983 resultados para CSF-malli


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Työn tavoitteena oli uudentyyppisen hiontaprosessin ohjausjärjestelmän kehittäminen ja testaaminen UPM-Kymmene Kaukaan hiomossa. Uuden ohjausjärjestelmän perusajatuksena oli pitää yksittäistä hiomakiveä jatkuvasti optimaalisessa toimintapisteessä, ja hiomon kaikilla koneilla pyrittiin samaan kivenalusmassan laatuun. Uutta ohjaustapaa kutsuttiin Optimum operating point -strategiaksi (OOPS). Hiomakiven pitäminen optimaalisessa toimintapisteessä tapahtui pääosin vesiteräyskäsittelyllä, jonka intensiteettiä ohjasi asiantuntijajärjestelmä (AI-järjestelmä). Lisäksi testattiin ohjelmoidun anturan nopeussäädön vaikutusta hiomakoneen resurssien käyttöön. AI-järjestelmä päätteli vesiteräyskäsittelyn tarpeellisuuden CSF-mallin ja hiomakoneen resurssien perusteella. Seurannasta saatujen tulosten perusteella AI-järjestelmän käyttöönotto vesiteräyskäsittelyssä paransi tuotannon ja massan laadun tasaisuutta. Hiomakoneiden resurssien havaittiin pienenevän puunsyöttölinjan mukaisesti. Paksummat pöllit kerääntyvät linjan päähän, jolloin varsinkin hydrauliikkapaineiden tarve lisääntyy linjan päässä olevilla hiomakoneilla. Hiomakoneen resurssit saatiin paremmin käyttöön kuormittamalla konetta ohjelmoidulla anturan nopeussäädöllä (ONS) kuin vakioidulla anturan nopeussäädöllä (VNS). Kuitenkin hydraulipaineresurssien puutteellisuus rajoitti koeajon aikana ONS:n toimintaa. Resursseja ei optimoitu koeajon aikana, koska kiven pinnan haluttiin pysyvän mahdollisimman stabiilina. Kivelle ei suoritettu mekaanista käsittelyä, vaikka kivenpinnan massan kuljetuskapasiteetin havaittiin olevan huono. AI-järjestelmä otettiin ohjaamaan vesiteräyskäsittelyä vasta ONS - VNS -koeajon jälkeen. Mekaanisen rullateräyksen jälkeen massan ominaisuudet muuttuivat, koska kiven pinnan terävät särmät katkoivat kuituja alentaen massan sitoutumiskykyä. Heti rullakäsittelyn jälkeen mitattu CSF saattoi jopa alentua huomattavasti, mutta AI-järjestelmän laskema CSF nousi selvästi indikoiden energian ominaiskulutuksen (EOK) laskua. Muutaman päivän hionnan jälkeen mitattu ja laskettu CSF saavuttivat saman tason.


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G-CSF has been shown to decrease inflammatory processes and to act positively on the process of peripheral nerve regeneration during the course of muscular dystrophy. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of treatment of G-CSF during sciatic nerve regeneration and histological analysis in the soleus muscle in MDX mice. Six-week-old male MDX mice underwent left sciatic nerve crush and were G-CSF treated at 7 days prior to and 21 days after crush. Ten and twenty-one days after surgery, the mice were euthanized, and the sciatic nerves were processed for immunohistochemistry (anti-p75(NTR) and anti-neurofilament) and transmission electron microscopy. The soleus muscles were dissected out and processed for H&E staining and subsequent morphologic analysis. Motor function analyses were performed at 7 days prior to and 21 days after sciatic crush using the CatWalk system and the sciatic nerve index. Both groups treated with G-CSF showed increased p75(NTR) and neurofilament expression after sciatic crush. G-CSF treatment decreased the number of degenerated and regenerated muscle fibers, thereby increasing the number of normal muscle fibers. The reduction in p75(NTR) and neurofilament indicates a decreased regenerative capacity in MDX mice following a lesion to a peripheral nerve. The reduction in motor function in the crushed group compared with the control groups may reflect the cycles of muscle degeneration/regeneration that occur postnatally. Thus, G-CSF treatment increases motor function in MDX mice. Nevertheless, the decrease in baseline motor function in these mice is not reversed completely by G-CSF.


