972 resultados para COS 7 cell line


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to determine nitric oxide (NO) production of a murine macrophage cell line (RAW 264.7 cells) when stimulated with Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharides (Pg-LPS). RAW264.7 cells were incubated with i) various concentrations of Pg-LPS or Salmonella typhosa LPS (St-LPS), ii) Pg-LPS with or without L-arginine and/or N-G-monomethyl-L-arginine (NMMA), an arginine analog or iii) Pg-LPS and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) with or without anti-IFN-gamma antibodies or interleukin-10 (IL-10). Tissue culture supernatants were assayed for NO levels after 24 h in culture. NO was not observed in tissue culture supernatants of RAW 264.7 cells following stimulation with Pg-LPS, but was observed after stimulation with St-LPS. Exogenous L-arginine restored the ability of Pg-LPS to induce NO production; however, the increase in NO levels of cells stimulated with Pg-LPS with exogenous L-arginine was abolished by NMMA. IFN-gamma induced independent NO production by Pg-LPS-stimulated macrophages and this stimulatory effect of IFN-gamma could be completely suppressed by anti-IFN-gamma antibodies and IL-10. These results suggest that Pg-LPS is able to stimulate NO production in the RAW264.7 macrophage cell model in an L-arginine-dependent mechanism which is itself independent of the action of IFN-gamma.


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We established stable COS-7 cell lines overexpressing recombinant PTPMEG and an inactive mutant form in which the active site cysteine is mutated to serine (PTPMEGCS). We found that both endogenous and recombinant enzyme were primarily located in the membrane and cytoskeletal fractions of COS-7 cells. Endogenous PTPMEG accounts for only 1/3000th of the total tyrosine phosphatase activity in COS-7 cells and transfected cells expressed 2- to 7-fold higher levels of the enzyme. These levels of overexpression did not result in detectable changes in either total tyrosine phosphatase activity or the state of protein tyrosine phosphorylation as determined by immunoblotting of cell homogenates with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies. Despite the low levels of activity for PTPMEG, we found that overexpressing cells grew slower and reached confluence at a lower density than vector transfected cells. Surprisingly, PTPMEGCS-transfected cells also reach confluence at a lower density than vector-transfected cells, although they grow to higher density than PTPMEG-transfected cells. Both constructs inhibited the ability of COS-7 cells to form colonies in soft agar, with the native PTPMEG having a greater effect (30-fold) than PTPMEGCS (10-fold). These results indicate that in COS-7 cells both PTPMEG and PTPMEGCS inhibit cell proliferation, reduce the saturation density, and block the ability of these cells to grow without adhering to a solid matrix.


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Estrogen is known to stimulate the proliferation and basement membrane invasiveness of the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line. We have compared the new steroidal antiestrogen ICI 164,384, the triphenylethylene 4-hydroxytamoxifen (OHT), and the benzothiophene LY 117018, for their effects on the proliferation and invasiveness of the MCF-7 cell line and its antiestrogen-resistant variant LY-2. While all three antiestrogens blocked the proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol on MCF-7 cells, OHT and LY 117018, but not ICI 164,384 stimulated their proliferation in the absence of estrogen. The proliferative effects of OHT and LY 117018 were blocked by ICI 164,384. Basement membrane invasiveness of MCF-7 cells was stimulated by 17β-estradiol and OHT, but not LY 117018 or ICI 164,384. Both ICI 164,384 and Ly 117018 were able to block the invasiveness induced by either 17β-estradiol or OHT. The LY-2 antiestrogen-resistant variant of the MCF-7 cell line showed increased basal proliferation, and responded only slightly to estrogen. ICI 164,384, but not OHT or LY 117018 antagonized the effects of 17β-estradiol, but did not reduce proliferation below control levels. The LY-2 line was not resistant to the antiestrogenic effects of LY 117018 or ICI 164,384 on invasiveness, and was stimulated by LY 117018 for this parameter. Thus, ICI 164,384 is a pure antiestrogen for MCF-7 cell proliferation and invasiveness, and may offer clinical advantage over nonsteroidal antiestrogens which can stimulate these activities in tumor models in vitro.


