Membrane proteins are notoriously difficult to express in a soluble form. Here, we use wheat germ cell-free expression in the presence of various detergents to produce the non-structural membrane proteins 2, 4B and 5A of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). We show that lauryl maltose neopentyl glycol (MNG-3) and dodecyl octaethylene glycol ether (C12E8) detergents can yield essentially soluble membrane proteins at detergent concentrations that do not inhibit the cell-free reaction. This finding can be explained by the low critical micelle concentration (CMC) of these detergents, which keeps the monomer concentrations low while at the same time providing the necessary excess of detergent concentration above CMC required for full target protein solubilization. We estimate that a tenfold excess of detergent micelles with respect to the protein concentration is sufficient for solubilization, a number that we propose as a guideline for detergent screening assays.
Potentially useful stead-state fluorimetric technique was used to determine the critical micellar concentrations (CMC(1) and CMC(2)) for two micellar media, one formed by SDS and the other by SDS/Brij 30. A comparative study based on conductimetric and surfacial tension measurements suggests that the CMC(1) estimated by the fluorimetric method is lower than the value estimated by these other techniques. Equivalent values were observed for SDS micelles without Brij 30 neutral co-surfactant. The use of acridine orange as fluorescent probe permitted to determine both CMC(1) and CMC(2). Based on it an explanation on aspects of micelle formation mechanism is presented, particularly based on a spherical and a rod like structures.
Thermodiffusion in a lyotropic mixture of water and potassium laurate is investigated by means of an optical technique (Z scan) distinguishing the index variations due to the temperature gradient and the mass gradients. A phenomenological framework allowing for coupled diffusion is developed in order to analyze thermodiffusion in multicomponent systems. An observable parameter relating to the mass gradients is found to exhibit a sharp change around the critical micellar concentration, and thus may be used to detect it. The change in the slope is due to the markedly different values of the Soret coefficients of the surfactant and the micelles. The difference in the Soret coefficients is due to the fact that the micellization process reduces the energy of interaction of the ball of amphiphilic molecules with the solvent.
Pyrazinamide was condensed with the poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(aspartic acid) copolymer (PEG-PASP), a micelle-forming derivative was obtained that was characterized in terms of its critical micelle concentration (CMC) and micelle diameter. The CMC was found by observing the solubility of Sudan III in Poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(pyrazinamidomethyl aspartate) copolymer (PEG-PASP-PZA) solutions. The mean diameter of PEG-PASP-PZA micelles, obtained by analyzing the dynamic light-scattering data, was 78.2 nm. The PEG-PASP-PZA derivative, when assayed for anti-Mycobacterium activity, exhibited stronger activity than the simple drug.
Bothropstoxin-I (BthTx-I) is a Lys49-PLA(2) from the venom of Bothrops jararacussu that lacks detectable catalytic activity, yet causes rapid Ca2+-independent membrane damage. With the aim of understanding the interaction between BthTx-I and amphiphilic molecules, we have studied the interaction of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) with the protein. Circular dichroism and attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectra of BthTx-I reveal changes in the alpha-helical organization of the protein at an SDS/BthTx-I molar ratio of 20-25. At SDS/BthTx-I ratios of 40-45 the alpha-helices return to a native-like conformation, although fluorescence emission anisotropy measurements of 2-amino-N-hexadecyl-benzamide (AHBA) demonstrate that the total SDS is below the critical micelle concentration when this transition occurs. These results may be interpreted as the result of SDS accumulation by the BthTx-I homodimer and the formation of a pre-micelle SDS/BthTx-I complex, which may subsequently be released from the protein surface as a free micelle. Similar changes in the alpha-helical organization of BthTx-I were observed in the presence of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes, suggesting that protein structure transitions coupled to organization changes of bound amphiphiles may play a role in the Ca2+-independent membrane damage by Lys49-PLA(2)s. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
n-Octyl-beta-D-glueopyranoside (OG) is a non-ionic glycolipid, which is used widely in biotechnical and biochemical applications. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations from two different initial coordinates and velocities in explicit solvent have been performed to characterize the structural behaviour of an OG aggregate at equilibrium conditions. Geometric packing properties determined from the simulations and small angle neutron scattering experiment state that OG micelles are more likely to exist in a non-spherical shape, even at the concentration range near to the critical micelle concentration (0.025 M). Despite few large deviations in the principal moment of inertia ratios, the average micelle shape calculated from both simulations is a prolate ellipsoid. The deviations at these time scales are presumably the temporary shape change of a micelle. However, the size of the micelle and the accessible surface areas were constant during the simulations with the micelle surface being rough and partially elongated. Radial distribution functions computed for the hydroxyl oxygen atoms of an OG show sharper peaks at a minimum van der Waals contact distance than the acetal oxygen, ring oxygen, and anomeric carbon atoms. This result indicates that these atoms are pointed outwards at the hydrophilic/hydrophobic interface, form hydrogen bonds with the water molecules, and thus hydrate the micelle surface effectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The EM3E Master is an Education Programme supported by the European Commission, the European Membrane Society (EMS), the European Membrane House (EMH), and a large international network of industrial companies, research centres and universities
