27 resultados para CRITHIDIA
A flagellte trypanosomatid was isolated in culture from the digestive tract of the mosquito Culex saltanensis Dyar, 1928. It grows exuberantly in liver infusion in the form of epimastigotes and choanomastigotes typical of the genus Crithidia. The trypanosomatid was compared to C. deanei, C. fasciculata, C. luciliae, C. oncopelti and C. guilhermei. The techniques used for comparison were electron transmission microscopy, isoenzymes and kDNA restriction profiles. No endosymbionts were found at electron microscopy. Results for the biochemical methods employd indicate that the trypanosomatid isolated from C. saltanensis is a new species of Crithidia. The name C. ricardoi sp. n. is proposed for thes new species.
Crithidia deanei, a monoxenic trypanosomatid, presents an endosymbiotic bacterium in its cytoplasm. Both the protozoan and the bacterium maintain intensive metabolic exchange, resulting in an interesting model to study the coevolution of metabolisms. The relevance of L-proline for the growth of C. deanei and its transport into these cells was studied. Both the endosymbiont-containing (wild) and the endosymbiont-free protozoa (aposymbiont or cured) strains, when grown in medium supplemented with L-proline, reached higher cell densities than those grown in unsupplemented media. We biochemically characterized the uptake of L-proline in both the wild (K(m)=0.153 +/- 0.022 mM, V(max)=0.239 +/- 0.011 nmol min(-1) per 4 x 10(7) cells) and the aposymbiont strains (K(m)=0.177 +/- 0.049 mM, V(max)=0.132 +/- 0.012 nmol min(-1) per 4 x 10(7) cells). These data suggest a single type of proline transporter whose activity is upregulated by the presence of the symbiotic bacterium. Proline transport was further characterized and was found to be insensitive to the extracellular concentration of Na(+), but sensitive to K(+) and pH. The abolition of proline uptake by respiratory chain inhibitors and valinomycin indicates that the proline transport in C. deanei is dependent on the plasma membrane K(+) gradient.
Background: Magnetic hyperthermia is currently a clinical therapy approved in the European Union for treatment of tumor cells, and uses magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) under time-varying magnetic fields (TVMFs). The same basic principle seems promising against trypanosomatids causing Chagas disease and sleeping sickness, given that the therapeutic drugs available have severe side effects and that there are drug-resistant strains. However, no applications of this strategy against protozoan-induced diseases have been reported so far. In the present study, Crithidia fasciculata, a widely used model for therapeutic strategies against pathogenic trypanosomatids, was targeted with Fe3O4 MNPs in order to provoke cell death remotely using TVMFs. Methods: Iron oxide MNPs with average diameters of approximately 30 nm were synthesized by precipitation of FeSO4 in basic medium. The MNPs were added to C. fasciculata choanomastigotes in the exponential phase and incubated overnight, removing excess MNPs using a DEAE-cellulose resin column. The amount of MNPs uploaded per cell was determined by magnetic measurement. The cells bearing MNPs were submitted to TVMFs using a homemade AC field applicator (f = 249 kHz, H = 13 kA/m), and the temperature variation during the experiments was measured. Scanning electron microscopy was used to assess morphological changes after the TVMF experiments. Cell viability was analyzed using an MTT colorimetric assay and flow cytometry. Results: MNPs were incorporated into the cells, with no noticeable cytotoxicity. When a TVMF was applied to cells bearing MNPs, massive cell death was induced via a nonapoptotic mechanism. No effects were observed by applying TVMF to control cells not loaded with MNPs. No macroscopic rise in temperature was observed in the extracellular medium during the experiments. Conclusion: As a proof of principle, these data indicate that intracellular hyperthermia is a suitable technology to induce death of protozoan parasites bearing MNPs. These findings expand the possibilities for new therapeutic strategies combating parasitic infection.
Trypanosomatids infecting honey bees have been poorly studied with molecular methods until recently. After the description of Crithidia mellificae (Langridge and McGhee, 1967) it took about forty years until molecular data for honey bee trypanosomatids became available and were used to identify and describe a new trypanosomatid species from honey bees, Lotmaria passim (Evans and Schwarz, 2014). However, an easy method to distinguish them without sequencing is not yet available. Research on the related bumble bee parasites Crithidia bombi and Crithidia expoeki revealed a fragment length polymorphism in the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), which enabled species discrimination. In search of fragment length polymorphisms for differential diagnostics in honey bee trypanosomatids, we studied honey bee trypanosomatid cell cultures of C. mellificae and L. passim. This research resulted in the identification of fragment length polymorphisms in ITS1 and ITS1-2 markers, which enabled us to develop a diagnostic method to differentiate both honey bee trypanosomatid species without the need for sequencing. However, the amplification success of the ITS1 marker depends probably on the trypanosomatid infection level. Further investigation confirmed that L. passim is the dominant species in Belgium, Japan and Switzerland. We found C. mellificae only rarely in Belgian honey bee samples, but not in honey bee samples from other countries. C. mellificae was also detected in mason bees (Osmia bicornis and Osmia cornuta) besides in honey bees. Further, the characterization and comparison of additional markers from L. passim strain SF (published as C. mellificae strain SF) and a Belgian honey bee sample revealed very low divergence in the 18S rRNA, ITS1-2, 28S rRNA and cytochrome b sequences. Nevertheless, a variable stretch was observed in the gp63 virulence factor.