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Purpose: To design and develop a new series of histone deacetylase inhibitors (FP1 - FP12) and evaluate their inhibitory activity against hydroxyacetamide (HDAC) enzyme mixture-derived HeLa cervical carcinoma cell and MCF-7. Methods: The designed molecules (FP1 - FP12) were docked using AUTODOCK 1.4.6. FP3 and FP8 showed higher interaction comparable to the prototypical HDACI. The designed series of 2-[[(3- Phenyl/substituted Phenyl-[4-{(4-(substituted phenyl)ethylidine-2-Phenyl-1,3-Imidazol-5-One}](-4H- 1,2,4-triazol-5-yl)sulfanyl]-N-hydroxyacetamide derivatives (FP1-FP12) was synthesized by merging 2- [(4-amino-3-phenyl-4H- 1, 2, 4-triazol-5-yl) sulfanyl]-N-hydroxyacetamide and 2-{[4-amino-3-(2- hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1,2, 4-triazol-5-yl]sulfanyl}-N hydroxyacetamide derivatives with aromatic substituted oxazolone. The biological activity of the synthesized molecule (FP1-FP12) was evaluated against HDAC enzyme mixture-derived HeLa cervical carcinoma cell and breast cancer cell line (MCF-7). Results: HDAC inhibitory activity of FP10 showed higher IC50 (half-maximal concentration inhibitory activity) of 0.09 μM, whereas standard SAHA molecule showed IC50 of 0.057 μM. On the other hand, FP9 exhibited higher GI50 (50 % of maximal concentration that inhibited cell proliferation) of 22.8 μM against MCF-7 cell line, compared with the standard, adriamycin, with GI50 of (-) 50.2 μM. Conclusion: Synthesis, spectral characterization, and evaluation of HDAC inhibition activity and in vitro anticancer evaluation of novel hydroxyacetamide derivatives against MCF-7 cell line have been achieved. The findings indicate the emergence of potentialanticancer compounds.


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Ectopic calcification (EC), which is the pathological deposition of calcium and phosphate in extra-skeletal tissues, may be associated with hypercalcaemic and hyperphosphataemic disorders, or it may occur in the absence of metabolic abnormalities. In addition, EC may be inherited as part of several monogenic disorders and studies of these have provided valuable insights into the metabolic pathways regulating mineral metabolism. For example, studies of tumoural calcinosis, a disorder characterised by hyperphosphataemia and progressive EC, have revealed mutations of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), polypeptide N-acetyl galactosaminyltransferase 3 (GALNT3) and klotho (KL), which are all part of a phosphate-regulating pathway. However, such studies in humans are limited by the lack of available large families with EC, and to facilitate such studies we assessed the progeny of mice treated with the chemical mutagen N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) for EC. This identified two mutants with autosomal recessive forms of EC, and reduced lifespan, designated Ecalc1 and Ecalc2. Genetic mapping localized the Ecalc1 and Ecalc2 loci to a 11.0 Mb region on chromosome 5 that contained the klotho gene (Kl), and DNA sequence analysis identified nonsense (Gln203Stop) and missense (Ile604Asn) Kl mutations in Ecalc1 and Ecalc2 mice, respectively. The Gln203Stop mutation, located in KL1 domain, was severely hypomorphic and led to a 17-fold reduction of renal Kl expression. The Ile604Asn mutation, located in KL2 domain, was predicted to impair klotho protein stability and in vitro expression studies in COS-7 cells revealed endoplasmic reticulum retention of the Ile604Asn mutant. Further phenotype studies undertaken in Ecalc1 (kl203X/203X) mice demonstrated elevations in plasma concentrations of phosphate, FGF23 and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Thus, two allelic variants of Kl that develop EC and represent mouse models for tumoural calcinosis have been established. © 2015 Esapa et al.


