the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit of our University Hospital and 278 (5%) of them met the American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for JSLE. Two (0.7%) of them had LEP at JSLE onset. These two cases had tender deep inflammatory subcutaneous nodules or plaques at the time of diagnosis, and the histopathologic pattern evidenced lobular or mixed panniculitis with lymphocytic inflammatory cells of the fat lobule. Treatments for LEP included mainly antimalarials, systemic corticosteroids and sunscreen protection. One male patient required thalidomide and immunosuppressive drugs, including mycophenolate mofetil, cyclosporin and intravenous cyclophosphamide. However, skin lesions improved only after rituximab treatment. Discussion: LEP was rarely observed in our cohort of JSLE patients as the first lupus manifestation. Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy may be an option for refractory LEP treatment in children.


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Bullous pemphigoid (BP) represents the most common autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease. BP typically affects the elderly and is associated with significant morbidity. It has usually a chronic course with spontaneous exacerbations. The cutaneous manifestations of BP can be extremely protean. While diagnosis of BP in the bullous stage is straightforward, in the non-bullous stage or in atypical variants of BP signs and symptoms are frequently non-specific with eg, only itchy excoriated, eczematous, papular and/or urticarial lesions that may persist for several weeks or months. Diagnosis of BP critically relies on immunopathologic examinations including direct immunofluorescence microscopy and detection of serum autoantibodies by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy or BP180-ELISA.


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Bullous pemphigoid (BP) represents the most common autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease. BP typically affects the elderly and is associated with significant morbidity. It has usually a chronic course with spontaneous exacerbations. The cutaneous manifestations of BP can be extremely protean. While diagnosis of BP in the bullous stage is straightforward, in the non-bullous stage or in atypical variants of BP signs and symptoms are frequently non-specific with eg, only itchy excoriated, eczematous, papular and/or urticarial lesions that may persist for several weeks or months. Diagnosis of BP critically relies on immunopathologic examinations including direct immunofluorescence microscopy and detection of serum autoantibodies by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy or BP180-ELISA.