7 resultados para COPOLYETHERS


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The structural and morphological evolution of mono-domains in thin films has been investigated for a series of liquid crystalline (LC) copolyethers. The copolyethers studied were synthesized by the reaction of 1-(4-hydroxy-4 ' -biphenylyl)-2-(4-hydroxyl-phenyl)propane (TPP) with 1,7-dibromoheptane and 1,11-undecane at different compositions (coTPPs-7/11). In contrast to the solution-cast thin films without annealing, which exhibit the isotropic homogeneous molecular orientation, mono-domains with a homeotropic alignment were found in coTPP-7/11(5/5) after the thin films were annealed in the high-temperature columnar phase (Phi '). Similar to the nucleation process in polymer crystallization, transmission electron microscopic observations show that small mono-domains appear in the initial stage of annealing, where molecules form a uniaxial in-plane chain orientation. With increasing annealing time, the molecular orientation gradually became tilted with respect to the substrate surface, and finally, a uniaxial homeotropic molecular orientation was achieved after a prolonged annealing time. The lateral size of mono-domains was found to increase continuously with annealing time and grew into a circular shape, indicating an isotropic lateral growth scheme which implies a hexagonal molecular packing proved by the electron diffraction experiments.


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A series of liquid crystalline copolyethers have been synthesized from 1-(4-hydroxy-4'-biphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane with 1,7-dibromoheptane and 1,12-dibromododecene [coTPPs(7/12)], which represents copolyethers containing both odd and even numbers of methylene units. The molar ratio of odd to even methylene units in this series ranges from 1/9 to 9/1. The coTPPs(7/12) exhibit multiple phase transitions during cooling and heating in differential scanning calorimetry experiments. For all these thermal transitions, a small undercooling and superheating dependence is observed upon cooling and heating at different rates. Three types of phase behaviors can be classified in coTPPs(7/12) on the basis of the structural analyses by wide-angle X-ray diffraction on powder and fiber samples and by electron diffraction experiments in transmission electron microscopy. At room temperature, highly ordered smectic and smectic crystal (SC) phases are identified in coTPPs(7/12: 1/9 and 2/8), which is similar to the homopolymer TPP(m = 12). The coTPPs(7/12: 3/7, 4/6, and 5/5) possess a hexagonal columnar (Phi(H)) phase in which the molecular and columnar axes are parallel to the fiber direction and perpendicular to the hexagonal lateral packing. The coTPPs(7/12: 6/4, 7/3, and 8/2) possess a tilted hexagonal columnar (Phi(TH)) phase with a single tilt angle which increases with the increasing composition of the seven-numbered methylene units. However, in coTPP(7/12: 9/1), a Phi(TH) phase with multiple tilt angles is found. Upon heating, phase structures in most coTPPs(7/12) involving the columnar phases enter directly into the nematic (N) phase, while the coTPP(7/12: 1/9) exhibits a highly ordered smectic F (S-F) phase before it reaches the N phase. One exception is found in coTPP(7/12: 2/8), wherein the transformation from the S-F to Phi(H) occurs prior to the N phase. Combining the copolymer phase behaviors observed with the corresponding homopolymers TPP(n = 7) and TPP(m = 12), a phase diagram describing transition temperatures with respect to the composition can be constructed.


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A series of liquid crystalline copolyethers has been synthesized from 1-(4-hydroxy-4'-biphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane and different alpha,omega-dibromoalkanes [coTPP(n/m)]. In this report, coTPPs having n = 5, 7, 9, 11 and m = 12 are studied, which represent copolyethers having both varying odd number and a fixed even number of methylene units. The compositions were fixed at an equal molar ratio (50/50). These coTPPs(nlm) show multiple phase transitions during cooling and heating in differential scanning calorimetry experiments. The undercooling dependence of these transitions is found to be small, indicating that these transitions are close to equilibrium, Although the coTPPs possess a high-temperature nematic (N) phase, the periodicity order along the chain direction is increasingly disturbed when the length of the odd-numbered methylene units decreases from n 11 to 5. in the coTPPs(5/12, 7/12, and 9/12), wide-angle X-ray diffraction experiments at different temperatures show that, shortly after the N phase formation during cooling, the lateral molecular packing improves toward a hexagonal lattice, as evidenced by a gradual narrowing of the scattering halo. This process represents the possible existence of an exotic N phase, which serves as a precursor to the columnar (Phi(H)) phase. A further decrease in temperature leads to a (PH phase having a long-range ordered, two-dimensional hexagonal lattice. In coTPP(11/12), the phase structures are categorized as highly ordered and tilted, smectic and smectic crystal phases, similar to homoTPPs, such as the smectic F (S-F) and smectic crystal G (SCG) phases. An interesting observation is found for coTPP(9/12), wherein a structural change from the high-temperature Phi(H) phase to the low-temperature S-F phase occurs. It can be proven that, upon heating, the well-defined layer structure disappears and the lateral packing remains hexagonal. The overall structural differences in this series of coTPPs between those of the columnar and highly ordered smectic phases are related to the disorders introduced into the layer structure by the dissimilarity of the methylene unit lengths in the comonomers.