The Crithidia fasciculata RNH1 gene encodes an RNase H, an enzyme that specifically degrades the RNA strand of RNA–DNA hybrids. The RNH1 gene is contained within an open reading frame (ORF) predicted to encode a protein of 53.7 kDa. Previous work has shown that RNH1 expresses two proteins: a 38 kDa protein and a 45 kDa protein which is enriched in kinetoplast extracts. Epitope tagging of the C-terminus of the RNH1 gene results in localization of the protein to both the kinetoplast and the nucleus. Translation of the ORF beginning at the second in-frame methionine codon predicts a protein of 38 kDa. Insertion of two tandem stop codons between the first ATG codon and the second in-frame ATG codon of the ORF results in expression of only the 38 kDa protein and the protein localizes specifically to the nucleus. Mutation of the second methionine codon to a valine codon prevents expression of the 38 kDa protein and results in exclusive production of the 45 kDa protein and localization of the protein only in the kinetoplast. These results suggest that the kinetoplast enzyme results from processing of the full-length 53.7 kDa protein. The nuclear enzyme appears to result from translation initiation at the second in-frame ATG codon. This is the first example in trypanosomatids of the production of nuclear and mitochondrial isoforms of a protein from a single gene and is the only eukaryotic gene in the RNase HI gene family shown to encode a mitochondrial RNase H.
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Telomerase RNAs (TERs) are highly divergent between species, varying in size and sequence composition. Here, we identify a candidate for the telomerase RNA component of Leishmania genus, which includes species that cause leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical disease. Merging a thorough computational screening combined with RNA-seq evidence, we mapped a non-coding RNA gene localized in a syntenic locus on chromosome 25 of five Leishmania species that shares partial synteny with both Trypanosoma brucei TER locus and a putative TER candidate-containing locus of Crithidia fasciculata. Using target-driven molecular biology approaches, we detected a ∼2,100 nt transcript (LeishTER) that contains a 5' spliced leader (SL) cap, a putative 3' polyA tail and a predicted C/D box snoRNA domain. LeishTER is expressed at similar levels in the logarithmic and stationary growth phases of promastigote forms. A 5'SL capped LeishTER co-immunoprecipitated and co-localized with the telomerase protein component (TERT) in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Prediction of its secondary structure strongly suggests the existence of a bona fide single-stranded template sequence and a conserved C[U/C]GUCA motif-containing helix II, representing the template boundary element. This study paves the way for further investigations on the biogenesis of parasite TERT ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) and its role in parasite telomere biology.
It has been known for decades that some insect-infecting trypanosomatids can survive in culture without heme supplementation while others cannot, and that this capability is associated with the presence of a betaproteobacterial endosymbiont in the flagellate's cytoplasm. However, the specific mechanisms involved in this process remained obscure. In this work, we sequence and phylogenetically analyze the heme pathway genes from the symbionts and from their hosts, as well as from a number of heme synthesis-deficient Kinetoplastida. Our results show that the enzymes responsible for synthesis of heme are encoded on the symbiont genomes and produced in close cooperation with the flagellate host. Our evidence suggests that this synergistic relationship is the end result of a history of extensive gene loss and multiple lateral gene transfer events in different branches of the phylogeny of the Trypanosomatidae.
Two xenic isolates and cloned cultures of Entamoeba dispar were submitted to monoxenization using Crithidia fasciculata as the associated organism. Growth in monoxenic cultivation and ability of xenic and monoxenic trophozoites to destroy VERO cells and produce lesions in hamster livers were compared to those of a virulent E. histolytica. Parental and cloned E. dispar under monoxenic cultivation showed a remarkable lower growth than the monoxenic E. histolytica and were avirulent in both in vivo and in vitro tests. When xenically cultured, trophozoites of E. dispar showed a moderate lytic activity against VERO cells (1.5 to 41.8% of destruction) but caused severe hepatic lesions in hamsters as those caused by the virulent E. histolytica (29 to 100% in prevalence and 0.86 to 4.00 in lesion degree). Although E. dispar has not been associated with invasive disease in men, the ability of xenic trophozoites to produce prominent tissue damage in experimental conditions has indicated that some strains have a considerable pathogenic potential when in presence of bacteria.