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of biosurfactants and organic matter amendments on the bioremediation of diesel contaminated soil. Two strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with the ability to produce biosurfactant were isolated from a water and soil sample in Co. Sligo. The first strain, Isolate A, produced a biosurfactant which contained four rhamnose containing compounds, when grown in proteose peptone glucose ammonium salts medium with glucose as the carbon source. Two of the components were identified as rhamnolipid 1 and 2 whilst the other two components were unidentified. The second strain, Isolate GO, when grown in similar conditions produced a biosurfactant which contained only rhamnolipid 2. The type of aeration system used had a significant effect on the abiotic removal of diesel from soil. Forced aeration at a rate of 120L 02/kg soil/ hour resulted in the greatest removal. Over a 112 day incubation period this type o f aeration resulted in the removal o f 48% o f total hexane extractable material. In relation to bioremediation of the diesel contaminated sandy soil, amending the soil with two inorganic nutrients, KH2PO4 and NÜ4N03, significantly enhanced the removal of diesel, especially the «- alkanes, when compared to an unamended control. The biosurfactant from Isolate A and a biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCIMB 8628 (a known biosurfactant producer), when applied at a concentration of three times their critical micelle concentration, had a neutral effect on the biodégradation o f diesel contaminated sandy soil, even in the presence o f inorganic nutrients. It was deduced that the main reason for this neutral effect was because they were both readily biodegraded by the indigenous microorganisms. The most significant removal of diesel occurred when the soils were amended with two organic materials plus the inorganic nutrients. Amendment of the diesel contaminated soil with spent brewery grain (SBG) removed significantly more diesel than amendment with dried molassed sugar beet pulp (DMSBP). After a 108 day incubation period, amendment of the diesel contaminated soil with DMSBP plus inorganic nutrients and SBG plus inorganic nutrients resulted in 72 and 89% removal of diesel range organics (DRO), in comparison to 41% removal of DRO in an inorganic nutrient amended control. The first order kinetic model described the degradation of the different diesel components with high correlation and was used to calculate Vi lives. The V2 life, of the total «-alkanes in the diesel was reduced from 40 days in the control to 8.5 and 5.1 days in the presence of DMSBP and SBG, respectively. The V2 life o f the unresolved complex mixture (UCM) in the diesel contaminated soil was also significantly reduced in the presence o f the two organics. DMSBP and SBG addition reduced UCM V2 life to 86 and 43 days, respectively, compared to 153 days in the control. The component of diesel whose removal was enhanced the greatest through the organic material amendments was the isoprenoid, pristane, a compound which until recently was thought to be nonbiodegradable and was used as an inert biomarker in oil degradation studies. The V2 life of pristane was reduced from 533 days in the nutrient amended control to 49.5 and 19.5 days in DMSBP and SBG amended soils. These results indicate that the addition o f the DMSBP and SBG to diesel contaminated soil stimulated diesel biodégradation, probably by enhancing the indigenous diesel degrading microbial population to degrade diesel hydrocarbons, whilst the addition o f biosurfactants had no enhanced effect on the bioremediation process.
Un dels problemes associats a la remeiació de contaminants hidròfobs és la seva poca disponibilitat. Es considera que un contaminant està disponible quan roman a la fase líquida del medi, ja sigui solubilitzat o en forma d’emulsió. Els surfactants són substàncies anfifíliques que promouen la transferència de compostos hidròfobs de la fase sòlida a la líquida. En aquest estudi s’escull el pirè com a representant dels hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics i tres surfactants no iònics: un àmpliament citat a la bibliografia científica (Tween 80) i dos comercials (Gold Crew, BS-400). L’estudi es fa amb tres mescles d’argila i sorra amb diferents proporcions. La concentració micel·lar crítica (CMC) s’assoleix abans en sòls amb poc contingut en argila. L’eficiència dels surfactants està estretament relacionada amb la proporció d’argila i sorra. A concentracions molt per sobre de la CMC no s’observa una relació entre l’eficiència i la quantitat d’argila. El Tween 80 ha donat millors resultats que el Gold Crew i el BS-400, sense que aquest darrer no hagi presentat desadsorció de pirè.