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Considerações ambientais têm aumentado a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de sistemas poliméricos aquosos para diversos tipos de aplicações, principalmente como revestimentos. Nesta dissertação, foram sintetizadas formulações não-poluentes à base de poliuretanos dispersos em água (PUDs), com 40% de teor de sólidos, na ausência de solventes orgânicos. Os monômeros empregados foram copolímeros em bloco à base de poli(glicol etilênico) e poli(glicol propilênico) (EG-b-PG), com teor de 25% de segmento hidrofílico EG, poli (glicol propilênico) (PPG), ácido dimetilolpropiônico (DMPA), diisocianato de isoforona (IPDI) e hidrazina (HYD), como extensor de cadeia. Foram variadas as razões entre o número de equivalente-grama de grupamentos isocianato e hidroxila (NCO/OH) e a proporção em equivalente-grama de PPG e dos copolímeros em bloco (EG-b-PG). Foi observado que a incorporação de altas quantidades de copolímero dificultou a síntese dos poliuretanos dispersos em água, levando à formação de géis. O tamanho médio de partícula e a viscosidade das dispersões foram determinados. Os filmes vazados a partir dessas dispersões foram avaliados quanto à capacidade de absorção de água, resistência mecânica, termogravimetria (TG), e caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR). As dispersões poliuretânicas produzidas se mostraram satisfatórias quando aplicadas como revestimento para madeira, metais e vidro


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A viscosimetria é um procedimento experimental simples e pouco oneroso, que pode fornecer informações valiosas sobre o volume hidrodinâmico e a conformação de macromoléculas em solução, num determinado solvente, em uma dada temperatura. Os parâmetros viscosimétricos podem ser matematicamente calculados por extrapolação gráfica, cuja execução experimental é mais demorada. Em contrapartida, é possível que a determinação seja feita por um único ponto. Neste trabalho, os dois métodos de cálculo, empregando uma série de seis equações: Huggins, Kraemer e Schulz-Blaschke, por extrapolação gráfica, e Schulz-Blaschke, Solomon-Ciuta e Deb-Chanterjee por um único ponto, foram utilizados em soluções de poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG) e copolímeros em bloco à base de poli(glicol propilênico) e poli(glicol etilênico) (EG-b-PG), com diferentes teores de poli(glicol etilênico), tendo isopropanol, tetra-hidrofurano (THF) e tolueno como solventes puros, além das misturas em proporções iguais de THF/ isopropanol e THF/ tolueno, a 25C. Os valores de viscosidade intrínseca e de algumas constantes indicaram que os solventes puros e as misturas se apresentaram no limite entre o bom e o mau solvente. Verificou-se também que o método de cálculo por um único ponto foi válido, especialmente quando a equação de Schulz-Blaschke foi empregada, apresentando um baixo percentual de erro sendo possível assim reduzir o tempo de análise para a maioria dos sistemas estudados


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Novel poly(aryl ether ketone)s containing a lateral methoxy group were synthesized by nucleophilic substitution reactions of 4,4'-biphenol and methoxyhydroquinone with 1,4-bis(4-fluorobenzoyl)benzene in a sulfolane solvent in the presence of anhydrous potassium carbonate. Their thermotropic liquid crystalline properties were characterized by a variety of experimental techniques, e.g. differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarized light microscopy and temperature-dependent FTIR. Thermotropic liquid crystalline behaviour was observed in the copolymers containing 30-80 mol-% mexthoxyhydroquinone. Both melting (T-m) and isotropization (T-i) transitions appeared in the DSC curves. The polarized light microscopy study of the liquid crystalline copolymers suggested their ordered smectic structures. As expected, the copolymers had lower melting transitions than the biphenol-based homopoly(aryl ether ketone)s because of the copolymerization effect of the crystal-disrupting monomer methoxyhydroquinone.


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The shear-induced spiral-like morphology of a main-chain thermotropic liquid crystalline poly(aryl ether ketone) is observed and characterized by means of polarizing light microscopy, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction techniques. The spiral-like texture is formed during shearing in the temperature range of liquid crystalline to isotropic transition (335-340 degreesC), and dispersed discontinuously in the mosaic matrix. Electron diffraction results indicate that the spiral exhibits orthorhombic lateral packing of the crystals and homeotropic alignment of the molecules. The spiral formation process and possible affecting factors are discussed.