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Even though the involvement of intracellular Ca(2+) (Ca(i)(2+)) in hematopoiesis has been previously demonstrated, the relationship between Ca(i)(2+) signaling and cytokine-induced intracellular pathways remains poorly understood. Herein, the molecular mechanisms integrating Ca(2+) signaling with the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) pathway in primary murine and human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells stimulated by IL-3 and GM-CSF were studied. Our results demonstrated that IL-3 and GM-CSF stimulation induced increased inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)) levels and Ca(i)(2+) release in murine and human hematopoietic stem/ progenitor cells. In addition, Ca(i)(2+) signaling inhibitors, such as inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor antagonist (2-APB), PKC inhibitor (GF109203), and CaMKII inhibitor (KN-62), blocked phosphorylation of MEK activated by IL-3 and GM-CSF, suggesting the participation of Ca(2+)-dependent kinases in MEK activation. In addition, we identify phospholipase C gamma 2 (PLC gamma 2) as a PLC gamma responsible for the induction of Ca(2+) release by IL-3 and GM-CSF in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. Furthermore, the PLCg inhibitor U73122 significantly reduced the numbers of granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming units after cytokine stimulation. Similar results were obtained in both murine and human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. Taken together, these data indicate a role for PLC gamma 2 and Ca(2+) signaling through the modulation of MEK in both murine and human hematopoietic stem/ progenitor cells. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 1780-1792, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The spectrum of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) expressed in bone marrow-derived murine macrophages (BMMs) was examined using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Ten different PTP cDNAs were isolated and in this study we focus on mDEP-1, a type III receptor PTP. Three mDEP-1 transcripts were expressed in primary macrophages and macrophage cell lines and were induced during macrophage differentiation of M1 myeloid leukemia cells. A valiant mRNA Tvas identified that encodes an alternate carboxyl-terminus and 3' UTR. The expression of mDEP-1 was down-regulated by CSF-1 (macrophage colony-stimulating factor) and up-regulated by bacterial lipopolysaccharide, an important physiological regulator of macrophage function that opposes CSF-1 action. Whole mount irt situ hybridization, and immunolocalization of the protein, confirmed that mDEP-1 is expressed by a subset of embryonic macrophages in the liver and mesenchyme. mDEP-1 was also detected in the eye and peripheral nervous system of the developing embryo. Attempts to express mDEP-1 constitutively in the macrophage cell line RAW264 were unsuccessful, with results suggesting that the gene product inhibits cell proliferation.


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The high affinity receptor for human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) consists of a cytokine-specific alpha-subunit (hGMR alpha) and a common signal-transducing beta-subunit (hpc) that is shared with the interleukin-3 and -5 receptors, We have previously identified a constitutively active extracellular point mutant of hpc, I374N, that can confer factor independence on murine FDC-P1 cells but not BAF-B03 or CTLL-2 cells (Jenkins, B. J., D'Andrea, R. J., and Gonda, T. J. (1995) EMBO J. 14, 4276-4287), This restricted activity suggested the involvement of cell type-specific signaling molecules in the activation of this mutant. We report here that one such molecule is the mouse GMR alpha (mGMR alpha) subunit, since introduction of mGMR alpha, but not hGMR alpha, into BAF-B03 or CTLL-2 cells expressing the I374N mutant conferred factor independence, Experiments utilizing mouse/human chimeric GMR alpha subunits indicated that the species specificity lies in the extracellular domain of GMRa. Importantly, the requirement for mGMR alpha correlated with the ability of I374N (but not wild-type hpc) to constitutively associate with mGMRa. Expression of I374N in human factor-dependent UT7 cells also led to factor-independent proliferation, with concomitant up-regulation of hGMR alpha surface expression. Taken together, these findings suggest a critical role for association with GMR alpha in the constitutive activity of I374N.


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Several constitutively active mutant forms of the common β subunit of the human IL-3, IL-5 and GM-CSF receptors (hβc), which enable it to signal in the absence of ligand, have recently been described. Two of these, V449E and I374N, are amino acid substitutions in the transmembrane and extracellular regions of hβc, respectively. A third, FIΔ, contains a 37 amino acid duplication in the extracellular domain. We have shown previously that when expressed in primary murine haemopoietic cells, the extracellular mutants confer factor-independence on cells of the neutrophil and monocyte lineages only, whereas V449E does so on all cell types of the myeloid and erythroid compartments. To study the in vivo effects and leukaemic potential of these mutants, we have expressed all three in mice by bone marrow reconstitution using retrovirally infected donor cells. Expression of the extracellular mutants leads to an early onset, chronic myeloproliferative disorder marked by elevations in the neutrophil, monocyte, erythrocyte and platelet lineages. In contrast, expression of V449E leads to an acute leukaemia-like syndrome of anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and blast cell expansion. These data support the possibility that activating mutations in hβc are involved in haemopoietic disorders in man.


