715 resultados para CRF-R1


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Intermittent exposure to social defeat stress can induce long-term neural plasticity that may influence escalated cocaine-taking behavior. Stressful encounters can lead to activation of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), which are modulated by corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) neurons.The study aims to prevent the effects of intermittently scheduled, brief social defeat stress on subsequent intravenous (IV) cocaine self-administration by pretreatment with a CRF receptor subtype 1 (CRF-R1) antagonist.Long-Evans rats were submitted to four intermittent social defeat experiences separated by 72 h over 10 days. Two experiments examined systemic or intra-VTA antagonism of CRF-R1 subtype during stress on the later expression of locomotor sensitization and cocaine self-administration during fixed (0.75 mg/kg/infusion) and progressive ratio schedules of reinforcement (0.3 mg/kg/infusion), including a continuous 24-h "binge" (0.3 mg/kg/infusion).Pretreatment with a CRF-R1 antagonist, CP 154,526, (20 mg/kg i.p.) prior to each social defeat episode prevented the development of stress-induced locomotor sensitization to a cocaine challenge and prevented escalated cocaine self-administration during a 24-h "binge". In addition, pretreatment with a CRF-R1 antagonist (0.3 mu g/0.5 mu l/side) into the VTA prior to each social defeat episode prevented stress-induced locomotor sensitization to a cocaine challenge and prevented escalated cocaine self-administration during a 24-h "binge".The current results suggest that CRF-R1 subtype in the VTA is critically involved in the development of stress-induced locomotor sensitization which may contribute to escalated cocaine self-administration during continuous access in a 24-h "binge".


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Here we describe the cloning and initial characterization of a previously unidentified CRF-related neuropeptide, urocortin II (Ucn II). Searches of the public human genome database identified a region with significant sequence homology to the CRF neuropeptide family. By using homologous primers deduced from the human sequence, a mouse cDNA was isolated from whole brain poly(A)+ RNA that encodes a predicted 38-aa peptide, structurally related to the other known mammalian family members, CRF and Ucn. Ucn II binds selectively to the type 2 CRF receptor (CRF-R2), with no appreciable activity on CRF-R1. Transcripts encoding Ucn II are expressed in discrete regions of the rodent central nervous system, including stress-related cell groups in the hypothalamus (paraventricular and arcuate nuclei) and brainstem (locus coeruleus). Central administration of 1–10 μg of peptide elicits activational responses (Fos induction) preferentially within a core circuitry subserving autonomic and neuroendocrine regulation, but whose overall pattern does not broadly mimic the CRF-R2 distribution. Behaviorally, central Ucn II attenuates nighttime feeding, with a time course distinct from that seen in response to CRF. In contrast to CRF, however, central Ucn II failed to increase gross motor activity. These findings identify Ucn II as a new member of the CRF family of neuropeptides, which is expressed centrally and binds selectively to CRF-R2. Initial functional studies are consistent with Ucn II involvement in central autonomic and appetitive control, but not in generalized behavioral activation.


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We investigated the behavioral and molecular interactions between cocaine and nicotine, through evaluating locomotor activity, nicotine intravenous self-administration and gene expression. Locomotor sensitization was induced in male Wistar rats by repeated cocaine (20 mg/kg; i.p.) or saline injections once a day over 7 days. Three days after the last injection, rats were challenged with either saline or cocaine (15 mg/kg; i.p.) and the locomotor activity was measured. The very next day animals received either saline or nicotine (0.4 mg/kg; s.c.) and the locomotor cross-sensitization was tested. Animals were then prepared with intrajugular catheters for nicotine self-administration. Nicotine self-administration patterns were evaluated using fixed or progressive ratio schedules of reinforcement and a 24-h unlimited access binge. Immediately after the binge sessions animals were decapitated, the brains were removed and the nucleus accumbens was dissected. The dynorphin (DYN), μ-opioid receptor (mu opioid), neuropeptide Y (NPY), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), tropomyosin-related tyrosine kinase B receptor (TrkB) and corticotropin- releasing factor receptor type 1 (CRF-R1) gene expression were measured by the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Pretreatment with cocaine caused sensitization of cocaine motor response and locomotor cross-sensitization with nicotine. In the self-administration experiments repeated cocaine administration caused an increase in the nicotine break point and nicotine intake during a 24 h binge session. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) has been shown to induce various behavioral changes related to adaptation to stress. Dysregulation of the CRF system at any point can lead to a variety of psychiatric disorders, including substance use disorders (SUDs). CRF has been associated with stress-induced drug reinforcement. Extensive literature has identified CRF to play an important role in the molecular mechanisms that lead to an increase in susceptibility that precipitates relapse to SUDs. The CRF system has a heterogeneous role in SUDs. It enhances the acute effects of drugs of abuse and is also responsible for the potentiation of drug-induced neuroplasticity evoked during the withdrawal period. We present in this review the brain regions and circuitries where CRF is expressed and may participate in stress-induced drug abuse. Finally, we attempt to evaluate the role of modulating the CRF system as a possible therapeutic strategy for treating the dysregulation of emotional behaviors that result from the acute positive reinforcement of substances of abuse as well as the negative reinforcement produced by withdrawal.


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Crowd flow segmentation is an important step in many video surveillance tasks. In this work, we propose an algorithm for segmenting flows in H.264 compressed videos in a completely unsupervised manner. Our algorithm works on motion vectors which can be obtained by partially decoding the compressed video without extracting any additional features. Our approach is based on modelling the motion vector field as a Conditional Random Field (CRF) and obtaining oriented motion segments by finding the optimal labelling which minimises the global energy of CRF. These oriented motion segments are recursively merged based on gradient across their boundaries to obtain the final flow segments. This work in compressed domain can be easily extended to pixel domain by substituting motion vectors with motion based features like optical flow. The proposed algorithm is experimentally evaluated on a standard crowd flow dataset and its superior performance in both accuracy and computational time are demonstrated through quantitative results.


