981 resultados para CORRELATION FUNCTIONS


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We define a pair-correlation function that can be used to characterize spatiotemporal patterning in experimental images and snapshots from discrete simulations. Unlike previous pair-correlation functions, the pair-correlation functions developed here depend on the location and size of objects. The pair-correlation function can be used to indicate complete spatial randomness, aggregation or segregation over a range of length scales, and quantifies spatial structures such as the shape, size and distribution of clusters. Comparing pair-correlation data for various experimental and simulation images illustrates their potential use as a summary statistic for calibrating discrete models of various physical processes.


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Many cell types form clumps or aggregates when cultured in vitro through a variety of mechanisms including rapid cell proliferation, chemotaxis, or direct cell-to-cell contact. In this paper we develop an agent-based model to explore the formation of aggregates in cultures where cells are initially distributed uniformly, at random, on a two-dimensional substrate. Our model includes unbiased random cell motion, together with two mechanisms which can produce cell aggregates: (i) rapid cell proliferation, and (ii) a biased cell motility mechanism where cells can sense other cells within a finite range, and will tend to move towards areas with higher numbers of cells. We then introduce a pair-correlation function which allows us to quantify aspects of the spatial patterns produced by our agent-based model. In particular, these pair-correlation functions are able to detect differences between domains populated uniformly at random (i.e. at the exclusion complete spatial randomness (ECSR) state) and those where the proliferation and biased motion rules have been employed - even when such differences are not obvious to the naked eye. The pair-correlation function can also detect the emergence of a characteristic inter-aggregate distance which occurs when the biased motion mechanism is dominant, and is not observed when cell proliferation is the main mechanism of aggregate formation. This suggests that applying the pair-correlation function to experimental images of cell aggregates may provide information about the mechanism associated with observed aggregates. As a proof of concept, we perform such analysis for images of cancer cell aggregates, which are known to be associated with rapid proliferation. The results of our analysis are consistent with the predictions of the proliferation-based simulations, which supports the potential usefulness of pair correlation functions for providing insight into the mechanisms of aggregate formation.


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The hydrodynamic modes and the velocity autocorrelation functions for a dilute sheared inelastic fluid are analyzed using an expansion in the parameter epsilon=(1-e)(1/2), where e is the coefficient of restitution. It is shown that the hydrodynamic modes for a sheared inelastic fluid are very different from those for an elastic fluid in the long-wave limit, since energy is not a conserved variable when the wavelength of perturbations is larger than the ``conduction length.'' In an inelastic fluid under shear, there are three coupled modes, the mass and the momenta in the plane of shear, which have a decay rate proportional to k(2/3) in the limit k -> 0, if the wave vector has a component along the flow direction. When the wave vector is aligned along the gradient-vorticity plane, we find that the scaling of the growth rate is similar to that for an elastic fluid. The Fourier transforms of the velocity autocorrelation functions are calculated for a steady shear flow correct to leading order in an expansion in epsilon. The time dependence of the autocorrelation function in the long-time limit is obtained by estimating the integral of the Fourier transform over wave number space. It is found that the autocorrelation functions for the velocity in the flow and gradient directions decay proportional to t(-5/2) in two dimensions and t(-15/4) in three dimensions. In the vorticity direction, the decay of the autocorrelation function is proportional to t(-3) in two dimensions and t(-7/2) in three dimensions.


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We derive the thermal correlators for twisted quantum fields on noncommutative spacetime. We show that the thermal expectation value of the number operator is same as in commutative spacetime, but that higher correlators are sensitive to the noncommutativity parameters phi(mu nu).


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We report results from a first principles calculation of spatially dependent correlation functions around a magnetic impurity in metals described by the nondegenerate Anderson model. Our computations are based on a combination of perturbative scaling theory and numerical renormalization group methods. Results for the conduction election charge density around the impurity and correlation functions involving the conduction electron and impurity charge and spin densities will be presented. The behavior in various regimes including the mixed valent regime will be explored.


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A systematic structure analysis of the correlation functions of statistical quantum optics is carried out. From a suitably defined auxiliary two‐point function we are able to identify the excited modes in the wave field. The relative simplicity of the higher order correlation functions emerge as a byproduct and the conditions under which these are made pure are derived. These results depend in a crucial manner on the notion of coherence indices and of unimodular coherence indices. A new class of approximate expressions for the density operator of a statistical wave field is worked out based on discrete characteristic sets. These are even more economical than the diagonal coherent state representations. An appreciation of the subtleties of quantum theory obtains. Certain implications for the physics of light beams are cited.


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Extensive molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to calculate the orientational correlation functions Cl(t), G(t) = [4n/(21 + l)]Ci=-l (Y*lm(sZ(0)) Ylm(Q(t))) (where Y,,(Q) are the spherical harmonics) of point dipoles in a cubic lattice. The decay of Cl(t) is found to be strikingly different from higher l-correlation functions-the latter do not exhibit diffusive dynamics even in the long time. Both the cumulant expansion expression of Lynden-Bell and the conventional memory function equation provide very good description of the Cl(t) in the short time but fail to reproduce the observed slow, long time decay of c1 (t) .


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We present the details of a formalism for calculating spatially varying zero-frequency response functions and equal-time correlation functions in models of magnetic and mixed-valence impurities of metals. The method is based on a combination of perturbative, thermodynamic scaling theory [H. R. Krishna-murthy and C. Jayaprakash, Phys. Rev. B 30, 2806 (1984)] and a nonperturbative technique such as the Wilson renormalization group. We illustrate the formalism for the spin-1/2 Kondo problem and present results for the conduction-spin-density�impurity-spin correlation function and conduction-electron charge density near the impurity. We also discuss qualitative features that emerge from our calculations and discuss how they can be carried over to the case of realistic models for transition-metal impurities.


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This paper deals with surface profilometry, where we try to detect a periodic structure, hidden in randomness using the matched filter method of analysing the intensity of light, scattered from the surface. From the direct problem of light scattering from a composite rough surface of the above type, we find that the detectability of the periodic structure can be hindered by the randomness, being dependent on the correlation function of the random part. In our earlier works, we had concentrated mainly on the Cauchy-type correlation function for the rough part. In the present work, we show that this technique can determine the periodic structure of different kinds of correlation functions of the roughness, including Cauchy, Gaussian etc. We study the detection by the matched filter method as the nature of the correlation function is varied.


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Time correlation functions yield profound information about the dynamics of a physical system and hence are frequently calculated in computer simulations. For systems whose dynamics span a wide range of time, currently used methods require significant computer time and memory. In this paper, we discuss the multiple-tau correlator method for the efficient calculation of accurate time correlation functions on the fly during computer simulations. The multiple-tau correlator is efficacious in terms of computational requirements and can be tuned to the desired level of accuracy. Further, we derive estimates for the error arising from the use of the multiple-tau correlator and extend it for use in the calculation of mean-square particle displacements and dynamic structure factors. The method described here, in hardware implementation, is routinely used in light scattering experiments but has not yet found widespread use in computer simulations.


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Computer simulations of Stockmayer fluids were performed to generate dipole time correlation functions (TCF) at three temperatures and three dipole moments in both the microcanonical and canonical ensembles. The effect of Nosé constant-temperature dynamics on time-dependent quantities is discussed, and empirical results are given to show that the choice of thermal inertia parameter influences the speed with which a system moves through its phase space. The time correlation functions from the simulations were analyzed in terms of current theories for dipolar systems. A functional form is proposed to cover both the longtime and short-time behavior of the time correlation functions of dipoles. The relationship between this functional form and the dielectric function of the Stockmayer system is also discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)