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Several activating mutations have recently been described in the common beta subunit for the human interleukin(IL)-3, IL-5, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) receptors (h beta c), Two of these, FI Delta and 1374N, result, respectively, in a 37-amino acid duplication and an isoleucine-to-asparagine substitution in the extracellular domain. A third, V449E, leads to valine-to-glutamic acid substitution in the transmembrane domain. Previous studies have shown that when expressed in murine hemopoietic cells in vitro, the extracellular mutants can confer factor independence on only the granulocyte-macrophage lineage while the transmembrane mutant can do so to all cell types of the myeloid and erythroid compartments. To further study the signaling properties of the constitutively active hpc mutants, we have used novel murine hemopoietic cell lines, which we describe in this report. These lines, FDB1 and FDB2, proliferate in murine IL-3 and undergo granulocyte-macrophage differentiation in response to murine GM-CSF, We find that while the transmembrane mutant, V449E, confers factor-independent proliferation on these cell lines, the extracellular hpc mutants promote differentiation. Hence, in addition to their ability to confer factor independence on distinct cell types, transmembrane and extracellular activated h beta c mutants deliver distinct signals to the same cell type. Thus, the FDB cell lines, in combination with activated h beta c mutants, constitute a powerful new system to distinguish between signals that determine hemopoietic proliferation or differentiation. (C) 2000 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), Interleukin-3 (IL-3) and Interleukin-5 (IL-5) have overlapping, pleiotropic effects on hematopoietic cells, including neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes and early progenitor cells. The high-affinity receptors for human GM-CSF, IL-3, and IL-5 share a common beta-subunit (h beta(c)), which is essential for signalling and plays a major role in recruiting intracellular signalling molecules. While activation of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase JAK2 appears to be the initiating event for signalling, the immediate events that trigger this are still unclear. We have isolated a number of activated mutants of h beta(c), which can be grouped into classes defined by their state of receptor phosphorylation, their requirement for alpha subunit as a cofactor, and their activities in primary cells and cell lines. We discuss these findings with regard to the stoichiometry, activation, and signalling of the normal GM-CSF/IL-3/IL-5 receptor complexes. Specifically, this work has implications for the role of the ligand-specific alpha-subunits in initiating the signalling through the beta-subunit, the role of beta subunit dimerization as a receptor trigger, and the function of receptor tyrosine phosphorylation in generating growth and survival signals. Based on the properties of the activated mutants and the recent structures of erythropoietin receptor (Epo-R) complexes, we propose a model in which (1) activation of h beta(c) can occur via alternative states that differ with respect to stoichiometry and subunit assembly, but which all mediate proliferative responses, and (2) each of the different classes of activated mutants mimics one of these alternative states. (C) 2000 International Society for Experimental Hematology. Published by Elsevier Science Inc.


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Several reports have suggested an interaction between the erythropoietin receptor (EpoR) and the shared signaling subunit (hbeta(c)) of the human granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin (IL)-3, and IL-5 receptors, although the functional consequences of this interaction are unclear. We previously showed that in vivo expression of constitutively active extracellular (EC) mutants of hbeta(c) induces erythrocytosis and Epo independence of erythroid colony-forming units (CFU-E). This occurs despite an apparent requirement of these mutants for the GM-CSF receptor alpha-subunit (GMRalpha), which is not expressed in CFU-E. Here, we show that coexpression of hbeta(c) EC mutants and EpoR in BaF-B03 cells, which lack GMRalpha, results in factor-independent proliferation and JAK2 activation. Mutant receptors that cannot activate JAK2 fail to produce a functional interaction. As there is no detectable phosphorylation of hbeta(c). on intracellular tyrosine residues, EpoR displays constitutive tyrosine phosphorylation. These observations suggest that JAK2 activation mediates cross-talk between EC mutants of hbeta(c) and EpoR. The implications of these data are discussed as are our findings that activated hbeta(c) mutants can functionally interact with certain other cytokine receptors.