In this work, it was studied the behavior of the nonionic surfactant aqueous solutions, containing or not a hydrotropic agent, by resonance magnetic nuclear (NMR). We have studied monofunctional diblock copolymers of poly(propylene oxide-ethylene oxide) (R-PPO-PEO-OH, where R length is linear C4) as nonionic surfactant and sodium p-toluenesulfonate (NaPTS) as hydrotropic agent. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the aqueous copolymer solution was obtained from ¹H-NMR. The preliminary study of the interaction between the copolymer, under the unimer and micelle forms, and the hydrotrope, in aqueous solutions, was evaluated by ¹H-NMR and 13C-NMR.
The discussion based on surfactant cleaning action is commonly used in chemistry classrooms for the comprehension of theoretical concepts related to surface tension and micelle formation. The experimental quantification of surface tension of aqueous solutions of surfactants provides the practical instruments for this discussion. The present paper describes a simplification on the common apparatus employed for the drop-weight method, making the determination of surface tension accessible to any chemistry lab. The surface tension of various liquids and the critical micelle concentration, CMC, of three commercial surfactants were measured with this modified method, and proved to be consistent with literature values.
The aim of this study was the determination of the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) surfactant using spectroscopic and conductimetric determinations and to compare these methodologies in the determination of the CMC of different humic acids (HA). The CMC obtained by conductimetric determination was satisfactory. By spectroscopic determination two values of the CMC were obtained for HA. These values can be to due the intra and intermolecular interactions in the HA structure.
Efecto del catión, del anión y del co-ión sobre la agregación de líquidos iónicos en solución acuosa
The aggregation behavior of thirteen 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids in aqueous solution is presented, considering variations of the alkyl side chain length as well as the anionic moiety. Cation and anion molecular volumes are selected as appropriate molecular descriptors. Additionally, the existing relationship between critical micelle concentration (CMC) and electrolyte concentration in solution is established, aiming to clarify ion effects. CMC values were obtained by measuring electrical conductivity and surface tension. It was confirmed that aggregation of ionic liquids in aqueous solution and in presence of inorganic salts is affected by the factors developed in this study.
Understanding the membrane solubilization process and finding effective solubilizing agents are crucial challenges in biochemical research. Here we report results on the interaction of the novel linear alkylamido propyl dimethyl amino propanosulfonate detergents, ASB-14 and ASB-16, with human erythrocyte membranes. An estimation of the critical micelle concentration of these zwitterionic detergents (ASB-14 = 100 µM and ASB-16 = 10 µM) was obtained using electron paramagnetic resonance. The amount of proteins and cholesterol solubilized from erythrocytes by these detergents was then determined. The hemolytic activities of the ASB detergents were assayed and the detergent/lipid molar ratios for the onset of hemolysis (Re sat) and total lysis (Re sol) were calculated, allowing the determination of the membrane binding constants (Kb). ASB-14 presented lower membrane affinity (Kb = 7050 M-1) than ASB-16 (Kb = 15610 M-1). The amount of proteins and cholesterol solubilized by both ASB detergents was higher while Re sat values (0.22 and 0.08 detergent/lipid for ASB-14 and ASB-16, respectively) were smaller than those observed with the classic detergents CHAPS and Triton X-100. These results reveal that, besides their well-known use as membrane protein solubilizers to enhance the resolution of two dimensional electrophoresis/mass spectrometry, ASB-14 and ASB-16 are strong hemolytic agents. We propose that the physicochemical properties of ASB detergents determine their membrane disruption efficiency and can help to explain the improvement in the solubilization of membrane proteins, as reported in the literature.
Surfactin is a bacterial lipopeptide produced by Bacillus subtilis and is a powerful surfactant, having also antiviral, antibacterial and antitumor properties. The recovery and purification of surfactin from complex fermentation broths is a major obstacle to its commercialization; therefore, a two-step membrane filtration process was developed using a lab scale tangential flow filtration (TFF) unit with 10 kDa MWCO regenerated cellulose (RC) and polyethersulfone (PES)membranes at three different transmembrane pressure (TMP) of 1.5 bar, 2.0 bar and 2.5 bar. Two modes of filtrations were studied, with and without cleaning of membranes prior to UF-2. In a first step of ultrafiltration (UF-1), surfactin was retained effectively by membranes at above its critical micelle concentration (CMC); subsequently in UF-2, the retentate micelles were disrupted by addition of 50% (v/v) methanol solution to allow recovery of surfactin in the permeate. Main protein contaminants were effectively retained by the membrane in UF-2. Flux of permeates, rejection coefficient (R) of surfactin and proteinwere measured during the filtrations. Overall the three different TMPs applied have no significant effect in the filtrations and PES is the more suitable membrane to selectively separate surfactin from fermentation broth, achieving high recovery and level of purity. In addition this two-step UF process is scalable for larger volume of samples without affecting the original functionality of surfactin, although membranes permeability can be affected due to exposure to methanolic solution used in UF-2.