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Die nahe verwandten T-box Transkriptionsfaktoren TBX2 und TBX3 werden in zahlreichen humanen Krebsarten überexprimiert, insbesondere in Brustkrebs und Melanomen. Die Überexpression von TBX2 und TBX3 hat verschiedene zelluläre Effekte, darunter die Unterdrückung der Seneszenz, die Förderung der Epithelialen-Mesenchymalen Transition sowie invasive Zellmotilität. Im Gegensatz dazu führt ein Funktionsverlust von TBX3 und der meisten anderen humanen T-box-Gene zu haploinsuffizienten Entwicklungsdefekten. Durch Sequenzierung des Exoms von Brustkrebsproben identifizierten Stephens et al. fünf verschiedene Mutationen in TBX3, welche allesamt die DNA-bindende T-box-Domäne betrafen. Die In-Frame-Deletion N212delN wurde zweimal gefunden. Aus der Anhäufung der Mutationen innerhalb der T-box-Domäne wurde geschlossen, dass TBX3 bei Brustkrebs ein Treibergen ist. Da Mutationen innerhalb der T-box-Domäne im Allgemeinen zu einem Funktionsverlust führen, aber die onkogene Aktivität von TBX3 meist auf eine Überexpression zurückzuführen ist, wurden die potentiellen Treibermutationen hinsichtlich einer verminderten oder gesteigerten TBX3-Funktion geprüft. Getestet wurden zwei In-Frame Deletionen, eine Missense- sowie eine Frameshift-Mutante bezüglich der DNA-Bindung in vitro und der Zielgen-Repression in Zellkultur. Zusätzlich wurde eine in silico Analyse der im The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) gelisteten somatischen TBX-Brustkrebsmutationen durchgeführt. Sowohl die experimentelle als auch die in silico Analyse zeigten, dass die untersuchten Mutationen vorwiegend zum Verlust der TBX3-Funktion führen. Um den Mechanismus der Genrepression durch TBX3 besser zu verstehen, wurden weitere TBX3-Mutanten bezüglich ihrer Wirkung auf die p21-Promotoraktivität (p21-Luc-Reporter und endogene p21-Expression) analysiert. Wildtypische p21-Luc-Repression zeigten die zwei Mutationen S674A (Phosphorylierung) und D275K (SUMOylierung), welche posttranslationale Modifikationen verhindern, sowie die Interaktion mit dem Tumorsuppressor Rb1 unterbindende M302A/V304A-Mutation. Erstaunlicherweise war die endogene p21-Repression dieser Mutanten stärker als die des wildtypischen TBX3-Proteins. Alle drei Mutationen führten zu einer Stabilisierung des TBX3-Proteins. Die ursprünglich in Patienten mit Ulna-Mamma Syndrom identifizierte, DNA-bindungsdefekte Y149S-Mutante konnte weder p21-Luc noch endogenes p21 reprimieren. Mutationen in potentiellen Interaktionsdomänen für die Bindung der Co-Repressoren Groucho und C-terminalem Bindeprotein zeigten sowohl auf p21-Luc als auch auf endogenes p21-Gen wildtypische Repressoraktivität, so dass diese Co-Repressoren in COS-7-Zellen wahrscheinlich nicht an der Repression dieses Gens beteiligt sind. Da TBX2 und TBX3 interessante Ziele zur direkten Krebsbekämpfung darstellen, sollte ein zelluläres Reportersystem zur Identifikation TBX2-inhibierender, pharmakologisch aktiver Substanzen etabliert werden. Dazu sollte eine stabile Zelllinie mit vom p21-Promotor reguliertem d2EGFP-Reporter und Doxyzyklin-induzierbarem TBX2-Protein erzeugt werden, da ektopische Expression von TBX2 genetische Instabilität und Toxizität induzieren kann. In dieser Zelllinie sollte die TBX2-Expression zur Reduktion der d2EGFP-Fluoreszenz führen. Zur Erzeugung der Zelllinie wurden die folgenden drei Konstrukte Schritt-für-Schritt stabil in das Genom der Zielzelllinie COS-7 integriert: pEF1alpha-Tet3G, pTRE3G-TBX2 und p21-d2EGFP. Während die Herstellung der doppelt stabilen COS-7-Zelllinie gelang, scheiterte die Herstellung der dreifach stabilen Zelllinie.


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Frizzled (FZD) receptors have a conserved N-terminal extracellular cysteine-rich domain that interacts with Wnts and co-expression of the receptor ectodomain can antagonize FZD-mediated signalling. Using the ectodomain as an antagonist we have modulated endogenous FZD7 signalling in the moderately differentiated colon adenocarcinoma cell line, SK-CO-1. Unlike the parental cell line, which grows as tightly associated adherent cell clusters, the FZD7 ectodomain expressing cells display a spread out morphology and grow as a monolayer in tissue culture. This transition in morphology was associated with decreased levels of plasma membrane-associated E-cadherin and β-catenin, localized increased levels of vimentin and redistribution of α6 integrin to cellular processes in the FZD7 ectodomain expressing cells. The morphological and phenotype changes induced by FZD7 ectodomain expression in SK-CO-1 cells is thus consistent with the cells undergoing an epithelial-to-mesenchymal-like transition. Furthermore, initiation of tumor formation in a xenograft tumor growth assay was attenuated in the FZD7 ectodomain expressing cells. Our results indicate a pivotal role for endogenous FZD7 in morphology transitions that are associated with colon tumor initiation and progression.