Os autores, após historiar a desccberta do Trypanosoma conorrhini (DONOVAN, 1909) (sinonimia Crithidia conorrhini DONOVAN, 1909, Trypanosoma boy lei LAFONT, 1912) no inseto transmissor e no hospedeiro vertebrado, o Rattus rattus diardi, fazem um estudo sumário do seu vector intermediário, o barbeiro cosmopolita Triatoma rubrofasciata (DE GEER, 1773) . Em seguida, referem a captura, no centro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, de um exemplar adulto dêste barbeiro parasitado por flagelados que foram identificados ao Trypanosoma conorrhini, fato êste pela primeira vez verificado no Novo Mundo. Certas formas evolutivas dêste parasito no inseto são muito semelhantes às do Schizotrypanum cruzi, mas os tripanosomas metacíclicos apresentam alguns caractéres morfológicos que permitem seu reconhecimento: os mais notáveis são o pequeno tamanho e a colocação do núcleo muito para trás, bem junto ao blefaroplasto. São dadas as medidas de 100 tripanosomas metaciclicos do T. conorrhini e de Schizotrypanum, cujo comprimento total médio foi, respectivamente, 13.88 u e 19.85 u. Nas seguintes espécies de barbeiro foi facilmente obtida a evolução do Trypanosoma conorrhini: Triatoma infestans, Triatoma vitticeps, Rhodnius prolixus e Panstrongylus megistus. Por inoculação de triatomas infectados foi obtida a transmissão do T. conorrhini ao camondongo branco, ao rato e ao macaco rhesus. As infecções foram muito fracas, custando-se a ver o tripanosoma no sangue, a fresco. Em gotas espêssas êle é encontrado com mais facilidade, mas o método de escôlha para verificação da sua presença no sangue dos animais é o xenodiagnóstico. Nesta prova o Triatoma infestans foi empregado com os resultados mais favoráveis. Por êste processo foi observada a infecção inaparente de um camondongo até 53 dias depois da inoculação. A forma sanguícola do T. conorrhini é um tripanosoma ttpico, de grande dimensões (40-60u), de extremidade posterior muito alongada e pontuda, membrana ondulante ampla e com largas pregas, blefaroplasto subcentral; em muitos indivíduos é notável uma estrutura particular, junto e à frente do blefaroplasto. Poucas horas depois de inoculados com as dejeções, os flagelados passam para a circulação, transformando-se em 3-4 dias nos grandes tripanosomas que acabam de ser descritos. O número de parasitos depende do número de flagelados inoculados. Não se conhece o processo de multiplicação do T. conorrhini no vertebrado, nunca tendo sido observados tripanosomas em via de divisão no sangue nem formas proliferativas nos tecidos. As sub-inoculações (de animal a animal) em geral não passam da primeira (MORISHITA, 1935). Tentativas até agora realizadas por outros pesquisadores no sentido de cultivar o T. conorrhini a partir do sangue de animais infectados, têm sido negativas. Por enquanto as pesquisas tendentes a determinar o hospedeiro vertebrado do parasito no Rio de Janeiro limitam-se a aplicação do xenodiagnós-tico em cinco ratos do Morro de Santo Antônio, cujo resultado...
Monogenetic insect trypanosomatids of the genera Crithidia, Leptomonas and Herpetomonas, multiplied as in axenic cultures, for many months, in the lumen of the scent glands of the opossum Didelphis marsupialis. Specific antibodies were detected in the serum of the animals but there was no evidence of invasion of their tissues by the parasites.
Três novas espécies de tripanosomatídeos foram isoladas em Alfenas, MG, Brasil: Herpetomonas anglusteri sp. n., do intestino posterior de Liopygia ruficorins (Diptera: Sarcophagidae); Crithidia roitmani sp. e.e Crithidia de souzai sp. n., do intestino médio e o posterior de Ornidia obesa (Diptera: Syrphidae). O isolamento foi feito em meio complexo de roitmanmas os três isolados cresceram bem no meio definido do mesmo Autor. Os clones foram obtidos em ágar-sangue de carneiro, desfibrinado, em placas de Petri, a 28ºC, por 2-7 dias. Um único clone de cada espécie foi utilizado neste trabalho. Dados morfológicos e morfométricos foram obtidos em câmara clara após coloração dos flagelados. H. anglusteri cresceu em meio complexo tanto a 28 como a 37ºC e, em meio definido, apenas a 28ºC. Não exige treonina e biotina para seu crescimento. C. roitmani apresenta tamanho médio maior que C. desouzai, não cresce em água de coco e seu crescimento é mais lento comparativamente a C. desouzai, apesar de terem sido isoladas critídias exige hemina e adenina para seu crescimento. Alguns ácidos aminados e vitaminas componentes do meio definido utilizado no ensaio, também não são exigidos, o que sugere serem estes tripanosomatídeos portadores de endossimbiontes.
A study od Typanosomatidae GC distribution and codon usage is presented. The codon usage patterns in coincidence with the phylogenetical data are similar in Crithidia and Leishmania, whereas they are more divergent in Trypanosoma brucei and T. cruzi. The analyisis of the GC mutational pressure in these organisms reveals that T. brucei, and to a lesser extent T. cruzi, have envolved towards a more balanced use of all bases, whereas Leishmania and Crithidia retain features of a primeval genetic apparatus. Tables with approximated GC mutational pressure in homologous genes, and codon usage in Trypanosomatidae are presented.