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Obtaining accurate confidence measures for automatic speech recognition (ASR) transcriptions is an important task which stands to benefit from the use of multiple information sources. This paper investigates the application of conditional random field (CRF) models as a principled technique for combining multiple features from such sources. A novel method for combining suitably defined features is presented, allowing for confidence annotation using lattice-based features of hypotheses other than the lattice 1-best. The resulting framework is applied to different stages of a state-of-the-art large vocabulary speech recognition pipeline, and consistent improvements are shown over a sophisticated baseline system. Copyright © 2011 ISCA.


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用模拟高原低氧的方法研究急性低氧条件下促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(corticotrop in-releasing factor,CRF) 分泌的变化及第二信使参与CRF分泌的作用。低氧(海拔7 km ) 1 h 后, 正中隆起(median eminence,M E) 处CRF 含量明显下降(P < 0. 05) , 下丘脑(hypothalamus, Hy)CRF (不含M E) 含量无明显变化, 而Hy 内cAM P 含量明显增加(P < 0. 01)。脑室注射Forsklin、TPA 后低氧暴露(海拔5 km ) 1 h,M E CRF 含量下降(P < 0. 05; P < 0.05) ,Hy CRF 无明显变化。脑室注射Forsk lin 后Hy cAM P 含量升高(P < 0. 05)。脑室注射H7 和PKA 抑制剂,M ECRF 升高(P < 0. 05; P < 0. 01) ,Hy CRF 和Hy cAM P 均无显著变化。上述结果表明急性低氧应激中CRF 分泌显著增加, 第二信使通路PKA 和PKC 通路均参与CRF 分泌。


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本文探讨了CRF,AV P 及N E 对体外培养大鼠腺垂体细胞生成cAM P的作用。CRF 刺激体外培养大鼠腺垂体细胞内cAM P 的生成, 且浓度与效应正相关。AV P 未引起细胞内cAM P 差异性变化(P > 0.5)。N E 使培养腺垂体细胞内cAM P 水平降低。低氧使CRF 刺激cAM P 生成的作用降低。而AV P 及N E 可能是通过其它胞内信息通路。


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We studied the effect of neuro transmitter no repin ephrine (N E) on immuno reactive cortico trop inreleasing factor (CRF) of median eminence (M E) in the native pika (Ochotona cu rz oniae). At one hour after intra cerebrovent ricular ( icv) adm inistrat ion of N E in doses of 3.75,7.5, 15 and 30 μg/100 g BW , the CRF level ofM E increased. And the plasma cortico sterone concent rat ion also increased. Two and six days after adrenalectomy (ADX) , N E concent ration in hypothalamus declined to 76.32% and 76.27% of those in intact pika, plasma cortico rsterone concent ration also decreased to 16.57 and 2.05% of the control. These results indicated that N E have a effect on activating HPA axis through activating hypothalamic CRF in Ochotona curzoniae.


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Lipoxins, which are endogenously produced lipid mediators, promote the resolution of inflammation, and may inhibit fibrosis, suggesting a possible role in modulating renal disease. Here, lipoxin A4 (LXA4) attenuated TGF-ß1-induced expression of fibronectin, N-cadherin, thrombospondin, and the notch ligand jagged-1 in cultured human proximal tubular epithelial (HK-2) cells through a mechanism involving upregulation of the microRNA let-7c. Conversely, TGF-ß1 suppressed expression of let-7c. In cells pretreated with LXA4, upregulation of let-7c persisted despite subsequent stimulation with TGF-ß1. In the unilateral ureteral obstruction model of renal fibrosis, let-7c upregulation was induced by administering an LXA4 analog. Bioinformatic analysis suggested that targets of let-7c include several members of the TGF-ß1 signaling pathway, including the TGF-ß receptor type 1. Consistent with this, LXA4-induced upregulation of let-7c inhibited both the expression of TGF-ß receptor type 1 and the response to TGF-ß1. Overexpression of let-7c mimicked the antifibrotic effects of LXA4 in renal epithelia; conversely, anti-miR directed against let-7c attenuated the effects of LXA4. Finally, we observed that several let-7c target genes were upregulated in fibrotic human renal biopsies compared with controls. In conclusion, these results suggest that LXA4-mediated upregulation of let-7c suppresses TGF-ß1-induced fibrosis and that expression of let-7c targets is dysregulated in human renal fibrosis.


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Amphibian skin, and particularly that of south/Central American phyllomedusine frogs, is supposed to be "a huge factory and store house of a variety of active peptides". The 40 amino acid amphibian CRF-like peptide, sauvagine, is a prototype member of a unique family of these Phyllomedusa skin peptides. In this study, we describe for the first time the structure of a mature novel peptide from the skin secretion of the South American orange-legged leaf frog, Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis, which belongs to the amphibian CRF/sauvagine family. Partial amino acid sequence from the N-terminal was obtained by automated Edman degradation with the following structure: pGlu-GPPISIDLNMELLRNMIEI-. The biosynthetic precursor of this novel sauvagine peptide, consisted of 85 amino acid residues and was deduced from cDNA library constructed from the same skin secretion. Compared with the standard sauvagine from the frog, Phyllomedusa sauvagei, this novel peptide was found to exert similar contraction effects on isolated guinea-pig colon and rat urinary bladder smooth muscle preparations.