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The health benefits of garlic have been proven by epidemiological and experimental studies. Diallyl disulphide (DADS), the major organosulfur compound found in garlic oil, is known to lower the incidence of breast cancer both in vitro and in vivo. The studies reported here demonstrate that DADS induces apoptosis in the MCF-7 breast-cancer cell line through interfering with cell-cycle growth phases in a way that increases the sub-G0 population and substantially halts DNA synthesis. DADS also induces phosphatidylserine (PS) translocation from the inner to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane and activates caspase-3. Further studies revealed that DADS modulates the cellular levels of Bax, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL and Bcl-w in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting the involvement of Bcl-2 family proteins in DADS induced apoptosis. Histone deacetylation inhibitors (HDACi) are known to suppress cancer growth and induce apoptosis in cancer cells. Here it is shown that DADS has HDACi properties in MCF-7 cells as it lowers the removal of an acetyl group from an acetylated substrate and induces histone-4 (H4) hyper-acetylation. The data thus indicate that the HDACi properties of DADS may be responsible for the induction of apoptosis in breast cancer cells.


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Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)(2)-based paste (Calen) associated or not to 0.4% chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) on RAW 264.7 macrophage cell line culture. Study design. The cell viability (MTT assay), immunostimulating properties (NO dosage), and anti-inflammatory properties (NO, TNF-alpha, and IL-1 alpha dosage) were evaluated after cell exposure to the materials. Data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level. Results. There was low immunostimulating activity of the Calen paste associated or not to 0.4% CHX in the different materials` concentrations evaluated (P > .05). Anti-inflammatory activity with inhibition of NO and cytokine (TNF-alpha and IL1-alpha) release was observed only with Ca(OH)(2) + CHX at the highest concentration (25 mu g/mL). Conclusion. As the Calen paste associated to 0.4% CHX did not alter cell viability or the immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties, the addition of CHX brought no benefits to the Ca(OH)(2)-based paste with regard to the tested parameters. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:e44-e51)


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Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is the most common autosomal recessive disorder known in humans. A candidate gene for HH called HFE has recently been cloned that encodes a novel member of the major histocompatibility complex class I family. Most HH patients are homozygous for a Cys-282→Tyr (C282Y) mutation in HFE gene, which has been shown to disrupt interaction with β2-microglobulin; a second mutation, His-63→Asp (H63D), is enriched in HH patients who are heterozygous for C282Y mutation. The aims of this study were to determine the effects of the C282Y and H63D mutations on the cellular trafficking and degradation of the HFE protein in transfected COS-7 cells. The results indicate that, while the wild-type and H63D HFE proteins associate with β2-microglobulin and are expressed on the cell surface of COS-7 cells, these capabilities are lost by the C282Y HFE protein. We present biochemical and immunofluorescence data that indicate that the C282Y mutant protein: (i) is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum and middle Golgi compartment, (ii) fails to undergo late Golgi processing, and (iii) is subject to accelerated degradation. The block in intracellular transport, accelerated turnover, and failure of the C282Y protein to be presented normally on the cell surface provide a possible basis for impaired function of this mutant protein in HH.


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The sodium/iodide symporter (NIS) stimulates iodide uptake in normal lactating breast, but is not known to be active in nonlactating breast or breast cancer. We studied NIS gene regulation and iodide uptake in MCF-7 cells, an estrogen receptor (ER)-positive human breast cancer cell line. All-trans retinoic acid (tRA) treatment stimulated iodide uptake in a time- and dose-dependent fashion up to ≈9.4-fold above baseline. Stimulation with selective retinoid compounds indicated that the induction of iodide uptake was mediated by retinoic acid receptor. Treatment with tRA markedly stimulated NIS mRNA and immunoreactive protein (≈68 kDa). tRA stimulated NIS gene transcription ≈4-fold, as shown by nuclear run-on assay. No induction of iodide uptake was observed with RA treatment of an ER-negative human breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB 231, or a normal human breast cell line, MCF-12A. The iodide efflux rate of tRA-treated MCF-7 cells was slow (t1/2 = 24 min), compared with that in FRTL-5 thyroid cells (t1/2 = 3.9 min), favoring iodide retention in MCF-7 cells. An in vitro clonogenic assay demonstrated selective cytotoxicity with 131I after tRA stimulation of MCF-7 cells. tRA up-regulates NIS gene expression and iodide uptake in an ER-positive breast cancer cell line. Stimulation of radioiodide uptake after systemic retinoid treatment may be useful for diagnosis and treatment of some differentiated breast cancers.